Republicans Need to STFU on the VA Issue...

If anyone hates veterans it is the Republicans. They vilified John Kerry for not being wounded enough for his purple heart. And anyone who says the Republicans would have done it except the Democrats blocked them should really take a look at the Republican controlled House right now. If a veteran is not making a million dollars or more a year they are nothing to Republicans, they are just another 47%er.

Who vilified Kerry, exactly? | The Real Story on John Kerry's Military Service

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I have no idea what you think the answer to your question is.

Why am I not surprised.
Veterans themselves came out against Kerry. Because Kerry is a traitor and a disgrace. And those veterans were almost all GOP. So your statement is flat wrong. Shocker, I know.
Obama stated in 2009 that since our veterans volunteered to serve, they should pay for service related injuries. He is as piece of shit that should be tried for treason. Liberals have always hated our great soldier's. Just look how most of the liberals in charge today, treated our Vietnam veterans when they came home.

If anyone hates veterans it is the Republicans. They vilified John Kerry for not being wounded enough for his purple heart. And anyone who says the Republicans would have done it except the Democrats blocked them should really take a look at the Republican controlled House right now. If a veteran is not making a million dollars or more a year they are nothing to Republicans, they are just another 47%er.

You keep believing that, kerry went to Vietnam and got out as fast as he could. Even his comrades were glad when he left. Kerry then came home lied about his comrades and put them in more danger. He was seen with jane fonda who supported the enemy. Should I bring up what democrats said about our soldiers in iraq? Obama came out and lied about him not knowing what was going on in the va. So, Obama lied while veteran's died, and are still dying. While he investigates.
did you people who voted for Obama lose all sense of caring for our country and what's best for it?

my gawd, you have given your allegiance to this man, Obama over OUR VETS now..

then it's with him and the
and the rest of us can all just sit down shut and go to hell along with it.

It has been ugly scary cultish

"You go to war with what you've got" Have any problems with that one? No? There are a lot of disabled veterans because of that one. :doubt:

We went to war with what we had, because Clinton gutted the military. Facts are not your friend I see

it's a Demorat thing, they hate the military, yet whenever there is some tin horn pile of shit who is fucking little girls.., they want to send in a major strike force equal to the "Longest Day, June 6, 1944"

oooh ! BTW,
(Only Democrats objected.)
Obama stated in 2009 that since our veterans volunteered to serve, they should pay for service related injuries. He is as piece of shit that should be tried for treason. Liberals have always hated our great soldier's. Just look how most of the liberals in charge today, treated our Vietnam veterans when they came home.

don't remind me, it took over 20 years for me to not want to strangle every fucking liberal/hippie/demorat i knew of.., i still have a very hard dislike of the afore mentioned scum of the Earth. :up:

if i had the power i would send them ALL straight to hell without the handbasket. :lmao:
Obama stated in 2009 that since our veterans volunteered to serve, they should pay for service related injuries. He is as piece of shit that should be tried for treason. Liberals have always hated our great soldier's. Just look how most of the liberals in charge today, treated our Vietnam veterans when they came home.

If anyone hates veterans it is the Republicans. They vilified John Kerry for not being wounded enough for his purple heart. And anyone who says the Republicans would have done it except the Democrats blocked them should really take a look at the Republican controlled House right now. If a veteran is not making a million dollars or more a year they are nothing to Republicans, they are just another 47%er.

You keep believing that, kerry went to Vietnam and got out as fast as he could. Even his comrades were glad when he left. Kerry then came home lied about his comrades and put them in more danger. He was seen with jane fonda who supported the enemy. Should I bring up what democrats said about our soldiers in iraq? Obama came out and lied about him not knowing what was going on in the va. So, Obama lied while veteran's died, and are still dying. While he investigates.

And angry.....don't forget he's angry....
Stop pointing fingers and trying to tar the President with this. Every time you open your fucking mouths about it, it should be to say "how do we work together to fix this"...and this is why:

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

So sit down, stop trying to blame the President and either figure out ways to fix it or eat a big piece of blueberry STFU pie.

Bullshit. They need to scream louder and throw some people in jail for the deaths of the veterans.

I'll start putting up all my posts again about how much the VA budget has gone up since 9/11 and in particular the last few years under the Republican congress.

You should shut up along with others putting up bogus news articles that spin the truth.
A white cop arrests a black professor, and Obama is on the case. The cop was wrong.

A gay basketball player admits he's homosexual and he gets a personal call from the first gay president.

Veterans dying waiting for treatment?

Let's wait. Don't jump in and make false assumptions.
Funding has not decreased. Damn liberal bastards trying to blame the R's over budget when what the VA deaths are about have nothing to do with financing.

It has everything to do with mismanagement.

FY 2013 Budget: The Facts for Veterans
Issues: Veterans

Several media outlets are reporting that the GOP Budget cuts funding for veterans. These same outlets charge that the GOP budget doesn’t even mention the word “veterans.” Both charges are wrong.

These reports stem from a misreading of the GOP Budget and by comparing the CBO scoring of the GOP Budget and the President’s Budget, with that of OMB’s score of the President’s Budget. Using CBO scoring for both budgets, the GOP Budget exceeds the funding levels for veterans over the next 10 year as compared to the President’s budget (see chart below).

The Facts

FACT: The GOP Budget Keeps Discretionary Spending for Veterans Exactly the Same as Proposed By President Obama: $61.342 Billion. Using CBO numbers (which, by law, every Congressional budget resolution must use), the GOP budget assumes discretionary spending (i.e., VA medical care, construction, claims processing and national cemetery administration, etc.) on veterans in FY 2013 at exactly the amount requested in the President’s Budget.

In both budgets, this translates to a 4.3% increase above the FY 2012 funding level for VA, as recommended in the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs’ bipartisan Views and Estimates letter.

FACT: The GOP Budget Fully Funds VA Entitlement Programs in FY 2013 and Beyond.

Again, using CBO numbers, the GOP budget fully funds VA entitlement programs (i.e., disability compensation, pension, GI Bill, etc.) this year and beyond. The only difference between the GOP Budget and the President’s Budget under mandatory spending is the exclusion of the President’s $1 billion Veterans Jobs Corps proposal, on which the Administration has yet to produce any details.

The exclusion of the Veterans Jobs Corps in FY 2013 spending is supported by all 11 House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs’ Democrats and Senator Patty Murray of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs (see SVAC V&E letter).

FACT: The Word “Veterans” Appears 41 Times in the GOP Budget. FY 2014 advanced appropriations for veterans’ medical care is dictated by Section 501(c) of the GOP budget resolution, which permits advance appropriation not exceeding $54.462 Billion “for the following programs in the Department of Veterans Affairs – (A) Medical Services; (B) Medical Support and Compliance; and (C) Medical Facilities accounts of the Veterans Health Administration.” The word “veterans” clearly appears in the GOP Budget.

FY 2013 Budget: The Facts for Veterans | House Committee on Veterans' Affairs
This issue and all the other ones that the administration has going on sure makes it sticky in an election year for the democrats.

I think the democrats wrote the book on the subject.
A white cop arrests a black professor, and Obama is on the case. The cop was wrong.

A gay basketball player admits he's homosexual and he gets a personal call from the first gay president.

Veterans dying waiting for treatment?

Let's wait. Don't jump in and make false assumptions.

Let us not forget his "son" in the hoodie with the skittles. The President and the DOJ moved in to try to prove a hate crime.

Veterans? Why rush to judgement? After all he only found out about it on television. A CNN broadcast.

What a scumbucket.
I will admit that the Republicans should shut up. After all this is a democrat problem that they created.

Here is what I posted in another thread, sorry to confuse the issue with facts.

OK let's sort out some BS. To be eligible for VA medical benefits at least 2 years served and meet the following single person income threshold:

VA National Income Threshold $31,443 or less 2014 VA National and Priority Group 8 Relaxation Income Thresholds - Health Benefits

A review of the following site indicates that the expanded threshold for Medicaid is 133% for most states, some more some less. Which comes out to be 15521.00 dollars. So am I doing something wrong? Seems to me that most vets would be eligible for VA benefits way before they would be eligible for Medicaid.

Besides, if the man running the VA, Obama, wanted to help vets then he could raise the threshold that is all he needs do. No whining that the Republicans are not helping him. No whining that he just doesn't have the mental capacity to know what to do. But he won't because that would stop his flying monkeys from lying about this being a Republican problem, when it appears to me there is no problem that couldn't be fixed.


$15,521 Federal Poverty Guidelines | Families USA
The Dems are coming unhinged over the VA scandal. It demonstrates in High Relief that Single Payer is just a death panel rationing scheme.
A white cop arrests a black professor, and Obama is on the case. The cop was wrong.

A gay basketball player admits he's homosexual and he gets a personal call from the first gay president.

Veterans dying waiting for treatment?

Let's wait. Don't jump in and make false assumptions.

Let us not forget his "son" in the hoodie with the skittles. The President and the DOJ moved in to try to prove a hate crime.

Veterans? Why rush to judgement? After all he only found out about it on television. A CNN broadcast.

What a scumbucket.

Sadly in this case I actually do believe him.
Obama treats prisoners in Gitmo way better than he treats our Veterans, who he deems "Right-wing extremists"
That can't be.....

The GOP stopped a VA bill from being passed because it was a total waste of money, and this means they cut spending, which is terrorism in my book.

Benghazi, they cut spending, terrorism
The IRS, rouge agents in Cincinnati, fake scandal, not a smidgen of corruption
NSA, spying on all of us, fighting terrorism
Land grabs, nothing to see here
Kicking out soldiers and replacing them with illegals, makes sense
Giving guns to Mexican drug lords, Bush's fault
VA is 60 times more screwed up than on Jan 21st, 2009, Bush's fault.........

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