Republicans, Stop the Self-Defeating Victimology

As I see it the worst thing to come about as a result of Trump's election was the spread of rabies among Democrats, making them profoundly dangerous. But there is even a positive side to that too. It showed us what the Democrats were really made of and who they really are. And it wasn't pretty.
Wrong...Trump didn't help spread the rabies, he revealed that they're already rabid.
Wrong...Trump didn't help spread the rabies, he revealed that they're already rabid.y

As I see it, the ensuing ratfest spread the rabies tenfold. They tried to infect as many people as they could possibly get to with the "virus". TDS-Rabies!
Wrong...Trump didn't help spread the rabies, he revealed that they're already rabid.

The Republican Party, having been hijacked by idol worshiping extremists are on a path to destruction. They are living a delusion in which they've actually convinced themselves that a man facing 91 criminal indictments and is underwater with independent voters is actually capable of mounting some sort of comeback like they are living in an inspiring Hollywood movie. The truth is Trump will drag the entire ticket down with him resulting in the loss of the House, the inability to win back the Senate, and the loss of more legislative assemblies and gubernatorial seats, handing an 82 year old Biden another four years with complete control of the government to do as he wishes. When that happens they will, of course, blame everyone but themselves.

The American Right is not in a healthy place right now. Facing a highly vulnerable, palpably senile octogenarian incumbent president who has presided over four-decade-high inflation and 69% of recently polled Democrats believe is too old for a second term, Republicans thus far seem inclined to roll the dice with their own 77-year-old geezer, who is currently facing 91 counts in four different criminal cases and a whopping 64% of recently polled Americans say they will "definitely not" or "probably not" support next November.

Perhaps former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a one-time Republican presidential candidate himself, had it right when he called on the GOP to "stop being the stupid party."

I await the usual replies:

" LOL Newsweek!"



"The RINO Bobby Jindal? LOL!"


I always find it amusing when an organization who believes men can become women calls others delusional.

You just can’t make this shit up.
Don't worry, next time he's going to be much more aggressive.

You can learn all about it here, it's even been covered (dishonestly) by your pretend-play news:

But I am glad you support getting rid of the swamp, thanks for letting us know.

Now, you can vote for Trump with one hundred percent assurance he'll get the job done! ;)

You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world

But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out (in)

Don't you know it's gonna be
All right?
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)

You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We'd all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know
We're all doing what we can

But if you want money for people with minds that hate
All I can tell you is brother you have to wait

Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)

You say you'll change the constitution
Well, you know
We'd all love to change your head
You tell me it's the institution
Well, you know
You better free your mind instead

But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow

Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)

All, all, all, all, all, all, all, all, all, all, all right
All right, all right, all right, all right, all right
I don't think it's an "off chance". I would say it's a near certainty if they maintain the same course.

And I don't think age will make the difference you seem to.
Taking the polls I've seen as a whole, I don't think there's enough breathing room for the Dems to assume anything.

I don't know if we yet fully understand what's going on here on a macro scale. There is real rage out there, and it sure looks like there's a lot of support for just taking a sledgehammer to the whole fucking thing. I saw a poll (I don't remember who did it, but it wasn't a MAGA sympathizer) yesterday that had Biden and Trump at 46-46. That's mind-blowing.
The Republican Party, having been hijacked by idol worshiping extremists are on a path to destruction. They are living a delusion in which they've actually convinced themselves that a man facing 91 criminal indictments and is underwater with independent voters is actually capable of mounting some sort of comeback like they are living in an inspiring Hollywood movie. The truth is Trump will drag the entire ticket down with him resulting in the loss of the House, the inability to win back the Senate, and the loss of more legislative assemblies and gubernatorial seats, handing an 82 year old Biden another four years with complete control of the government to do as he wishes. When that happens they will, of course, blame everyone but themselves.

The American Right is not in a healthy place right now. Facing a highly vulnerable, palpably senile octogenarian incumbent president who has presided over four-decade-high inflation and 69% of recently polled Democrats believe is too old for a second term, Republicans thus far seem inclined to roll the dice with their own 77-year-old geezer, who is currently facing 91 counts in four different criminal cases and a whopping 64% of recently polled Americans say they will "definitely not" or "probably not" support next November.

Perhaps former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a one-time Republican presidential candidate himself, had it right when he called on the GOP to "stop being the stupid party."

I await the usual replies:

" LOL Newsweek!"



"The RINO Bobby Jindal? LOL!"


You used to be reasonable
Taking the polls I've seen as a whole, I don't think there's enough breathing room for the Dems to assume anything.

I don't know if we yet fully understand what's going on here on a macro scale. There is real rage out there, and it sure looks like there's a lot of support for just taking a sledgehammer to the whole fucking thing. I saw a poll (I don't remember who did it, but it wasn't a MAGA sympathizer) yesterday that had Biden and Trump at 46-46. That's mind-blowing.

The mug shot fiasco put Trump over the edge.

The irony in that is just too delicious for words
Trump certainly has narcissistic tendencies, but I feel his policies were mostly positive and were starting to make a difference and probably would have reached even farther if Democrats weren't trying to block and slander him from all sides. Most of all I have been disappointed in his big mouth, repeatedly giving MSM ammunition for that purpose. As I see it the worst thing to come about as a result of Trump's election was the spread of rabies among Democrats, making them profoundly dangerous. But there is even a positive side to that too. It showed us what the Democrats were really made of and who they really are. And it wasn't pretty.

If Trump is to win he needs to take both tracks, with an emphasis on the former. He should come right out and say, "I'm brash. I'm the ultimate New Yorker. You may not like me or my personality. That's fair. But how were you doing in my economy? How were the gas prices?"

If he can do that, and stick with it, he wins.
How are the bath salts this eve? ;)
A great example of the kind of dead end narcissism that inevitably led to the master troll/narcissist Trump’s rise and dominance.

Obama’s cynical populism led to Sanders and Trump as The People once again sought out a leader who would represent them & not criminal capitalism and the Deep Swamp, but Trump’s peculiar appeal to the mindlessly juvenile cruelty of his many followers has its roots in decades of praising deplorable behavior as righteous.

These genuinely deplorable conservatives aren't backwards, hate-spewing bigots - they’re freedom fighters using the morality/vocabulary of pre-teens/pre-schoolers because Patriot!

The OP would be wise to consider how this behavior is vastly more destructive to his causes than Trump, who is ultimately just a reflection of the devolved ugliness of far too many in his party.
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Problem with that kind of thinking is it WILL take 50-60 years for any new party to take hold. And in that time, the Communist Democrats can very well entrench themselves so deeply into a one party state that Soviet Russia would look like a tourist resort compared to what these evil fucks want to morph America into.
There are no communist Democrats, but attacking Trump, while he’s destined to be a two-time loser, is a destructive waste of time.

Working to pull the party away from the deplorable state it’s in - or supporting a genuine alternative - has far greater merit.
That would more make the point, but that is Trump saying that, not the Republican Party, which is what the OP's link was about.

Right wing media is echoing it, and encouraging it. Tucker Carlson, who says he hates Trump with a passion and can't wait for him to be gone, did a warm and fuzzy interview with him on the night of the debate, and helped him promote all of his bullshit.

And none them have truly disavowed the "stolen election" lie, which has lead to over 400 laws being passed to prevent fraud that isn't happening. Now you're complaining about how long it takes to get results, well when you have to jump through six new verification hoops with multiple checkers, it really slows the counting process down. Especially when you say that the mail-in ballots can't be OPENED until after the election day ballots have been counted. That's why all of the numbers changed overnight, as soon as they finished counting the same day ballots, and started opening the mail in ballots.
^^^ conspiracy theory addled.

Yes, Republican brains are being addled by the Hunter Biden conspiracy theory lies. It's the ultimate "look a squirrel" deflection attempt.

It worked when Trump called Hillary Clinton "Crooked Hillary", but then the entire Republican Party had been calling Hillary Clinton a "liar" and "corrupt" for 25 years, and most of their voters believe it.

Joe Biden has never been connected with any corruption or scandal in the past, so it's hard to believe that at the age of 70, after a lifetime of public service and retiring from the office of Vice President with a mortgage on his home, he's suddenly started taking bribes. The American people are just not buying it.

And then there is the aspect of "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me" to it all. For 30 years, all we've heard out of Republicans is that Democrats are corrupt, Democrats are criminals, Democrats are lying, and yet during that time, it's been the Republicans who crashed the economy 3 times, Republicans who keep getting arrested and sent to jail, and Republicans who are consistently lying, and Republicans who are depriving women of rights to reproductive health care, and minorities of voting rights, and holding refugees hostage at the tax payers' expense.

And it's been the Democrats creating jobs, passing legislation to protect American workers, and giving tax credits to American people, not just corporations, and enforcing immigration laws.
Yes, Republican brains are being addled by the Hunter Biden conspiracy theory lies. It's the ultimate "look a squirrel" deflection attempt.

It worked when Trump called Hillary Clinton "Crooked Hillary", but then the entire Republican Party had been calling Hillary Clinton a "liar" and "corrupt" for 25 years, and most of their voters believe it.

Joe Biden has never been connected with any corruption or scandal in the past, so it's hard to believe that at the age of 70, after a lifetime of public service and retiring from the office of Vice President with a mortgage on his home, he's suddenly started taking bribes. The American people are just not buying it.

And then there is the aspect of "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me" to it all. For 30 years, all we've heard out of Republicans is that Democrats are corrupt, Democrats are criminals, Democrats are lying, and yet during that time, it's been the Republicans who crashed the economy 3 times, Republicans who keep getting arrested and sent to jail, and Republicans who are consistently lying, and Republicans who are depriving women of rights to reproductive health care, and minorities of voting rights, and holding refugees hostage at the tax payers' expense.

And it's been the Democrats creating jobs, passing legislation to protect American workers, and giving tax credits to American people, not just corporations, and enforcing immigration laws.
There should be millions of auto workers earning six figures a year now with half that much in benefits if what you spout was true. Just to start.
Another thread showing how bad the current Potus is now.

So bad the only game in town is Trump.

Pitiful Nation we have become. And turn blind eye to the crimes of money laundering NORMAL swamp creatures.

And bs statements of he should have ended the swamp.

TDS and nothing more and political assassination of the opposing party via government agencies.

Acts of Tryants not justice.

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