Republicans, Stop the Self-Defeating Victimology

Haley" Three words: NeoCon Prom Queen-No thanks
DeSantis-Burned out completely
Christie? That fat piece of shit had the gall to suck up to the Mulatto Menace
Cruz? RINO Sorry, no. We need a fighter, not someone who will cave in to the Left.

Getting lazy now. This will be a voice text. You were absolutely correct as I said in about 2009 no one any good control for the job anymore because the MSM will destroy your family your life and now trying to lock me up in jail as they’re doing with Trump at the Lipstein puke are OK with it and never Trumper‘s actually tried to blame Trump. Trump is the only good candidate we’ve had since the Muslim. Opened up the dead bomb and destroyed the country
Sure there are. They all supported the Soviet Union and want to see the US the same way. No, we need to fight against Demoturds. Not play nicey nice and never compromise with them.

Teabagger projection

Trump Brags About His Deep and Enduring Bond With ...​

Vanity Fair › News › vladimir putin

Apr 14, 2022 — US President Donald Trump (L) and Russia's President Vladimir Putin shake hands before attending a joint press conference after a meeting at ...

Tucker Carlson and his Russia obsession: A timeline​

USA Today › news › world › 2023/05/01

May 1, 2023 — Tucker Carlson just parted ways with Fox News. He had a soft spot for Russia. Here's what he's said about it.
It matters not what you think or post about any election as it’s clear the election was massively stolen in 2020 and 2022. Yeah, everyone Is blasting off about unelectable there’s an electrical that suburban women It all makes no difference don’t you understand I just load the box with his menus they need like they did in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Phoenix that was your So-called election brought to you by voice text
You are not the arbiter of labels. This purity test shit where people accuse each other of not being this or that is cringy as fuck.
If a guy has NEVER voted for a Republican presidential candidate in his life, but voted in several presidential it not fair to say that person is NOT a Republican?

Is it fair to say that that person doesn't speak for the Republican party anymore than Candycorn or Okfine does?
If a guy has NEVER voted for a Republican presidential candidate in his it not fair to say that person is NOT a Republican?

Is it fair to say that that person doesn't speak for the Republican party anymore that Candycorn or Okfine does?

The OP just has a hard on for Trump...his TDS is off the charts
The Republican Party, having been hijacked by idol worshiping extremists are on a path to destruction. They are living a delusion in which they've actually convinced themselves that a man facing 91 criminal indictments and is underwater with independent voters is actually capable of mounting some sort of comeback like they are living in an inspiring Hollywood movie. The truth is Trump will drag the entire ticket down with him resulting in the loss of the House, the inability to win back the Senate, and the loss of more legislative assemblies and gubernatorial seats, handing an 82 year old Biden another four years with complete control of the government to do as he wishes. When that happens they will, of course, blame everyone but themselves.

The American Right is not in a healthy place right now. Facing a highly vulnerable, palpably senile octogenarian incumbent president who has presided over four-decade-high inflation and 69% of recently polled Democrats believe is too old for a second term, Republicans thus far seem inclined to roll the dice with their own 77-year-old geezer, who is currently facing 91 counts in four different criminal cases and a whopping 64% of recently polled Americans say they will "definitely not" or "probably not" support next November.

Perhaps former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a one-time Republican presidential candidate himself, had it right when he called on the GOP to "stop being the stupid party."

I await the usual replies:

" LOL Newsweek!"



"The RINO Bobby Jindal? LOL!"


Part of it is rich envy, thinking Trump is great because he is rich. Part of it is Trump's message, which is mixed with lies. Whatever the deal is, Trump is viewed as the only saving grace. Reps that talk pessimistically are just realistic.

Trump or not, America is over.

We have 3-1/2 choices, bub...

1) Do nothing and accept we will live as tax slaves under perpetual dem rule. Eventually the dems will control all 50 states and disarm you via robots. That is the best we can hope for living life under the dems. Or things may be much worse than that.

2) Formal Secession - which will probably lead to civil war. Dems will use the military to annihilate the reps. Reps will lose badly. Reps have zero organization. Reps have no funding. Plus, the world will be against the reps and may send the military to help the dems fight the reps.

3) Informal Secession - get organized, form a 'Conservative Union of States' or 'Constitutional Party.' Reps will do as the dems have done - reps disregard Fed laws you don't like. Downside? Reps can't agree on anything. Plus every 2 to 4 years your utopia is on the chopping block - you are only as safe as your last election. Dems still may use the military against the reps or cut red state funding. Dems are not like 'lock Hillary up' Trump. If you've learned nothing else, you must admit the new school dems are ruthless and don't play games; and reps have no chance to ever beat them.

Well, bub, there is one other choice...'the 1/2' option.

Reps can have hopes of acceleration. Vote Democratic. If America implodes under dem rule, and there is no more rule of law; maybe there is a chance to reorganize red states without civil war. But...if grandma had balls, she would be grandpa.

There is NO choice that will allow the reps to return to America as founded in all 50 states. The old America is gone and never to return. Every sickness requires a price to pay to recover from the disease. This is the price we must pay. For decades the reps have done nothing to reign in the dems. The reps main goal in life was to lower taxes for the rich...that is it. America deserves everything it gets. Don't you agree? And if not, tell me why we don't deserve the America we have in 2023.

The longer reps wait, the worse it will be. Eventually the dems will reform America in almost its entirety to annihilate reps. We are almost there already.

Orange Jesus won't save America.

God/s won't save America.

Reps let the disease progress beyond the hope of ever curing it by voting, reasoning, writing to your congressperson or praying harder.

That's the score, bub. I wish it wasn't the case, I have to live here too. But I will never lie to you.

The right’s lies about Hunter Biden are as ridiculous as they are transparent – a lame, pathetic attempt to portray President Biden as ‘just as corrupt’ as Trump.
I can’t help but notice your conspiracy theory is absent any facts. Isn’t that why your screeching is a conspiracy theory?
Thread is hilarious. Trump lost by 7M votes and, since then, has tried to overthrow the government, steal top secret documents, and was found guilty of sexual assault in a civil trial. Yea… I’m sure his popularity with the same people who he lost with the first time makes him a viable candidate. LOL. Keep putting him up there.

To make matters worse, the GOP, since then, has overturned Roe v Wade, a historically popular ruling. They will be lucky to win Texas and Florida.
Not so hilarious when you take the effort to understand the desperation that so consumed the Dems / Socialists that they invented an entire industry of fraud, lies, deceit and phony documents to press a Russia collusion hoax intended to interfere with an election.

To make matters worse, the Democrat Party, historically the “Party of Slavery”, still flails their Pom Poms for a pretend president who is the model for future wannabe Dictators and a DEI hire pretend vice president who giggles through the most laughable, incoherent nonsense ever imagined.
Independents seeing what the dems are doing to Trump is political.

Not really

How long is the hissy fit going last just because some establishment hack lost in the primaries to Trump in 2016? That is all that whole never Trump movement is. Emotionally stunted child unable to accept their guy didn't win. Sad.
Not really

This is Reuters interviewing FIFTEEN Independents. Yes, 15.

This is what I mean when I say you used to be reasonable.

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