Republicans Need to STFU on the VA Issue...

Stop pointing fingers and trying to tar the President with this. Every time you open your fucking mouths about it, it should be to say "how do we work together to fix this"...and this is why:

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

So sit down, stop trying to blame the President and either figure out ways to fix it or eat a big piece of blueberry STFU pie.

Republicans criticized how most of Sanders‘ bill was paid for - with unspent money from the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and the winding down of American military involvement in Afghanistan. The GOP says those are not real savings because no one expected those dollars to be spent as those wars ended.

Republicans also objected to provisions making more veterans without service-connected injuries eligible for treatment at Department of Veterans Affairs facilities. They said that would swamp an already overburdened system.

Throwing money at the problem is not the solution but that what the stupid ass Democrats always rush to do every time something like this comes up.

Republicans said there would be no retribution from voters because the Democratic bill would have harmed veterans’ services by flooding them with too many people.

Thursday’s showdown came after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., refused to allow votes on a GOP amendment slicing the bill’s size and adding the penalties against Iran for its nuclear program.

Fifty-nine senators of both parties have sponsored a separate bill imposing the punishment if the talks fail, though Obama’s effort has weakened Democratic calls for a quick Senate vote. A vote could put the administration and some Democrats who favor the proposal in an awkward spot.

Read more: Senate blocks Dems' bill boosting vets' benefits - Washington Times
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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just unbelievable.

anyone tired of hearing how people need to stop pointing fingers at this Dear wonderful leader President?

anytime something comes out about him, they bring up Boooooooooosh, Republicans, tea party, teabaggers, extremist, right wingers, blah blah blah

for someone who is suppose to be a vet to show such PARTIANSHIP over this is pretty sad
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Many posters on these boards aren't going to "come together" to fix jack squat.
But I think cooler heads in Washington will prevail and we will actually be able to make some significant progress on this.

The NSA overreach was such a universally condemned thing that Dems and Repubs are coming together to act.

I expect no less on this issue.
Republicans need to stop trying to point fingers at the President. When you have one finger pointing at someone else, there are three pointing right back at you. The GOP blocked funding. The GOP is cheerleading sequestration and austerity. These are the things that lead to problems at the VA...where, by the way, patient satisfaction is still one of the highest in the United States.

Those are not the things that led to the problems at the VA.

Sure they are..

Good management and services costs money. Cut the money and the resources and you have problems.
Many posters on these boards aren't going to "come together" to fix jack squat.
But I think cooler heads in Washington will prevail and we will actually be able to make some significant progress on this.

The NSA overreach was such a universally condemned thing that Dems and Repubs are coming together to act.

I expect no less on this issue.

Yeah, what gives you the indication that "cooler heads" will prevail? I haven't been talking about USMB Republicans, but the ones in the legislature. They are the ones all pointing fingers at the President. Not a one has said anything about fixing it, they all just want to blame, blame, blame. How long before Issa investigates?
Many posters on these boards aren't going to "come together" to fix jack squat.
But I think cooler heads in Washington will prevail and we will actually be able to make some significant progress on this.

The NSA overreach was such a universally condemned thing that Dems and Repubs are coming together to act.

I expect no less on this issue.

Yeah, what gives you the indication that "cooler heads" will prevail? I haven't been talking about USMB Republicans, but the ones in the legislature. They are the ones all pointing fingers at the President. Not a one has said anything about fixing it, they all just want to blame, blame, blame. How long before Issa investigates?

They'll try to make political hay ... of course. Just like they did with the NSA.
That didn't stop a bi-partisan bill to reel in the NSA did it?
Don't let all the noise get you too upset.
Obama and his progressive party and comrades has had SIX YEARS to fix so maybe you all need to stfu about Republicans...they could shove OScamCare on us but they couldn't fix this?
anyone tired of hearing how people need to stop pointing fingers at this Dear wonderful leader President?

anytime something comes out about him, they bring up Boooooooooosh, Republicans, tea party, teabaggers, extremist, right wingers, blah blah blah

for someone who is suppose to be a vet to show such PARTIANSHIP over this is pretty sad

They act just like a cult

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
The GOP needs to quit talking about:
The VA Scandal
The Benghazi Scandal
The IRS Scandal
The bad economy
Foreign policy

And focus on:
Hope n Change
Clinate change
Income inequality
Amnesty for illegals
Gay marriage
Legal weed.

Because those are the REAL problems facing us!
The problem is a systemic belief that it's okay to game the system and skate through as much of one's workday as possible. The least amount of effort to collect a paycheck. If obama had not been told of the problem which is "gaming the system", it wouldn't be all that bad. But he was told and he did know. He let it continue. Democrats just blocked an accountability act which would have allowed the gaming employees to be fired.

This is not something that can be fixed by money. It can be fixed with competition and imposing on the workers that they can be fired, then fire them.
did you people who voted for Obama lose all sense of caring for our country and what's best for it?

my gawd, you have given your allegiance to this man, Obama over OUR VETS now..

then it's with him and the
and the rest of us can all just sit down shut and go to hell along with it.

It has been ugly scary cultish
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Obama stated in 2009 that since our veterans volunteered to serve, they should pay for service related injuries. He is as piece of shit that should be tried for treason. Liberals have always hated our great soldier's. Just look how most of the liberals in charge today, treated our Vietnam veterans when they came home.

If anyone hates veterans it is the Republicans. They vilified John Kerry for not being wounded enough for his purple heart. And anyone who says the Republicans would have done it except the Democrats blocked them should really take a look at the Republican controlled House right now. If a veteran is not making a million dollars or more a year they are nothing to Republicans, they are just another 47%er.
did you people who voted for Obama lose all sense of caring for our country and what's best for it?

my gawd, you have given your allegiance to this man, Obama over OUR VETS now..

then it's with him and the
and the rest of us can all just sit down shut and go to hell along with it.

It has been ugly scary cultish

"You go to war with what you've got" Have any problems with that one? No? There are a lot of disabled veterans because of that one. :doubt:
The problem is a systemic belief that it's okay to game the system and skate through as much of one's workday as possible. The least amount of effort to collect a paycheck. If obama had not been told of the problem which is "gaming the system", it wouldn't be all that bad. But he was told and he did know. He let it continue. Democrats just blocked an accountability act which would have allowed the gaming employees to be fired.

This is not something that can be fixed by money. It can be fixed with competition and imposing on the workers that they can be fired, then fire them.

It is a systemic problem with the bureaucracy. We see symptoms of this with extravagent conferences on the taxpayer dime, huge expenditures for office furniture etc, executives taking lavish pay and benefits and doing nothing, gaming the system as you say. The problem is lack of accountability. People sink to the lowest behavior when no one is looking at them. The administration has made it clear they hold no one accountable. Thus the bad behavior will continue and get worse.
Obama stated in 2009 that since our veterans volunteered to serve, they should pay for service related injuries. He is as piece of shit that should be tried for treason. Liberals have always hated our great soldier's. Just look how most of the liberals in charge today, treated our Vietnam veterans when they came home.

If anyone hates veterans it is the Republicans. They vilified John Kerry for not being wounded enough for his purple heart. And anyone who says the Republicans would have done it except the Democrats blocked them should really take a look at the Republican controlled House right now. If a veteran is not making a million dollars or more a year they are nothing to Republicans, they are just another 47%er.

like that has ANYTHING to do with TODAY
maybe you can go back to FDR to vilify Republicans?
If anyone should stfu for crying out loud
Obama stated in 2009 that since our veterans volunteered to serve, they should pay for service related injuries. He is as piece of shit that should be tried for treason. Liberals have always hated our great soldier's. Just look how most of the liberals in charge today, treated our Vietnam veterans when they came home.

If anyone hates veterans it is the Republicans. They vilified John Kerry for not being wounded enough for his purple heart. And anyone who says the Republicans would have done it except the Democrats blocked them should really take a look at the Republican controlled House right now. If a veteran is not making a million dollars or more a year they are nothing to Republicans, they are just another 47%er.

Who vilified Kerry, exactly? | The Real Story on John Kerry's Military Service
Many posters on these boards aren't going to "come together" to fix jack squat.
But I think cooler heads in Washington will prevail and we will actually be able to make some significant progress on this.

The NSA overreach was such a universally condemned thing that Dems and Repubs are coming together to act.

I expect no less on this issue.

Yeah, what gives you the indication that "cooler heads" will prevail? I haven't been talking about USMB Republicans, but the ones in the legislature. They are the ones all pointing fingers at the President. Not a one has said anything about fixing it, they all just want to blame, blame, blame. How long before Issa investigates?

That's in the betcha.

As well as another "REPEAL OBAMACARE!" vote.
Republicans need to stop trying to point fingers at the President. When you have one finger pointing at someone else, there are three pointing right back at you. The GOP blocked funding. The GOP is cheerleading sequestration and austerity. These are the things that lead to problems at the VA...where, by the way, patient satisfaction is still one of the highest in the United States.

Those are not the things that led to the problems at the VA.

Sure they are..

Good management and services costs money. Cut the money and the resources and you have problems.

Who needs to be paid more? The buerocrats? The doctors? What reasorces are you talking about?
Obama stated in 2009 that since our veterans volunteered to serve, they should pay for service related injuries. He is as piece of shit that should be tried for treason. Liberals have always hated our great soldier's. Just look how most of the liberals in charge today, treated our Vietnam veterans when they came home.

If anyone hates veterans it is the Republicans. They vilified John Kerry for not being wounded enough for his purple heart. And anyone who says the Republicans would have done it except the Democrats blocked them should really take a look at the Republican controlled House right now. If a veteran is not making a million dollars or more a year they are nothing to Republicans, they are just another 47%er.

Who vilified Kerry, exactly? | The Real Story on John Kerry's Military Service

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I have no idea what you think the answer to your question is.
Obama stated in 2009 that since our veterans volunteered to serve, they should pay for service related injuries. He is as piece of shit that should be tried for treason. Liberals have always hated our great soldier's. Just look how most of the liberals in charge today, treated our Vietnam veterans when they came home.

If anyone hates veterans it is the Republicans. They vilified John Kerry for not being wounded enough for his purple heart. And anyone who says the Republicans would have done it except the Democrats blocked them should really take a look at the Republican controlled House right now. If a veteran is not making a million dollars or more a year they are nothing to Republicans, they are just another 47%er.

like that has ANYTHING to do with TODAY
maybe you can go back to FDR to vilify Republicans?
If anyone should stfu for crying out loud

swiftboat yesterday == Benghazi today

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