Republicans Love Putin!

Lindsey Graham has it right. Putin is a murderer & thug. Romney had it right, Putin is out foe.

But hey, not those Republicans. They love Putin especially since Putin helped elect the Giant Cheeto.

"Back in July 2014 just 10 percent of Republicans held a favorable view of Putin, according to a poll conducted by the Economist and YouGov. By September of 2016, that number rose to 24 percent. And it's even higher today: 37 percent of Republicans view Putin favorably, the poll found in December."

Republicans love Putin who with Syria will create yet another Rwanda. That evidently is irrelevant.
Democrats love to post shit from their fantasy world! Losers.
Please remove the pic of HW as your avatar. HW was a smart, honest, great President. You're a fucking moron who sold out America to a giant orange con man.
Remove the eagle as your avatar. You are a fucking moron who would have Hillary as POTUS.
Please remove the pic of HW as your avatar. HW was a smart man & great President who believed in protecting our environment and was smart enough to negotiate NAFTA.

He is nothinmg like you
His interference certainly did as he used our money in his personal vendetta.
First, you ignore that the subject was Obama traveling to Israel to influence the elections. This was a lie.

As to the trest of your pile of crap: Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel
Republicans build on their dominance in state legislatures
You ignore the fact that liberalism has been rejected in the USA.
You seems confused. There are more red states. But you ignore that Hillary got 3 million more voters than your orange buddy.
Federalism. States run elections. See Constituon and electoral college process and then read 10th Amendment.
Lindsey Graham has it right. Putin is a murderer & thug. Romney had it right, Putin is out foe.

But hey, not those Republicans. They love Putin especially since Putin helped elect the Giant Cheeto.

"Back in July 2014 just 10 percent of Republicans held a favorable view of Putin, according to a poll conducted by the Economist and YouGov. By September of 2016, that number rose to 24 percent. And it's even higher today: 37 percent of Republicans view Putin favorably, the poll found in December."

Republicans love Putin who with Syria will create yet another Rwanda. That evidently is irrelevant.
Democrats love to post shit from their fantasy world! Losers.
Please remove the pic of HW as your avatar. HW was a smart, honest, great President. You're a fucking moron who sold out America to a giant orange con man.
Orange con man beat the shit out of Democrats who were rejected at every level of government.
Please remove the pic of HW as your avatar. HW was a smart man & great President who believed in protecting our environment and was smart enough to negotiate NAFTA.

He is nothinmg like you
His interference certainly did as he used our money in his personal vendetta.
First, you ignore that the subject was Obama traveling to Israel to influence the elections. This was a lie.

As to the trest of your pile of crap: Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel
Republicans build on their dominance in state legislatures
You ignore the fact that liberalism has been rejected in the USA.
You seems confused. There are more red states. But you ignore that Hillary got 3 million more voters than your orange buddy.
There are more red local governments, state governments, and our national government is filled with elected Republican office holders.
Now the Dumpster picks a fight with the White House & sides with the Russians on their meddling.

So, Trump pissers on America & you whiners love it.

Republican leadership sides with the Russians as they refuse to name an special committee to investigate.

Yes, Trtump is siding with Comney and Clapper.

"FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. are in agreement with a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to U.S. officials."

Trump lied & had a freakin fit claiming Russia was not involved. Then you believed him & just lied about Comey & Clapper.

No wonder you're a Trump voter, you don't know shit.

Russia just told America to provide proof or to STFU!! Now let's see them provide the proof instead of just talk. They have been called out.

So, you side with Putin too. Wow.

You call the FBI, CIA, our entire intelligence community fucking liars because your two heroes, Trump & Putin, claim they are lying,

You do realize that some intel is gathered in such a way that revealing t exposes how we gather it, right? Or are you that informed.

Ummmm. Should I believe a man that had the highest "pants on fire" ratings during the campaign & his Russian cohort or shall I believe our CIA & FBI. I'll take America, you take Russia.

Senior officials are usually not undercover operatives. If they actually have anything, let them put it up or else shut up about it. Yes, I do believe Obama has corrupted almost every governmental agency. Your CIA does not want it exposed that they helped arm ISIS and were instrumental in fostering the murder and chaos in the Middle East.
Lindsey Graham has it right. Putin is a murderer & thug. Romney had it right, Putin is out foe.

But hey, not those Republicans. They love Putin especially since Putin helped elect the Giant Cheeto.

"Back in July 2014 just 10 percent of Republicans held a favorable view of Putin, according to a poll conducted by the Economist and YouGov. By September of 2016, that number rose to 24 percent. And it's even higher today: 37 percent of Republicans view Putin favorably, the poll found in December."

Republicans love Putin who with Syria will create yet another Rwanda. That evidently is irrelevant.
Democrats love to post shit from their fantasy world! Losers.
Please remove the pic of HW as your avatar. HW was a smart, honest, great President. You're a fucking moron who sold out America to a giant orange con man.
Remove the eagle as your avatar. You are a fucking moron who would have Hillary as POTUS.
It's a hawk, dumbass. I have to watch you whiners like a hawk to try to keep you from nearly destroytng America again like you did with Bush Jr.
Now the Dumpster picks a fight with the White House & sides with the Russians on their meddling.

So, Trump pissers on America & you whiners love it.

Republican leadership sides with the Russians as they refuse to name an special committee to investigate.

Yes, Trtump is siding with Comney and Clapper.

"FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. are in agreement with a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to U.S. officials."

Trump lied & had a freakin fit claiming Russia was not involved. Then you believed him & just lied about Comey & Clapper.

No wonder you're a Trump voter, you don't know shit.

Russia just told America to provide proof or to STFU!! Now let's see them provide the proof instead of just talk. They have been called out.

So, you side with Putin too. Wow.

You call the FBI, CIA, our entire intelligence community fucking liars because your two heroes, Trump & Putin, claim they are lying,

You do realize that some intel is gathered in such a way that revealing t exposes how we gather it, right? Or are you that informed.

Ummmm. Should I believe a man that had the highest "pants on fire" ratings during the campaign & his Russian cohort or shall I believe our CIA & FBI. I'll take America, you take Russia.

The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere
Now the Dumpster picks a fight with the White House & sides with the Russians on their meddling.

So, Trump pissers on America & you whiners love it.

Republican leadership sides with the Russians as they refuse to name an special committee to investigate.

Yes, Trtump is siding with Comney and Clapper.

"FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. are in agreement with a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to U.S. officials."

Trump lied & had a freakin fit claiming Russia was not involved. Then you believed him & just lied about Comey & Clapper.

No wonder you're a Trump voter, you don't know shit.

Russia just told America to provide proof or to STFU!! Now let's see them provide the proof instead of just talk. They have been called out.

So, you side with Putin too. Wow.

You call the FBI, CIA, our entire intelligence community fucking liars because your two heroes, Trump & Putin, claim they are lying,

You do realize that some intel is gathered in such a way that revealing t exposes how we gather it, right? Or are you that informed.

Ummmm. Should I believe a man that had the highest "pants on fire" ratings during the campaign & his Russian cohort or shall I believe our CIA & FBI. I'll take America, you take Russia.

Senior officials are usually not undercover operatives. If they actually have anything, let them put it up or else shut up about it. Yes, I do believe Obama has corrupted almost every governmental agency. Your CIA does not want it exposed that they helped arm ISIS and were instrumental in fostering the murder and chaos in the Middle East.

You still don't get it. Proving proof may make certain intelligent avenues public & making them useless.

I have a thought. Believe America instead of Russia.

I wonder, how much ISIS weaponry was left over from the Bush War in Iraq. OMG OMG OMG Bush armed ISIS OMG OMG OMG.
Now the Dumpster picks a fight with the White House & sides with the Russians on their meddling.

So, Trump pissers on America & you whiners love it.

Republican leadership sides with the Russians as they refuse to name an special committee to investigate.

Yes, Trtump is siding with Comney and Clapper.

"FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. are in agreement with a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to U.S. officials."

Trump lied & had a freakin fit claiming Russia was not involved. Then you believed him & just lied about Comey & Clapper.

No wonder you're a Trump voter, you don't know shit.

Russia just told America to provide proof or to STFU!! Now let's see them provide the proof instead of just talk. They have been called out.

So, you side with Putin too. Wow.

You call the FBI, CIA, our entire intelligence community fucking liars because your two heroes, Trump & Putin, claim they are lying,

You do realize that some intel is gathered in such a way that revealing t exposes how we gather it, right? Or are you that informed.

Ummmm. Should I believe a man that had the highest "pants on fire" ratings during the campaign & his Russian cohort or shall I believe our CIA & FBI. I'll take America, you take Russia.

The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere

So, you don't care that Russia interfered because they helped your orange buddy?
Please remove the pic of HW as your avatar. HW was a smart man & great President who believed in protecting our environment and was smart enough to negotiate NAFTA.

He is nothinmg like you
Liar, Obama did not travel to Israel in 2015.
His interference certainly did as he used our money in his personal vendetta.
First, you ignore that the subject was Obama traveling to Israel to influence the elections. This was a lie.

As to the trest of your pile of crap: Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel
Republicans build on their dominance in state legislatures
You ignore the fact that liberalism has been rejected in the USA.
You seems confused. There are more red states. But you ignore that Hillary got 3 million more voters than your orange buddy.
There are more red local governments, state governments, and our national government is filled with elected Republican office holders.
Red States that are run by Republicans cheated to help them send more Republicans to the House. They did it through gross gerrymandering & voter suppression laws.

I would think that if the Republicans were so great that they wouldn't need to cheat.

Look at North Carolina. Can you get any more childish than the Republicans there.

Trump & Toomey carried the state by 1.25% margin. A near 50-50 split. Yet Republicans won 100% more seats in the House. C H E A T I N G.

Are you proud that you party needs to cheat?
Yes, Trtump is siding with Comney and Clapper.

"FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. are in agreement with a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to U.S. officials."

Trump lied & had a freakin fit claiming Russia was not involved. Then you believed him & just lied about Comey & Clapper.

No wonder you're a Trump voter, you don't know shit.

Russia just told America to provide proof or to STFU!! Now let's see them provide the proof instead of just talk. They have been called out.

So, you side with Putin too. Wow.

You call the FBI, CIA, our entire intelligence community fucking liars because your two heroes, Trump & Putin, claim they are lying,

You do realize that some intel is gathered in such a way that revealing t exposes how we gather it, right? Or are you that informed.

Ummmm. Should I believe a man that had the highest "pants on fire" ratings during the campaign & his Russian cohort or shall I believe our CIA & FBI. I'll take America, you take Russia.

Senior officials are usually not undercover operatives. If they actually have anything, let them put it up or else shut up about it. Yes, I do believe Obama has corrupted almost every governmental agency. Your CIA does not want it exposed that they helped arm ISIS and were instrumental in fostering the murder and chaos in the Middle East.

You still don't get it. Proving proof may make certain intelligent avenues public & making them useless.

I have a thought. Believe America instead of Russia.

I wonder, how much ISIS weaponry was left over from the Bush War in Iraq. OMG OMG OMG Bush armed ISIS OMG OMG OMG.

You're full of it. There's no reason why they can't tell what they don't know. You're living in a make believe James Bond world. Get real. The only reason the CIA isn't bragging their asses off about it is because they don't want anyone to dig into it.
Please remove the pic of HW as your avatar. HW was a smart man & great President who believed in protecting our environment and was smart enough to negotiate NAFTA.

He is nothinmg like you
His interference certainly did as he used our money in his personal vendetta.
First, you ignore that the subject was Obama traveling to Israel to influence the elections. This was a lie.

As to the trest of your pile of crap: Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel
Republicans build on their dominance in state legislatures
You ignore the fact that liberalism has been rejected in the USA.
You seems confused. There are more red states. But you ignore that Hillary got 3 million more voters than your orange buddy.
There are more red local governments, state governments, and our national government is filled with elected Republican office holders.
Red States that are run by Republicans cheated to help them send more Republicans to the House. They did it through gross gerrymandering & voter suppression laws.

I would think that if the Republicans were so great that they wouldn't need to cheat.

Look at North Carolina. Can you get any more childish than the Republicans there.

Trump & Toomey carried the state by 1.25% margin. A near 50-50 split. Yet Republicans won 100% more seats in the House. C H E A T I N G.

Are you proud that you party needs to cheat?

Real Dave is a certifiable LOON!
Yes, Trtump is siding with Comney and Clapper.

"FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. are in agreement with a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to U.S. officials."

Trump lied & had a freakin fit claiming Russia was not involved. Then you believed him & just lied about Comey & Clapper.

No wonder you're a Trump voter, you don't know shit.

Russia just told America to provide proof or to STFU!! Now let's see them provide the proof instead of just talk. They have been called out.

So, you side with Putin too. Wow.

You call the FBI, CIA, our entire intelligence community fucking liars because your two heroes, Trump & Putin, claim they are lying,

You do realize that some intel is gathered in such a way that revealing t exposes how we gather it, right? Or are you that informed.

Ummmm. Should I believe a man that had the highest "pants on fire" ratings during the campaign & his Russian cohort or shall I believe our CIA & FBI. I'll take America, you take Russia.

The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere

So, you don't care that Russia interfered because they helped your orange buddy?

No. I don't believe Russia interfered because Wikileaks said Russia was not their source and the fact that the CIA will not provide any proof that Russia interfered. You keep right on drinking the Kool Aide.
Democrats now control 4 states. If this keeps up, in 2018 it will be down to California alone.
"FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. are in agreement with a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to U.S. officials."

Trump lied & had a freakin fit claiming Russia was not involved. Then you believed him & just lied about Comey & Clapper.

No wonder you're a Trump voter, you don't know shit.

Russia just told America to provide proof or to STFU!! Now let's see them provide the proof instead of just talk. They have been called out.

So, you side with Putin too. Wow.

You call the FBI, CIA, our entire intelligence community fucking liars because your two heroes, Trump & Putin, claim they are lying,

You do realize that some intel is gathered in such a way that revealing t exposes how we gather it, right? Or are you that informed.

Ummmm. Should I believe a man that had the highest "pants on fire" ratings during the campaign & his Russian cohort or shall I believe our CIA & FBI. I'll take America, you take Russia.

The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere

So, you don't care that Russia interfered because they helped your orange buddy?

No. I don't believe Russia interfered because Wikileaks said Russia was not their source and the fact that the CIA will not provide any proof that Russia interfered. You keep right on drinking the Kool Aide.
There will be a report. But I see you already declared it worthless because your buddy Vlad said they were wrong.

Now you believe a man who stole a bunch of shit & not allowed back in the country.
"FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. are in agreement with a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to U.S. officials."

Trump lied & had a freakin fit claiming Russia was not involved. Then you believed him & just lied about Comey & Clapper.

No wonder you're a Trump voter, you don't know shit.

Russia just told America to provide proof or to STFU!! Now let's see them provide the proof instead of just talk. They have been called out.

So, you side with Putin too. Wow.

You call the FBI, CIA, our entire intelligence community fucking liars because your two heroes, Trump & Putin, claim they are lying,

You do realize that some intel is gathered in such a way that revealing t exposes how we gather it, right? Or are you that informed.

Ummmm. Should I believe a man that had the highest "pants on fire" ratings during the campaign & his Russian cohort or shall I believe our CIA & FBI. I'll take America, you take Russia.

Senior officials are usually not undercover operatives. If they actually have anything, let them put it up or else shut up about it. Yes, I do believe Obama has corrupted almost every governmental agency. Your CIA does not want it exposed that they helped arm ISIS and were instrumental in fostering the murder and chaos in the Middle East.

You still don't get it. Proving proof may make certain intelligent avenues public & making them useless.

I have a thought. Believe America instead of Russia.

I wonder, how much ISIS weaponry was left over from the Bush War in Iraq. OMG OMG OMG Bush armed ISIS OMG OMG OMG.

You're full of it. There's no reason why they can't tell what they don't know. You're living in a make believe James Bond world. Get real. The only reason the CIA isn't bragging their asses off about it is because they don't want anyone to dig into it.
For example, say the CIA learned from a source inside the Kremlin. You expect the CIA to tell who that source was because anti-American assholes like you believe Putin over our CIA?

Russia just told America to provide proof or to STFU!! Now let's see them provide the proof instead of just talk. They have been called out.

So, you side with Putin too. Wow.

You call the FBI, CIA, our entire intelligence community fucking liars because your two heroes, Trump & Putin, claim they are lying,

You do realize that some intel is gathered in such a way that revealing t exposes how we gather it, right? Or are you that informed.

Ummmm. Should I believe a man that had the highest "pants on fire" ratings during the campaign & his Russian cohort or shall I believe our CIA & FBI. I'll take America, you take Russia.

The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere

So, you don't care that Russia interfered because they helped your orange buddy?

No. I don't believe Russia interfered because Wikileaks said Russia was not their source and the fact that the CIA will not provide any proof that Russia interfered. You keep right on drinking the Kool Aide.
There will be a report. But I see you already declared it worthless because your buddy Vlad said they were wrong.

Now you believe a man who stole a bunch of shit & not allowed back in the country.

Now you believe a man who stole a bunch of shit & not allowed back in the country.

He stole a 'bunch of shit' the administration didn't want made public.
I would expect there to be a written report with signature attached that stated the steps taken to obtain the information who got it, when, under what circumstances.

A reporter from the Washington post saying they heard, from someone who talked to someone else who may know is not good enough.
So, you side with Putin too. Wow.

You call the FBI, CIA, our entire intelligence community fucking liars because your two heroes, Trump & Putin, claim they are lying,

You do realize that some intel is gathered in such a way that revealing t exposes how we gather it, right? Or are you that informed.

Ummmm. Should I believe a man that had the highest "pants on fire" ratings during the campaign & his Russian cohort or shall I believe our CIA & FBI. I'll take America, you take Russia.

The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere

So, you don't care that Russia interfered because they helped your orange buddy?

No. I don't believe Russia interfered because Wikileaks said Russia was not their source and the fact that the CIA will not provide any proof that Russia interfered. You keep right on drinking the Kool Aide.
There will be a report. But I see you already declared it worthless because your buddy Vlad said they were wrong.

Now you believe a man who stole a bunch of shit & not allowed back in the country.

Now you believe a man who stole a bunch of shit & not allowed back in the country.

He stole a 'bunch of shit' the administration didn't want made public.
He damaged our country you fucking asshole. You could care less about our country. There had to be damage control with other countries.

Too bad he didn't steal Trump's tax returns, right?

So, you don't care that Russia interfered because they helped your orange buddy?

No. I don't believe Russia interfered because Wikileaks said Russia was not their source and the fact that the CIA will not provide any proof that Russia interfered. You keep right on drinking the Kool Aide.
There will be a report. But I see you already declared it worthless because your buddy Vlad said they were wrong.

Now you believe a man who stole a bunch of shit & not allowed back in the country.

Now you believe a man who stole a bunch of shit & not allowed back in the country.

He stole a 'bunch of shit' the administration didn't want made public.
He damaged our country you fucking asshole. You could care less about our country. There had to be damage control with other countries.

Too bad he didn't steal Trump's tax returns, right?
He damaged our country you fucking asshole.

He damaged the last few administrations, not the country

You could care less about our country.
I care about the country, just not your version of what it should be.

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