Republicans oppose economic stimulus

Because the last stimulus, or last two or three, have done such a great job we need Stimulus #5 or #6 or whatever, right?

Japan went down this road and had stimulus after stimulus with the result that economy is still not recovered to where it was 20 years ago. Income is already down to 1996 levels. What do the Dems want? 1948?
because the government spending money doesn't fix the economy, but the government taking less money from the people is a whole different story

Exactly HOW MANY jobs were created by extending the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy, err, I mean "job creators"?
No stimulus. Fire thousands of Government workers. Cut Social security, Medicare, Medicaid. Eliminate food stamps. eliminate the national parks, NASA, Dept of Education. Sounds like a return to 1900 America to me.
Japan went down this road

Well, at least you got that part right. Japan did indeed go down this road - and they failed to arrest the housing collapse, failed to provide enough liquidity to the financial system and allowed a new equilibrium level of employment to take hold.

Let's hope we're smarter than Japan, huh?
Japan went down this road

Well, at least you got that part right. Japan did indeed go down this road - and they failed to arrest the housing collapse, failed to provide enough liquidity to the financial system and allowed a new equilibrium level of employment to take hold.

Let's hope we're smarter than Japan, huh?

Don't worry, we're not.

Liquidate all GSE held REO, close the GSE, open 401(k)s to invest in real estate.

But don't worry, it will never happen
Japan went down this road

Well, at least you got that part right. Japan did indeed go down this road - and they failed to arrest the housing collapse, failed to provide enough liquidity to the financial system and allowed a new equilibrium level of employment to take hold.

Let's hope we're smarter than Japan, huh?

They kept rates artificially low for years and rolled out stimulus after stimulus.
Let's see if we're smart enough to avoid that fate. The first step is getting rid of the undocumented worker in the White House.
Japan went down this road

Well, at least you got that part right. Japan did indeed go down this road - and they failed to arrest the housing collapse, failed to provide enough liquidity to the financial system and allowed a new equilibrium level of employment to take hold.

Let's hope we're smarter than Japan, huh?

They kept rates artificially low for years and rolled out stimulus after stimulus.

No, they kept rates too high initially and failed to arrest the housing collapse. That created a new equilibrium employment and output well below the previous, a state of affairs that some smart economist you might know predicted would occur.
The first step is getting rid of the undocumented worker in the White House.

Lol, Rabbi's a birther too! How precious.
Oh, I forgot: Japan also responded by implementing a dramatic tax cut equal to 1.3% of GDP.

In 1993.

It did the same in 1994.

and 1996.
Increased govt spending is merely more wasted money, more burden, and the government feels it has to do more and more... taking away from what will truly keep helping the economy...

Business and industry drives the economy.. government by nature is a drain.. a leech... and the more it grows, the more long term damage is done

We may have to suffer thru some tough times while things recover... and shy away from this feeling that the more motrin is a cure for a broken leg... when the bone has to simply have the time to heal with the resources the body gives itself
And Japan's so-called "massive" stimulus?

They increased government spending from 70.5T yen in 1991 to 89.3T yen in 2000, an annual average increase of well below two percent.
And Japan's so-called "massive" stimulus?

They increased government spending from 70.5T yen in 1991 to 89.3T yen in 2000, an annual average increase of well below two percent.

the bottom line...

Government interference in the private sector proved to be a waste of time and money...and slowed the natural growth the private secotr would have enojoyed without government interference.

Personally, I tax cuts, no tax hikes, no government spending.

Just leave it alone.

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