Republicans Hate Babies, schoolchildren, the elderly, unemployed, welfare, immigrants

Actually, I am no fan of ragweed. :eusa_shhh:

Me neither. ;)

But it's quite common out here in the SF-Berkeley zone for things such as ragweed to be considered more important than People.

Ragweed? Link, please. As for Delta Smelt, your ignorance is showing once again.

Sarcasm is wasted on dim bulbs such as yourself.

As to the delta smelt, unemployment in the west half of the Central Valley exceeds 30% in many cities. Thank the federal government's withholding of water for agriculture for that...and the resulting food shortages and food inflation around the world.
I hate all groups. Actually, I hate policies that put people into groups and then, try to protect them in the name of equality and fairness. These policies cause great harm to the individuals within the group and burden those individuals who are forced to pay for these programs. I say eliminate all entitlement programs.
I can't speak for Republicans since I'm not one, but YES to a certain degree Conservatives do "hate" a large number of those groups; for one simple reason.... they are unable or unwilling to take care of themselves, thereby forcing us (and society in general) to help take care of them.

I wont speak for republicans but for many conservatives, who usually vote for republicans, there is no hate toward any of these groups that I see.

If you want to talk about it just provide me a specific example of conservatives hating one of those groups....please explain how you come to the conclusion that the conservative behavior and/or position justifies the description of hate.

If the fringe elements from the left area making such ridiculous accusations (hate), then they're no better than the fringe elements from the right who are also capable of making absurd accusations.

The problem boils down to how Republicans plan to tackle the problem of a society that is living longer because of medical advances. Just handing them a check and telling them they're on their own seems rather stupid, for a variety of reasons.

What if a person 55 or younger, who would presumably be placed on this "new" voucher system instead of the Medicare system, exhausts his/her voucher allotment because of some ongoing illness or injury? Do those people thereafter get treated in an already overwhelmed and costly ER? Or do they just die in bed?

What if a person takes the annual check and cashes in for something other than medical care, maybe with a little kickback to some doctor?

I do like Paul Ryan's proposal for Medicaid, however, which is to make block grants available to all the states which will force them to work within those limits instead of getting reimbursed for expenditures. (Vermont already does that.) What has happened with Medicaid is there are too many contracted out middle-men involved which are administering the program, much of it totally unnecessary. So blame states, not the federal government, for screwing up the Medicaid program.
Are you saying that you hate these groups or have no use for them?

The ones who CANNOT support themselves I simply have no use for (children, the disabled, etc...). Those who WILL NOT support themselves I would consider it active HATRED (the unemployed, elderly, etc...). Anyone who breaks the law... HATRED.

I'll bet your IGNORE LIST is huge whenever you enter a room, i.e, mass exit.
An example of a liberal lemming being confronted with honesty and without either side being too rude, both the liberal man and the conservative man behaved ok in my opinion.

YouTube - Liberal Confronts Herman Cain!

"Where would black people and women be without the government?" :lol::lol::lol:

I say just shoot them all. After all, what a job creator that would be. Street sweepers would be earning six figures, with benefits. But of course Republicans/conservatives would eventually have to embrace homosexuality or be relegated to a lifetime of masturbation at their computer screens.
I'll bet your IGNORE LIST is huge whenever you enter a room, i.e, mass exit.

I go out of my way not to be in the types of places to associate with the types of people that I really don't have a use for, so it really isn't that much of an issue, to be honest with you. You've never been likely to find me in those types of places or situations.

I have a small, core group of close friends and a somewhat larger group of associates based on particular activities. I generally go out of my way not to discuss politics, religion, etc... with those associates except as they directly relate to whatever the activity is unless I already know their viewpoints and find them to be agreeable with mine.
I can't speak for Republicans since I'm not one, but YES to a certain degree Conservatives do "hate" a large number of those groups; for one simple reason.... they are unable or unwilling to take care of themselves, thereby forcing us (and society in general) to help take care of them.

I wont speak for republicans but for many conservatives, who usually vote for republicans, there is no hate toward any of these groups that I see.

If you want to talk about it just provide me a specific example of conservatives hating one of those groups....please explain how you come to the conclusion that the conservative behavior and/or position justifies the description of hate.

If the fringe elements from the left area making such ridiculous accusations (hate), then they're no better than the fringe elements from the right who are also capable of making absurd accusations.

The problem boils down to how Republicans plan to tackle the problem of a society that is living longer because of medical advances. Just handing them a check and telling them they're on their own seems rather stupid, for a variety of reasons.

What if a person 55 or younger, who would presumably be placed on this "new" voucher system instead of the Medicare system, exhausts his/her voucher allotment because of some ongoing illness or injury? correct me if I'm wrong. However my understanding is that it's to helpe pay the premium, not things like co-pays, if there are any.Do those people thereafter get treated in an already overwhelmed and costly ER? Or do they just die in bed?

What if a person takes the annual check and cashes in for something other than medical care, maybe with a little kickback to some doctor? Then they suffer the consiquinces of being fools.

I do like Paul Ryan's proposal for Medicaid, however, which is to make block grants available to all the states which will force them to work within those limits instead of getting reimbursed for expenditures. (Vermont already does that.) What has happened with Medicaid is there are too many contracted out middle-men involved which are administering the program, much of it totally unnecessary. So blame states, not the federal government, for screwing up the Medicaid program.
It's hand in glove.

I think Ryans idea is to say; this is what needs to be done, lets banter from this point.

cus the dems $6B cut is the cost of a single day to run the Fed, and the House idea of $61B is just over 10 days.

Ones not even a token attempt and the other is bandaide on a bullet hole.
Your list is SPECIST. Don't forget that Republicans also hate spotted owls, the delta smelt, ragweed and other living things.
Actually, I am no fan of ragweed. :eusa_shhh:

Me neither. ;)

But it's quite common out here in the SF-Berkeley zone for things such as ragweed to be considered more important than People.

You mean your insurance doesn't cover allergy medication? Imagine that...
Am I a good liberal lemming now?

Seriously you guys are saying that by cutting less than 1% of the total budget the republicans are trying to starve seniors?

Your also trying to say that by cutting the budget and spending they are actually going to add more to the debt than if they didn't spend less? This one is a doozie, and some liberals wonder why many americans view them as dim-witted.

Not all liberals mind you, there are many smart liberals out there but man the caliber of the ones posting here is just horrid.

DAMN! You forgot the most important ones!!

Unions and government!

No gop deadpool is complete w/o those.

But you can also toss in;
all muslims
free speech

From what I've learned, all conservative veiws lead to the death of something.



Babies, schoolchildren, the elderly, unemployed, welfare, immigrants
Wait a minute
I was a baby once
I will be one day one of the elderly
I have been unemployed in the past and maybe again someday
Even though my parents helped my Grand mothers they were on welfare before they passed away
Most of us have immigrants in our family trees

Sounds like you are accusing Republicans of self hate?

By the time I was 12, I preferred hanging around with the adults. I don't intend to ever be elderly. I've never been unemployed for more than 2 weeks since I started working. Nobody in my family has ever taken welfare aid. The immigrants in my family largely came here before there was a United States to come to.

You have no compassion or interest to help those who cannot help themselves? :eusa_hand:

They're the only ones who should be helped as they are the ones who need our help.

They are the ones that we can CHOOSE to help. I am against pretty much EVERY form of using tax money to suport those people. I CHOOSE which of them I want to help based on those whom I believe deserve it. Outside of that, I do not believe I have any responsibility to help those who cannot or will not help themselves.

Am I a good liberal lemming now?

Seriously you guys are saying that by cutting less than 1% of the total budget the republicans are trying to starve seniors?

Your also trying to say that by cutting the budget and spending they are actually going to add more to the debt than if they didn't spend less? This one is a doozie, and some liberals wonder why many americans view them as dim-witted.

Not all liberals mind you, there are many smart liberals out there but man the caliber of the ones posting here is just horrid.

DAMN! You forgot the most important ones!!

Unions and government!

No gop deadpool is complete w/o those.

But you can also toss in;
all muslims
free speech

From what I've learned, all conservative veiws lead to the death of something.




Don't tell me your skipping the meatings!

I thought it was very well known that we are going to put women in burquas, right after we plant a Cross and a Star of David on top of the White House.
Are you saying that you hate these groups or have no use for them?

The ones who CANNOT support themselves I simply have no use for (children, the disabled, etc...). Those who WILL NOT support themselves I would consider it active HATRED (the unemployed, elderly, etc...). Anyone who breaks the law... HATRED.

I guess you fall into the category of a right wingnut. :eusa_whistle:
DAMN! You forgot the most important ones!!

Unions and government!

No gop deadpool is complete w/o those.

But you can also toss in;
all muslims
free speech

From what I've learned, all conservative veiws lead to the death of something.




Don't tell me your skipping the meatings!

I thought it was very well known that we are going to put women in burquas, right after we plant a Cross and a Star of David on top of the White House.


I resign from ALL conservative circles if that is the case.

Me neither. ;)

But it's quite common out here in the SF-Berkeley zone for things such as ragweed to be considered more important than People.

Ragweed? Link, please. As for Delta Smelt, your ignorance is showing once again.

Sarcasm is wasted on dim bulbs such as yourself.

As to the delta smelt, unemployment in the west half of the Central Valley exceeds 30% in many cities. Thank the federal government's withholding of water for agriculture for that...and the resulting food shortages and food inflation around the world.

They didn't "withhold water." Do you ever simply tell all the truth rather than just embellish to give the illusion of truth?

Judge rejects water suit |
The federal government has not breached its legal duty to deliver water, since the Interior Department still provides irrigation services within the project, he said.
And you have Proof of this supposed Hate. Or are you nothing more then another chittering lemming speaking by rote?

As a Conservative myself who really has zero compassion or interest in helping those who cannot or will not help themselves I AM THE PROOF.

I wont speak for republicans but for many conservatives, who usually vote for republicans, there is no hate toward any of these groups that I see.

Nothing personal, but anyone who would willingly vote for most Republicans does not meet the qualifications to be called a Conservative in my book.

If you want to talk about it just provide me a specific example of conservatives hating one of those groups....please explain how you come to the conclusion that the conservative behavior and/or position justifies the description of hate.

Again, as I mentioned above, I am a Conservative and I have absolutely no use for MOST of those groups of people.

As a blue collar liberal, I have absolutely no use for arrogant asses like you. And hope you get knocked down to the lowest economic level without a ladder back up, and see what it is like to have fools like you look down their noses as you struggle to cope with huge medical bill, foreclosure, and a disease that prevents you from holding a job.

You need to walk a mile or two in the shoes of all too many people that I have known who have worked all their lives only to see it all go away through no fault of their own.

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