Republicans responsible for most of Obamacare's failings

lol, the Tea party are leading the gop into Oblivion

but Obama and his comrades must leading the Democrats and our country into UTOPIA


the libs here are such good little comrade sheeps

wash, rinse, REPEAT what their masters tells them...they fall right in line....

they used up Booooooooooooooooooooooosh, now it's the Teaaaaaaaaaaaaaa partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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Check again.................the government was shut down because of the Teabaggers.

The debt ceiling standoff (which resulted in the downgrade of the U.S. credit rating) was also caused by the Teabaggers.

I hope that every fucking Teabagger is voted out of office at the earliest convenience.
Yeah, they wanted a delay and Obama didn't. Now he does, after Sebilius' fuck-up on the web site.

You want to know why on occasion I call you "Stupid Jackass" (other than the fact that the letters work)?

It's because I was taught a few years back a certain quote................"Ignorance is when you never had the chance to learn, Stupidity is when you had the chance but didn't bother".

You've had many facts laid at your feet, yet you choose to ignore them.

"Jackass" is a word that defines the progeny of a mule and a donkey that is impotent and can never reproduce.

You're thoughts are the progeny of those you think are right (but never choose to investigate the way they came to believe that way) as well as those who choose to believe as you do, resulting in the impotent views that you hold, which will never reproduce if people choose to investigate them.

Stupid Jackass serves you well as your name. You should be proud, you live up to it well.

Obama didn't want the delay, because it had already been signed into law 3 years ago, and he knew that if people didn't participate, it may have problems.

The Teabaggers saw the same thing, which is why they convinced the GOP to follow their lead.

Quick question Stupid Jackass........................have YOU been on the website, and do you know what Obamacare is offering?

I'm guessing you don't, because you swallow whatever the GOP tells you to.

But.......................keep working with the seems to wear well on you.
Can't get on the website, it doesn't work. I rest my case, dumbshit. And you call ME the jackass? LMAO at your ignorance. He didn't want the delay UNTIL he found out the fucking website doesn't work (after spending over $600 million on it). He shut down the government over something he wouldn't even discuss with the Republicans but is now asking for HIMSELF. You could maybe see that if you took your head out of his ass.
Check again.................the government was shut down because of the Teabaggers.

Wrong often are you?


Tell ya links that show the government was NOT shut down by the teabaggers (other than blogs of teabaggers or GOP), and you notice I said "blogs". I will accept legitimate news sources, and I might retract my statement.

But from where I currently see it, Cruz (who is a teabagger) as well as Cantor (who is one as well) are holding Boehner hostage, and because he has no spine, is following the teabagger idiots.

Additionally..................can you provide concrete reasons (meaning from legitimate news sources rather than blogs) exactly WHY the teabaggers are the way this country is going?

I predict a bloodbath for the GOP in 2014, as well as another one in 2016.

What kind of bet are you willing to put up against it? Sig lines, tag lines, avatars or even cash if you're stupid enough......................................

You can let the media guide you to the truth. Have at it. FAIL

I don't need the media to interpret this one. Speaking of stupid, get a cup of coffee and listen to your dear leader feed you BS


You have to feel sorry for these ObamaBots like the whiner of that article

watching their so called, Savior Obama, who was going to TRANSFORM us into this Socialist paradise is falling apart right before their eyes..

tsk tsk , those darn people in the country who are (Tea Party, Republicans, conservatives, Independent) got in THEIR WAY....
Yeah, they wanted a delay and Obama didn't. Now he does, after Sebilius' fuck-up on the web site.

You want to know why on occasion I call you "Stupid Jackass" (other than the fact that the letters work)?

It's because I was taught a few years back a certain quote................"Ignorance is when you never had the chance to learn, Stupidity is when you had the chance but didn't bother".

You've had many facts laid at your feet, yet you choose to ignore them.

"Jackass" is a word that defines the progeny of a mule and a donkey that is impotent and can never reproduce.

You're thoughts are the progeny of those you think are right (but never choose to investigate the way they came to believe that way) as well as those who choose to believe as you do, resulting in the impotent views that you hold, which will never reproduce if people choose to investigate them.

Stupid Jackass serves you well as your name. You should be proud, you live up to it well.

Obama didn't want the delay, because it had already been signed into law 3 years ago, and he knew that if people didn't participate, it may have problems.

The Teabaggers saw the same thing, which is why they convinced the GOP to follow their lead.

Quick question Stupid Jackass........................have YOU been on the website, and do you know what Obamacare is offering?

I'm guessing you don't, because you swallow whatever the GOP tells you to.

But.......................keep working with the seems to wear well on you.
Can't get on the website, it doesn't work. I rest my case, dumbshit. And you call ME the jackass? LMAO at your ignorance. He didn't want the delay UNTIL he found out the fucking website doesn't work (after spending over $600 million on it). He shut down the government over something he wouldn't even discuss with the Republicans but is now asking for HIMSELF. You could maybe see that if you took your head out of his ass.

600 million for a website that needs work is a whole lot less than the 24 BILLION that the GOP flushed down the toilet on the shutdown.

Sorry, but again you display your stupidity as well as the defiance to learn something other than what your overlords tell you.

Is it fun being a lemming? Me? I prefer to think for myself.
You want to know why on occasion I call you "Stupid Jackass" (other than the fact that the letters work)?

It's because I was taught a few years back a certain quote................"Ignorance is when you never had the chance to learn, Stupidity is when you had the chance but didn't bother".

You've had many facts laid at your feet, yet you choose to ignore them.

"Jackass" is a word that defines the progeny of a mule and a donkey that is impotent and can never reproduce.

You're thoughts are the progeny of those you think are right (but never choose to investigate the way they came to believe that way) as well as those who choose to believe as you do, resulting in the impotent views that you hold, which will never reproduce if people choose to investigate them.

Stupid Jackass serves you well as your name. You should be proud, you live up to it well.

Obama didn't want the delay, because it had already been signed into law 3 years ago, and he knew that if people didn't participate, it may have problems.

The Teabaggers saw the same thing, which is why they convinced the GOP to follow their lead.

Quick question Stupid Jackass........................have YOU been on the website, and do you know what Obamacare is offering?

I'm guessing you don't, because you swallow whatever the GOP tells you to.

But.......................keep working with the seems to wear well on you.
Can't get on the website, it doesn't work. I rest my case, dumbshit. And you call ME the jackass? LMAO at your ignorance. He didn't want the delay UNTIL he found out the fucking website doesn't work (after spending over $600 million on it). He shut down the government over something he wouldn't even discuss with the Republicans but is now asking for HIMSELF. You could maybe see that if you took your head out of his ass.
I prefer to think for myself.

Really, you just posted about how you get your information from 'legitimate' websites. :confused:

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and get this, the DEAR LEADER knew a delay would of caused's that for blowing smoke up your asses folks?

Obama didn't want the delay, because it had already been signed into law 3 years ago, and he knew that if people didn't participate, it may have problems.

that spin and twisting must of hurt, how do they get themselves out of that knot?

dear gawd people you buy this crap and you might as well bow down to this administration and say your, all hail Obama's
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You want to know why on occasion I call you "Stupid Jackass" (other than the fact that the letters work)?

It's because I was taught a few years back a certain quote................"Ignorance is when you never had the chance to learn, Stupidity is when you had the chance but didn't bother".

You've had many facts laid at your feet, yet you choose to ignore them.

"Jackass" is a word that defines the progeny of a mule and a donkey that is impotent and can never reproduce.

You're thoughts are the progeny of those you think are right (but never choose to investigate the way they came to believe that way) as well as those who choose to believe as you do, resulting in the impotent views that you hold, which will never reproduce if people choose to investigate them.

Stupid Jackass serves you well as your name. You should be proud, you live up to it well.

Obama didn't want the delay, because it had already been signed into law 3 years ago, and he knew that if people didn't participate, it may have problems.

The Teabaggers saw the same thing, which is why they convinced the GOP to follow their lead.

Quick question Stupid Jackass........................have YOU been on the website, and do you know what Obamacare is offering?

I'm guessing you don't, because you swallow whatever the GOP tells you to.

But.......................keep working with the seems to wear well on you.
Can't get on the website, it doesn't work. I rest my case, dumbshit. And you call ME the jackass? LMAO at your ignorance. He didn't want the delay UNTIL he found out the fucking website doesn't work (after spending over $600 million on it). He shut down the government over something he wouldn't even discuss with the Republicans but is now asking for HIMSELF. You could maybe see that if you took your head out of his ass.

600 million for a website that needs work is a whole lot less than the 24 BILLION that the GOP flushed down the toilet on the shutdown.

Sorry, but again you display your stupidity as well as the defiance to learn something other than what your overlords tell you.

Is it fun being a lemming? Me? I prefer to think for myself.
You just can't admit he fucked up, can you? What a sheep.
Can't get on the website, it doesn't work. I rest my case, dumbshit. And you call ME the jackass? LMAO at your ignorance. He didn't want the delay UNTIL he found out the fucking website doesn't work (after spending over $600 million on it). He shut down the government over something he wouldn't even discuss with the Republicans but is now asking for HIMSELF. You could maybe see that if you took your head out of his ass.

600 million for a website that needs work is a whole lot less than the 24 BILLION that the GOP flushed down the toilet on the shutdown.

Sorry, but again you display your stupidity as well as the defiance to learn something other than what your overlords tell you.

Is it fun being a lemming? Me? I prefer to think for myself.
You just can't admit he fucked up, can you? What a sheep.
obama could take a huge, greasy SHIT in bikiefags MOUTH, and he'd THANK him for the MEAL.

The utter BLATANT HYPOCRISY of the left, NOT negotiating causing the shut down, then DAYS afterwards WANTING EXACTLY what the republicans were wanting to negotiate is MIND NUMBING, and then to have MORONS like bikiefag THINK they can blame the right, is nothing more than PROOF of just how BRAIN DEAD these LEFTARDS are.
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She blew 600 million and couldn't get a simple website up. And this is their fault? Seriously wake up.

Yeah, because it costs $3 Billion to get a website up and running, maybe $4 billion

How do people give Democrats any power at all?
She blew 600 million and couldn't get a simple website up. And this is their fault? Seriously wake up.

Yeah, because it costs $3 Billion to get a website up and running, maybe $4 billion

How do people give Democrats any power at all?

I hope to hell the people have learned a lesson with Obama and NEVER put one of these Democrat/progressive/commies bastards back in charge of our lives and country
Actually, it's not so much the "Blame the GOP" it's more of "Blame the Teabaggers who are leading the GOP into oblivion".

Sorry, but there are some reasonable Republicans who thought that shutting down the government was a bad thing. It happened because of Teabaggers like Cruz and Cantor. Boehner could be considered a patsy, because he was led around the nose by the Teabaggers.

Boehner's problem is that he doesn't have a spine, nor wishes to have one. He just wants to keep his Speaker position.
You're splitting hairs. Let's make it simple for those incapable of understanding complexity, even if it's an Obama clusterfuck, the onus cannot be on the administration and thus defaults to the opposition. Fair enough?

Only problem's not Obama's clusterfuck, it's the clusterfuck of the GOP who said they would oppose him and try to make him a one term president (in the words of McConnell, who I hope loses his seat next election by a landslide).

The problem isn't the current Presidential administration, it's the fault of the GOP and the Teabaggers who continually oppose anything that he's for, even if they were the ones who supported a particular view just a few months ago.

Sorry..................but you can find many places where the GOP supported something as being a good thing until Obama said it was a good idea.

After he said it would work, the Republicans said it wouldn't, some of them even going against their own bills.

Might wanna learn how to use the 'net to look things up you hear on the news, rather than swallow whole what the pundits and idiots on FAUX Nooze tell you.
If the GOP wasn't allowed any input in writing ACA -- and it wasn't -- it belongs solely to Obama.

If it was successful, you sure wouldn't be thanking the GOP. Be honest. For once.
Obama fluffers and democrat supporters are blaming republicans for the presidents signature law roll out failure? Well, I didnt see that coming at all!

you have to wonder how some of these people live with themselves? the lies, the spin, the dishonesty they dish out...and for what....THIS GOVERNMENT

that is scary people when they care more about government and some forced insurance scam put on you than they do YOU OR THE COUNTRY
you have to wonder how some of these people live with themselves? the lies, the spin, the dishonesty they dish out...and for what....THIS GOVERNMENT

that is scary people when they care more about government and some forced insurance scam put on you than they do YOU OR THE COUNTRY

THis country is quickly moving towards a 3' oclock school bell at Little Big Horn

The government shutdown because Obama is the only person who can change ObamaCare

Actually, the government was shut down because the TeaBaggers wanted to see if they could get Obamacare shut down because they shut the government down.

But........................anyone with half a brain (which most Teabaggers have less than), would see that Boehner and the GOP would only pass Continuing Resolutions (CR's), and only increase the debt ceiling by months (which was voted in by a Congress two years ago) because they hoped that the pressure would cause the Dems and Obama to recant.

Sorry................but the GOP lost the election, and they're pissed that there is a black man in the White House.

I mean...................didn't McConnell (who I hope loses his next election) form a group shortly after the first election of Obama and get everyone else to try to make him a one term president?

Sorry..................but Obama has done a very fine job...............why else do you think that he's made 2 terms?

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