Republicans responsible for most of Obamacare's failings


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Opinion: GOP's hypocrisy on Obamacare -

That was then. Today, implementation has arrived, and if it's not a train wreck, then it's certainly close. The administration is still under fire because people cannot get the insurance they want through the exchanges. But while I will continue to point out the problems with implementation and fault the administration for mistakes they've made, how does one ignore the apparent hypocrisy from many politicians who are now "outraged" about the very problems they've helped to create.

Republicans refused to appropriate money needed to implement Obamacare. When Sebelius tried to shift money from other areas to help do what needed to be done, she was attacked by Senate Republicans. At every step, Republicans fought measures to get money to put towards implementation.

Is it really a surprise then that implementation hasn't gone smoothly?

Federal legislators aren't the only ones to blame. Let's remember that original versions of the bill called for one big national exchange. This would have been much easier to implement. But conservatives declared that insurance should be left to the states and kept out of the hands of the federal government. So as a compromise (yes, those did occur), exchanges were made state-based instead of national.

What verse are they on now, anyway? Every time there's a crisis, the Republicans are standing there looking all holier than thou, and pointing at Obama. "Oh, no! We WANTED to negotiate, but Obama! We got 98% of what we wanted, but Obama!"

Yes, he does things wrong. He has done plenty wrong. But this bullshit that's going on right now, i.e., "roll out Obamacare without any money, honey?" Pure, unmitigated sanctimonious hypocritical asshatery of the highest order.

And it does get old.

And people ARE seeing what is going on.

And the GOP will be lucky if they don't lose their shorts, in addition to the House in 2014.
Peter Pan is the Democrat Patron Saint, they refuse to grow up and act like adults. Had it been a "success" they'd be spiking the football like the bin Laden raid
She blew 600 million and couldn't get a simple website up. And this is their fault? Seriously wake up.
Actually, the fault of the GOP was in shutting down the government for 16 days (because they hated Obamacare) as well as the decision of the House (meaning Boehner) to only work 19 days for the rest of the year.

There are still 3 days left in October, as well as 30 days in November, and 31 days in December.

30 plus 31 plus 3 equals 64. 64 minus 19 equals 45. Why is the House only working 19 days and getting 45 off? Good work if you can get it, but it's because they don't want to have any more time at work, because they think it's going to work to their advantage to get rid of Obamacare.

Sorry..................but the ACA is here, it's been a law for over 3 years, and they can't stop it unless they vote it out.

I tell you would be nice if the nation's representatives and those we elected to office could actually work for the betterment of this country, rather than their own narrow interests (which go against what most of the country wants).

Why did we elect them? Apparently so they could draw 6 figure salaries (which most of us never see) and sit on their asses and do nothing for more than 60 percent of the time they're supposed to be working FOR us.

Like I said......................good work if you can get it.
No amount of deflection can avoid this being an Obama clusterfuck. Par for the course for someone who stands a pretty good chance of being one of the worst two-term presidents ever.
Actually, the fault of the GOP was in shutting down the government for 16 days (because they hated Obamacare) as well as the decision of the House (meaning Boehner) to only work 19 days for the rest of the year.
The government shut down because Obama refused to discuss delaying the individual mandate. NOW he wants to delay the mandate.
No amount of deflection can avoid this being an Obama clusterfuck. Par for the course for someone who stands a pretty good chance of being one of the worst two-term presidents ever.
The "Blame Bush" card is expired so now they have to use the "Blame Republican Congress". That's getting old and overused as well.
No amount of deflection can avoid this being an Obama clusterfuck. Par for the course for someone who stands a pretty good chance of being one of the worst two-term presidents ever.
The "Blame Bush" card is expired so now they have to use the "Blame Republican Congress". That's getting old and overused as well.

Actually, it's not so much the "Blame the GOP" it's more of "Blame the Teabaggers who are leading the GOP into oblivion".

Sorry, but there are some reasonable Republicans who thought that shutting down the government was a bad thing. It happened because of Teabaggers like Cruz and Cantor. Boehner could be considered a patsy, because he was led around the nose by the Teabaggers.

Boehner's problem is that he doesn't have a spine, nor wishes to have one. He just wants to keep his Speaker position.
Actually, the fault of the GOP was in shutting down the government for 16 days (because they hated Obamacare) as well as the decision of the House (meaning Boehner) to only work 19 days for the rest of the year.
The government shut down because Obama refused to discuss delaying the individual mandate. NOW he wants to delay the mandate.

Check again.................the government was shut down because of the Teabaggers.

The debt ceiling standoff (which resulted in the downgrade of the U.S. credit rating) was also caused by the Teabaggers.

I hope that every fucking Teabagger is voted out of office at the earliest convenience.
No amount of deflection can avoid this being an Obama clusterfuck. Par for the course for someone who stands a pretty good chance of being one of the worst two-term presidents ever.
The "Blame Bush" card is expired so now they have to use the "Blame Republican Congress". That's getting old and overused as well.

Actually, it's not so much the "Blame the GOP" it's more of "Blame the Teabaggers who are leading the GOP into oblivion".

Sorry, but there are some reasonable Republicans who thought that shutting down the government was a bad thing. It happened because of Teabaggers like Cruz and Cantor. Boehner could be considered a patsy, because he was led around the nose by the Teabaggers.

Boehner's problem is that he doesn't have a spine, nor wishes to have one. He just wants to keep his Speaker position.
You're splitting hairs. Let's make it simple for those incapable of understanding complexity, even if it's an Obama clusterfuck, the onus cannot be on the administration and thus defaults to the opposition. Fair enough?
The "Blame Bush" card is expired so now they have to use the "Blame Republican Congress". That's getting old and overused as well.

Actually, it's not so much the "Blame the GOP" it's more of "Blame the Teabaggers who are leading the GOP into oblivion".

Sorry, but there are some reasonable Republicans who thought that shutting down the government was a bad thing. It happened because of Teabaggers like Cruz and Cantor. Boehner could be considered a patsy, because he was led around the nose by the Teabaggers.

Boehner's problem is that he doesn't have a spine, nor wishes to have one. He just wants to keep his Speaker position.
You're splitting hairs. Let's make it simple for those incapable of understanding complexity, even if it's an Obama clusterfuck, the onus cannot be on the administration and thus defaults to the opposition. Fair enough?

Only problem's not Obama's clusterfuck, it's the clusterfuck of the GOP who said they would oppose him and try to make him a one term president (in the words of McConnell, who I hope loses his seat next election by a landslide).

The problem isn't the current Presidential administration, it's the fault of the GOP and the Teabaggers who continually oppose anything that he's for, even if they were the ones who supported a particular view just a few months ago.

Sorry..................but you can find many places where the GOP supported something as being a good thing until Obama said it was a good idea.

After he said it would work, the Republicans said it wouldn't, some of them even going against their own bills.

Might wanna learn how to use the 'net to look things up you hear on the news, rather than swallow whole what the pundits and idiots on FAUX Nooze tell you.
Actually, the fault of the GOP was in shutting down the government for 16 days (because they hated Obamacare) as well as the decision of the House (meaning Boehner) to only work 19 days for the rest of the year.
The government shut down because Obama refused to discuss delaying the individual mandate. NOW he wants to delay the mandate.

Check again.................the government was shut down because of the Teabaggers.

The debt ceiling standoff (which resulted in the downgrade of the U.S. credit rating) was also caused by the Teabaggers.

I hope that every fucking Teabagger is voted out of office at the earliest convenience.
Yeah, they wanted a delay and Obama didn't. Now he does, after Sebilius' fuck-up on the web site.
Actually, it's not so much the "Blame the GOP" it's more of "Blame the Teabaggers who are leading the GOP into oblivion".

Sorry, but there are some reasonable Republicans who thought that shutting down the government was a bad thing. It happened because of Teabaggers like Cruz and Cantor. Boehner could be considered a patsy, because he was led around the nose by the Teabaggers.

Boehner's problem is that he doesn't have a spine, nor wishes to have one. He just wants to keep his Speaker position.
You're splitting hairs. Let's make it simple for those incapable of understanding complexity, even if it's an Obama clusterfuck, the onus cannot be on the administration and thus defaults to the opposition. Fair enough?

Only problem's not Obama's clusterfuck, it's the clusterfuck of the GOP who said they would oppose him and try to make him a one term president (in the words of McConnell, who I hope loses his seat next election by a landslide).

The problem isn't the current Presidential administration, it's the fault of the GOP and the Teabaggers who continually oppose anything that he's for, even if they were the ones who supported a particular view just a few months ago.

Sorry..................but you can find many places where the GOP supported something as being a good thing until Obama said it was a good idea.

After he said it would work, the Republicans said it wouldn't, some of them even going against their own bills.

Might wanna learn how to use the 'net to look things up you hear on the news, rather than swallow whole what the pundits and idiots on FAUX Nooze tell you.
You know, we had an exchange about the little girl in Greece which left little doubt about your ignorance lack of intellect. I live in Prague. It is far away. There is no Fox News here.

There, I kept it very simple for you.
No amount of deflection can avoid this being an Obama clusterfuck. Par for the course for someone who stands a pretty good chance of being one of the worst two-term presidents ever.
The "Blame Bush" card is expired so now they have to use the "Blame Republican Congress". That's getting old and overused as well.

Actually, it's not so much the "Blame the GOP" it's more of "Blame the Teabaggers who are leading the GOP into oblivion".

Sorry, but there are some reasonable Republicans who thought that shutting down the government was a bad thing. It happened because of Teabaggers like Cruz and Cantor. Boehner could be considered a patsy, because he was led around the nose by the Teabaggers.

Boehner's problem is that he doesn't have a spine, nor wishes to have one. He just wants to keep his Speaker position.

Actually, the Tea Party is the direction the country needs to go, sooner or later..

Actually, the fault of the GOP was in shutting down the government for 16 days (because they hated Obamacare) as well as the decision of the House (meaning Boehner) to only work 19 days for the rest of the year.
The government shut down because Obama refused to discuss delaying the individual mandate. NOW he wants to delay the mandate.

Check again.................the government was shut down because of the Teabaggers.

Wrong often are you?

The government shut down because Obama refused to discuss delaying the individual mandate. NOW he wants to delay the mandate.

Check again.................the government was shut down because of the Teabaggers.

The debt ceiling standoff (which resulted in the downgrade of the U.S. credit rating) was also caused by the Teabaggers.

I hope that every fucking Teabagger is voted out of office at the earliest convenience.
Yeah, they wanted a delay and Obama didn't. Now he does, after Sebilius' fuck-up on the web site.

You want to know why on occasion I call you "Stupid Jackass" (other than the fact that the letters work)?

It's because I was taught a few years back a certain quote................"Ignorance is when you never had the chance to learn, Stupidity is when you had the chance but didn't bother".

You've had many facts laid at your feet, yet you choose to ignore them.

"Jackass" is a word that defines the progeny of a mule and a donkey that is impotent and can never reproduce.

You're thoughts are the progeny of those you think are right (but never choose to investigate the way they came to believe that way) as well as those who choose to believe as you do, resulting in the impotent views that you hold, which will never reproduce if people choose to investigate them.

Stupid Jackass serves you well as your name. You should be proud, you live up to it well.

Obama didn't want the delay, because it had already been signed into law 3 years ago, and he knew that if people didn't participate, it may have problems.

The Teabaggers saw the same thing, which is why they convinced the GOP to follow their lead.

Quick question Stupid Jackass........................have YOU been on the website, and do you know what Obamacare is offering?

I'm guessing you don't, because you swallow whatever the GOP tells you to.

But.......................keep working with the seems to wear well on you.
The government shut down because Obama refused to discuss delaying the individual mandate. NOW he wants to delay the mandate.

Check again.................the government was shut down because of the Teabaggers.

Wrong often are you?


Tell ya links that show the government was NOT shut down by the teabaggers (other than blogs of teabaggers or GOP), and you notice I said "blogs". I will accept legitimate news sources, and I might retract my statement.

But from where I currently see it, Cruz (who is a teabagger) as well as Cantor (who is one as well) are holding Boehner hostage, and because he has no spine, is following the teabagger idiots.

Additionally..................can you provide concrete reasons (meaning from legitimate news sources rather than blogs) exactly WHY the teabaggers are the way this country is going?

I predict a bloodbath for the GOP in 2014, as well as another one in 2016.

What kind of bet are you willing to put up against it? Sig lines, tag lines, avatars or even cash if you're stupid enough......................................

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