Republicans Need to STFU on the VA Issue...

Oh, yes it is. The T doesn't lie.

yes he does....all the time you hack. Oil was part of the reason.

Remember "oil will help pay for it"
Project much, Plasmabull?

Bed wetters get all bent out of shape with the bullshit belief that the Iraq war was all about oil, but as far as I'm concerned we should have invaded Venezuela after they stole the infrastructure our corporations built.

Think about it.

We could literally drive there in a long convoy.

They have nice beaches.

They have great looking women who aren't forced to dress like ninjas.

There's no issues with alcohol, and they have all the drugs for a great party.

Venezuela is ripe for the taking. We just need to kill about a million or so commies. Killing commies is a noble endeavor, because for every commie you kill, you save the lives of 10 useful people.

Lets make this happen people!!!
The issue with the VA is endemic to the Federal bureaucracy. It crosses party lines.

The fact is, every time Congress goes looking to screw someone's budget, they go to the military. The vets especially, are at the mercy of the government and have no real voice. The GOP has screwed us as much as the Dim-bulbs.

This isn't a partisan issue.

Saying you care doesn't do shit for those people you sent off and used up and actually need some help.

With our system of government most representatives and most senators view bills first from what does it do for my district or state, secondly what does it do for my party and third will it get me votes or will I lose votes. How many ask, is the bill good for the nation?
Republicans got us into two useless wars, and now they wonder why the VA is overwhelmed.

There's not a shadow of a doubt in my mind why the VA is "overwhelmed."

It was so Obama, Pelosi, and Reid could divert a huge proportion of the United States Treasury on failed Green Projects directly protecting the relatives of Madam Pelosi and Shit-stirrer Reed, with taxpayers giving all their investments back at the behest of bad laws passed by the same Congress that strangleholds Republican conservatives out of a say-so that would have prevented our vets from facing the nothing that Obama's hands-off policies that sent the VA care under the goddamned Green Bus they're driving the nation down the tubes with.


where do you get your news from rw grl?

Crony Capitalism: $737 Million Green Jobs Loan Given to Nancy Pelosi's Brother-In-Law (The Weekly Standard)

Add nepotism to the Crony Capitalism in this one: Harry Reid Is Back At It… Helps Chinese Solar Firm Represented By His Son (Gateway Pundit) "There’s another factor, however, one more personal to Reid: His son, Rory Reid, is one of the attorneys for the ENN Mojave Energy project."

Exposed: Reid Breaks Ground for Red Chinese Solar Farm near Bundy Ranch "The development of solar farms just like this one is exactly why Sen. Reid was using the BLM, whose director is Reid’s former senior advisor, to push Bundy out of the Gold Butte area his family has worked for over 140 years."

Guess who donated mega-yuans to Reid's war chest. (see second link)

All those profits on land Reid sold to Chinese firm for next to nothing go straight back to Asia when all is said and done. :evil:

Like there's no such thing as a trade deficit already. /sardonic statement

Reid is all smiles trading America's Nevada lands to the Chinese for payola to his war chest:

Too bad he doesn't spend this much time on helping American veterans who stopped communism in the far east and genocidal maniacs like Saddam Hussein in the Middle East. Why didn't Reid get that land and give it to some American veterans instead of people who'd sell us out in the twinkling of an eye?

And no, Dot Com, I will not ever stfu about it. FYI, I really have nothing to gain except America for American posterity in saying so. The best Americans are our veterans who served their country instead of going to college and getting ahead early, plus all those who do all they can to help veterans in the best means possible. :thup:
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The Weekly Standard? Bill Kristol's rag? :rofl: Ever heard of the PNAC freedombecki? Of course you haven't because Fox never mentions it. Its the now defunct organization HEADED BY BILL KRISTOL that helped get us into vietraq. Here- educate yourself:

Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

$737 million vs $4 TRILLION blown in vietraq w/ 4,000 casualties & countless 1000's more maimed for life?

You really aren't that good at this

Ironically, Fox hired Kristol, Bill Kristol. :eusa_doh:
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The issue with the VA is endemic to the Federal bureaucracy. It crosses party lines.

The fact is, every time Congress goes looking to screw someone's budget, they go to the military. The vets especially, are at the mercy of the government and have no real voice. The GOP has screwed us as much as the Dim-bulbs.

This isn't a partisan issue.

Saying you care doesn't do shit for those people you sent off and used up and actually need some help.

With our system of government most representatives and most senators view bills first from what does it do for my district or state, secondly what does it do for my party and third will it get me votes or will I lose votes. How many ask, is the bill good for the nation?

I'm aware of that. It is an explanation. It excuses nothing. My comments are an indictment of the bureaucracy; which, your statement supports (my comments).

This is a perfect example of the bureaucracy maintaining positions of power and control, and telling whoever whatever they think they need to hear to get their votes.

"Bi-partisanship" is nothing but smoke and mirrors. A means of keeping eyes off the bureaucracy by dividing attention.

I s there a REAL difference between Republicans and Democrats? Not that I can tell. Does the Federal bureaucracy stay in control no matter what?

Republicans need to stop trying to point fingers at the President. When you have one finger pointing at someone else, there are three pointing right back at you. The GOP blocked funding. The GOP is cheerleading sequestration and austerity. These are the things that lead to problems at the VA...where, by the way, patient satisfaction is still one of the highest in the United States.

can you splain this for us, we would love a liarberals position of just one of millions of lies he has told everyone, including his dying **** of a mother your messiah's lies will be his downfall, have you noticed there are a few demorats each month, lately every week have spoken out about his reckless policies.

It’s one of those promises the president would probably like to forget.

In vowing to make the Veterans Administration the model of national health-care reform back in 2008, the outlook for scandal-plagued Obamacare suddenly seems even worse.

WND has discovered that during his transition into the White House in 2008-09, President Obama proposed in his “Obama-Biden” plan to “make the VA a leader of national health care reform so that veterans get the best care possible.”

Read more at Obama 2008: VA will be ?leader of health care reform?
Since when did Obama let congress stop him from doing anything.

He has repeatedly say he'll work around them.

Seabytch can STFU.
There's not a shadow of a doubt in my mind why the VA is "overwhelmed."

It was so Obama, Pelosi, and Reid could divert a huge proportion of the United States Treasury on failed Green Projects directly protecting the relatives of Madam Pelosi and Shit-stirrer Reed, with taxpayers giving all their investments back at the behest of bad laws passed by the same Congress that strangleholds Republican conservatives out of a say-so that would have prevented our vets from facing the nothing that Obama's hands-off policies that sent the VA care under the goddamned Green Bus they're driving the nation down the tubes with.


where do you get your news from rw grl?

Crony Capitalism: $737 Million Green Jobs Loan Given to Nancy Pelosi's Brother-In-Law (The Weekly Standard)

Add nepotism to the Crony Capitalism in this one: Harry Reid Is Back At It… Helps Chinese Solar Firm Represented By His Son (Gateway Pundit) "There’s another factor, however, one more personal to Reid: His son, Rory Reid, is one of the attorneys for the ENN Mojave Energy project."

Exposed: Reid Breaks Ground for Red Chinese Solar Farm near Bundy Ranch "The development of solar farms just like this one is exactly why Sen. Reid was using the BLM, whose director is Reid’s former senior advisor, to push Bundy out of the Gold Butte area his family has worked for over 140 years."

Guess who donated mega-yuans to Reid's war chest. (see second link)

All those profits on land Reid sold to Chinese firm for next to nothing go straight back to Asia when all is said and done. :evil:

Like there's no such thing as a trade deficit already. /sardonic statement

Reid is all smiles trading America's Nevada lands to the Chinese for payola to his war chest:

Too bad he doesn't spend this much time on helping American veterans who stopped communism in the far east and genocidal maniacs like Saddam Hussein in the Middle East. Why didn't Reid get that land and give it to some American veterans instead of people who'd sell us out in the twinkling of an eye?

And no, Dot Com, I will not ever stfu about it. FYI, I really have nothing to gain except America for American posterity in saying so. The best Americans are our veterans who served their country instead of going to college and getting ahead early, plus all those who do all they can to help veterans in the best means possible. :thup:

Don't waste your time with dottie.

She's a loser.
Dude, really? You need all that color and bold and giant letters and whatnot to make a point?

Have you missed the point where Obama is no more guilty than any other President/politician?

This isn't a partisan issue.

I detest Obama. I also have no problem with finding things to blame him for that are his fault.

This one is on Congress, and it doesn't matter which party is in control of which House. There's nothing to prove except the US government bureaucracy fucks vets via Congress. They've been chipping away at our benefits since my grandfather was a vet.

Oh, my goodness. The Obama VA copied the numbering system from the Obama IRS offices. :ack-1:
It takes about 10 years to train new doctors, psychiatrist, etc. So back when we started all these mid-east wars, some dumb-asses forgot to grow the medical personnel to repair all the damage war creates. The money Obama threw at the problem after he got in office never had a chance because it was already at least 8 years too fucking late before he became president.
The Weekly Standard? Bill Kristol's rag? :rofl: Ever heard of the PNAC freedombecki? Of course you haven't because Fox never mentions it. Its the now defunct organization HEADED BY BILL KRISTOL that helped get us into vietraq. Here- educate yourself:

Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

$737 million vs $4 TRILLION blown in vietraq w/ 4,000 casualties & countless 1000's more maimed for life?

You really aren't that good at this

Ironically, Fox hired Kristol, Bill Kristol. :eusa_doh:
Dr. Kristol who acquired his PhD from Harvard University the tried-and-true way of veriied factual treatises?

Your bare-bnes ignorance is noted, Dot Com. :rolleyes:
Republicans got us into two useless wars, and now they wonder why the VA is overwhelmed.
2 useless wars? seemed like a hell of a lot of Democrats were behind us going into i guess you were one of the 10% who felt we should have just said....."darn you guys....just stop it".....

where do you get your news from rw grl?

Crony Capitalism: $737 Million Green Jobs Loan Given to Nancy Pelosi's Brother-In-Law (The Weekly Standard)

Add nepotism to the Crony Capitalism in this one: Harry Reid Is Back At It… Helps Chinese Solar Firm Represented By His Son (Gateway Pundit) "There’s another factor, however, one more personal to Reid: His son, Rory Reid, is one of the attorneys for the ENN Mojave Energy project."

Exposed: Reid Breaks Ground for Red Chinese Solar Farm near Bundy Ranch "The development of solar farms just like this one is exactly why Sen. Reid was using the BLM, whose director is Reid’s former senior advisor, to push Bundy out of the Gold Butte area his family has worked for over 140 years."

Guess who donated mega-yuans to Reid's war chest. (see second link)

All those profits on land Reid sold to Chinese firm for next to nothing go straight back to Asia when all is said and done. :evil:

Like there's no such thing as a trade deficit already. /sardonic statement

Reid is all smiles trading America's Nevada lands to the Chinese for payola to his war chest:

Too bad he doesn't spend this much time on helping American veterans who stopped communism in the far east and genocidal maniacs like Saddam Hussein in the Middle East. Why didn't Reid get that land and give it to some American veterans instead of people who'd sell us out in the twinkling of an eye?

And no, Dot Com, I will not ever stfu about it. FYI, I really have nothing to gain except America for American posterity in saying so. The best Americans are our veterans who served their country instead of going to college and getting ahead early, plus all those who do all they can to help veterans in the best means possible. :thup:

Don't waste your time with dottie.

She's a loser.

dont be to hard on her....she will start to cry and then report you to the proper authorities.......:crybaby:....CK.....that basterd Listening called me a loser....:crybaby:...ME a loser....i dont like him....make him stop....:(
The Weekly Standard? Bill Kristol's rag? :rofl: Ever heard of the PNAC freedombecki? Of course you haven't because Fox never mentions it. Its the now defunct organization HEADED BY BILL KRISTOL that helped get us into vietraq. Here- educate yourself:

Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

$737 million vs $4 TRILLION blown in vietraq w/ 4,000 casualties & countless 1000's more maimed for life?

You really aren't that good at this

Ironically, Fox hired Kristol, Bill Kristol. :eusa_doh:
Dr. Kristol who acquired his PhD from Harvard University the tried-and-true way of veriied factual treatises?

Your bare-bnes ignorance is noted, Dot Com. :rolleyes:

so because he has a Phd, that means you give him a pass on cheerleading/instigating vietraq? :eusa_eh: Why?

As to the OP, Repubs are the VERY LAST people who should be saying ANYTHING about the VA.
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OK... so please explain this:

301,219,252 insured people covered under the above.

Health Insurance Coverage of the Total Population | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

That leaves 8,978,248 UNINSURED.....

Included in that 8,978,248 "uninsured" are:

1) 10 million counted as uninsured were NOT Citizens. So that leaves 36 million...
2) 14 million counted as uninsured BUT at their poverty level QUALIFIED FOR MEDICAID BEFORE ACA was passed. Negligence on the administration!
3) 18 million counted as uninsured that are under 34 years make over $50,000 but decline employers' health plans... WHY are they counted?

So what is the problem???


Your numbers are pure bullshit. :cuckoo: You claim that all the employed are covered when 22% of working people were not covered in 2012.
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More money won't fix the VA. Like all Federal Bureaucracies it's become an entity unto itself. It's primary goal and spending priority is self preservation, growth, and power.

It needs a knife through the heart and a complete rebuilding.

I'm a veteran and use the VA for all my healthcare needs. I'm also a registered Republican who served 4 years 6 months during the most controversial war in our history, was spit on, called baby killer, and generally dishonored for my service. I "keep and bear arms", and am always looking for a legal reason to blow away Liberals. just sayin......

Manno I am always looking for a good, legal reason to tell pieces of shit like you to fuck off. Just sayin....fuck off.

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