Republicans Need to STFU on the VA Issue...

Here's what the loons don't understand. You can't FIX it if you won't listen to reason.

This is just the beginning. It will get much, much, MUCH worse. It's not going to be just old veterans dying.

AND WE TOLD YOU THIS FROM THE BEGINNING. You STILL refuse to believe it. So this is what is going to have to happen, I suppose...if you won't fix the problem, then you'll keep suffering.

People are stupid. What can I say.
Yep, are still trying to defend that fascist pos OscamCare...It already cost us 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS, set up the IRS to monitor it and our lives, put in a NEW GOVERNMENT AGENCY run by these incompetents who couldn't get a frikken website up and running and this with the VA should be the last straw for them to see the fxxking TRUTH of what's coming...
but you'll still have that small percent of rabid die hards who will lie like Obama did to dupe the people more than they already have been

well kiss my crippled ass. since when did any fuckin politican give a rats ass about vets. more smoke and hot air. this will get shoved to the back burner and the heat shut off which has been SOP for years. they don't give shit about vets. never have never will.
Namvet, it depends upon the state and the people who live in that state. I know for a fact two US Senators and the honorable Representative at large in the state I lived in most of my adult life visited VA hospitals and the vets who served twice a month. They also distributed between the three of them 36 of the quilts I made for our state's wounded soldiers. They were the Late Senator Craig Thomas, Senator John Barrasso, and former US Representative Barbara Cubin, R-Wyoming, all. Every Wyoming child is considered a human caution sign, thanks to former Wyoming Governor Stan Hathaway, 1967-1975, and Veterans there are greatly honored to the best of my knowledge. I was horrified to see so many of the states who didn't vote for President Obama on the "list" and think the "revelations" are very suspect, or else, Obama has also put veterans on one of his damn hit lists so he can spread all the blame onto Republican states.

I'm really sick of Barack Obama. He's the most manipulative, divisive president this nation has ever had, and he not only doesn't welcome Republicans ever, he harasses all of them at the tutelage of Madam Pelosi and the Draconian Harry Reid. :evil:

And that's what I think about the goings-on in Obama's lunatic asylum administration which is below even Crazy King Ludwig of Bavarian Castle notoriety.

I went to high school with no less than 200 veterans of Viet Nam, and decided that what happened to them back then would never happen anywhere near me. That's why I was active making comforting quilts for veterans to the best of my ability, however good or bad. I organized a dedicated group of Purple Heart Quilters in 2002, and it wasn't hard to find loving mothers, sisters, aunts, and grandmothers of troops and vets in Wyoming. We quilted our hearts out for vets for 5 years.
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Republicans got us into two useless wars, and now they wonder why the VA is overwhelmed.
Fine. The press should be pointing 10 fingers straight at the White House, but they're too busy dreaming up ways to enhance liberal lies they suggest to the WH that they will promote, knowing Obama only pounces on the right to smear them and put votes in his pocket still warm from his hot little smelly smarms.

And you can take that to the outhouse!

You're not a legislator, but now GOP legislators act just like "regular folk". Not "how do we fix this" but "how do we blame the President"...

Sad our representatives don't care about anything more than scoring political points.

^ that

Stop trying to score cheap political points on something thats been going on for a long time @freedombecki :talktothehand:

Oh, is that Dottie code for quit exercising my freedom of speech? Fat chance that will happen, Mr Pelt Patroller. :lmao:
Republicans need to stop trying to point fingers at the President. When you have one finger pointing at someone else, there are three pointing right back at you. The GOP blocked funding. The GOP is cheerleading sequestration and austerity. These are the things that lead to problems at the VA...where, by the way, patient satisfaction is still one of the highest in the United States.

Fine. The press should be pointing 10 fingers straight at the White House, but they're too busy dreaming up ways to enhance liberal lies they suggest to the WH that they will promote, knowing Obama only pounces on the right to smear them and put votes in his pocket still warm from his hot little smelly smarms.

And you can take that to the outhouse!

You're not a legislator, but now GOP legislators act just like "regular folk". Not "how do we fix this" but "how do we blame the President"...

Sad our representatives don't care about anything more than scoring political points.
Oh, I'm far worse than a legislator, Mr. Seawytch. I'm a proud American citizen of many generations spread over multiple Moons, whose forebears and family fought in every war that's ever been fought in the name of the people of the United States of America.
Republicans need to stop trying to point fingers at the President. When you have one finger pointing at someone else, there are three pointing right back at you. The GOP blocked funding. The GOP is cheerleading sequestration and austerity. These are the things that lead to problems at the VA...where, by the way, patient satisfaction is still one of the highest in the United States.

The Congress does not manage the VA, the Executive branch does. Where does the buck stop when things go to hell? Hint: The President is the head of the Executive branch and is responsible for appointing men and women that are capable of dealing with problems.
Republicans got us into two useless wars, and now they wonder why the VA is overwhelmed.

There's not a shadow of a doubt in my mind why the VA is "overwhelmed."

It was so Obama, Pelosi, and Reid could divert a huge proportion of the United States Treasury on failed Green Projects directly protecting the relatives of Madam Pelosi and Shit-stirrer Reed, with taxpayers giving all their investments back at the behest of bad laws passed by the same Congress that strangleholds Republican conservatives out of a say-so that would have prevented our vets from facing the nothing that Obama's hands-off policies that sent the VA care under the goddamned Green Bus they're driving the nation down the tubes with.
Republicans got us into two useless wars, and now they wonder why the VA is overwhelmed.

I don't think it was Republicans or Democrats that flew those airplanes into the WTC and the Pentagon. That was an act of war and the response was applauded by both Republicans and Democrats.

As far as the Iraq invasion, all Bush did was take the advice of two leading Democrats as follows:

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source Weapons of Mass Destruction Quotes
Republicans got us into two useless wars, and now they wonder why the VA is overwhelmed.

Democrats voted in favor of those wars, scumbag.

As I remember the Iraq war resolution was passed turning the entire decision over to Bush. The Congress gave it all to Bush as the president thought necessary. It was Bush's baby.
Republicans got us into two useless wars, and now they wonder why the VA is overwhelmed.

Democrats voted in favor of those wars, scumbag.

As I remember the Iraq war resolution was passed turning the entire decision over to Bush. The Congress gave it all to Bush as the president thought necessary. It was Bush's baby.

Bush advisers followed the Bin Laden money trail and all roads led to Bagdad. Saddam had his finger in every single solitary anti-American nutcase pie. He threatened and invaded neighbors, fought a 10-year war that killed a million people over a 25-square mile stretch of Iranian beach property. He told all his pals he was developing a nuclear bomb, then played a shell game with UN Inspectors, one of which has since turned up evidence he was on his payroll.

Bush did what had to be done. And people on the Hill know that what leftist huckster spew went out on the web about bad-Bush this and bad-Bush that were all a lie except one in which he called one of the hucksters a liar when the audio was still on. Big hoo ha. It was the truth.

George W. Bush is a first-rate human being and did what had to be done while he was in the Oval Office. I'm proud to this day I supported him from the day he announced his candidacy to right now and next year.

Hoo-ah! You go, George W. Bush! Illegitimi non carborundum!!!
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The VA wasn't part of the " fundamental change. " Obama resents America - that is why he went on his apology tour; to apologize for what our vets did. You know: risking their lives, sacrificing life, and limb for our country!

Obama needs to shut the fuck up :up_yours:
Democrats voted in favor of those wars, scumbag.

As I remember the Iraq war resolution was passed turning the entire decision over to Bush. The Congress gave it all to Bush as the president thought necessary. It was Bush's baby.

Bush advisers followed the Bin Laden money trail and all roads led to Bagdad. Saddam had his finger in every single solitary anti-American nutcase pie. He threatened and invaded neighbors, fought a 10-year war that killed a million people over a 25-square mile stretch of Iranian beach property. He told all his pals he was developing a nuclear bomb, then played a shell game with UN Inspectors, one of which has since turned up evidence he was on his payroll.

Bush did what had to be done. And people on the Hill know that what leftist huckster spew went out on the web about bad-Bush this and bad-Bush that were all a lie except one in which he called one of the hucksters a liar when the audio was still on. Big hoo ha. It was the truth.

George W. Bush is a first-rate human being and did what had to be done while he was in the Oval Office. I'm proud to this day I supported him from the day he announced his candidacy to right now and next year.

Hoo-ah! You go, George W. Bush! Illegitimi non carborundum!!!

Yep, it was Bush's call, Bush decided, Bush's baby. The bigger question was it all done for oil?
As I remember the Iraq war resolution was passed turning the entire decision over to Bush. The Congress gave it all to Bush as the president thought necessary. It was Bush's baby.

Bush advisers followed the Bin Laden money trail and all roads led to Bagdad. Saddam had his finger in every single solitary anti-American nutcase pie. He threatened and invaded neighbors, fought a 10-year war that killed a million people over a 25-square mile stretch of Iranian beach property. He told all his pals he was developing a nuclear bomb, then played a shell game with UN Inspectors, one of which has since turned up evidence he was on his payroll.

Bush did what had to be done. And people on the Hill know that what leftist huckster spew went out on the web about bad-Bush this and bad-Bush that were all a lie except one in which he called one of the hucksters a liar when the audio was still on. Big hoo ha. It was the truth.

George W. Bush is a first-rate human being and did what had to be done while he was in the Oval Office. I'm proud to this day I supported him from the day he announced his candidacy to right now and next year.

Hoo-ah! You go, George W. Bush! Illegitimi non carborundum!!!

Yep, it was Bush's call, Bush decided, Bush's baby. The bigger question was it all done for oil?
OIL has ZERO to do with it ya fucking ASSCLOWN.
Bush advisers followed the Bin Laden money trail and all roads led to Bagdad. Saddam had his finger in every single solitary anti-American nutcase pie. He threatened and invaded neighbors, fought a 10-year war that killed a million people over a 25-square mile stretch of Iranian beach property. He told all his pals he was developing a nuclear bomb, then played a shell game with UN Inspectors, one of which has since turned up evidence he was on his payroll.

Bush did what had to be done. And people on the Hill know that what leftist huckster spew went out on the web about bad-Bush this and bad-Bush that were all a lie except one in which he called one of the hucksters a liar when the audio was still on. Big hoo ha. It was the truth.

George W. Bush is a first-rate human being and did what had to be done while he was in the Oval Office. I'm proud to this day I supported him from the day he announced his candidacy to right now and next year.

Hoo-ah! You go, George W. Bush! Illegitimi non carborundum!!!

Yep, it was Bush's call, Bush decided, Bush's baby. The bigger question was it all done for oil?
OIL has ZERO to do with it ya fucking ASSCLOWN.

well thats not true at all...
Republicans got us into two useless wars, and now they wonder why the VA is overwhelmed.

Fuck you, the country may have gotten into two useless wars, both parties vote for them. And keep your usual propaganda to yourself, we've heard it all before.

well kiss my crippled ass. since when did any fuckin politican give a rats ass about vets. more smoke and hot air. this will get shoved to the back burner and the heat shut off which has been SOP for years. they don't give shit about vets. never have never will.
Namvet, it depends upon the state and the people who live in that state. I know for a fact two US Senators and the honorable Representative at large in the state I lived in most of my adult life visited VA hospitals and the vets who served twice a month. They also distributed between the three of them 36 of the quilts I made for our state's wounded soldiers. They were the Late Senator Craig Thomas, Senator John Barrasso, and former US Representative Barbara Cubin, R-Wyoming, all. Every Wyoming child is considered a human caution sign, thanks to former Wyoming Governor Stan Hathaway, 1967-1975, and Veterans there are greatly honored to the best of my knowledge. I was horrified to see so many of the states who didn't vote for President Obama on the "list" and think the "revelations" are very suspect, or else, Obama has also put veterans on one of his damn hit lists so he can spread all the blame onto Republican states.

I'm really sick of Barack Obama. He's the most manipulative, divisive president this nation has ever had, and he not only doesn't welcome Republicans ever, he harasses all of them at the tutelage of Madam Pelosi and the Draconian Harry Reid. :evil:

And that's what I think about the goings-on in Obama's lunatic asylum administration which is below even Crazy King Ludwig of Bavarian Castle notoriety.

I went to high school with no less than 200 veterans of Viet Nam, and decided that what happened to them back then would never happen anywhere near me. That's why I was active making comforting quilts for veterans to the best of my ability, however good or bad. I organized a dedicated group of Purple Heart Quilters in 2002, and it wasn't hard to find loving mothers, sisters, aunts, and grandmothers of troops and vets in Wyoming. We quilted our hearts out for vets for 5 years.

As a vet, I thank you for that from the bottom of my heart.

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