Republicans, Stop the Self-Defeating Victimology

The biggest thing they have going for them is Biden's age, and that's not a small thing.

On the off chance they get wiped out in '24, they'll say it was rigged. It's hard to imagine them easing off the crazy throttle even then.

What saves the party from the cult?
I don't think it's an "off chance". I would say it's a near certainty if they maintain the same course.

And I don't think age will make the difference you seem to.
Dems and the DC swamp have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at Trump, with 24/7 negative coverage and he's still whooping Biden's ass. Dem central command must be pulling their hair out. :auiqs.jpg:

Trump's support is a reflection of this fact...the people are fed up with the DC swamp BS.

Trump doesn't get "negative coverage", Donald Trump is the most corrosive, divisive, and hate fuelled politician in American history. He is negatively personified.
Did I not just say that the Republicans have a much deeper bench of Alternates than the Democrats do?

There are over a dozen of them out there willing-and-eager to take-on the Democrats. Take your pick.

YOUR trouble is that your orange-tinted Benedict Arnold will lose massively if you're stupid enough to run him again.

Personally, I could support any of Nikki Haley or Ron DeSantis or Chris Christie or Josh Hawley or Ted Cruz for the slot.

All of whom would be both comfortable and effective in hammering the Democrats, without the lethal Trump baggage.

Run Trump again and you lose (again) on November 5, 2024... but this time by a vastly large margin than you lost in 2020.
Haley" Three words: NeoCon Prom Queen-No thanks
DeSantis-Burned out completely
Christie? That fat piece of shit had the gall to suck up to the Mulatto Menace
Cruz? RINO Sorry, no. We need a fighter, not someone who will cave in to the Left.
Haley" Three words: NeoCon Prom Queen-No thanks
DeSantis-Burned out completely
Christie? That fat piece of shit had the gall to suck up to the Mulatto Menace
Cruz? RINO Sorry, no. We need a fighter, not someone who will cave in to the Left.
Trump is now un-electable

Even if every single registered Republican votes for him.

Democrats outnumber you, and most Independents and Swing Voters will vote Democratic again if you run Trump.

What part of un-electable do you not understand?
Trump is now un-electable

Even if every single registered Republican votes for him.

Democrats outnumber you, and most Independents and Swing Voters will vote Democratic again if you run Trump.

What part of un-electable do you not understand?
If you say so, Spike. :eusa_eh:
You need to take a class in connecting dots, DL.

The dots you're connecting are the fly specs on your computer screen. I worked in international trade and finance. The corporation structures that the Republicans are telling you are "shell corporations for laundering money", are in fact standard for anyone doing business in a foreign country.

Furthermore, you need a different corporation, for each country you're investing in, so 20 shell corporations among 9 people investing and/or working in 3 countries, is actually a low number.

I acted as a corporate clerk for the largest residential development corporation in North America. They had 200 active corporations at any given time, and incorporated a new LLC every time they made an offer on a property. If the offer fell through, the LLC was never used again. If the offer was accepted, the LLC was added to the active list, and used to complete the purchase and development of the property. When the project was completed and sold, the LLC was wound up and dissolved.

No money laundering involved. This simply protected all of the rest of their projects from being taken down by the failure of one of their projects. Money isn't being laundered by the Biden's LLC's. Investments are being walled off, from the rest of the portfolio, for protection.

Investments in China are particularly vulnerable. While China claims to allow capitalism, they will just swoop in and take over a company. A friend spent 10 years building a school for autisic children in Beijing, and the government gave her 6 months to sell out or they'd take revoke her charter. I'm not real clear on exactly what happened, but she did find a buyer and left China.

My impression from the Hunter Biden got $10 million out of China story is that something similar was happening with his Chinese investments. He'd pulled all of his family into this investment in the Chinese energy market, and now the Chinese government was pushing them all out.

But I have yet to see anything that would lead me to believe that Joe Biden was involved in any of it, or that Hunter Biden was doing anything illegal, in terms of business. Lawyers know where all the lines are, and which ones can be crossed and which ones can't.
The Republican Party, having been hijacked by idol worshiping extremists are on a path to destruction. They are living a delusion in which they've actually convinced themselves that a man facing 91 criminal indictments and is underwater with independent voters is actually capable of mounting some sort of comeback like they are living in an inspiring Hollywood movie.
Setting aside whether that is accurate, if it were, how would it be victimology? That sounds pretty optimistic. I think of "victimology" as playing the "poor, pitiful me" card.
The truth is Trump will drag the entire ticket down with him resulting in the loss of the House, the inability to win back the Senate, and the loss of more legislative assemblies and gubernatorial seats, handing an 82 year old Biden another four years with complete control of the government to do as he wishes. When that happens they will, of course, blame everyone but themselves.
So, you would rather have a Republican, as long as it is not Trump, in the White House? Do you have one in mind?
The American Right is not in a healthy place right now. Facing a highly vulnerable, palpably senile octogenarian incumbent president who has presided over four-decade-high inflation and 69% of recently polled Democrats believe is too old for a second term, Republicans thus far seem inclined to roll the dice with their own 77-year-old geezer,
Trump at 77 is far different from Biden at 80, and I don't mean the three years. Trump is robust, seems healthy as a horse, and has yet to be seen falling over in public, or being confused when talking. Trump is the type guy who will bustle with energy, right up until he has a sudden heart attack or stroke and will be gone.

If he doesn't die of lead poisoning at the hands of a deranged Democrat.
who is currently facing 91 counts in four different criminal cases and a whopping 64% of recently polled Americans say they will "definitely not" or "probably not" support next November.
That is the half of the country that is Democrats and another 14% that is Never-Trump Republicans.

By November of '24, assuming Biden continues his economic and border policies, the country will be in such bad shape that no one will give a damn about "fake electors."
Perhaps former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a one-time Republican presidential candidate himself, had it right when he called on the GOP to "stop being the stupid party."

I await the usual replies:

" LOL Newsweek!"



"The RINO Bobby Jindal? LOL!"

It is a valid point to say that the opinion piece disguised as a story you cite comes from a biased source, but a better point is that it is just an opinion piece and my opinion is just as valid as the opinion of "Josh Hammer."
FFS try to post something intelligent. How was Trump going to get rid of the DC swamp that was decades in the making, in a single term? While Dems and RINO attacked the guy non-stop like a pack of rabid vermin?
Trump wasn’t getting rid of swamp, nor will he if he is re-elected. He is just restocking it with loyalists.
Setting aside whether that is accurate, if it were, how would it be victimology? That sounds pretty optimistic. I think of "victimology" as playing the "poor, pitiful me" card.

So, you would rather have a Republican, as long as it is not Trump, in the White House? Do you have one in mind?

Trump at 77 is far different from Biden at 80, and I don't mean the three years. Trump is robust, seems healthy as a horse, and has yet to be seen falling over in public, or being confused when talking. Trump is the type guy who will bustle with energy, right up until he has a sudden heart attack or stroke and will be gone.

If he doesn't die of lead poisoning at the hands of a deranged Democrat.

That is the half of the country that is Democrats and another 14% that is Never-Trump Republicans.

By November of '24, assuming Biden continues his economic and border policies, the country will be in such bad shape that no one will give a damn about "fake electors."

It is a valid point to say that the opinion piece disguised as a story you cite comes from a biased source, but a better point is that it is just an opinion piece and my opinion is just as valid as the opinion of "Josh Hammer."

I'm the most persecuted President in American history. They're coming after you, I'm just in their way.

FFS try to post something intelligent. How was Trump going to get rid of the DC swamp that was decades in the making, in a single term? While Dems and RINO attacked the guy non-stop like a pack of rabid vermin?

A pack of rabin vermin???

Donald Trump ran a four year crime spree out of the White House, which was the most corrupt administration of American History, and you refer to the people trying to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law, "a pack of rabin vermin"?

And you wonder why we call you a Cult Member.
Considering the fact the the last four polls I've seen all have Trump beating Biden - and Trump always outperforms his polls, I think maybe you should get a grip on reality.

But I know, that's impossible for you.

Too simple.

You just lap up everything the mainstream garbage press funnels down your throat, despite the fact all they do is lie.
Haters gonna hate.
I'm the most persecuted President in American history. They're coming after you, I'm just in their way.
That would more make the point, but that is Trump saying that, not the Republican Party, which is what the OP's link was about.

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