Republicans Step Up Attack On Clinton's Russia Policy

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Republicans Step Up Attack On Clinton's Russia Policy

but it's 1999 and the NYT was still being used as an outlet for the rightwing agenda.

Mr. Graham predicted that Mrs. Clinton would become more central as the election got closer, but said Republican animosity toward Mr. Obama made him a more resonant target right now.

“I have never seen anything like this,” Mr. Graham said in an interview, referring to Republican contempt for Mr. Obama. He noted that it was even more deep-seated than their anger toward President Clinton, whom Republicans impeached. “That’s a pretty high bar,” he said dryly. (Mr. Clinton was acquitted by the Senate.)

David Brock, founder of Correct the Record, a project that defends Mrs. Clinton in the news media, and a onetime conservative critic of the Clintons, published the e-book “The Benghazi Hoax” in 2013 that defends Mrs. Clinton’s handling of the attack on the United States Mission in Benghazi, Libya.

He said criticism that she is wealthy and out of touch would be an easy one to combat, particularly if the Republican nominee is Jeb Bush, the son and brother of former presidents, or Mitt Romney, whose personal wealth became a point of contention in his 2012 campaign and who recently told donors that he was considering running again in 2016.

It was not long ago that conservatives were “raising money off the caricature of her as a dyed-in-the-wool socialist,” Mr. Brock said.

“Now, we’re expected to believe a totally contrary fictional premise — that she’s a plutocrat,” he added.


it's not like you tools/sheep for the DNC didn't ATTACK Bush's foreign policies

BUT the hillary , is just some poor old granny and and she can't defend herself

so LEAVE HER along...... k

waaaaa waaaa dish it but don't like it when it comes back in your face


I'd be embarrassed to be used this way for a stinking party who looks at you like everyone else as their SLAVES to fund their jobs and PET projects. they could give a shit less about any of you

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