Republicans have this strange double speak about socialism and how it is defined

On the one hand, a liberal would say to a republican that we know socialism works because the Scandinavian countries' brand of socialism works. Repubs then say "those aren't socialist countries! They have private economies"

Um okay. They are socialist countries even though they have private economies. Those concepts don't have to be conflicting. They get that, right?

However, republicans will call those nations socialist depending on the context of the conversation.

A republican will say in a different conversation that Bernie shouldn't be elected because he is a dirty socialist who will turn the US into Venezuela. A liberal defending Bernie Sanders will say "No, Bernie doesn't want to end the private market system. He just wants to institute socialist policies that would require the population at large to benefit from the current overall system that we have. He also thinks healthcare and other critical institutions should be socialized or remain socialized. The Scandinavian nations have these same policies" response the republican says "THAT'S JUST LIKE VENEZUELA!"

No, it isn't.

With all due respect...Bernie won't even pay his own people $15 an hour! If he can't do that for HIS staff...what makes you think he has a CLUE how to do things for the entire country?

Can you?

MEMES: Trump Tax Evasion Scandal - Democratic Underground
DU is nothing but morons. So are those who cite it as anything besides mockery.
DU is nothing but morons. So are those who cite it as anything besides mockery.
Is Trump a moron? - The Feed
Ahhh, the old "NO U" gambit. Devastating. Popular among third-graders and leftists (pardon the redundancy) everywhere.
Ahhh, the old "NO U" gambit. Devastating. Popular among third-graders and leftists (pardon the redundancy) everywhere.

Third graders could do better.

Bolton 'deep in his heart' believes Trump is a 'moron,' former aide claims
And here you are, wallowing in it.

And here you are, wallowing in it.

I'm not dumb enough to vote for this moron:

John Bolton on the Warpath

"Earlier this year, as Donald Trump prepared to meet the North Korean Supreme Leader, Kim Jong Un, in Vietnam, he took a moment in the State of the Union address to congratulate himself on a diplomatic masterstroke: 'If I had not been elected President of the United States, we would right now, in my opinion, be in a major war with North Korea, with potentially millions of people killed.'"
The DemoRATs must redefine socialism. For over 200 years socialism has failed. In the 20th century, socialism is responsible for over 100 million dead people.

But, DemoRATs think they can do better? Perhaps this time only 90 million will die.
How many human beings has capitalism murdered, maimed, enslaved, and displaced over the past 500 years?

History of socialism - Wikipedia

"The economy of the 3rd century BCE Mauryan Empire of India has been described by as 'a socialized monarchy' and 'a sort of state socialism'.[5]

"Aristophanes in his play, Ecclesiazusae, parodies the society of Classical Athens in a way that could be described as socialist and feminist.

"In it, Athenian women are depicted as seizing control of Athenian government and banning all private property, as the character Praxagora puts it 'I shall begin by making land, money, everything that is private property, common to all.'[6]

"Mazdak (died c. 524 or 528 CE) preached and instituted a religion-based socialist or proto-socialist system in the Zoroastrian context of Sassanian Persia.[7]

"In Britain, Thomas Paine proposed a detailed plan to tax property owners to pay for the needs of the poor in Agrarian Justice[8] (1797), while Charles Hall wrote The Effects of Civilization on the People in European States(1805), denouncing capitalism's effects on the poor of his time.[9]

"The English word 'socialist' in its modern sense dates from at least 1822.[10]

"Chartism, which flourished from 1838 to 1858, 'formed the first organised labour movement in Europe, gathering significant numbers around the People's Charter of 1838, which demanded the extension of suffrage to all male adults. Prominent leaders in the movement also called for a more equitable distribution of income and better living conditions for the working classes. The very first trade unions and consumers’ cooperative societies also emerged in the hinterland of the Chartist movement, as a way of bolstering the fight for these demands'".
How many human beings has capitalism murdered, maimed, enslaved, and displaced over the past 500 years?
Moral equivalence? You lose this argument.

Enslaved? Capitalism freed the slaves.
Displaced? Zero.
Maimed, again zero.
Murdered, once again zero.
How many human beings has capitalism murdered, maimed, enslaved, and displaced over the past 500 years?
Moral equivalence? You lose this argument.

Enslaved? Capitalism freed the slaves.
Displaced? Zero.
Maimed, again zero.
Murdered, once again zero.
Moral equivalence? You lose this argument.

Enslaved? Capitalism freed the slaves.
Displaced? Zero.
Maimed, again zero.
Murdered, once again zero.

".by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined."

Slavery Made America
".by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined."

Slavery Made America
Nice, you can Google search and come up with your favorite black panther who only believes in racism.

I guess this is georgephillipes view of Christopher Columbus, Columbus was a racist, right? Only looking for a place for slaves to work?

Nice deflection from the points you posted and could not answer. A cut and paste from the black Panthers is all I need to know of you.

You certainly had no idea how to respond so you cut and paste.

That shows you are very much ignorant of points you tried to make.

You have no idea who the person is that you quoted, what a piss poor response.
DU is nothing but morons. So are those who cite it as anything besides mockery.
DU is nothing but morons. So are those who cite it as anything besides mockery.
Is Trump a moron? - The Feed
Ahhh, the old "NO U" gambit. Devastating. Popular among third-graders and leftists (pardon the redundancy) everywhere.
Ahhh, the old "NO U" gambit. Devastating. Popular among third-graders and leftists (pardon the redundancy) everywhere.

Third graders could do better.

Bolton 'deep in his heart' believes Trump is a 'moron,' former aide claims
And here you are, wallowing in it.

And here you are, wallowing in it.

I'm not dumb enough to vote for this moron:

John Bolton on the Warpath

"Earlier this year, as Donald Trump prepared to meet the North Korean Supreme Leader, Kim Jong Un, in Vietnam, he took a moment in the State of the Union address to congratulate himself on a diplomatic masterstroke: 'If I had not been elected President of the United States, we would right now, in my opinion, be in a major war with North Korea, with potentially millions of people killed.'"
Yes, because Democrats have such a stellar record of negotiating peace...nuking Japan, funding ISIS, drone strikes on civilians, escalating the Vietnam war...
Scandinavian countries are homogenous in race and taught to work to contribute to the social safety net from birth.

Not entitled taking from the safety net provided by the working hands of others as in this country.
The social safety net is socialist you dense motherfucker lol

Contribution to the safety net is forced on Americans under duress of imprisonment. Many would opt out of taking the benefit and making the contribution.
Um yeah it’s still socialism.
No it's not.

Quit making shit up.

Socialism is government ownership or control of the means of production and distribution.

Not Socialism.


Which of course no one is endorsing as a model for America.
".by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined."

Slavery Made America
Again, you have seen my response to your ignorance, you rated it funny.

As I said, georgephillip is ignorant of what he posts. How is that. It is simply, georgephillip has formed an opinion based simply on what he/she hears on television. He/She then comes to the message boards, makes a poor post based on his ignorance. Yes, he/she will do a google search, to confirm his/her opinion. But what georgephillip does not understand is that google is a poor source for information. CNN, the media, the president, teachers unions, wherever he/she heard the propaganda. They can also pay google to put their propaganda at the top of the search.

Of course nobody really needs to pay google, they are biased leftists to begin.

So when georgephillip remembers the propaganda he has learned, that slavery was the founding of the USA and does a search, "slavery founded by capitalism". The biased leftest google returns thee most paid for result which was from a black panther!

Now that is pure ignorance. Searching the false premise georgephillip believe to be truth and posting the Black Panther leftist hate the USA response.

georgephillip, I could not of made yourself look worst to all the users here than you have. Laugh all you want, many of us are now laughing at you.

How about quoting Marx and Engels next.
Scandinavian countries are homogenous in race and taught to work to contribute to the social safety net from birth.

Not entitled taking from the safety net provided by the working hands of others as in this country.
The social safety net is socialist you dense motherfucker lol

Contribution to the safety net is forced on Americans under duress of imprisonment. Many would opt out of taking the benefit and making the contribution.
Um yeah it’s still socialism.
No it's not.

Quit making shit up.

Socialism is government ownership or control of the means of production and distribution.

Not Socialism.


Which of course no one is endorsing as a model for America.
You sure about that?

Elizabeth Warren’s Batty Plan to Nationalize . . . Everything
The social safety net is socialist you dense motherfucker lol

Contribution to the safety net is forced on Americans under duress of imprisonment. Many would opt out of taking the benefit and making the contribution.
Um yeah it’s still socialism.
No it's not.

Quit making shit up.

Socialism is government ownership or control of the means of production and distribution.

Not Socialism.


Which of course no one is endorsing as a model for America.
You sure about that?

Elizabeth Warren’s Batty Plan to Nationalize . . . Everything

Absolutely. She has not suggested state ownership. No one has.
Contribution to the safety net is forced on Americans under duress of imprisonment. Many would opt out of taking the benefit and making the contribution.
Um yeah it’s still socialism.
No it's not.

Quit making shit up.

Socialism is government ownership or control of the means of production and distribution.

Not Socialism.


Which of course no one is endorsing as a model for America.
You sure about that?

Elizabeth Warren’s Batty Plan to Nationalize . . . Everything

Absolutely. She has not suggested state ownership. No one has.
Um yeah it’s still socialism.
No it's not.

Quit making shit up.

Socialism is government ownership or control of the means of production and distribution.

Not Socialism.


Which of course no one is endorsing as a model for America.
You sure about that?

Elizabeth Warren’s Batty Plan to Nationalize . . . Everything

Absolutely. She has not suggested state ownership. No one has.
Yes. Laugh, fool.
Where does it say that she did in your link?
No it's not.

Quit making shit up.

Socialism is government ownership or control of the means of production and distribution.

Not Socialism.


Which of course no one is endorsing as a model for America.
You sure about that?

Elizabeth Warren’s Batty Plan to Nationalize . . . Everything

Absolutely. She has not suggested state ownership. No one has.
Yes. Laugh, fool.
Where does it say that she did in your link?
'It's okay...I'll just put the tip in."

Do you really think once the government has that kind of power over business, it will stop there?

People who are not ignorant of history know better.
Ahhh, the old "NO U" gambit. Devastating. Popular among third-graders and leftists (pardon the redundancy) everywhere.
Ahhh, the old "NO U" gambit. Devastating. Popular among third-graders and leftists (pardon the redundancy) everywhere.

Third graders could do better.

Bolton 'deep in his heart' believes Trump is a 'moron,' former aide claims
And here you are, wallowing in it.

And here you are, wallowing in it.

I'm not dumb enough to vote for this moron:

John Bolton on the Warpath

"Earlier this year, as Donald Trump prepared to meet the North Korean Supreme Leader, Kim Jong Un, in Vietnam, he took a moment in the State of the Union address to congratulate himself on a diplomatic masterstroke: 'If I had not been elected President of the United States, we would right now, in my opinion, be in a major war with North Korea, with potentially millions of people killed.'"
Yes, because Democrats have such a stellar record of negotiating peace...nuking Japan, funding ISIS, drone strikes on civilians, escalating the Vietnam war...
Yes, because Democrats have such a stellar record of negotiating peace...nuking Japan, funding ISIS, drone strikes on civilians, escalating the Vietnam war...
Did Trump support the Vietnam War when he was a Democrat?
How about nuking Japan?
Today his drone strikes are killing more civilians than Obama's.
Trump's a bigot to his Democratic roots

Which explains why so many useless eaters celebrate his ignorance.
".by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined."

Slavery Made America
Nice, you can Google search and come up with your favorite black panther who only believes in racism.

I guess this is georgephillipes view of Christopher Columbus, Columbus was a racist, right? Only looking for a place for slaves to work?

Nice deflection from the points you posted and could not answer. A cut and paste from the black Panthers is all I need to know of you.

You certainly had no idea how to respond so you cut and paste.

That shows you are very much ignorant of points you tried to make.

You have no idea who the person is that you quoted, what a piss poor response.
Nice, you can Google search and come up with your favorite black panther who only believes in racism.

I guess this is georgephillipes view of Christopher Columbus, Columbus was a racist, right? Only looking for a place for slaves to work?
Columbus was a good Christian capitalist who fully endorsed slavery and rape:

Christopher Columbus: raping, murdering, enslaving, genocidal pedophile

"Many people are surprised to learn that Christopher Columbus and his men enslaved native inhabitants of the West Indies, forced them to convert to Christianity, and subdued them with violence in an effort to seek riches. For readers who are skeptical or wish to learn more, this page contains information that can be confirmed by consulting the sources cited. After reading this page, please also see Examining the Reputation of Columbus."

Christopher Columbus: The Untold Story
".by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined."

Slavery Made America
Again, you have seen my response to your ignorance, you rated it funny.

As I said, georgephillip is ignorant of what he posts. How is that. It is simply, georgephillip has formed an opinion based simply on what he/she hears on television. He/She then comes to the message boards, makes a poor post based on his ignorance. Yes, he/she will do a google search, to confirm his/her opinion. But what georgephillip does not understand is that google is a poor source for information. CNN, the media, the president, teachers unions, wherever he/she heard the propaganda. They can also pay google to put their propaganda at the top of the search.

Of course nobody really needs to pay google, they are biased leftists to begin.

So when georgephillip remembers the propaganda he has learned, that slavery was the founding of the USA and does a search, "slavery founded by capitalism". The biased leftest google returns thee most paid for result which was from a black panther!

Now that is pure ignorance. Searching the false premise georgephillip believe to be truth and posting the Black Panther leftist hate the USA response.

georgephillip, I could not of made yourself look worst to all the users here than you have. Laugh all you want, many of us are now laughing at you.

How about quoting Marx and Engels next.
How about quoting Marx and Engels next.

"Marx strongly supported the Union from the outset, saw the slaveholders confederacy as the principal enemy, and attacked those British liberals and radicals who were condemning Lincoln for not immediately advocating the abolition of slavery.

"In this excerpt from an 1861 article in the New York Tribune, where he is writing positively about a response from Harriet Beecher Stowe to Britain in defense of the Lincoln government, Marx makes this important critique of both honest and hypocritical anti-slavery thinking.

"He also made the point that many who are critical of Lincoln denounced the John Brown raid and said that a revolution of the slaves was worse for civilization than slavery."

Marx and Lincoln on civil war and revolution
".by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined."

Slavery Made America
Nice, you can Google search and come up with your favorite black panther who only believes in racism.

I guess this is georgephillipes view of Christopher Columbus, Columbus was a racist, right? Only looking for a place for slaves to work?

Nice deflection from the points you posted and could not answer. A cut and paste from the black Panthers is all I need to know of you.

You certainly had no idea how to respond so you cut and paste.

That shows you are very much ignorant of points you tried to make.

You have no idea who the person is that you quoted, what a piss poor response.
Nice, you can Google search and come up with your favorite black panther who only believes in racism.

I guess this is georgephillipes view of Christopher Columbus, Columbus was a racist, right? Only looking for a place for slaves to work?
Columbus was a good Christian capitalist who fully endorsed slavery and rape:

Christopher Columbus: raping, murdering, enslaving, genocidal pedophile

"Many people are surprised to learn that Christopher Columbus and his men enslaved native inhabitants of the West Indies, forced them to convert to Christianity, and subdued them with violence in an effort to seek riches. For readers who are skeptical or wish to learn more, this page contains information that can be confirmed by consulting the sources cited. After reading this page, please also see Examining the Reputation of Columbus."

Christopher Columbus: The Untold Story
And that would be the history of Spain, very much socialist, not capitalist, you stated the enslavement of men was capitalist. Your link proves you are wrong. Further, again you show us you have no knowledge outside Google searches which do not prove your original comments.

Columbus was searching for slaves? Not gold and the route to the Indies?
".by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined."

Slavery Made America
Nice, you can Google search and come up with your favorite black panther who only believes in racism.

I guess this is georgephillipes view of Christopher Columbus, Columbus was a racist, right? Only looking for a place for slaves to work?

Nice deflection from the points you posted and could not answer. A cut and paste from the black Panthers is all I need to know of you.

You certainly had no idea how to respond so you cut and paste.

That shows you are very much ignorant of points you tried to make.

You have no idea who the person is that you quoted, what a piss poor response.
Nice, you can Google search and come up with your favorite black panther who only believes in racism.

I guess this is georgephillipes view of Christopher Columbus, Columbus was a racist, right? Only looking for a place for slaves to work?
Columbus was a good Christian capitalist who fully endorsed slavery and rape:

Christopher Columbus: raping, murdering, enslaving, genocidal pedophile

"Many people are surprised to learn that Christopher Columbus and his men enslaved native inhabitants of the West Indies, forced them to convert to Christianity, and subdued them with violence in an effort to seek riches. For readers who are skeptical or wish to learn more, this page contains information that can be confirmed by consulting the sources cited. After reading this page, please also see Examining the Reputation of Columbus."

Christopher Columbus: The Untold Story
And that would be the history of Spain, very much socialist, not capitalist, you stated the enslavement of men was capitalist. Your link proves you are wrong. Further, again you show us you have no knowledge outside Google searches which do not prove your original comments.

Columbus was searching for slaves? Not gold and the route to the Indies?
And that would be the history of Spain, very much socialist, not capitalist, you stated the enslavement of men was capitalist. Your link proves you are wrong. Further, again you show us you have no knowledge outside Google searches which do not prove your original comments.

Columbus was searching for slaves? Not gold and the route to the Indies?
Spain was a feudal monarchy when Columbus began his search for gold, and like the good Christian capitalists who would follow, he knew gold's ultimate value depended upon how many slaves did the mining:

Christopher Columbus: The Untold Story

"In Pursuit of Profits

"On April 17, 1492, before his first voyage to the Americas, Columbus negotiated a business contract with King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, entitling him to 10% of all profits. In this contract, the Spanish sovereigns agreed:

"'that of all and every kind of merchandise, whether pearls, precious stones, gold, silver, spices, and other objects and merchandise whatsoever, of whatever kind, name and sort, which may be bought, bartered, discovered, acquired and obtained within the limits of the said Admiralty, Your Highnesses grant from now henceforth to the said Don Cristóbal [Christopher Columbus] ... the tenth part of the whole, after deducting all the expenses which may be incurred therein.'" [1]

"After his fourth and final voyage to the Americas, Columbus summed up his feelings about gold in a July 7, 1503, letter to Ferdinand and Isabella: 'Gold is most excellent; gold is treasure, and he who possesses it does all he wishes to in this world.'" [2]

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