Republicans in Congress are getting concerned about Trump

Republicans in Congress are getting concerned about Trump. It is not so much what they are saying. It is what they are not saying. In terms of defending the Republican President, their silence is deafening.

They have reason to be concerned. Yesterday, on the White House South Lawn Trump was asked specifically what he wanted Zelensky to do, and he responded:

"Well I would think that if they were honest about it they'd start a major investigation into the Bidens. It's a very simple answer. They should investigate the Bidens because how does a company that's newly formed -- and all these companies if you look at, and by the way likewise, China -- should start an investigation into the Bidens."

"Because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine. So I would say that President Zelensky, if it were me, I would recommend that they start an investigation into the Bidens because nobody has any doubt that they weren't crooked."

Trump has never explained what happened in Ukraine or China. What are China and Ukraine supposed to investigate? This has Republicans a bit bewildered as well as concerned. What is the President talking about? He sounded unhinged, and virtually admitted to his guilt.

The same man says today, ā€œI donā€™t care about Bidenā€™s campaign, but I do care about corruption,ā€ Trump told reporters. ā€œI believe there was tremendous corruption with Biden ... we are looking at corruption, we are not looking at politics.ā€

Trump went as far as to insist ā€œthis is about corruptionā€ or a close variant of that statement six times in less than 40 seconds, once again failing to define the corruption to which the Bidens were involved.

ā€œHave you asked foreign leaders for any corruption investigations that donā€™t involve your political opponents?ā€ CNBCā€™s Eamon Javers asked. Trump gave no answer.

Republicans are concerned about the apparent bipolar responses over a period of two days.

Recently, Trump told reporters, "I always cooperate." Keep in mind, when listening to Trump's statements, as of Aug. 5, he has made 12,019 false or misleading claims.

Sure enough, Trump was lying again. Trump is planning to tell House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that they will not cooperate with the ongoing impeachment inquiry until the full House votes to authorize it, officials said today. The White House letter may go out Monday.

So, now Trump is telling the speaker of the house what to vote on. This has Republicans in Congress concerned.

In the meantime, how smart is it to let the opposition do all the talking? Trump refuses to allow current and former members of his administration to testify before Congress. Most of them will say nice things about Trump and protect him. The testimony of Corey Lewandowski comes to mind. Instead, Trump forbids them to testify and they are obeying his command.

Democrats in the House are not concerned. They will simply add another charge to the impeachment proposal -- obstruction of Congress -- and proceed with their witnesses who will tell the Democrats what they want to hear.

Trump is not intelligent enough to understand this.

This has Republicans in Congress quite concerned.
To hear Trump say, "I care about corruption" caused me to laugh so hard at his blatant hypocrisy I nearly split my sides open. :lol:
Thereby proving that you're a moron. You can't get any more corrupt than Schiff for Brains and Nazi Piglosi.
ā€œI have the right to do whatever I want as president,ā€ Trump once said.

So, Trump stonewalls the House investigating committees by not allowing testimonies or depositions from current and former staff members. In return, House Democrats stonewall Trump. They hold secret hearings and do not allow Republicans or their lawyers to enter the chambers.

Then they add another impeachment charge -- obstruction of Congress, a federal offense.
The effort to pressure Ukraine for political help provoked a heated confrontation inside the White House last summer that so alarmed John R. Bolton, then the national security adviser, that he told an aide to alert White House lawyers, House investigators were told on Monday.

Mr. Bolton got into a tense exchange on July 10 with Gordon D. Sondland, the Trump donor turned ambassador to the European Union, who was working with Rudolph W. Giuliani, the presidentā€™s personal lawyer, to press Ukraine to investigate Democrats, according to three people who heard the testimony.

The aide, Fiona Hill, testified that Mr. Bolton told her to notify the chief lawyer for the National Security Council about a rogue effort by Mr. Sondland, Mr. Giuliani and Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff.

Bolton expressed grave concerns to Ms. Hill about the campaign being run by Giuliani. ā€œGiulianiā€™s a hand grenade whoā€™s going to blow everybody up,ā€ Ms. Hill quoted Bolton.

Bolton Objected to Ukraine Pressure Campaign, Calling Giuliani ā€˜a Hand Grenadeā€™

Imagine that. The Trump White House sends a letter to the speaker of the House telling her to vote on impeachment of the President. Now we have Trump's NSA telling Trump's Russian expert to notify White House council about the activities of Trump's lawyer.

In the meantime, Trump's supporters claim Trump is a competent President. Go figure.
Trumpā€™s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani told ABC News on Tuesday he is not complying with a congressional subpoena.

In their subpoena sent to Giuliani late last month, Reps. Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler and Elijah Cummings said that Giuliani had "admitted on national television that, while serving as the presidentā€™s personal attorney, he asked the government of Ukraine to target former Vice President Joe Biden."

ā€œA growing public record indicates that the President, his agent Rudy Giuliani, and others appear to have pressed the Ukrainian government to pursue two politically-motivated investigations,ā€ the Democratic chairmen wrote. ā€œThe Committees have reason to believe that you have information and documents relevant to these matters.ā€

Giuliani cannot claim executive privilege. He doesn't work at the White House. He is not even a member of the government. He cannot claim attorney/client privilege before an inquiry is made. He may claim attorney/client questions to specific questions at the hearing, which he will not attend.

Giuliani is simply breaking federal law. The possibility strongly exists that another close Trump associate may end up in prison. Being associated with Trump is the kiss of death.
Today, Trump's acting chief of staff gave state's evidence in the impeachment inquiry.

Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney defiantly admitted today that the President held up military aid to Ukraine in order to pressure the countryā€™s president into investigating an unproven conspiracy theory about Democratic corruption during the 2016 Presidential election. In that very same phone conversation, Trump asked the Ukrainian President to do him a favor, investigate the Bidens, more than likely, the real purpose of the call.

ā€œDid [Trump] also mention to me in passing the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutelyā€”no question about that. Thatā€™s it, and thatā€™s why we held up the money,ā€ Mulvaney told reporters today.

In Trump's world, Mulvaney added, ā€œI have news for everybody: get over it,ā€ Mulvaney said, in response to ABCā€™s Jon Karl, who noted that what Mulvaney had just described was exactly the sort of ā€œquid pro quoā€ arrangement that Trump has repeatedly denied. ā€œThere is going to be political influence in foreign policy," Mulvaney said.

This may get Mulvaney fired. That's easy because there is an "acting" in front of his title. Trump prefers "acting" advisors because they are easier to fire than advisors approved by the Senate.

Speaking of which, Rick Perry quit today as Energy secretary, joining a very long list of former White House staffers. Fact is, the list is historic, longer than any other President in our history. Perry found himself at the center of the Ukraine scandal engulfing the Presidency after he became one of the top liaisons between Trump and his new Ukrainian counterpart.

Perry revealed in an interview published yesterday that he was directed by Trump to approach Rudy Giuliani to address the President's concerns about corruption in Ukraine. Giuliani is Trump's personal lawyer, and he does not work for the government, nor does he have a security clearance.
Trump is far ahead of the rest of the R. party. They can't even comprehend where he is going but they all want him at their rallies. Most of them are phonies.

true. He was in my state three times last week at rallies for Republican candidates. (We vote in October) packed and sold out.
Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney defiantly admitted today that the President held up military aid to Ukraine in order to pressure the countryā€™s president into investigating an unproven conspiracy theory about Democratic corruption during the 2016 Presidential election. In that very same phone conversation, Trump asked the Ukrainian President to do him a favor, investigate the Bidens, more than likely, the real purpose of the call.

The "unproven conspiracy theory" has been completely debunked. Either, Trump is a complete idiot and he didn't know that. Or, he was using the conspiracy theory as a deception. Trump's real intention was obvious to everyone. He wanted the Bidens investigated.

And Mulvaney just admitted that quid pro quo was used for that purpose. All of sudden, the main defense used by Trump, Trump's colleagues in Congress, Trump's commentators on conservative media, and Trump's friends on PF goes up in smoke.

ā€œDid [Trump] also mention to me in the past the corruption related to the DNC server?ā€ Mulvaney said. ā€œAbsolutely, no question about that. But thatā€™s it, and thatā€™s why we held up the money.ā€

Then he told us that is how things work with Trump. ā€œI have news for everybody: Get over it. Thereā€™s going to be political influence in foreign policy.ā€

Did you read the part about "why we held up the money?"

The reason I ask is because Mulvaney conveniently forgot what he said to a national television audience, the video appearing on every major network.

After Trumpā€™s lawyer and other Republicans distanced themselves from Mulvaney, the White House scrambled to walk back his comments, issuing an official statement blaming the media for misconstruing his words ā€œto advance a biased and political witch hunt against President Trump.ā€ You know, that is almost funny. Does anyone backing Trump follow the news?

ā€œLet me be clear,ā€ Mulvaneyā€™s written statement said, ā€œthere was absolutely no quid pro quo between Ukrainian military aid and any investigation into the 2016 election. There was never any connection between the funds and the Ukrainians doing anything with the server .ā€‰.ā€‰. there was never any condition on the flow of the aid related to the matter of the DNC server.ā€ Now that is funny.

That is a popular tactic with Trump's supporters because Trump does such outrageous things. The only way to defend him is to lie. Black is white. Day is night.

Truth is a lie!

It is a popular tactic, but it is a moronic and infantile tactic that makes a fool of the user.

Mulvaney hasn't been fired yet. It is probably only a matter of time. Trump doesn't want to make it too obvious.
Were concerned the president hasn't declared martial law and outlawed stupid liberals like Pelosi and the OP. The OP is proof we need a test before people are allowed to vote. We let too many idiots into the voting booth.

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