Republicans Need to STFU on the VA Issue...

The greatest VA scandal occurred during the Harding Republican administration. The head of the VA committed many crimes even to selling VA medical supplies for personal gain. It is only one reason Harding is rated as America's worst president, just five steps below Bush.

Yes, lots of blame to go around.
So is the goal to give the other guys a black eye, or to fix the problem?

Veterans, like wars, are a temporary thing. When the danger is passed, and the bands stop playing, new problems take over. Kipling wrote a poem about this temporary thing many moons ago. In the Forties with America's first peace time draft I was told that more than one tavern had a sign: Please, no dogs or soldiers. After Pearl Harbor the same bars might buy a soldier a drink. Look how Hoover treated the bonus army, when there was little danger. The problem is fixable but do we want it fixed? The House of Reps is busy passing repeal Obamacare bills.

You (and Kipling) are on target there. The hardships last a whole longer than the will to address them. And obviously, the need for VA healthcare is not a constant. But when you wage war on two different fronts, the spike should be anticipated and arrangements made imho.
The greatest VA scandal occurred during the Harding Republican administration. The head of the VA committed many crimes even to selling VA medical supplies for personal gain. It is only one reason Harding is rated as America's worst president, just five steps below Bush.

Yes, lots of blame to go around.
So is the goal to give the other guys a black eye, or to fix the problem?

Why can't we give Obama a black eye and fix the problem?

Ok, as long as we don't lose sight of the real mission.
Here's what the loons don't understand. You can't FIX it if you won't listen to reason.

This is just the beginning. It will get much, much, MUCH worse. It's not going to be just old veterans dying.

AND WE TOLD YOU THIS FROM THE BEGINNING. You STILL refuse to believe it. So this is what is going to have to happen, I suppose...if you won't fix the problem, then you'll keep suffering.

People are stupid. What can I say.
I hold the whole government at fault... not just one man.

Obama is the one in charge. His administration failed.

So did bush and the gop....they all failed.

However, Obama campaigned in 2008 on fixing the VA.

But since fixing blame isn't fixing the problem, why don't we worry about fixing the problem and worry about who is to blame later. If anyone is truly to blame it's all the people for not holding our politicians more accountable.
Hello, that was Democrats who blocked it?

and no they don't need to stfu..

It's such a shame...the VA was working so well.....up to recently.

i'll repeat this just for you ! :lmao:

It’s one of those promises the president would probably like to forget.

In vowing to make the Veterans Administration the model of national health-care reform back in 2008, the outlook for scandal-plagued Obamacare suddenly seems even worse.

WND has discovered that during his transition into the White House in 2008-09, President Obama proposed in his “Obama-Biden” plan to “make the VA a leader of national health care reform so that veterans get the best care possible.”

Read more at Obama 2008: VA will be ?leader of health care reform?
The best thing for the GOP to do is to stop unprovoked invasions of countries and fewer vets would need care.
When you feel like learning facts check into the diagonal drilling that was going on between Iraq and Kuwait. We were there for the oil, that's why it took so many different reasons to justify their actions and not have to admit that it was oil. If Iraq had done the things the US had wanted an invasion would not have happened.
Reagan also did a major cut on the VA. Do you know why he switched from a Dem to a Rep? It all started when he was the No. 1 person in the Actors Guild. Oh God, that's a union! He wanted to do something and was shot down by the members. He considered it an embarrassment. His ego couldn't handle it and seeing Dems and Unions go together he considered it was necessary to leave both.
the best thing for the gop to do is to stop unprovoked invasions of countries and fewer vets would need care.
When you feel like learning facts check into the diagonal drilling that was going on between iraq and kuwait. We were there for the oil, that's why it took so many different reasons to justify their actions and not have to admit that it was oil. If iraq had done the things the us had wanted an invasion would not have happened.
Reagan also did a major cut on the va. Do you know why he switched from a dem to a rep? It all started when he was the no. 1 person in the actors guild. Oh god, that's a union! He wanted to do something and was shot down by the members. He considered it an embarrassment. His ego couldn't handle it and seeing dems and unions go together he considered it was necessary to leave both.

The best thing for the GOP to do is to stop unprovoked invasions of countries and fewer vets would need care.
When you feel like learning facts check into the diagonal drilling that was going on between Iraq and Kuwait. We were there for the oil, that's why it took so many different reasons to justify their actions and not have to admit that it was oil. If Iraq had done the things the US had wanted an invasion would not have happened.
Reagan also did a major cut on the VA. Do you know why he switched from a Dem to a Rep? It all started when he was the No. 1 person in the Actors Guild. Oh God, that's a union! He wanted to do something and was shot down by the members. He considered it an embarrassment. His ego couldn't handle it and seeing Dems and Unions go together he considered it was necessary to leave both.

Hate to break it to you, but the GOP doesn't have control and isn't sending anyone into combat at the moment.
Progressives believe they are justified in killing our veterans, based on the fact they think (in retrospect) that they shouldn't have been fighting.

In other words..just another population that can be done away with. Vets are not necessary in their eyes.
Stupid fucking bitch.....Obama claimed he was going to personally take care of Vets but then allowed his people to fuck them over, killing some of them on wait lists.

Your smoke and mirrors bullshit over IRS, Benghazi, F&F, etc should get you a special place in hell someday.

Stop pointing fingers and trying to tar the President with this. Every time you open your fucking mouths about it, it should be to say "how do we work together to fix this"...and this is why:

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

So sit down, stop trying to blame the President and either figure out ways to fix it or eat a big piece of blueberry STFU pie.
Stupid fucking bitch.....Obama claimed he was going to personally take care of Vets but then allowed his people to fuck them over, killing some of them on wait lists.

Your smoke and mirrors bullshit over IRS, Benghazi, F&F, etc should get you a special place in hell someday.

Stop pointing fingers and trying to tar the President with this. Every time you open your fucking mouths about it, it should be to say "how do we work together to fix this"...and this is why:

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

So sit down, stop trying to blame the President and either figure out ways to fix it or eat a big piece of blueberry STFU pie.

Dude, work out your anger issues.
Stop pointing fingers and trying to tar the President with this. Every time you open your fucking mouths about it, it should be to say "how do we work together to fix this"...and this is why:

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

So sit down, stop trying to blame the President and either figure out ways to fix it or eat a big piece of blueberry STFU pie.

Bullshit. They need to scream louder and throw some people in jail for the deaths of the veterans.

I'll start putting up all my posts again about how much the VA budget has gone up since 9/11 and in particular the last few years under the Republican congress.

You should shut up along with others putting up bogus news articles that spin the truth. matters..I know that's a dirty word for you people,but context matters and the fact remains neither side isn't doing much for the VA.

Throwing money at it won't solve it.its bloated and needs to streamline.
So post away with your links..or stop being a partisan hack.

Bull baloney. This issue in particular was flagged early on in the Bush years and kudos to the Democrats who flagged issues as well.

Fast forward to now. This Shineski is a monumental failure. He has to be axed.

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