Republicans Love Putin!

Lindsey Graham has it right. Putin is a murderer & thug. Romney had it right, Putin is out foe.

But hey, not those Republicans. They love Putin especially since Putin helped elect the Giant Cheeto.

"Back in July 2014 just 10 percent of Republicans held a favorable view of Putin, according to a poll conducted by the Economist and YouGov. By September of 2016, that number rose to 24 percent. And it's even higher today: 37 percent of Republicans view Putin favorably, the poll found in December."

Republicans love Putin who with Syria will create yet another Rwanda. That evidently is irrelevant.

RealDave loves being a biased fucking idiot.
I am biased toward those who would sell out our country for profit.

I am biased toward those who would sell out our country for profit.

I'm biased against them.

Which is why I couldn't vote for Hillary
Your Republican problem was explained in the CIA-hacking thread. The prisoners can be manipulated each and every time by certain fundamental psychic mechanisms. That is why the DNC splits schizoid to introduce the third term during the elections. Bernie Sanders knew he was playing the role of the middle tine of the Impossible Trident. The deception could be seen when the Chappaqua Blue Racer was photographed standing with the Hispanic EPA man looking at the Colorado River.

"When taken from behind to engender bizarre offspring, remember, there's only one Trump's Salve. Try it, you'll like it!"
The idea that you think Trump told the truth is extremely funny. Thanks for the laugh.

The idea that you're still butt hurt over a long lost election is extremely funny. Thank you for the gloat.
All I'm doing is talking about your orange hero. I see you have nothing to counter my truth.

Exactly how much crap has to come out about how Trump duped you morons before opu admit your error?
Now the Dumpster picks a fight with the White House & sides with the Russians on their meddling.

So, Trump pissers on America & you whiners love it.

Republican leadership sides with the Russians as they refuse to name an special committee to investigate.
The idea that you think Trump told the truth is extremely funny. Thanks for the laugh.

The idea that you're still butt hurt over a long lost election is extremely funny. Thank you for the gloat.
All I'm doing is talking about your orange hero. I see you have nothing to counter my truth.

Exactly how much crap has to come out about how Trump duped you morons before opu admit your error?

Just exactly what legislation has he imposed upon anyone? What new laws or regulations has he forced upon anyone? Fool, Trump isn't even President yet.
]Now the Dumpster picks a fight with the White House & sides with the Russians on their meddling.

So, Trump pissers on America & you whiners love it.

Republican leadership sides with the Russians as they refuse to name an special committee to investigate.
And you have the nerve to talk about dupes.

Now the Dumpster picks a fight with the White House & sides with the Russians on their meddling.

So, Trump pissers on America & you whiners love it.

Republican leadership sides with the Russians as they refuse to name an special committee to investigate.

Yes, Trtump is siding with Comney and Clapper.
The idea that you think Trump told the truth is extremely funny. Thanks for the laugh.

The idea that you're still butt hurt over a long lost election is extremely funny. Thank you for the gloat.
All I'm doing is talking about your orange hero. I see you have nothing to counter my truth.

Exactly how much crap has to come out about how Trump duped you morons before opu admit your error?

Just exactly what legislation has he imposed upon anyone? What new laws or regulations has he forced upon anyone? Fool, Trump isn't even President yet.
He has already backed away from some of his promises.
The idea that you think Trump told the truth is extremely funny. Thanks for the laugh.

The idea that you're still butt hurt over a long lost election is extremely funny. Thank you for the gloat.
All I'm doing is talking about your orange hero. I see you have nothing to counter my truth.

Exactly how much crap has to come out about how Trump duped you morons before opu admit your error?

Just exactly what legislation has he imposed upon anyone? What new laws or regulations has he forced upon anyone? Fool, Trump isn't even President yet.
He has already backed away from some of his promises.

Actually, he hasn't done anything other than try to get some job commitments from some companies and keep other jobs in country. In case you are unawares, the President is B. Obama.
Putin is a foe. He is a murderer and a thug. He is still better than any democrat.

We should have stayed out of Syria. Assad would have put that little rebellion down in a week. All those people would still be alive. Instead obama got hynotized by terrorists killing Christians and saw a total genocide. He drew a line in the sand and then did nothing but send isis more arms.

Assad has been murdering his own people for years. With the help of Putin. Arming terrorist against Israel. Why should America stand there and just watch? Either we get involved or not Syrians are tired of dictatorship and civil war bound to happen.
Syria was a stable and peaceful country until obama dragged isis and the muslim brotherhood into the country.

obama tried to do the same thing in Egypt. It didn't work there. It worked in Syria.
Of course they do. Republicans like limited freedoms of the people and prefer the left be silent. Putin does exactly that. He is a conservative and silences his opponents by jailing them or executing them.

You need to get rid of your fake avie and be truthful with Idiot Liberal. It isn't the Republicans or conservatives trying to limit freedoms or silence people. That is strictly the domain of the politically correct left. It's why Democrats have become a coastal party. People preferred freedom and repudiated the Democrats from state houses and governorships all the way to Congress and the White House. Own it and learn from it.
Lindsey Graham has it right. Putin is a murderer & thug. Romney had it right, Putin is out foe.

But hey, not those Republicans. They love Putin especially since Putin helped elect the Giant Cheeto.

"Back in July 2014 just 10 percent of Republicans held a favorable view of Putin, according to a poll conducted by the Economist and YouGov. By September of 2016, that number rose to 24 percent. And it's even higher today: 37 percent of Republicans view Putin favorably, the poll found in December."

Republicans love Putin who with Syria will create yet another Rwanda. That evidently is irrelevant.

You need to crawl out of your mom's basement and quit reading leftist fake news on the interwebs.
Lindsey Graham has it right. Putin is a murderer & thug. Romney had it right, Putin is out foe.

But hey, not those Republicans. They love Putin especially since Putin helped elect the Giant Cheeto.

"Back in July 2014 just 10 percent of Republicans held a favorable view of Putin, according to a poll conducted by the Economist and YouGov. By September of 2016, that number rose to 24 percent. And it's even higher today: 37 percent of Republicans view Putin favorably, the poll found in December."

Republicans love Putin who with Syria will create yet another Rwanda. That evidently is irrelevant.

RealDave loves being a biased fucking idiot.
I am biased toward those who would sell out our country for profit.

That explains your support of Hillary.
Syria was a stable and peaceful country until obama dragged isis and the muslim brotherhood into the country.

obama tried to do the same thing in Egypt. It didn't work there. It worked in Syria.

Look, your hero George W Bush claimed he invaded Iraq to spread democracy. The Arab Spring in Egypt was all about spreading democracy. I thought you assholes liked democracy but I guess you are more in love with tyrants & dictators. The Muslim Brotherhood won an fair election in Egypt. Sort of like how we elected Trump.

Obama had nothing to do about the start of the Syrian conflict. It was in Syria that ISIS grew not Iraq.

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