Republicans Need to STFU on the VA Issue...

Republicans need to stop trying to point fingers at the President. When you have one finger pointing at someone else, there are three pointing right back at you. The GOP blocked funding. The GOP is cheerleading sequestration and austerity. These are the things that lead to problems at the VA...where, by the way, patient satisfaction is still one of the highest in the United States.

Wrong! The veterans that die waiting to became patients are the problem. The reason Democrats won't do anything is because VA employees are members of the labor union that donates the most money of all unions to the Democrats. End of story!

This actually happened on the Senate floor this afternoon. Senator Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) asked for consent to take up and pass the Veterans Affairs Management Accountability Act, a bill that would make it easier/possible for the scandal-plagued department to fire employees based on poor performance. The House overwhelmingly passed the legislation on Wednesday, with a bipartisan vote of 390 to 33. (Only Democrats objected.)

Surely the Senate would follow suit, right? Not exactly. Senator Bernie Sanders, a union-backed socialist from Vermont, objected on behalf of Senate Democrats to Rubio’s request. Instead any action now, Sanders said he is going to hold a hearing—several weeks from now.

The reason Sanders gave was the Democrats had not had time to read the bill. After all, it was 2 1/2 pages long and written in plain english. I guess that is too much for a Democrat to handle.
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The issue with the VA is endemic to the Federal bureaucracy. It crosses party lines.

The fact is, every time Congress goes looking to screw someone's budget, they go to the military. The vets especially, are at the mercy of the government and have no real voice. The GOP has screwed us as much as the Dim-bulbs.

This isn't a partisan issue.

Saying you care doesn't do shit for those people you sent off and used up and actually need some help.

With our system of government most representatives and most senators view bills first from what does it do for my district or state, secondly what does it do for my party and third will it get me votes or will I lose votes. How many ask, is the bill good for the nation?

I'm aware of that. It is an explanation. It excuses nothing. My comments are an indictment of the bureaucracy; which, your statement supports (my comments).

This is a perfect example of the bureaucracy maintaining positions of power and control, and telling whoever whatever they think they need to hear to get their votes.

"Bi-partisanship" is nothing but smoke and mirrors. A means of keeping eyes off the bureaucracy by dividing attention.

I s there a REAL difference between Republicans and Democrats? Not that I can tell. Does the Federal bureaucracy stay in control no matter what?


The difference is the union contributions from VA employees goes entirely to the Democrats. Follow the money!
Republicans got us into two useless wars, and now they wonder why the VA is overwhelmed.

^ that.

see my previous post.

Repubs making an issue out of long ongoing probs w/ a bureaucracy because they don't have any new ideas to get people to vote for the corrupt status quo repubs :puke:

Really? All this time I thought the Afghanistan war was in response to the 3000 Americans killed in the WTC and the Pentagon that was planned for by radical Islamist in that country, and that all Bush did was take the advice of these two top ranking Democrats as a reason to invade Iraq.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source Weapons of Mass Destruction Quotes
Republicans need to stop trying to point fingers at the President. When you have one finger pointing at someone else, there are three pointing right back at you. The GOP blocked funding. The GOP is cheerleading sequestration and austerity. These are the things that lead to problems at the VA...where, by the way, patient satisfaction is still one of the highest in the United States.

Wrong! The veterans that die waiting to became patients are the problem. The reason Democrats won't do anything is because VA employees are members of the labor union that donates the most money of all unions to the Democrats. End of story!

This actually happened on the Senate floor this afternoon. Senator Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) asked for consent to take up and pass the Veterans Affairs Management Accountability Act, a bill that would make it easier/possible for the scandal-plagued department to fire employees based on poor performance. The House overwhelmingly passed the legislation on Wednesday, with a bipartisan vote of 390 to 33. (Only Democrats objected.)

Surely the Senate would follow suit, right? Not exactly. Senator Bernie Sanders, a union-backed socialist from Vermont, objected on behalf of Senate Democrats to Rubio’s request. Instead any action now, Sanders said he is going to hold a hearing—several weeks from now.

The reason Sanders gave was the Democrats had not had time to read the bill. After all, it was 2 1/2 pages long and written in plain english. I guess that is too much for a Democrat to handle.

Wow...Bernie blocked a bullshit bill that wouldn't have done jack didly to actually fix the problems with the VA. Forget that the GOP has blocked funding as well as being head cheerleader for the sequestration. Bernie is a bad man because the GOP wants to fire someone!
Since when did Obama let congress stop him from doing anything.

He has repeatedly say he'll work around them.

Seabytch can STFU.

Welcher says what? No Executive Order can build new VA hospitals. Pathetic try though welcher.

We don't need new VA hospitals. Why do you think we do?
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Republicans got us into two useless wars, and now they wonder why the VA is overwhelmed.

I think the repubs are wondering why at LEAST ONE VA hospital cooked the books, and 40 vets may have died because of it, Chris.
This is the real issue.

Why are the dems deflecting from the real issue at hand on this board?
Because as is obvious from this thread, dems don't give a shit if vets die.

When are we going to realize that these things aren't accidents? This is the way socialized medicine hastens the demise of certain populations. It's not there to keep people's there to reduce the population.
Republicans got us into two useless wars, and now they wonder why the VA is overwhelmed.

I think the repubs are wondering why at LEAST ONE VA hospital cooked the books, and 40 vets may have died because of it, Chris.
This is the real issue.

Why are the dems deflecting from the real issue at hand on this board?
Obama promised back in '08 that he would change the system. Instead he's been doing other things and now the issue has come to a head where he is forced to deal with it and back up what he promised, (the REAL reason he's mad). The man has to do his job, but he's putting it off again.

The left on these boards know it to be true and why they continue to deny, deflect, and outright lie about this because it outs them as well for supporting abject failure.
Republicans got us into two useless wars, and now they wonder why the VA is overwhelmed.

I think the repubs are wondering why at LEAST ONE VA hospital cooked the books, and 40 vets may have died because of it, Chris.
This is the real issue.

Why are the dems deflecting from the real issue at hand on this board?

They arent...they are saying the picture is much larger than obama, and while Obama gets blame the level of out rage you guys are showing is everytime..

You people are literally the group who cried woof..everything this man has done you people treat it as if nobody else who sat in that seat has ever done it. You decided conveniently that now was the time to take a stand while making excuses for others who did it in the past. Or just blowing it off.

The real issue is that both sides should be coming together to fix the issue, but instead that's not happening and just partisan shit flinging is happening.
Because as is obvious from this thread, dems don't give a shit if vets die.

When are we going to realize that these things aren't accidents? This is the way socialized medicine hastens the demise of certain populations. It's not there to keep people's there to reduce the population.

Sadly you are still around so we must not be doing it right.

Dems don't that's going to be the winning argument.
This Va failure could stop Hillary's presidential campaign before it starts. Just bring up how her kind treated Vietnam veterans when they came home. Then ask, is how you want our great veteran's treated today? If they try to say that was a long time ago, just ask them. Why didn't you think the same about Paula Dean?
Because as is obvious from this thread, dems don't give a shit if vets die.

When are we going to realize that these things aren't accidents? This is the way socialized medicine hastens the demise of certain populations. It's not there to keep people's there to reduce the population.

Sadly you are still around so we must not be doing it right.

Dems don't that's going to be the winning argument.

Your kind showed how much you cared, when you gleefully counted the deaths of our great soldier's while Bush was president.
Because as is obvious from this thread, dems don't give a shit if vets die.

When are we going to realize that these things aren't accidents? This is the way socialized medicine hastens the demise of certain populations. It's not there to keep people's there to reduce the population.

Sadly you are still around so we must not be doing it right.

Dems don't that's going to be the winning argument.

Your kind showed how much you cared, when you gleefully counted the deaths of our great soldier's while Bush was president.

we had parades! And candy!

Fucking moron
Sadly you are still around so we must not be doing it right.

Dems don't that's going to be the winning argument.

Your kind showed how much you cared, when you gleefully counted the deaths of our great soldier's while Bush was president.

we had parades! And candy!

Fucking moron

When the total hit a thousand, your kind celebrated. I see your starting to get your memory back, dickhead.
More money won't fix the VA. Like all Federal Bureaucracies it's become an entity unto itself. It's primary goal and spending priority is self preservation, growth, and power.

It needs a knife through the heart and a complete rebuilding.

I'm a veteran and use the VA for all my healthcare needs. I'm also a registered Republican who served 4 years 6 months during the most controversial war in our history, was spit on, called baby killer, and generally dishonored for my service. I "keep and bear arms", and am always looking for a legal reason to blow away Liberals. just sayin......

Manno I am always looking for a good, legal reason to tell pieces of shit like you to fuck off. Just sayin....fuck off.

More of the tolerant bull shit zeke, you are an uncaring, piece of crap. You and your ilk are the reason I hate most liberals, they are self serving bigots.
Since when did Obama let congress stop him from doing anything.

He has repeatedly say he'll work around them.

Seabytch can STFU.

Welcher says what? No Executive Order can build new VA hospitals. Pathetic try though welcher.

More hospitals is not the issue, it is the procedures and the system it's self. When Obama campaigned on VA reform. Yet, the first two years when he had control of Congress, he failed. Don't promise if you can't deliver.
Republicans got us into two useless wars, and now they wonder why the VA is overwhelmed.

I think the repubs are wondering why at LEAST ONE VA hospital cooked the books, and 40 vets may have died because of it, Chris.
This is the real issue.

Why are the dems deflecting from the real issue at hand on this board?

They arent...they are saying the picture is much larger than obama, and while Obama gets blame the level of out rage you guys are showing is everytime..

You people are literally the group who cried woof..everything this man has done you people treat it as if nobody else who sat in that seat has ever done it. You decided conveniently that now was the time to take a stand while making excuses for others who did it in the past. Or just blowing it off.

The real issue is that both sides should be coming together to fix the issue, but instead that's not happening and just partisan shit flinging is happening.
yep. I've been to a number of VA's over the last 5 years and was satisfied each time. Congress has not been carrying out their oversight responsibilities if one or two particular hospitals aren't up to par. Its almost as if the oversight committee has been too busy holding show trials instead of hearings addressing the people's work :eusa_whistle:
He never planned to deliver anything different than what he's delivering now.

We KNEW this was going to be the result. And we were right. Death panels, substandard care, rigorously rationed care, and much, much higher costs.

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