Republicans On Rape

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What is this thread doing in politics?

It is nothing but a trolling bait thread best relegated to the Badlands or the Flame Zone.

Posting actual quotes by Republican scumbags is "trolling?" Is this more 'conservative logic?'

When it's posted by partisan hacks, like you, yes it's trolling. Especially when it's done with memes and absolutely zero original content. But then I suppose we shouldn't expect you to possess any originality, should we? At least we haven't seen any from you up to this point...

As for whether or not my calling a kettle black is "conservative logic", I wouldn't know, I'm not a conservative.

Look, I know that the truth hurts. I know being called on your bullshit trolling isn't what you expected when you posted this thread. But it will be okay, I assure you that you will survive and I guarantee that you will post more partisan bullshit tomorrow that will be just as interesting as lint. Hell, you might even do it tonight. You just strike me as that kind of underachiever...

Yup. Conservative logic. Good show. I'm a "partisan hack" because you don't like my opinions, therefore I'm "trolling" by posting something you don't like. lol, perhaps you could find a safe space to hide in so you don't have to read these quotes? You don't 'call' anyone on anything, you're an emotional basket case incapable of debate. When you read things that you don't like, you just call them a 'big mean poopie head troll' because you are an emotionally stunted child.

Grow up.

You people pull out the "Fairness Doctrine" or come up with Bullshit charges such as "hate speech".
OP's require more than a picture, video, link or cut and paste - you need to provide some original content. Closed.
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