Republicans' Justification to Slash Social Security and Medicare Are Becoming Clearer: 'We Have No Choice but to Make Hard Decisions'


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Republicans' Justification to Slash Social Security and Medicare Are Becoming Clearer: 'We Have No Choice but to Make Hard Decisions'

The cuts proposed by the Republicans are not “hard decisions” for them. Cutting Social Security and Medicare are easy for the political party that has been trying to eliminate both federal programs for decades. These cuts are just the next step in the GOP’s attack on the low-income recipients.

Protecting the meager income tens-of-millions SS recipients have this as their only source of income is an easy choice for all Republicans, since those cuts will have no impact on reducing the debt. Those cuts that will put millions of elderly and disabled recipients on the streets will then be used to finance more tax cuts for the billionaire class and Big Business and provide even more subsidies and forgivable federal loans to them. After all to the GOP, the federal budget is there first and foremost for the billionaires and Big Business to plunder to increase their profits.

The so-called “hard decisions” to impact tens-of-millions of irrelevant Americans is just more of the same GOP bullsh!t the wealthy political contributors demand from their Republican stooges in Congress. To guarantee the passage of the bill(s) to succeed in these areas, the same wealthy donors have the moderate Democrats they own in the Senate standing ready to vote with the Senate Republicans. If Biden dares to veto this legislation, moderate Senate Democrats will easily scratch the needed votes together to aid the Republicans in overriding Biden’s veto.

The demands of billionaires are always served by the congressional Republicans and moderate Democrats. If the billionaires want a fascist, autocratic government, those same Republicans and moderate Democrats will soon deliver it to them.

It appears the baby boomers that religiously vote Republican will get their wish, but most will regret it.



Republicans' Justification to Slash Social Security and Medicare Are Becoming Clearer: 'We Have No Choice but to Make Hard Decisions'

The cuts proposed by the Republicans are not “hard decisions” for them. Cutting Social Security and Medicare are easy for the political party that has been trying to eliminate both federal programs for decades. These cuts are just the next step in the GOP’s attack on the low-income recipients.

Protecting the meager income tens-of-millions SS recipients have this as their only source of income is an easy choice for all Republicans, since those cuts will have no impact on reducing the debt. Those cuts that will put millions of elderly and disabled recipients on the streets will then be used to finance more tax cuts for the billionaire class and Big Business and provide even more subsidies and forgivable federal loans to them. After all to the GOP, the federal budget is there first and foremost for the billionaires and Big Business to plunder to increase their profits.

The so-called “hard decisions” to impact tens-of-millions of irrelevant Americans is just more of the same GOP bullsh!t the wealthy political contributors demand from their Republican stooges in Congress. To guarantee the passage of the bill(s) to succeed in these areas, the same wealthy donors have the moderate Democrats they own in the Senate standing ready to vote with the Senate Republicans. If Biden dares to veto this legislation, moderate Senate Democrats will easily scratch the needed votes together to aid the Republicans in overriding Biden’s veto.

The demands of billionaires are always served by the congressional Republicans and moderate Democrats. If the billionaires want a fascist, autocratic government, those same Republicans and moderate Democrats will soon deliver it to them.

It appears the baby boomers that religiously vote Republican will get their wish, but most will regret it.


Look, neither side really wants to fix the problem. You blame the republicans, but what about the times when dems had full majorities, like when Obama was president. They had an opportunity to pass any legislation they wanted, and they didn’t do anything. Tax the rich? They could have done it. Ban guns? They could have had it, they didn’t.

I think both sides like to play political boxing, but neither side apparently wants to actually pull the trigger on the changes they want. It’s all for show to the constituents.
Look, neither side really wants to fix the problem. You blame the republicans, but what about the times when dems had full majorities, like when Obama was president. They had an opportunity to pass any legislation they wanted, and they didn’t do anything. Tax the rich? They could have done it. Ban guns? They could have had it, they didn’t.

I think both sides like to play political boxing, but neither side apparently wants to actually pull the trigger on the changes they want. It’s all for show to the constituents.
Ban guns? They could have had it, they didn’t.
They tried.

couldnt get the votes

Republican voters prefer to elect the dumbest and most corrupt among us, and then defend their own stupidity and their politicians’ stupidity and corruption. Moderate Democrats that continually vote either for moderate Democrats or Republican candidates aren’t any better.

why cant they all be good honest democrats like hunter biden

Republicans' Justification to Slash Social Security and Medicare Are Becoming Clearer: 'We Have No Choice but to Make Hard Decisions'

The cuts proposed by the Republicans are not “hard decisions” for them. Cutting Social Security and Medicare are easy for the political party that has been trying to eliminate both federal programs for decades. These cuts are just the next step in the GOP’s attack on the low-income recipients.

Protecting the meager income tens-of-millions SS recipients have this as their only source of income is an easy choice for all Republicans, since those cuts will have no impact on reducing the debt. Those cuts that will put millions of elderly and disabled recipients on the streets will then be used to finance more tax cuts for the billionaire class and Big Business and provide even more subsidies and forgivable federal loans to them. After all to the GOP, the federal budget is there first and foremost for the billionaires and Big Business to plunder to increase their profits.

The so-called “hard decisions” to impact tens-of-millions of irrelevant Americans is just more of the same GOP bullsh!t the wealthy political contributors demand from their Republican stooges in Congress. To guarantee the passage of the bill(s) to succeed in these areas, the same wealthy donors have the moderate Democrats they own in the Senate standing ready to vote with the Senate Republicans. If Biden dares to veto this legislation, moderate Senate Democrats will easily scratch the needed votes together to aid the Republicans in overriding Biden’s veto.

The demands of billionaires are always served by the congressional Republicans and moderate Democrats. If the billionaires want a fascist, autocratic government, those same Republicans and moderate Democrats will soon deliver it to them.

It appears the baby boomers that religiously vote Republican will get their wish, but most will regret it.


Hahaha…you dumbmotherfuckers thought you could have all the filthy wetbacks your heart desired AND all the free shit you lowlife bottom feeders need?….REALLY?
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Joe just let in 5 million+ illegals in tbe last 2 years he is going to give benefits, to include SS, to.

Joe & the Democrats have ad continue to ruin the economy and spend money as if we aren't in debt at all. We are $31.6 Trillion in debt, and the Democrats' answer to hitting the debt ceiling is to vote it away, to eliminate tbe debt cei g so they will have no cap on the amount they can spend. (They might as well - they ignore our debt / the debt ceiling anyway. They just raise it everytime we hit it.)
The Corrupt Democrat Party is wasting $trillions$.
They just do not care if they bankrupt our country.
They treat the Taxpayers like they are their slaves.
They will just keep lying and stealing and looting until they collapse the system.
The problem is that the Democrat Voters are brainwashed blind fanatics who do not understand that if the corrupt Dem politicians bankrupt our country that they will suffer the most.
If Democrats wanted to save SS/MEDICARE they would close the border, stop giving illegals free everything paid for by US tax payers, stop massive debt / pork spending, and would focus on eiminating the national $31.6 trillion debt instead of the debt ceiling.
Look, neither side really wants to fix the problem. You blame the republicans, but what about the times when dems had full majorities, like when Obama was president. They had an opportunity to pass any legislation they wanted, and they didn’t do anything. Tax the rich? They could have done it. Ban guns? They could have had it, they didn’t.

I think both sides like to play political boxing, but neither side apparently wants to actually pull the trigger on the changes they want. It’s all for show to the constituents.

Certainly not on any of the actual tough issues that's for sure.
They tried.
couldn't get the votes
1. Democrats NEVER tried to "fix" SS & Medicare.
2. SS is an easy fix, Medicare is a tougher fix.
3. I don't see how the Budget gets balanced w/o a new Fed sales tax of about 4%.
1. Democrats NEVER tried to "fix" SS & Medicare.
2. SS is an easy fix, Medicare is a tougher fix.
3. I don't see how the Budget gets balanced w/o a new Fed sales tax of about 4%.
I was refering to Gun Control,

he failed miserably.
Funds for SSI do not impact the budget. SSI is self sustaining and has been since day one.

the phrase "balance the budget" is being misconstrued it is make believe. The debt will never disappear as long as fake
republicans keep handing tax cuts for the wealthy because fake republicans BORROW which is BAD BORROWING to cover the loss of revenue. Reckless indeed. Borrowing to cover actual expenses or to promote economic growth is good borrowing.
"hard decisions" are always made on the backs of average people, never the Uber wealthy. Welcome to america.
I hear a dog whistle being blown in lib la la land

You cant name any specific cuts but libs are howling at the moon anyway
So we have a closet Democrat in the Republican party that is regurgitating the 70 yr old threat that "They Are coming for your Social Security" and the Republicans pull the same stunt by yelling "They are coming for your guns" to get votes.
This is nothing more than a trick to taint the Republicans as both sides know that if you could actually end these programs, the party that did it would cease to exist.
Same bs for the Trump Arrest,,,,,they know they have nothing on him, yet in todays world, all you have to do is make an allegation and you will cause irreparable harm. THE DEEP STATE IS USING EVERY TRICK SHORT OF ASSASSINATION TO KEEP TRUMP OUT OF THE WHITEHOUSE ! Trump haters are by default, advocates of the DEEP STATE while Trump supporters are the TRUE UNDERGROUND enemy of the totally corrupt Deep State ( this time around, the leftists are the dupes of the billionaire class Deep State).

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