Republicans Need to STFU on the VA Issue...

Fine. The press should be pointing 10 fingers straight at the White House, but they're too busy dreaming up ways to enhance liberal lies they suggest to the WH that they will promote, knowing Obama only pounces on the right to smear them and put votes in his pocket still warm from his hot little smelly smarms.

And you can take that to the outhouse!

You're not a legislator, but now GOP legislators act just like "regular folk". Not "how do we fix this" but "how do we blame the President"...

Sad our representatives don't care about anything more than scoring political points.


The partisan right needs to start submitting solutions of its own, their incessant din of unwarranted, unsubstantiated complaining about contrived non-issues is unproductive and pointless.

thats their ENTIRE game plan though. They have no issues to run on.
Stop pointing fingers and trying to tar the President with this. Every time you open your fucking mouths about it, it should be to say "how do we work together to fix this"...and this is why:

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

So sit down, stop trying to blame the President and either figure out ways to fix it or eat a big piece of blueberry STFU pie.

Why? are we shinning the light of truth on your butt buddy Obama. Another 6 point drop in approval numbers for the liar and chief. :D:D:D:D:D
Fine. The press should be pointing 10 fingers straight at the White House, but they're too busy dreaming up ways to enhance liberal lies they suggest to the WH that they will promote, knowing Obama only pounces on the right to smear them and put votes in his pocket still warm from his hot little smelly smarms.

And you can take that to the outhouse!

You're not a legislator, but now GOP legislators act just like "regular folk". Not "how do we fix this" but "how do we blame the President"...

Sad our representatives don't care about anything more than scoring political points.


The partisan right needs to start submitting solutions of its own, their incessant din of unwarranted, unsubstantiated complaining about contrived non-issues is unproductive and pointless.

Jones calling someone thats funny....and dumbass "Dottie" thanking him....what a combo....2 of the most partisan people here.....
You're not a legislator, but now GOP legislators act just like "regular folk". Not "how do we fix this" but "how do we blame the President"...

Sad our representatives don't care about anything more than scoring political points.


The partisan right needs to start submitting solutions of its own, their incessant din of unwarranted, unsubstantiated complaining about contrived non-issues is unproductive and pointless.

thats their ENTIRE game plan though. They have no issues to run on.

whats your game plan? those who say stuff about you you dont like?...hey just askin....
One bit of good news from this tragedy - this scandal will serve as a constant reminder of deeply flawed and inefficient our government bureaucracy has become.

After this , nobody will be touting VA healthcare. Progressive dreams of "single payer" are dead.
Avatar321 I like the way you use the word "moment". The GOP does have control via their support of the CIA. Civil Service could be made efficient if those employed in it were held responsible for performing he tasks they were hired to do. The inefficiency which has become the problem is bipartisan. Our involvement in the present Mid East problems are all related to oil and the things which caused them were done under GOP leadership. So you don't have to over your thought process I already know the childish comments that you will make, they haven't changed. You'd have to think for yourself in order to change them.
Did you get some words mixed? From what you say your line should read, "We love things and use people." What I see coming from the extreme right is not love. I see a lot of hate and your hope that anyone who doesn't think exactly as you have been told to think will have an untimely death. I haven't seen that attitude coming from the liberals to any noticeable extent. Look at the leaders of the GOP how many times have you seen John Boehner, Paul Ryan or Rick Perry smile. I thought I saw John Boehner smile once; it turned out to be gas.
One bit of good news from this tragedy - this scandal will serve as a constant reminder of deeply flawed and inefficient our government bureaucracy has become.

After this , nobody will be touting VA healthcare. Progressive dreams of "single payer" are dead.

how unfortunate for the vets who have been a victim of this...t at the same time I hope you're right..:eusa_clap:.
One bit of good news from this tragedy - this scandal will serve as a constant reminder of deeply flawed and inefficient our government bureaucracy has become.

After this , nobody will be touting VA healthcare. Progressive dreams of "single payer" are dead.

That and just think how many Democrats and Leftist pundits were pointing at the VA system as a good model for ObamaCare?

Guess they have to eat crow and crap black feathers now don't they?
Stop pointing fingers and trying to tar the President with this. Every time you open your fucking mouths about it, it should be to say "how do we work together to fix this"...and this is why:

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

So sit down, stop trying to blame the President and either figure out ways to fix it or eat a big piece of blueberry STFU pie.

Just another partisan lying fucking hack, why didn't you point out that at least 11 commiecrats also voted to defeat the bill? Therefore the defeat was bipartisan, where is your outrage at those commies? Come on commie let's see how honest you are.
Every gawdammed time Republicans shut down the gawdammed government, EVERY VA Clinic got closed.

Not one Democrat voted to, or repeatedly did shut down the whole VA.

Republican games meant vets did not get VA medical care.

STFU Republicans, that's all on you.

Regards from Rosie

VA hospitals remained open during government shut downs. So I guess it's back on the heartless Obama and his Democrats.

Hospitals were not taking any new vets in. Injured? Too bad. County hospital ER and pray you can pay.

Vets that needed hospitalization had o wait until Republicans quit choking off access to VA medical care.

No new vets in - too bad, say the Teabag Republicans.

Don't try to avoid responsibility.

Regards from Rosie

You are wrong.

From the Huffington Post:
What if I have a doctor's appointment or need to go to the VA hospital during the shutdown?

Hospitals should be running normally, or close to normal. VA health care is protected. In 2009, Congress passed a law to fund the VA one year in advance. This allows the VA health care to plan ahead and ensures that VA health care is funded for an additional year beyond the government shut down. All VA medical appointment and prescription drug phone lines will be active during the shutdown. The Veterans Crisis Line will also be protected from a shutdown.

Advance funding for VA health care was the centerpiece of IAVA's Storm the Hill efforts in 2009, and the current shutdown debate shows how critical our efforts were. That is why IAVA supports the Congressional bill HR. 813 / S. 932 to extend advanced funding to the whole VA and avoid any problems with health care and benefits in the future.

Now, Obama during his campaign promises, said he would FIX the VA Hospital problems, please while you are wanting others to own responsibility, why do you want to give Obama and the Democrats a pass?

There were ways to avoid the last government shutdown and BOTH sides failed to compromise. It takes two parties to shut the government down.
Fine. The press should be pointing 10 fingers straight at the White House, but they're too busy dreaming up ways to enhance liberal lies they suggest to the WH that they will promote, knowing Obama only pounces on the right to smear them and put votes in his pocket still warm from his hot little smelly smarms.

And you can take that to the outhouse!

You're not a legislator, but now GOP legislators act just like "regular folk". Not "how do we fix this" but "how do we blame the President"...

Sad our representatives don't care about anything more than scoring political points.


The partisan right needs to start submitting solutions of its own, their incessant din of unwarranted, unsubstantiated complaining about contrived non-issues is unproductive and pointless.

Since Obama was promising VA reform, what was his idea and when did he use an executive order or present Congress his plan?

Funny the guy that made the promise isn't accountable in your eyes.
I really get tired of all the work we posters have in being asked to fix America's problems. How about asking Congress, after they finish their repeal Obamacare project, to tackle some of the problems? Seems the framers could have created a better system to solve problems than have the House of Reps do nothing but repeal Obamacare?

For crying out loud solve your own problems in your lives
now you see why we have a governernment who feels they need to stick their noses into the size of soda cups we use, what light bulbs we use, what name a football team should use, or how Mabelle Obama believes she should be the ONE even though she is an.... UNelected person in government to force what YOUR childrens school lunches should be, not YOU THE PARENT...

as for ObamaScamcare, that effects ALL OF WE THE don't like it THE MAJORITY of the people in this country want it scrapped, repealed off THEIR BACKS...that says more about the followers of Obama and his party than anything sorry but you and people like you who think this way is a big part of our problems today, who see these elected idiots who you didn't vote or even know, is there to FIX AMERCIAS PROBLEMS
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I really get tired of all the work we posters have in being asked to fix America's problems. How about asking Congress, after they finish their repeal Obamacare project, to tackle some of the problems? Seems the framers could have created a better system to solve problems than have the House of Reps do nothing but repeal Obamacare?

For crying out loud solve your own problems in your lives
now you see why we have a governernment who feels they need to stick their noses into the size of soda cups we use, what light bulbs we use, what name a football team should use, or how Mabelle Obama believes she should be the ONE even though she is an.... UNelected person in government to force what YOUR childrens school lunches should be, not YOU THE PARENT...

as for ObamaScamcare, that effects ALL OF WE THE don't like it THE MAJORITY of the people in this country want it scrapped, repealed off THEIR BACKS...that says more about the followers of Obama and his party than anything else

Oh and hon? Don't forget the mother of ALL necessities we cherish in the end that government has stuck their noses in and that is the size and capacity of our toilets...:eusa_whistle:
I really get tired of all the work we posters have in being asked to fix America's problems. How about asking Congress, after they finish their repeal Obamacare project, to tackle some of the problems? Seems the framers could have created a better system to solve problems than have the House of Reps do nothing but repeal Obamacare?

For crying out loud solve your own problems in your lives
now you see why we have a governernment who feels they need to stick their noses into the size of soda cups we use, what light bulbs we use, what name a football team should use, or how Mabelle Obama believes she should be the ONE even though she is an.... UNelected person in government to force what YOUR childrens school lunches should be, not YOU THE PARENT...

as for ObamaScamcare, that effects ALL OF WE THE don't like it THE MAJORITY of the people in this country want it scrapped, repealed off THEIR BACKS...that says more about the followers of Obama and his party than anything else

Oh and hon? Don't forget the mother of ALL necessities we cherish in the end that government has stuck their noses in and that is the size and capacity of our toilets...:eusa_whistle:

no shit my dear the truth
gawd I cringe when I hear how these( most of them are frikken dumb asses) people are elected to Congress TO, fix America..
their job is to do what " WE THE PEOPLE" from the state they come from, WANTS and not for them to think we just give all power, thinking and wants over TO THEM
For crying out loud solve your own problems in your lives
now you see why we have a governernment who feels they need to stick their noses into the size of soda cups we use, what light bulbs we use, what name a football team should use, or how Mabelle Obama believes she should be the ONE even though she is an.... UNelected person in government to force what YOUR childrens school lunches should be, not YOU THE PARENT...

as for ObamaScamcare, that effects ALL OF WE THE don't like it THE MAJORITY of the people in this country want it scrapped, repealed off THEIR BACKS...that says more about the followers of Obama and his party than anything else

Oh and hon? Don't forget the mother of ALL necessities we cherish in the end that government has stuck their noses in and that is the size and capacity of our toilets...:eusa_whistle:

no shit my dear the truth
gawd I cringe when I hear how these( most of them are frikken dumb asses) people are elected to Congress TO, fix America..
their job is to do what " WE THE PEOPLE" from the state they come from, WANTS and not for them to think we just give all power, thinking and wants over TO THEM
They're Control freaks...the lot of 'em.
You're not a legislator, but now GOP legislators act just like "regular folk". Not "how do we fix this" but "how do we blame the President"...

Sad our representatives don't care about anything more than scoring political points.


The partisan right needs to start submitting solutions of its own, their incessant din of unwarranted, unsubstantiated complaining about contrived non-issues is unproductive and pointless.

thats their ENTIRE game plan though. They have no issues to run on.

-Foreign policy
-Energy policy

Take your pick. Any of them are winners.

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