Republicans introduce resolution declaring crowd size at tea party protest

which is alittle different then 2 million. just be happy with what you got.

The reason tea parties are enjoying success, over half the country agrees with the parties core principles; deficit control and smaller government.

Tea parties seem to be populated by the extreme fringe of the Republican Party and self described independents - neither population seems to understand compromise or the process of law making.
Half the country does agree with the principles of deficit control and less government, and at least half of that half are moderate Democrats. The other half does not include Bush&Co, if their actions are any indicaton of their ideals.
Moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats - the majority of Americans I believe - support limited government, and the principles of governance outlined in the Preamble to our Constitution.
Citing quotes from various sources, Republicans today have introduced a measure declaring that Saturday's Tea Party protest in Washington, D. C., was the largest event ever hosted in the United States.

Evidence to support their claim is easily found on the internet and was presented before the official vote on the resolution.

"experienced one of the biggest demonstrations in history, when, according to the organizers, more than three million people flooded the streets of the historical city on Saturday"

"About 10 million pilgrims have gathered"

"It is a record...We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D. C., ever."

"It continues to expand and is now the largest single object in the solar system"

You got that from Kanye West, didn't you?

Kanye West is Joe Wilsons love child.:eusa_angel:
Glenn beck said the numbers came from the univeristy of "I dont remember". He said he cant rememeber who he got those numbers from....

I am not kidding...he actually said that.
which is alittle different then 2 million. just be happy with what you got.

The reason tea parties are enjoying success, over half the country agrees with the parties core principles; deficit control and smaller government.

Tea parties seem to be populated by the extreme fringe of the Republican Party and self described independents - neither population seems to understand compromise or the process of law making.
Half the country does agree with the principles of deficit control and less government, and at least half of that half are moderate Democrats. The other half does not include Bush&Co, if their actions are any indicaton of their ideals.
Moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats - the majority of Americans I believe - support limited government, and the principles of governance outlined in the Preamble to our Constitution.
Some proof of the racists that populate the extreme fringe of the Republican party....



The reason tea parties are enjoying success, over half the country agrees with the parties core principles; deficit control and smaller government.

Tea parties seem to be populated by the extreme fringe of the Republican Party and self described independents - neither population seems to understand compromise or the process of law making.
Half the country does agree with the principles of deficit control and less government, and at least half of that half are moderate Democrats. The other half does not include Bush&Co, if their actions are any indicaton of their ideals.
Moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats - the majority of Americans I believe - support limited government, and the principles of governance outlined in the Preamble to our Constitution.
Some proof of the racists that populate the extreme fringe of the Republican party....

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Thats three out of the 200 billion who attended. :lol:
Tea parties seem to be populated by the extreme fringe of the Republican Party and self described independents - neither population seems to understand compromise or the process of law making.
Half the country does agree with the principles of deficit control and less government, and at least half of that half are moderate Democrats. The other half does not include Bush&Co, if their actions are any indicaton of their ideals.
Moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats - the majority of Americans I believe - support limited government, and the principles of governance outlined in the Preamble to our Constitution.
Some proof of the racists that populate the extreme fringe of the Republican party....

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Thats three out of the 200 billion who attended. :lol:

Silly, those are pictures of 3 hundred thousand black people. Can't you see?
which is alittle different then 2 million. just be happy with what you got.

The reason tea parties are enjoying success, over half the country agrees with the parties core principles; deficit control and smaller government.

Dont forget to remind them what those core principles are ;).

We want smaller not bigger government

Except when Bush was president and the republican had the majority.

We want economic responsibility from our democrats and republicans, no more gigantic deficit spending

Except when Bush was president and the republican had the majority.

We want lower taxes for ALL Americans, from poor to rich

And yet you righties blindly support W's cuts which went overwhelmingly in favor of the rich.

And we want to vote out all the corrupt democrats and republicans from office, which means kicking every single senator and congressperson out of office in 2010 from either side and replacing them with new Democrats and Republicans.

Then why do you continually vote in the same republicans year after year??
See though this isn't about the GOP or the Dems, its about an out of control government.

Bullshit.........this was started by the GOP and Faux Noise.

This was started by the people....not a political party.

Btw its gaining momentum....

It was started by libertarians and then co-opted by the republicans and foxnews AFTER republcians were voted into the minority.

Oh and i just love the claims that it's gaining momentum when there is no proof of that. But you go ahead and believe and parrot what comes out of glenn beck's (or any other rightwing hack's) mouth if you want to. Just don't expect anyone to take you seriously. LOL
which is alittle different then 2 million. just be happy with what you got.

The reason tea parties are enjoying success, over half the country agrees with the parties core principles; deficit control and smaller government.

Tea parties seem to be populated by the extreme fringe of the Republican Party and self described independents - neither population seems to understand compromise or the process of law making.
Half the country does agree with the principles of deficit control and less government, and at least half of that half are moderate Democrats. The other half does not include Bush&Co, if their actions are any indicaton of their ideals.
Moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats - the majority of Americans I believe - support limited government, and the principles of governance outlined in the Preamble to our Constitution.

Also known today as the "base" of the Republican party....
This was started by the people....not a political party.

Btw its gaining momentum....

Be honest. It (the tea parties) were started by GOP people, who were upset that their party lost power.

As far as "gaining momentum", might wanna check again, as they had to LIE about how many people actually showed up.

I hardly call that gaining momentum.

No it wasn't started by registered Rep. it was started primarily by Libertarians and Independents.

And then co-opted by republicans and propped up by rightwing media hacks AFTER they were voted into the minorty. Why can't you righties just be honest about it instead of trying to misrepresent it and claim that the current version is something that it is not?

As far as gaining momentum look at the group's membership numbers and money flowing in.

So that is your proof?? Numbers from the same people who mispresented the size of the crowd?? LOL
I'm not going to even read the thread before posting this, which goes against my grain but; as a member of the GOP I have to say that this is stupid all around. For so many reasons it is so.

Who in their right mind would take the position that because our congressmen and Senators say it is so, it must be?

What a collosal waste of time. I won't bother reading the resolution because it is trivial. It's non-binding, but I do tend to read those, but this is just inane. Congress has no experience in crowd estimates.

I'm sure others have said this and much more. I'm just shaking my head at this one.
I'm not going to even read the thread before posting this, which goes against my grain but; as a member of the GOP I have to say that this is stupid all around. For so many reasons it is so.

Who in their right mind would take the position that because our congressmen and Senators say it is so, it must be?

What a collosal waste of time. I won't bother reading the resolution because it is trivial. It's non-binding, but I do tend to read those, but this is just inane. Congress has no experience in crowd estimates.

I'm sure others have said this and much more. I'm just shaking my head at this one.

Time out. All of this time, I was under the impression that this "resolution" was just a joke made up by the OP. Someone PLEASE reassure me that the GOP is NOT introducing this resolution for real?
This was started by the people....not a political party.

Btw its gaining momentum....

And by people, he means "grassroots" front groups created by large corporations.

Glenn Beck for President!

We looooooooove Glenn Beck! :lol:

LOL I actually forced myself to watch his show last night and thought it was hilarious how in one breath he was talking up the 9/12ers and then next he was trying to minimize the 12% that believe MOST (not all) of the opposition to obama's plans is based on race by calling them a fringe group. Yet the demonstration that he was trying to talk up was smaller than the group he was trying to minimize. LOL
I'm not going to even read the thread before posting this, which goes against my grain but; as a member of the GOP I have to say that this is stupid all around. For so many reasons it is so.

Who in their right mind would take the position that because our congressmen and Senators say it is so, it must be?

What a collosal waste of time. I won't bother reading the resolution because it is trivial. It's non-binding, but I do tend to read those, but this is just inane. Congress has no experience in crowd estimates.

I'm sure others have said this and much more. I'm just shaking my head at this one.

Time out. All of this time, I was under the impression that this "resolution" was just a joke made up by the OP. Someone PLEASE reassure me that the GOP is NOT introducing this resolution for real?
LOL. I hope it is just a joke. As I said, I didn't read the thread, just the idea was so high on my inane-meter I didn't bother to read a thing (which I don't usually do)...just posted.

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