Republicans Need to STFU on the VA Issue...

Stupid fucking bitch.....Obama claimed he was going to personally take care of Vets but then allowed his people to fuck them over, killing some of them on wait lists.

Your smoke and mirrors bullshit over IRS, Benghazi, F&F, etc should get you a special place in hell someday.

Stop pointing fingers and trying to tar the President with this. Every time you open your fucking mouths about it, it should be to say "how do we work together to fix this"...and this is why:

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

So sit down, stop trying to blame the President and either figure out ways to fix it or eat a big piece of blueberry STFU pie.

Dude, work out your anger issues.

People are dying. Anger is perfectly justified.
In a round about way, losertarian scum like you side with these liberals. :eusa_whistle:

Stupid fucking bitch.....Obama claimed he was going to personally take care of Vets but then allowed his people to fuck them over, killing some of them on wait lists.

Your smoke and mirrors bullshit over IRS, Benghazi, F&F, etc should get you a special place in hell someday.

Stop pointing fingers and trying to tar the President with this. Every time you open your fucking mouths about it, it should be to say "how do we work together to fix this"...and this is why:

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

So sit down, stop trying to blame the President and either figure out ways to fix it or eat a big piece of blueberry STFU pie.

Dude, work out your anger issues.
Stupid fucking bitch.....Obama claimed he was going to personally take care of Vets but then allowed his people to fuck them over, killing some of them on wait lists.

Your smoke and mirrors bullshit over IRS, Benghazi, F&F, etc should get you a special place in hell someday.

Stop pointing fingers and trying to tar the President with this. Every time you open your fucking mouths about it, it should be to say "how do we work together to fix this"...and this is why:

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

So sit down, stop trying to blame the President and either figure out ways to fix it or eat a big piece of blueberry STFU pie.

Although not a GOP legislator, you are the epitome if what the OP was about...any excuse to blame the President. Skeeter blaming Obama for all the ills of the world.
Stop pointing fingers and trying to tar the President with this. Every time you open your fucking mouths about it, it should be to say "how do we work together to fix this"...and this is why:

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

So sit down, stop trying to blame the President and either figure out ways to fix it or eat a big piece of blueberry STFU pie.

This is one time you have a point. The Republicans are wrong in opposing this. They are even more wrong is stopping this in order to get sanctions on Iran tossed in it. Bills should have one scope and that is it. Take up another bill if you want to do that.

That said: Two wrongs don't make right. Obama's regime found out about the VA issues 6 years ago and he did nothing until the PR nightmare (like all of his scandals) finally broke the surface. Since it's a PR nightmare now he cares and it's an important issue and everyone, Democrat or Republican alike, should be demanding action!
The president is doing what any human-rights violating piece of shit fascist would do in his position.

I blame the morons who elected the president.
How's your cheerleading for Putin going??

I thought you claimed he only wanted Crimea.....

Now why am I getting the Hannity treatment with swear words. What the hell is going on?

WE FLEXED LIKE IDIOTS. Strutting banty roosters.

When they let you on the net from your hospital you should get up to speed. :D China and Russia are now dealing in the yuan, ruble and euro. This is a given.

Just signed a $100 billion a year deal. Rest of the countries getting ready to switch. They intend to crush the US dollar. Lord help us but you assholes woke not only the bear but the dragon.

Have fun when your nurse puts you back in your room you fool.
Asswipe....Obama has the media in his pocket to blame the GOP for all this mess, yet only kooks like you are claiming it.

This time even other liberals realize Obama is a lying sack of shit.

Stupid fucking bitch.....Obama claimed he was going to personally take care of Vets but then allowed his people to fuck them over, killing some of them on wait lists.

Your smoke and mirrors bullshit over IRS, Benghazi, F&F, etc should get you a special place in hell someday.

Stop pointing fingers and trying to tar the President with this. Every time you open your fucking mouths about it, it should be to say "how do we work together to fix this"...and this is why:

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

So sit down, stop trying to blame the President and either figure out ways to fix it or eat a big piece of blueberry STFU pie.

Although not a GOP legislator, you are the epitome if what the OP was about...any excuse to blame the President. Skeeter blaming Obama for all the ills of the world.
Only the non-criminal, non-fascist ones.

The mistake we made, and keep making...we pretend the assholes who voted for him didn't know exactly what would happen when they voted for him.

They know. And they approve. Just as they approve of killing babies for profit and to make their own lives easier...they approve of killing off veterans, and denying medical care to people they don't *approve* of.
Stop pointing fingers and trying to tar the President with this. Every time you open your fucking mouths about it, it should be to say "how do we work together to fix this"...and this is why:

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

So sit down, stop trying to blame the President and either figure out ways to fix it or eat a big piece of blueberry STFU pie.

Typical of an O-bot drone.

Protect the messiah at all costs.

That piece of shit campaigned with a bullshit cause of defending us vets, but most of us knew better. Democrooks hate the military. The moonbat messiah did exactly what any lucid vet knew he would do, subvert VA benefits. He may get away with blaming Gen. Shinseki or even Bush thanks to loud mouthed bed wetters, but he set the general up for failure.

The VA swindle is a prelude to what single payer HC is going to be.

Stupid fucking bitch.....Obama claimed he was going to personally take care of Vets but then allowed his people to fuck them over, killing some of them on wait lists.

Your smoke and mirrors bullshit over IRS, Benghazi, F&F, etc should get you a special place in hell someday.

Stop pointing fingers and trying to tar the President with this. Every time you open your fucking mouths about it, it should be to say "how do we work together to fix this"...and this is why:

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

So sit down, stop trying to blame the President and either figure out ways to fix it or eat a big piece of blueberry STFU pie.

Although not a GOP legislator, you are the epitome if what the OP was about...any excuse to blame the President. Skeeter blaming Obama for all the ills of the world.

Yeah, we shouldn't blame Obama for problems with the VA. We should blame the guy in charge.
Stop pointing fingers and trying to tar the President with this. Every time you open your fucking mouths about it, it should be to say "how do we work together to fix this"...and this is why:

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

So sit down, stop trying to blame the President and either figure out ways to fix it or eat a big piece of blueberry STFU pie.

Funding for the vA has doubled in 7 years. More money would not fix this problem.
Stop pointing fingers and trying to tar the President with this. Every time you open your fucking mouths about it, it should be to say "how do we work together to fix this"...and this is why:

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

So sit down, stop trying to blame the President and either figure out ways to fix it or eat a big piece of blueberry STFU pie.

Funding for the vA has doubled in 7 years. More money would not fix this problem.
Throwing money without a plan is never a solution.

However, I wasn't responding to that.

I was told to sit down and shut up.

The answer is...


It isn't an argument or a debate.

I simply will not do so.

Funding for the vA has doubled in 7 years. More money would not fix this problem.
Throwing money without a plan is never a solution.

However, I wasn't responding to that.

I was told to sit down and shut up.

The answer is...


It isn't an argument or a debate.

I simply will not do so.
Dems love telling people t shut up. Because they can only win debates by force,not by facts or logic.
Republicans need to stop trying to point fingers at the President. When you have one finger pointing at someone else, there are three pointing right back at you. The GOP blocked funding. The GOP is cheerleading sequestration and austerity. These are the things that lead to problems at the VA...where, by the way, patient satisfaction is still one of the highest in the United States.

Fine. The press should be pointing 10 fingers straight at the White House, but they're too busy dreaming up ways to enhance liberal lies they suggest to the WH that they will promote, knowing Obama only pounces on the right to smear them and put votes in his pocket still warm from his hot little smelly smarms.

And you can take that to the outhouse!

well kiss my crippled ass. since when did any fuckin politican give a rats ass about vets. more smoke and hot air. this will get shoved to the back burner and the heat shut off which has been SOP for years. they don't give shit about vets. never have never will.

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