Republicans have the most seats in Congress since 1947 after triumphs in Louisiana


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Ah you left wing whackos should stop posting your "Republicans are losers with no mandate or brand threads".


You are embarrassing the shit out of yourselves.

AND if the R's win Tucson then this will be the largest majority for Republicans since 1929 - 1931.

Oh yeah. Republicans are the losers in the mid terms.



"Republicans will hold at least 246 House seats come January, according to election results on Saturday, giving the GOP a commanding majority that matches the party's post-World War II high during Democratic President Harry S. Truman's administration."

Republicans equal post-WW2 high of 246 House seats after retaining control of two Louisiana runoffs Daily Mail Online
Actually, they ran on Ebola, Isis and refugee children fleeing danger who Republicans claim are full of disease and want your jobs.
"Republicans have the most seats in Congress since 1947"

And went on to lose the general election in 1948.

American politics is cyclical, it always has been, it always will be.
All of those children ran from danger all on the same day from various countries?? That was a well choreographed assault on our border. Sort of a reverse gun running operation only with people coming here instead of guns going there, and all arranged in advance to keep an illlegal Mexican voting block happy.
And yes, Mexican's are working American jobs. No one ran anywhere on Ebola, And it is our president and other Democrats that think we should respect and empathize with our enemies, and redistribute our wealth to them, not Republicans. The Muslim Brotherhood and Isis are Obama's friends, not ours.
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All of those children ran from danger all on the same day from various countries?? That was a well choreographed assault on our border. Sort of a reverse gun running operation only with people. And yes, Mexican's are working. No one ran anywhere on Ebola, And it is our president and other Democrats that think we should respect and empathize with our enemies, and redistribute our wealth to them, not Republicans.

Huh? Nobody ran on Ebola??? You can't be serious.

Besides, Republicans already redistributed the wealth under Bush. Tax cuts to the rich. Moving jobs to China. Subsidies for oil companies. Billions to buddy companies in Iraq. You can't NOT know that.
Nobody ran, infected Americans came home. What didn't happen was allowing foreigners with Ebola to enter the country.
You can't find any difference between the Bush's agenda and the Clinton's agenda. While we stupidly play the Rep./Dem. superbowl, the globalists are doing an end around. Bushs and Clintons have the same goals for America and are bosom buddies. NAFTA, Taxes, Redistributing our resources and money, open borders, the Global Initiative, and UN treaties, are not our goals, but they are their goals. While we keep busy arguing which party is better. Stupid Americans doesn't begin to cover it.
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All of those children ran from danger all on the same day from various countries?? That was a well choreographed assault on our border. Sort of a reverse gun running operation only with people. And yes, Mexican's are working. No one ran anywhere on Ebola, And it is our president and other Democrats that think we should respect and empathize with our enemies, and redistribute our wealth to them, not Republicans.

Huh? Nobody ran on Ebola??? You can't be serious.

Besides, Republicans already redistributed the wealth under Bush. Tax cuts to the rich. Moving jobs to China. Subsidies for oil companies. Billions to buddy companies in Iraq. You can't NOT know that.

Who ran on Ebola? I'm curious who it was.
Ah you left wing whackos should stop posting your "Republicans are losers with no mandate or brand threads".


You are embarrassing the shit out of yourselves.

AND if the R's win Tucson then this will be the largest majority for Republicans since 1929 - 1931.

Oh yeah. Republicans are the losers in the mid terms.



"Republicans will hold at least 246 House seats come January, according to election results on Saturday, giving the GOP a commanding majority that matches the party's post-World War II high during Democratic President Harry S. Truman's administration."

Republicans equal post-WW2 high of 246 House seats after retaining control of two Louisiana runoffs Daily Mail Online
Enjoy. Now...what are you going to do with it?
Actually, they ran on Ebola, Isis and refugee children fleeing danger who Republicans claim are full of disease and want your jobs.

This election was about Barack Obama's policies, R-Derp! How do we know this? Because Barry himself told us so!

"“I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: These policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them,” Barack Obama
Ah you left wing whackos should stop posting your "Republicans are losers with no mandate or brand threads".


You are embarrassing the shit out of yourselves.

AND if the R's win Tucson then this will be the largest majority for Republicans since 1929 - 1931.

Oh yeah. Republicans are the losers in the mid terms.



"Republicans will hold at least 246 House seats come January, according to election results on Saturday, giving the GOP a commanding majority that matches the party's post-World War II high during Democratic President Harry S. Truman's administration."

Republicans equal post-WW2 high of 246 House seats after retaining control of two Louisiana runoffs Daily Mail Online
Terrific. All you have to do it figure out how to hold 24 seats in the next election while the Dems need to hold only ten. Good luck, you'll need it.
Dude, the Democrats lost Governor's races in UBER LIBERAL Massachusetts and Delaware this last election! If THOSE voters turned against the progressives what makes you think the voters in the 24 GOP held districts are going to be raring to throw Republicans out?
What is important now is to hold onto those seats, and expand on them.

This last time the democrats kicked their lead away. Please don't republicans do the same
Dude, the Democrats lost Governor's races in UBER LIBERAL Massachusetts and Delaware this last election! If THOSE voters turned against the progressives what makes you think the voters in the 24 GOP held districts are going to be raring to throw Republicans out?
Because they can't govern and the US is always throw the bums out, always.
Dude, the Democrats lost Governor's races in UBER LIBERAL Massachusetts and Delaware this last election! If THOSE voters turned against the progressives what makes you think the voters in the 24 GOP held districts are going to be raring to throw Republicans out?
Because they can't govern and the US is always throw the bums out, always.

LOL...I'm FROM Massachusetts, Paint and we have have a long history of electing Republican Governors every few election cycles just to fix things that liberal Democrats have screwed up. If the past six years haven't shown you how progressives "govern" then you must have been taking a long nap.
Nobody ran, infected Americans came home. What didn't happen was allowing foreigners with Ebola to enter the country.
You can't find any difference between the Bush's agenda and the Clinton's agenda. While we stupidly play the Rep./Dem. superbowl, the globalists are doing an end around. Bushs and Clintons have the same goals for America and are bosom buddies. NAFTA, Taxes, Redistributing our resources and money, open borders, the Global Initiative, and UN treaties, are not our goals, but they are their goals. While we keep busy arguing which party is better. Stupid Americans doesn't begin to cover it.
You said: You can't find any difference between the Bush's agenda and the Clinton's agenda.

Clinton reformed welfare.
Bush created the economy that put millions on welfare.

Clinton created jobs.
Bush helped send them to China.

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