Republicans Need to STFU on the VA Issue...

I really get tired of all the work we posters have in being asked to fix America's problems. How about asking Congress, after they finish their repeal Obamacare project, to tackle some of the problems? Seems the framers could have created a better system to solve problems than have the House of Reps do nothing but repeal Obamacare?
Stop pointing fingers and trying to tar the President with this. Every time you open your fucking mouths about it, it should be to say "how do we work together to fix this"...and this is why:

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

So sit down, stop trying to blame the President and either figure out ways to fix it or eat a big piece of blueberry STFU pie.
"the Democratic party simply is the party of government. It is the party that insists on the nobility, efficacy and intellectual superiority of government. The VA is at the intersection of all the things liberals insist are wise and good and just about government. It is government-run healthcare. It is the tangible fulfillment of a sacred obligation the government has with those who’ve sacrificed most for our nation. It is also the one institution and/or constituency that enjoys huge bipartisan support. The VA, rhetorically and politically, is more sacrosanct and less controversial than Medicare, Social Security, road building, the NIH, or public schools. We are constantly told that we could get so many wonderful, super-fantastic things done if only both sides would lay down their ideological blah blah blah blah and work together for yada yada yada. Well, welcome to the VA. How’s that working out for you?
The White House keeps saying these horrible cases of deception and wrongdoing are “isolated incidents” and not “systemic.” As I asked last night on Special Report, how many isolated incidents do you need before they become systemic? Right now, allegations have surfaced in 19 states. That feels systemic to me. But what do I know?"

The VA and the Limits of Liberalism | National Review Online

"Maybe it’s a mess because such messes come with the territory when you put bureaucrats in charge. Criminality, as alleged, may not be inevitable (though I’m not so sure). But rationing, incompetence, bloat, waste, rent-seeking, and a sort of legal corruption certainly are.

"You would think that liberals, out of a desire to protect their brand, would worry more about making sure government handled what is already on its plate better before worrying about adding new responsibilities. This administration, and this president in particular, has insisted that they should be judged by their competence and intelligence. They’ve laid down markers that they will prove that liberalism can go big because they’re just so darn smart and good. "


The VA and the Limits of Liberalism | National Review Online

"Maybe it’s a mess because such messes come with the territory when you put bureaucrats in charge. Criminality, as alleged, may not be inevitable (though I’m not so sure). But rationing, incompetence, bloat, waste, rent-seeking, and a sort of legal corruption certainly are.

"You would think that liberals, out of a desire to protect their brand, would worry more about making sure government handled what is already on its plate better before worrying about adding new responsibilities. This administration, and this president in particular, has insisted that they should be judged by their competence and intelligence. They’ve laid down markers that they will prove that liberalism can go big because they’re just so darn smart and good. "


The VA and the Limits of Liberalism | National Review Online

The funny thing is that, despite me posting this in a few places, not a single person has volunteered to step up and tell me how smart they are for supporting the government.
Republicans need to stop trying to point fingers at the President. When you have one finger pointing at someone else, there are three pointing right back at you. The GOP blocked funding. The GOP is cheerleading sequestration and austerity. These are the things that lead to problems at the VA...where, by the way, patient satisfaction is still one of the highest in the United States.

Fine. The press should be pointing 10 fingers straight at the White House, but they're too busy dreaming up ways to enhance liberal lies they suggest to the WH that they will promote, knowing Obama only pounces on the right to smear them and put votes in his pocket still warm from his hot little smelly smarms.

And you can take that to the outhouse!

You're not a legislator, but now GOP legislators act just like "regular folk". Not "how do we fix this" but "how do we blame the President"...

Sad our representatives don't care about anything more than scoring political points.
We know how to fix it.

We put the criminal pieces of shit in prison...including Obama...and we eliminate Obamacare and in fact, all state-mandated individual medical insurance.
Republicans need to stop trying to point fingers at the President. When you have one finger pointing at someone else, there are three pointing right back at you. The GOP blocked funding. The GOP is cheerleading sequestration and austerity. These are the things that lead to problems at the VA...where, by the way, patient satisfaction is still one of the highest in the United States.

Fine. The press should be pointing 10 fingers straight at the White House, but they're too busy dreaming up ways to enhance liberal lies they suggest to the WH that they will promote, knowing Obama only pounces on the right to smear them and put votes in his pocket still warm from his hot little smelly smarms.

And you can take that to the outhouse!

You're not a legislator, but now GOP legislators act just like "regular folk". Not "how do we fix this" but "how do we blame the President"...

Sad our representatives don't care about anything more than scoring political points.

Really no different than the President blaming Republicans. Except the President is supposed to lead, not blame everyone else.
Every gawdammed time Republicans shut down the gawdammed government, EVERY VA Clinic got closed.

Not one Democrat voted to, or repeatedly did shut down the whole VA.

Republican games meant vets did not get VA medical care.

STFU Republicans, that's all on you.

Regards from Rosie
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Republicans need to stop trying to point fingers at the President. When you have one finger pointing at someone else, there are three pointing right back at you. The GOP blocked funding. The GOP is cheerleading sequestration and austerity. These are the things that lead to problems at the VA...where, by the way, patient satisfaction is still one of the highest in the United States.

Fine. The press should be pointing 10 fingers straight at the White House, but they're too busy dreaming up ways to enhance liberal lies they suggest to the WH that they will promote, knowing Obama only pounces on the right to smear them and put votes in his pocket still warm from his hot little smelly smarms.

And you can take that to the outhouse!

You're not a legislator, but now GOP legislators act just like "regular folk". Not "how do we fix this" but "how do we blame the President"...

Sad our representatives don't care about anything more than scoring political points.
The buck stops nowhere.
If anyone hates veterans it is the Republicans. They vilified John Kerry for not being wounded enough for his purple heart. And anyone who says the Republicans would have done it except the Democrats blocked them should really take a look at the Republican controlled House right now. If a veteran is not making a million dollars or more a year they are nothing to Republicans, they are just another 47%er.

like that has ANYTHING to do with TODAY
maybe you can go back to FDR to vilify Republicans?
If anyone should stfu for crying out loud

swiftboat yesterday == Benghazi today

the swift boater's, were people who served with him..but all of a sudden they all became Republicans? did you check their political affliations? but it's ok for you to swiftboat them because they spoke their feeling about him Kerry( a democrat one of your masters?)...Many people in this country back then thought of Joh Heinz-Kerry to be a traitor to his military men and women yet here you are putting them all down as if they were in the wrong...You all have giving your souls over to a PARTY over the rest of the people in this country...
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Republicans need to stop trying to point fingers at the President. When you have one finger pointing at someone else, there are three pointing right back at you. The GOP blocked funding. The GOP is cheerleading sequestration and austerity. These are the things that lead to problems at the VA...where, by the way, patient satisfaction is still one of the highest in the United States.

Fine. The press should be pointing 10 fingers straight at the White House, but they're too busy dreaming up ways to enhance liberal lies they suggest to the WH that they will promote, knowing Obama only pounces on the right to smear them and put votes in his pocket still warm from his hot little smelly smarms.

And you can take that to the outhouse!

You're not a legislator, but now GOP legislators act just like "regular folk". Not "how do we fix this" but "how do we blame the President"...

Sad our representatives don't care about anything more than scoring political points.


The partisan right needs to start submitting solutions of its own, their incessant din of unwarranted, unsubstantiated complaining about contrived non-issues is unproductive and pointless.
Every gawdammed time Republicans shut down the gawdammed government, EVERY VA Clinic got closed.

Not one Democrat voted to, or repeatedly did shut down the whole VA.

Republican games meant vets did not get VA medical care.

STFU Republicans, that's all on you.

Regards from Rosie

VA hospitals remained open during government shut downs. So I guess it's back on the heartless Obama and his Democrats.
Obama had six frikken years to take of this

but let the blame game continue and whatever you people do, don't ever point a finger at this Dear go through and count all the threads pointing the finger at Booooooooooooosh since this with VA has surfaced...

the same with Benghazi, they are trying to get to bottom to see if administration covered it up in time for his re-election and what do we get
Bush's 13 benghazi's
Reagan had so many
and none of you has held this administration accountable for it
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Fine. The press should be pointing 10 fingers straight at the White House, but they're too busy dreaming up ways to enhance liberal lies they suggest to the WH that they will promote, knowing Obama only pounces on the right to smear them and put votes in his pocket still warm from his hot little smelly smarms.

And you can take that to the outhouse!

You're not a legislator, but now GOP legislators act just like "regular folk". Not "how do we fix this" but "how do we blame the President"...

Sad our representatives don't care about anything more than scoring political points.
The buck stops nowhere.
Obama accepts blame for nothing. Never has, never will.
Republicans need to stop trying to point fingers at the President. When you have one finger pointing at someone else, there are three pointing right back at you. The GOP blocked funding. The GOP is cheerleading sequestration and austerity. These are the things that lead to problems at the VA...where, by the way, patient satisfaction is still one of the highest in the United States.

Fine. The press should be pointing 10 fingers straight at the White House, but they're too busy dreaming up ways to enhance liberal lies they suggest to the WH that they will promote, knowing Obama only pounces on the right to smear them and put votes in his pocket still warm from his hot little smelly smarms.

And you can take that to the outhouse!

You're not a legislator, but now GOP legislators act just like "regular folk". Not "how do we fix this" but "how do we blame the President"...

Sad our representatives don't care about anything more than scoring political points.

^ that

Stop trying to score cheap political points on something thats been going on for a long time [MENTION=29697]freedombecki[/MENTION] :talktothehand:
Every gawdammed time Republicans shut down the gawdammed government, EVERY VA Clinic got closed.

Not one Democrat voted to, or repeatedly did shut down the whole VA.

Republican games meant vets did not get VA medical care.

STFU Republicans, that's all on you.

Regards from Rosie

VA hospitals remained open during government shut downs. So I guess it's back on the heartless Obama and his Democrats.

Hospitals were not taking any new vets in. Injured? Too bad. County hospital ER and pray you can pay.

Vets that needed hospitalization had o wait until Republicans quit choking off access to VA medical care.

No new vets in - too bad, say the Teabag Republicans.

Don't try to avoid responsibility.

Regards from Rosie

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