Republicans repetedly keep blacks from voting

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So you actually think the republican party is not the conservative party?

You got it. True conservatives have no real party. You think McCain is a conservative?
I suppose I would say the Republican party is the lesser of 2 evils.

I'd question that. Seems to me that they are both about the same. They both want to remove our freedoms. The only real difference is which freedom to remove first.

Only one party (republicans) have been found to have repetedly worked to keep people from voting.
James Lee's testimony
On 17 April, 2001, James Lee testified, before the McKinney panel, that the state had given DBT the directive to add to the purge list people who matched at least 90% of a last name. DBT objected, knowing that this would produce a huge number of false positives (non-felons).[7]

Lee went on saying that the state then ordered DBT to shift to an even lower threshold of 80% match, allowing also names to be reversed (thus a person named Thomas Clarence could be taken to be the same as Clarence Thomas). Besides this, middle initials were skipped, Jr. and Sr. suffixes dropped, and some nicknames and aliases were added to puff up the list.
Its not illegal to hate people now is it?

It is illegal to fix elections
Who fucking cares?

Why do you repetedly ignore and or defend the republican partys work for decades to keep QA,mericans from voting?

Do you hate democracy?
Who fucking cares?

Why do you repetedly ignore and or defend the republican partys work for decades to keep QA,mericans from voting?

Do you hate democracy?

You should care. It makes you look like a total retard. But then again, if the shoe fits....

Where have I defended the Republicans on this matter?
Who fucking cares?

Why do you repetedly ignore and or defend the republican partys work for decades to keep QA,mericans from voting?

Do you hate democracy?

You should care. It makes you look like a total retard. But then again, if the shoe fits....

Where have I defended the Republicans on this matter?

You have not and neither have I, but that won't stop her from lying about it.

Where have any of you condemed these actions?

you have defended them by denying the evidence is overwhleming
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Go get the posts where you condemed and then defended Immie.

You condemed them in maybe one post and then defened them for hours.

I wasnt talking just to you BTW.
Go get the posts where you condemed and then defended Immie.

You condemed them in maybe one post and then defened them for hours.

I wasnt talking just to you BTW.

You are a liar. I have condemned them in multiple posts and never once defended them.

I have not once defended their actions. I have stated repeatedly that allegations are not proof, however, if those actions were done, it is wrong. I condemned the memo put out by the person in the RNC stating that sending out those letters would result in the removal of 60-80 thousand people. I have done so repeatedly.

And I don't give a damn if you were talking to me, you posted it after I mentioned that to LL and you said "any of you" (that is plural by the way) and the only two that were discussing it were LL and myself, so, you were talking to me.

I will say it one more time with the hope that you get it through that ignorant skull of yours, what the Republican Party did (if they did do it which has not been proven) is wrong. In the same vein, I do not believe that your saintly Democratic Party is innocent of trying to do the same kinds of things.

Allegations... i.e. ACCUSATIONS are not proof of anything, despite the lies you have tried to post in this thread since it began.

Look at you deny the court odered release of their own internal documents that clearly state what they were doing.

This is how you defend them, you pretend its merely accusations with no solid proof.

The evidence is damning and you pretend its nothing.

Yet you continue to pretend ACORN did something it did not.
When will people learn? Racists are racists. They exist in all races. It's not just White people who can be racists. I think many people are confused about stuff like this because of the Liberal dominated & Dumbed-Down MSM. They have propagandized for many years that only White people can be racists. Many Americans have unfortunately bought into that propaganda. That's a real tragedy. You'll know a racist when you see one. Its not too hard to figure out. Personally i have found that the people who screech about racism the most,are usually racists themselves. So pay closer attention next time you observe someone screeching hysterically about racism. It's a good bet that they're racists themselves. This has been my experience anyway. It is what it is.
Immie go proove your point by getting the posts

I don't need to. I reiterated it in those very posts and my point has not changed throughout this thread.

You are simply too damned ignorant to understand that.

You posted the lie that I have approved of the Republican misdeeds and it is therefore your responsibility to prove that I am lying. Be my guest.

You go find any post where I said the Republicans did nothing wrong or be shown for the liar you are.

Here's one condemnation for you:

And another:

In fact, I called the accused Republican and "unamerican pig" in that post.

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You refuse to accept the facts and evide nce in these cases.

You repetedly claim its unproven by facts.

Why do you call facts mere allegations?
You refuse to accept the facts and evide nce in these cases.

You repetedly claim its unproven by facts.

Why do you call facts mere allegations?

We've been through this shit already. I'm sorry you are not smart enough to have learned your lesson.

The link you posted weeks ago... the very court document you provided stated that there had been no admission of guilt nor any finding of guilt.

All you have is allegations. Nothing more and nothing less.

That fact that you have no idea what constitutes proof is no one's fault but your own.

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