Republicans Love Putin!

No wonder they call you stupid fuck.
Tipsy is right about Obama being a weak president. It's why we're seeing the problems we are.

Obama will go down as being the worst president in history. I can promise you that.

W's 1st term - Enron, MCI WorldCom, TYCO, etc, 9/11 happened because he ignored intelligence, then the WMD lie.

W's 2nd term - Occupied Iraq and his de-regulation led to the banks/housing crisis. He left the next guy with a full blown recession and the country on the brink of economic collapse.

I think W has the "worst president in history" title locked up until Trump takes it from him...

W's 1st term - Enron, MCI WorldCom

Yeah, those scandals that unfolded under Clinton were awful.

and his de-regulation led to the banks/housing crisis.

Deregulation? Sounds terrible!!!
When did he do that? Which legislation? When did it pass? You have any specifics?

Yeah, those scandals that unfolded under Clinton were awful.

Enron went bankrupt in Nov 2001, MCI WorldCom re-org approved by bankruptcy court in 2003 and it's CEO/CFO's were indicted in fed court in '04 & '05. Tyco eventually survived but I (my job) didn't. It's re-org started in '03. Dennis Kozlowski is still serving time in a halfway house in NYC.

Deregulation? Sounds terrible!!!
When did he do that? Which legislation? When did it pass? You have any specifics?

2004 -
"Federal regulators in the Bush administration blocked attempts by state governments to prevent predatory lending practices that resulted in the financial crisis now stalking the American economy, a new study from the University of North Carolina says.

In 2004, the Office of the Currency Comptroller, an obscure regulatory agency tasked with ensuring the fiscal soundness of America's banks, invoked an 1863 law to give itself the power to override state laws against predatory lending. The OCC told states they could not enforce predatory-lending laws, and all banks would be subject only to less-strict federal laws."

Enron went bankrupt in Nov 2001,

You think they started their behavior after Bush was elected? Wow!
That's funny.

MCI WorldCom re-org approved by bankruptcy court in 2003 and it's CEO/CFO's were indicted in fed court in '04 & '05

See above.

Federal regulators in the Bush administration blocked attempts by state governments to prevent predatory lending practices that resulted in the financial crisis now stalking the American economy, a new study from the University of North Carolina says.

Thanks. So your claim about deregulation was a lie?

You think they started their behavior after Bush was elected?

Enron - no, of course not. Not entirely anyway. But I do think Bush's "big bidness" mantra and election bid/win emboldened them, and their Harry Potter accounting got drastically more aggressive at the end of 2000. Bush & Lay were undeniably very good friends.
MCI - The details and timelines for them is murkier and harder to decipher. Most of the incriminating evidence points to the misallocation starting around May of 2001, though.
Tyco - Yes, 100%

Thanks. So your claim about deregulation was a lie?

So blocking attempts to regulate banks is NOT deregulation? At best, I guess you're just resorting to semantics. At worst, you're just another classic example of a new age conservative that will argue Sandy Hook didn't happen and we didn't really go to the moon...
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Pussy like what? Do you want Obama to invade Syria so you can prove your point that he toppled a leader? Make up your mind.
obama is too chicken shit to invade Syria. Syria still has children he can kill.

No wonder they call you stupid fuck.
Tipsy is right about Obama being a weak president. It's why we're seeing the problems we are.

Obama will go down as being the worst president in history. I can promise you that.

W's 1st term - Enron, MCI WorldCom, TYCO, etc, 9/11 happened because he ignored intelligence, then the WMD lie.

W's 2nd term - Occupied Iraq and his de-regulation led to the banks/housing crisis. He left the next guy with a full blown recession with the country on the brink of economic collapse.

I think W has the "worst president in history" title locked up until Trump takes it from him...
Obama will easily go down as being one of the worst presidents history. I have no doubt about that.

I can see Trump being one of the best. He's already off to a great start.

I can see Trump being one of the best. He's already off to a great start

W's 1st term - Enron, MCI WorldCom, TYCO, etc, 9/11 happened because he ignored intelligence, then the WMD lie.

W's 2nd term - Occupied Iraq and his de-regulation led to the banks/housing crisis. He left the next guy with a full blown recession and the country on the brink of economic collapse.

I think W has the "worst president in history" title locked up until Trump takes it from him...
The president was supposed to know what Enron was doing and intervene? To be consistent we can blame obama for everything gone wrong. Lots of factors were involved in the recession, blaming Bush is low brow propaganda. Which is about all you leftist hack have. Bill Clinton is the one that ignored the intelligence. The first 9/11 attack happened on his watch, he let Osama go and the rest is history.

BTW, there was no specific intel about the plane attacks but being the dishonest lefty you are you pin it all on Bush. And there's no way Trump can do worse for the country than obama so thumping your little chest in victory is comical.

Oh, and posting pictures doesn't add credibility to your tripe.
Lindsey Graham has it right. Putin is a murderer & thug. Romney had it right, Putin is out foe.

But hey, not those Republicans. They love Putin especially since Putin helped elect the Giant Cheeto.

"Back in July 2014 just 10 percent of Republicans held a favorable view of Putin, according to a poll conducted by the Economist and YouGov. By September of 2016, that number rose to 24 percent. And it's even higher today: 37 percent of Republicans view Putin favorably, the poll found in December."

Republicans love Putin who with Syria will create yet another Rwanda. That evidently is irrelevant.

Theonly thing worse that fake news are your fake polls. If Repubs liked Commie thugs we would have voted for Hildabeast
Tipsy is right about Obama being a weak president. It's why we're seeing the problems we are.

Obama will go down as being the worst president in history. I can promise you that.

W's 1st term - Enron, MCI WorldCom, TYCO, etc, 9/11 happened because he ignored intelligence, then the WMD lie.

W's 2nd term - Occupied Iraq and his de-regulation led to the banks/housing crisis. He left the next guy with a full blown recession and the country on the brink of economic collapse.

I think W has the "worst president in history" title locked up until Trump takes it from him...

W's 1st term - Enron, MCI WorldCom

Yeah, those scandals that unfolded under Clinton were awful.

and his de-regulation led to the banks/housing crisis.

Deregulation? Sounds terrible!!!
When did he do that? Which legislation? When did it pass? You have any specifics?

Yeah, those scandals that unfolded under Clinton were awful.

Enron went bankrupt in Nov 2001, MCI WorldCom re-org approved by bankruptcy court in 2003 and it's CEO/CFO's were indicted in fed court in '04 & '05. Tyco eventually survived but I (my job) didn't. It's re-org started in '03. Dennis Kozlowski is still serving time in a halfway house in NYC.

Deregulation? Sounds terrible!!!
When did he do that? Which legislation? When did it pass? You have any specifics?

2004 -
"Federal regulators in the Bush administration blocked attempts by state governments to prevent predatory lending practices that resulted in the financial crisis now stalking the American economy, a new study from the University of North Carolina says.

In 2004, the Office of the Currency Comptroller, an obscure regulatory agency tasked with ensuring the fiscal soundness of America's banks, invoked an 1863 law to give itself the power to override state laws against predatory lending. The OCC told states they could not enforce predatory-lending laws, and all banks would be subject only to less-strict federal laws."

Enron went bankrupt in Nov 2001,

You think they started their behavior after Bush was elected? Wow!
That's funny.

MCI WorldCom re-org approved by bankruptcy court in 2003 and it's CEO/CFO's were indicted in fed court in '04 & '05

See above.

Federal regulators in the Bush administration blocked attempts by state governments to prevent predatory lending practices that resulted in the financial crisis now stalking the American economy, a new study from the University of North Carolina says.

Thanks. So your claim about deregulation was a lie?

You think they started their behavior after Bush was elected?

Enron - no, of course not. Not entirely anyway. But I do think Bush's "big bidness" mantra and election bid/win emboldened them, and their Harry Potter accounting got drastically more aggressive at the end of 2000. Bush & Lay were undeniably very good friends.
MCI - The details and timelines for them is murkier and harder to decipher. Most of the incriminating evidence points to the misallocation starting around May of 2001, though.
Tyco - Yes, 100%

Thanks. So your claim about deregulation was a lie?

So blocking attempts to regulate banks is NOT deregulation? At best, I guess you're just resorting to semantics. At worst, you're just another classic example of a new age conservative that will argue Sandy Hook didn't happen and we didn't really go to the moon...

So blocking attempts to regulate banks is NOT deregulation?

No. Deregulation is eliminating regulations that were already on the books.

You'll have to explain what predatory lending is and why supposedly stopping it in a few states would have done anything to stop the RE bubble. A bubble that inflated, to a large extent, due to government regulations which pushed lending to unqualified buyers. A bubble that was fed, to a large extent, by government mandates that forced Fannie and Freddie to buy hundreds of billions of dollars of subprime mortgages every year.

When government does that, it looks more like it was caused by regulation, not by the supposed
elimination of regulations.

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