Republicans Need to STFU on the VA Issue...

Democrats voted in favor of those wars, scumbag.

As I remember the Iraq war resolution was passed turning the entire decision over to Bush. The Congress gave it all to Bush as the president thought necessary. It was Bush's baby.

Bush advisers followed the Bin Laden money trail and all roads led to Bagdad. Saddam had his finger in every single solitary anti-American nutcase pie. He threatened and invaded neighbors, fought a 10-year war that killed a million people over a 25-square mile stretch of Iranian beach property. He told all his pals he was developing a nuclear bomb, then played a shell game with UN Inspectors, one of which has since turned up evidence he was on his payroll.

Bush did what had to be done. And people on the Hill know that what leftist huckster spew went out on the web about bad-Bush this and bad-Bush that were all a lie except one in which he called one of the hucksters a liar when the audio was still on. Big hoo ha. It was the truth.

George W. Bush is a first-rate human being and did what had to be done while he was in the Oval Office. I'm proud to this day I supported him from the day he announced his candidacy to right now and next year.

Hoo-ah! You go, George W. Bush! Illegitimi non carborundum!!!

no he didnt. Saddam had zero ties with Bin laden.

The US intelligence community (CIA, NSA, DIA, etc.) view, confirmed by the conclusions of the 9/11 Commission Report and the Senate Report on Pre-war Intelligence on Iraq, is that there was not a cooperative effort between the two and that Saddam did not support the 9/11 attacks. According to this view, the difference in ideology between Saddam and al-Qaeda made cooperation in any terrorist attacks very unlikely. The Senate Report discussed the possibility of Saddam offering al-Qaeda training and safe-haven, but confirmed the CIA's conclusion that there was no evidence of operational cooperation between the two.[6]

Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda link allegations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

furthermore Bush didnt need to do what needed to be done. He made a choice to go in when it wasnt needed at all. Which is evident from the vacuum that was created when Saddam fell and Iraq went into chaos. So the end result of Iraq? We were told to leave, we have some bases there, and we pissed off more people..YAY!

Saddam killing people and invading people really wasnt an issue when we went in a second time.

Then again you neocons are a useless lot honestly.

well kiss my crippled ass. since when did any fuckin politican give a rats ass about vets. more smoke and hot air. this will get shoved to the back burner and the heat shut off which has been SOP for years. they don't give shit about vets. never have never will.
Namvet, it depends upon the state and the people who live in that state. I know for a fact two US Senators and the honorable Representative at large in the state I lived in most of my adult life visited VA hospitals and the vets who served twice a month. They also distributed between the three of them 36 of the quilts I made for our state's wounded soldiers. They were the Late Senator Craig Thomas, Senator John Barrasso, and former US Representative Barbara Cubin, R-Wyoming, all. Every Wyoming child is considered a human caution sign, thanks to former Wyoming Governor Stan Hathaway, 1967-1975, and Veterans there are greatly honored to the best of my knowledge. I was horrified to see so many of the states who didn't vote for President Obama on the "list" and think the "revelations" are very suspect, or else, Obama has also put veterans on one of his damn hit lists so he can spread all the blame onto Republican states.

I'm really sick of Barack Obama. He's the most manipulative, divisive president this nation has ever had, and he not only doesn't welcome Republicans ever, he harasses all of them at the tutelage of Madam Pelosi and the Draconian Harry Reid. :evil:

And that's what I think about the goings-on in Obama's lunatic asylum administration which is below even Crazy King Ludwig of Bavarian Castle notoriety.

I went to high school with no less than 200 veterans of Viet Nam, and decided that what happened to them back then would never happen anywhere near me. That's why I was active making comforting quilts for veterans to the best of my ability, however good or bad. I organized a dedicated group of Purple Heart Quilters in 2002, and it wasn't hard to find loving mothers, sisters, aunts, and grandmothers of troops and vets in Wyoming. We quilted our hearts out for vets for 5 years.

As a vet, I thank you for that from the bottom of my heart.

Same here. :smiliehug:
As I remember the Iraq war resolution was passed turning the entire decision over to Bush. The Congress gave it all to Bush as the president thought necessary. It was Bush's baby.

Bush advisers followed the Bin Laden money trail and all roads led to Bagdad. Saddam had his finger in every single solitary anti-American nutcase pie. He threatened and invaded neighbors, fought a 10-year war that killed a million people over a 25-square mile stretch of Iranian beach property. He told all his pals he was developing a nuclear bomb, then played a shell game with UN Inspectors, one of which has since turned up evidence he was on his payroll.

Bush did what had to be done. And people on the Hill know that what leftist huckster spew went out on the web about bad-Bush this and bad-Bush that were all a lie except one in which he called one of the hucksters a liar when the audio was still on. Big hoo ha. It was the truth.

George W. Bush is a first-rate human being and did what had to be done while he was in the Oval Office. I'm proud to this day I supported him from the day he announced his candidacy to right now and next year.

Hoo-ah! You go, George W. Bush! Illegitimi non carborundum!!!

Yep, it was Bush's call, Bush decided, Bush's baby. The bigger question was it all done for oil?
No, it was about 9/11. Don't mess with the U.S.
As I remember the Iraq war resolution was passed turning the entire decision over to Bush. The Congress gave it all to Bush as the president thought necessary. It was Bush's baby.

Bush advisers followed the Bin Laden money trail and all roads led to Bagdad. Saddam had his finger in every single solitary anti-American nutcase pie. He threatened and invaded neighbors, fought a 10-year war that killed a million people over a 25-square mile stretch of Iranian beach property. He told all his pals he was developing a nuclear bomb, then played a shell game with UN Inspectors, one of which has since turned up evidence he was on his payroll.

Bush did what had to be done. And people on the Hill know that what leftist huckster spew went out on the web about bad-Bush this and bad-Bush that were all a lie except one in which he called one of the hucksters a liar when the audio was still on. Big hoo ha. It was the truth.

George W. Bush is a first-rate human being and did what had to be done while he was in the Oval Office. I'm proud to this day I supported him from the day he announced his candidacy to right now and next year.

Hoo-ah! You go, George W. Bush! Illegitimi non carborundum!!!

no he didnt. Saddam had zero ties with Bin laden.

The US intelligence community (CIA, NSA, DIA, etc.) view, confirmed by the conclusions of the 9/11 Commission Report and the Senate Report on Pre-war Intelligence on Iraq, is that there was not a cooperative effort between the two and that Saddam did not support the 9/11 attacks. According to this view, the difference in ideology between Saddam and al-Qaeda made cooperation in any terrorist attacks very unlikely. The Senate Report discussed the possibility of Saddam offering al-Qaeda training and safe-haven, but confirmed the CIA's conclusion that there was no evidence of operational cooperation between the two.[6]
Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda link allegations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

furthermore Bush didnt need to do what needed to be done. He made a choice to go in when it wasnt needed at all. Which is evident from the vacuum that was created when Saddam fell and Iraq went into chaos. So the end result of Iraq? We were told to leave, we have some bases there, and we pissed off more people..YAY!

Saddam killing people and invading people really wasnt an issue when we went in a second time.

Then again you neocons are a useless lot honestly.
You're full of prunes, Plasmabull. Saddam not only had ties to bin Laden, he Jumbo Jetted them outta Kabul the night America won the major part of the war in Afghanistan and began putting in place a government that would not murder women in front of a ballpark full of citizens with torture first and sans any thing more than a kangaroo court, if that.

If Saddam killing a million people over the 25-mile beachfront property and threatening Israel with his alleged nukes wasn't an issue then you are blinder than a bat in daylight, or should I say battier than a game blind full of bats?

Eh, go stand in the corner. Take two nice pills and call me in the morning.
OIL has ZERO to do with it ya fucking ASSCLOWN.

well thats not true at all...
Oh, yes it is. The T doesn't lie.

yes he does....all the time you hack. Oil was part of the reason.

Remember "oil will help pay for it"

Rove Denies Bush Administration Said Oil Revenues Would Pay For The War In Iraq | Crooks and Liars

Rove’s claim is simply not true. In fact, days after the U.S. invasion, then-Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz told a congressional panel that Iraqi oil revenues would help pay for reconstructing the country, i.e. a cost of the war. “The oil revenue of that country could bring between 50 and 100 billion dollars over the course of the next two or three years. We’re dealing with a country that could really finance its own reconstruction, and relatively soon,” he said.

i know revisionist history can be fun, but dont be so lazy about it. This is the internet. We can find things to prove you wrong.
As I remember the Iraq war resolution was passed turning the entire decision over to Bush. The Congress gave it all to Bush as the president thought necessary. It was Bush's baby.

Bush advisers followed the Bin Laden money trail and all roads led to Bagdad. Saddam had his finger in every single solitary anti-American nutcase pie. He threatened and invaded neighbors, fought a 10-year war that killed a million people over a 25-square mile stretch of Iranian beach property. He told all his pals he was developing a nuclear bomb, then played a shell game with UN Inspectors, one of which has since turned up evidence he was on his payroll.

Bush did what had to be done. And people on the Hill know that what leftist huckster spew went out on the web about bad-Bush this and bad-Bush that were all a lie except one in which he called one of the hucksters a liar when the audio was still on. Big hoo ha. It was the truth.

George W. Bush is a first-rate human being and did what had to be done while he was in the Oval Office. I'm proud to this day I supported him from the day he announced his candidacy to right now and next year.

Hoo-ah! You go, George W. Bush! Illegitimi non carborundum!!!

Yep, it was Bush's call, Bush decided, Bush's baby. The bigger question was it all done for oil?
Alan Greenspan said it was about oil.
Bush advisers followed the Bin Laden money trail and all roads led to Bagdad. Saddam had his finger in every single solitary anti-American nutcase pie. He threatened and invaded neighbors, fought a 10-year war that killed a million people over a 25-square mile stretch of Iranian beach property. He told all his pals he was developing a nuclear bomb, then played a shell game with UN Inspectors, one of which has since turned up evidence he was on his payroll.

Bush did what had to be done. And people on the Hill know that what leftist huckster spew went out on the web about bad-Bush this and bad-Bush that were all a lie except one in which he called one of the hucksters a liar when the audio was still on. Big hoo ha. It was the truth.

George W. Bush is a first-rate human being and did what had to be done while he was in the Oval Office. I'm proud to this day I supported him from the day he announced his candidacy to right now and next year.

Hoo-ah! You go, George W. Bush! Illegitimi non carborundum!!!

Yep, it was Bush's call, Bush decided, Bush's baby. The bigger question was it all done for oil?
Alan Greenspan said it was about oil.
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Bush advisers followed the Bin Laden money trail and all roads led to Bagdad. Saddam had his finger in every single solitary anti-American nutcase pie. He threatened and invaded neighbors, fought a 10-year war that killed a million people over a 25-square mile stretch of Iranian beach property. He told all his pals he was developing a nuclear bomb, then played a shell game with UN Inspectors, one of which has since turned up evidence he was on his payroll.

Bush did what had to be done. And people on the Hill know that what leftist huckster spew went out on the web about bad-Bush this and bad-Bush that were all a lie except one in which he called one of the hucksters a liar when the audio was still on. Big hoo ha. It was the truth.

George W. Bush is a first-rate human being and did what had to be done while he was in the Oval Office. I'm proud to this day I supported him from the day he announced his candidacy to right now and next year.

Hoo-ah! You go, George W. Bush! Illegitimi non carborundum!!!

no he didnt. Saddam had zero ties with Bin laden.

The US intelligence community (CIA, NSA, DIA, etc.) view, confirmed by the conclusions of the 9/11 Commission Report and the Senate Report on Pre-war Intelligence on Iraq, is that there was not a cooperative effort between the two and that Saddam did not support the 9/11 attacks. According to this view, the difference in ideology between Saddam and al-Qaeda made cooperation in any terrorist attacks very unlikely. The Senate Report discussed the possibility of Saddam offering al-Qaeda training and safe-haven, but confirmed the CIA's conclusion that there was no evidence of operational cooperation between the two.[6]
Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda link allegations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

furthermore Bush didnt need to do what needed to be done. He made a choice to go in when it wasnt needed at all. Which is evident from the vacuum that was created when Saddam fell and Iraq went into chaos. So the end result of Iraq? We were told to leave, we have some bases there, and we pissed off more people..YAY!

Saddam killing people and invading people really wasnt an issue when we went in a second time.

Then again you neocons are a useless lot honestly.
You're full of prunes, Plasmabull. Saddam not only had ties to bin Laden, he Jumbo Jetted them outta Kabul the night America won the major part of the war in Afghanistan and began putting in place a government that would not murder women in front of a ballpark full of citizens with torture first and sans any thing more than a kangaroo court, if that.

If Saddam killing a million people over the 25-mile beachfront property and threatening Israel with his alleged nukes wasn't an issue then you are blinder than a bat in daylight, or should I say battier than a game blind full of bats?

Eh, go stand in the corner. Take two nice pills and call me in the morning.

yeah, no he didnt. You see Becki, you have zero Cred While: confirmed by the conclusions of the 9/11 Commission Report and the Senate Report on Pre-war Intelligence on Iraq, is that there was not a cooperative effort carries more weight and is legit. You on the otherhand are some oldbag nut with a keyboard. So while you have your opinion, i have facts.

Lots of people die in the world..Look at Syria, look at Africa. Should we go in there as well? Oh i bet if Obama went into Syria you would be up in arms over it. Partisans do that sort of thing. Threats and killing non-americans is not a valid reason fro America to go to war.

Lol, OMG Afghan was never, And i mean NEVER going to be a democracy. You old crazy moron, That was in the end a waste of money. It is very clear you do not understand that region at all.

well kiss my crippled ass. since when did any fuckin politican give a rats ass about vets. more smoke and hot air. this will get shoved to the back burner and the heat shut off which has been SOP for years. they don't give shit about vets. never have never will.
Namvet, it depends upon the state and the people who live in that state. I know for a fact two US Senators and the honorable Representative at large in the state I lived in most of my adult life visited VA hospitals and the vets who served twice a month. They also distributed between the three of them 36 of the quilts I made for our state's wounded soldiers. They were the Late Senator Craig Thomas, Senator John Barrasso, and former US Representative Barbara Cubin, R-Wyoming, all. Every Wyoming child is considered a human caution sign, thanks to former Wyoming Governor Stan Hathaway, 1967-1975, and Veterans there are greatly honored to the best of my knowledge. I was horrified to see so many of the states who didn't vote for President Obama on the "list" and think the "revelations" are very suspect, or else, Obama has also put veterans on one of his damn hit lists so he can spread all the blame onto Republican states.

I'm really sick of Barack Obama. He's the most manipulative, divisive president this nation has ever had, and he not only doesn't welcome Republicans ever, he harasses all of them at the tutelage of Madam Pelosi and the Draconian Harry Reid. :evil:

And that's what I think about the goings-on in Obama's lunatic asylum administration which is below even Crazy King Ludwig of Bavarian Castle notoriety.

I went to high school with no less than 200 veterans of Viet Nam, and decided that what happened to them back then would never happen anywhere near me. That's why I was active making comforting quilts for veterans to the best of my ability, however good or bad. I organized a dedicated group of Purple Heart Quilters in 2002, and it wasn't hard to find loving mothers, sisters, aunts, and grandmothers of troops and vets in Wyoming. We quilted our hearts out for vets for 5 years.

and your "one of the most manipulative, divisive posters this nation has ever had" :lol: sugar tits [MENTION=29697]freedombecki[/MENTION] You serve? Thats what I thought. ZIP IT!!! :talktothehand:
Republicans got us into two useless wars, and now they wonder why the VA is overwhelmed.

^ that.

see my previous post.

Repubs making an issue out of long ongoing probs w/ a bureaucracy because they don't have any new ideas to get people to vote for the corrupt status quo repubs :puke:
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Stop pointing fingers and trying to tar the President with this. Every time you open your fucking mouths about it, it should be to say "how do we work together to fix this"...and this is why:

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

So sit down, stop trying to blame the President and either figure out ways to fix it or eat a big piece of blueberry STFU pie.

Nice. Please update your rhetoric. The GOP hasn't spoken for the majority of the right in 10 years.

Your blathery comment has cobwebs hanging from the corner of its mouth.
Republicans got us into two useless wars, and now they wonder why the VA is overwhelmed.

There's not a shadow of a doubt in my mind why the VA is "overwhelmed."

It was so Obama, Pelosi, and Reid could divert a huge proportion of the United States Treasury on failed Green Projects directly protecting the relatives of Madam Pelosi and Shit-stirrer Reed, with taxpayers giving all their investments back at the behest of bad laws passed by the same Congress that strangleholds Republican conservatives out of a say-so that would have prevented our vets from facing the nothing that Obama's hands-off policies that sent the VA care under the goddamned Green Bus they're driving the nation down the tubes with.


where do you get your news from rw grl?
Yep, it was Bush's call, Bush decided, Bush's baby. The bigger question was it all done for oil?
Alan Greenspan said it was about oil.

Yes, and he was referring to Saddam trying to take away the Straits of Hormuz so he could be the murderous dictator of all of Arabia's other oil-producing countries. There was nothing but war due to the instability Saddam instituted against others in the Middle East, if not all of them.

Fortunately, the threat of Saddam Hussein is out of the picture. He will no more be retraining al-Qaeda.
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Alan Greenspan said it was about oil.

Yes, and he was referring to Saddam trying to take away the Straits of Hormuz so he could be the murderous dictator of all of Arabia's other oil-producing countries. There was nothing but war due to the instability Saddam instituted against others in the Middle East, if not all of them.

Fortunately, the threat of Saddam Hussein is out of the picture. He will no more be retraining al-Qaeda.

what a joke. Saddam is the reason The Middle east was unstable.....HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


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The issue with the VA is endemic to the Federal bureaucracy. It crosses party lines.

The fact is, every time Congress goes looking to screw someone's budget, they go to the military. The vets especially, are at the mercy of the government and have no real voice. The GOP has screwed us as much as the Dim-bulbs.

This isn't a partisan issue.

Saying you care doesn't do shit for those people you sent off and used up and actually need some help.
Alan Greenspan said it was about oil.

Yes, and he was referring to Saddam trying to take away the Straits of Hormuz so he could be the murderous dictator of all of Arabia's other oil-producing countries. There was nothing but war due to the instability Saddam instituted against others in the Middle East, if not all of them.

Fortunately, the threat of Saddam Hussein is out of the picture. He will no more be retraining al-Qaeda.


stop embarrassing yourself.
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