Republicans Need to STFU on the VA Issue...

Stop pointing fingers and trying to tar the President with this. Every time you open your fucking mouths about it, it should be to say "how do we work together to fix this"...and this is why:

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

So sit down, stop trying to blame the President and either figure out ways to fix it or eat a big piece of blueberry STFU pie.

Why didn't the President do that six years ago when he got into the White House? He blamed Bush, Republicans, The Tea party, for every issue. Instead of working solutions for six years, he has played the blame game. Not that the tables have turned, no you cry about the tactic?

Obama campaigned on fixing the VA, he blamed past administrations for not fixing the problems, that he would fix.

In the first two years he had control ofboth the House and the Senate. He had the opportunity to lead and "fix" and he did not do it.

Now, you want to blame the Republicans?

Sorry, your plea is empty and full of hypocrisy.
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Of course democrats want reps to stfu, don't ask any questions, about anything. Otherwise you're a racist.

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Those who want us to shut up immediately trigger red flags for me. These are they who don't want things to come to light. They want to hide in shadows. They want to shame others into not sharing their secrets.

They should be avoided.

Exactly. They're for squashing any speech that they do not like. Thats disturbing.
It is the fault of Congress and they have been allowing the VA to disintegrate for decades

Instead of fixing the VA, they pass stupid regulations that the VA can't have waiting times in excess of two weeks. They don't provide any funding to reduce waiting times, they only pass rules

So beurocrats figure ways to fudge the rules and Congress throws a fit

These are our soldiers. We have an obligation to take care of them. Fund the freak'n VA

Really sad to see you disagree with the President. Not surprisingly though you got you facts all wrong.

Fact check: Was Obama correct on VA funding increases?

And here:

The argument isn't funding it is the conduct of the operations, all Obama and his administration. I know that isn't breaking news to you but you really ought to check the water before diving in and making unsubstantiated claims.
Can anyone blame the flying monkeys for wanting the right wing to STFU? Much like petulant children hates to be disciplined the flying monkeys are tired of hearing about all their clusterfuks. Can't blame them it must be taking on the persona of nagging. But like the good Jewish mother we have to nag to try and get the children to listen and modify their behavior. So far, no good.
It is the fault of Congress and they have been allowing the VA to disintegrate for decades

Instead of fixing the VA, they pass stupid regulations that the VA can't have waiting times in excess of two weeks. They don't provide any funding to reduce waiting times, they only pass rules

So beurocrats figure ways to fudge the rules and Congress throws a fit

These are our soldiers. We have an obligation to take care of them. Fund the freak'n VA

Plenty of blame to go around on this one.
Of course the hyper-partisans are going to try to use it as a club to beat their opponents.

That's just playing politics.

FIX IT - that's just the right thing to do.
The administration never claimed that a lack of funding was the cause of the criminal negligence in the VA. Where did the left get that idea? Barry Hussein has been president for almost five years. When is the left going to hold his administration responsible for anything? Who ever thought federal government would award bonuses to employees while the real unemployment rate was around 10%? Hussein awarded bonuses to VA administrators for saving money and the easiest way to save money was to kill patients. What else was the death list for? Now that he was caught the radical left wants to blame everyone else including the Va. house of delegates.
It is the fault of Congress and they have been allowing the VA to disintegrate for decades

Instead of fixing the VA, they pass stupid regulations that the VA can't have waiting times in excess of two weeks. They don't provide any funding to reduce waiting times, they only pass rules

So beurocrats figure ways to fudge the rules and Congress throws a fit

These are our soldiers. We have an obligation to take care of them. Fund the freak'n VA

Yeah, those silly regs.

We should just get rid of them. People won't follow them anyway....
The administration never claimed that a lack of funding was the cause of the criminal negligence in the VA. Where did the left get that idea? Barry Hussein has been president for almost five years. When is the left going to hold his administration responsible for anything? Who ever thought federal government would award bonuses to employees while the real unemployment rate was around 10%? Hussein awarded bonuses to VA administrators for saving money and the easiest way to save money was to kill patients. What else was the death list for? Now that he was caught the radical left wants to blame everyone else including the Va. house of delegates.

They got that idea from Alinsky. Change the subject that is easy to attack. Hell Obama shut down war memorials because the Republicans had enough of the waste so who wouldn't believe that VA funding was cut? The perfect lie except if someone, like Obama, calls them on their lie. Of course being shown the truth won't stop them because there really isn't anything else for the defend Obama.
Gaming the system has been going on for years. Since obama was elected, it exploded into becoming the way they do business. It stopped being a problem, and became the routine.
Remember the Obama-Biden plan for the VA? It's from 2009- that's more than 5 years ago for you Obama ass sniffers....

The Obama-Biden Plan

As a member of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Barack Obama has fought to end benefit disparities, bring homeless veterans in off the street, strengthen mental health care, add billions of dollars in additional Department of Veterans Affairs funding, and reform a system that often places barriers between veterans and the benefits they have earned. Obama and Joe Biden will ensure we honor the sacred trust to care for our nation’s veterans.
A Sacred Trust

Barack Obama and Joe Biden are committed to creating a 21st Century Department of Veterans' Affairs that provides the care and benefits our nation's veterans deserve. They will:

Allow All Veterans Back into the VA: Reverse the 2003 ban on enrolling modest-income veterans, which has denied care to a million veterans.
Strengthen VA Care: Make the VA a leader of national health care reform so that veterans get the best care possible. Improve care for polytrauma vision impairment, prosthetics, spinal cord injury, aging, and women's health.
Combat Homelessness among Our Nation's Veterans: Establish a national "zero tolerance" policy for veterans falling into homelessness by expanding proven programs and launching innovative services to prevent veterans from falling into homelessness.
Fight Employment Discrimination: Crack down on employers who commit job discrimination against guardsmen and reservists.

Help for Returning Service Members

Obama and Biden will improve the quality of health care for veterans, rebuild the VA's broken benefits system, and combat homelessness among veterans. They will:

Ensure a Seamless Transition: Demand that the military and the VA coordinate to provide a seamless transition from active duty to civilian life.
Fully Fund VA Medical Care: Fully fund the VA so it has all the resources it needs to serve the veterans who need it, when they need it. Establish a world-class VA Planning Division to avoid future budget shortfalls.
Fix the Benefits Bureaucracy: Hire additional claims workers, and improve training and accountability so that VA benefit decisions are rated fairly and consistently. Transform the paper benefit claims process to an electronic one to reduce errors and improve timeliness.

Improved Treatment for Mental Health and TBI

Obama and Biden will improve mental health treatment for troops and veterans suffering from combat-related psychological injuries. They will:

Improve Mental Health Treatment: Recruit more health professionals, improve screening, offer more support to families and make PTSD benefits claims fairer.
Improve Care for Traumatic Brain Injury: Establish standards of care for Traumatic Brain Injury, the signature injury of the Iraq war.
Expand Vet Centers: Expand and strengthen Vet Centers to provide more counseling for vets and their families.

Veterans | The Obama-Biden Transition Team

Just words.....from the "Words Matter" President....:cuckoo:
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Republicans need to stop trying to point fingers at the President. When you have one finger pointing at someone else, there are three pointing right back at you. The GOP blocked funding. The GOP is cheerleading sequestration and austerity. These are the things that lead to problems at the VA...where, by the way, patient satisfaction is still one of the highest in the United States.

I have every right to point my (middle) finger at the guy that told me 6yrs ago that he knoew there was a problem and STILL hasn't fixed it. It has only gotten worse.
Then I'll point my other (middle) finger at the LIAR that stood in front of cameras and told me that he just learned about the VA problems on the fucking news.



The greatest VA scandal occurred during the Harding Republican administration. The head of the VA committed many crimes even to selling VA medical supplies for personal gain. It is only one reason Harding is rated as America's worst president, just five steps below Bush.
The greatest VA scandal occurred during the Harding Republican administration. The head of the VA committed many crimes even to selling VA medical supplies for personal gain. It is only one reason Harding is rated as America's worst president, just five steps below Bush.

How may died ?????????? Because we got a shit load dead waiting for Obama to fix something he knew about in 2009
Hello, that was Democrats who blocked it?

and no they don't need to stfu..

I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton - YouTube

How about the One Billion Dollars ($1,000,000,000.00) that the Dems worked to restore to the V.A. Budget when the shrub cut it?

How about the V.A. Hospital's that were closed by the shrub, just as the wounded and maimed troops that had served in two Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq?

How about the Men and Women who had lost limbs in two Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional Wars who were warehoused in mold covered rooms and issued mouse traps due vermin infestation?

How about the Wounded Veterans who were being charged for meals in Military Hospitals while recovering from Wounds Suffered In Combat in two Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional Wars?

How about the fact that if the shrub, dead-eye dick(less), condie, tenet and rummy LIED this Country into Two Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional Wars in first fucking place the current problems with V.A. WOULD NOT FUCKING EXIST.

Don't throw up crap about the other guy does.

The current problems with the V.A. can and should be laid at the feet of Republicans who followed georgie porgie over the cliff into the war(s) that created the current situation.

Obama has had 6 years to fix it, but has made it worse. Lol, liberals are so ignorant.
The greatest VA scandal occurred during the Harding Republican administration. The head of the VA committed many crimes even to selling VA medical supplies for personal gain. It is only one reason Harding is rated as America's worst president, just five steps below Bush.

Yes, lots of blame to go around.
So is the goal to give the other guys a black eye, or to fix the problem?
It is the fault of Congress and they have been allowing the VA to disintegrate for decades

Instead of fixing the VA, they pass stupid regulations that the VA can't have waiting times in excess of two weeks. They don't provide any funding to reduce waiting times, they only pass rules

So beurocrats figure ways to fudge the rules and Congress throws a fit

These are our soldiers. We have an obligation to take care of them. Fund the freak'n VA

Bullshit on the lack of monies. If you keep banging that drum you look like fools. I've put up all the budgets.

It's not lack of funding for heaven's sake. The budgets have been increasing year after year.

It's managerial incompetence.
It is the fault of Congress and they have been allowing the VA to disintegrate for decades

Instead of fixing the VA, they pass stupid regulations that the VA can't have waiting times in excess of two weeks. They don't provide any funding to reduce waiting times, they only pass rules

So beurocrats figure ways to fudge the rules and Congress throws a fit

These are our soldiers. We have an obligation to take care of them. Fund the freak'n VA

Plenty of blame to go around on this one.
Of course the hyper-partisans are going to try to use it as a club to beat their opponents.

That's just playing politics.

FIX IT - that's just the right thing to do.


Give a speech.

That solves everything......

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