Republicans, Stop the Self-Defeating Victimology

Not really

Hold on........

This should be dismissed to the conspiracy section(like many hard hitting thinking posts are) because it states that we are conspiring against ourselves with self defeating behavior
I'm not voting for Trump in my state's primary, but I'' vote for Trump over Biden all day long.
There's a catch 22 to that, Mr. Moma. The problems that Biden has brought down upon himself by years of scheming out ways to get and launder money from the Foreign Aid Packages is consistent, and he may have been doing it so many years, paying Democrats to back him with his bonanzas ad infinitum puts the party in a schism that when he retires, they have to cover his behiney and a few other Democrats who helped, need cover to. They will need someone twice as corrupt as Biden, and that would be #1 Nancy Pelosi, orchestrator extraordinaire, #2 Hillary Rodham who still has fire in her belly about defeating Trump, and to get a corrupt enough California women, they'd need Get-Trump and all Trumpers Maxine Waters the stalking black gal to get back a few of the black voters who marched at the thought of corruption, and the narrative, as usual, must be cordoned off with enough believable lies about Trump, Jan. 6 kickbacks and other lies in order to pull another fast one. IOW, to conceal and hide corruption, it takes more corruption, more lies, and worse. There's no guarantee that Soros, who's turned over his fortune to his son, that the son will continue the corruption payments once his father kicks the bucket, which is a who knows factor considering that medicine can now renew most every problem to keep a corpse alive (and sometimes kicking) up to the age of 150.

Honest American citizens who don't tolerate lies, thefts, and dirty tricks, will not be voting for the party Biden has created from sheer greed and liking what his greed bought for himself at the expense of the American taxpayer, most of whom have no idea about his Ukrainian influence-for-money pact for much more like half a billion rather than the million he agreed to pay back. We only know about one of his dirty deals that delivered a hell of a lot of money from taxpayer's gift of foreign aid to third world countries where starvation was evidence, when Biden had to have his 30% of the proceeds to get what he wanted for all his unpopularity and aggravations he imposed upon his fellows to make him the only choice for President who made them tell lies to cover his butt so the very people he stole the half a billion from would surely vote for him if enough lies and false narratives confused the majority of America's population. Soros job was to provide funds for the corruptible press working for going-broke stations as Americans caught onto lies, enough to divorce from their homes the passel of lies engendered by the Deep Staters who don't play nice.

I think that within a time paramenter that is hopefully under 7 years, the lies will be so egregious the American people will be praying to bring back the day when America was a shining light to countries that fell to oppressive communists, batshit crazy oligarchs/monarchs IOW practicing atheists, who are self-serving grabbers who hate the people of God America's forbears were whose prayers to God through Christ Jesus, served those in the world who were down and out with no hope, food, education, nor job opportunities, to be heartened with lovingkind concern and gracious actions by our founders' posterity who won the battle of the Constitution, and do not abide the present corruption of removing free speech from conservatives with outlandish dissertations by very bright, but multiply disingenuous self-enrichment to the exclusion of everyone else stateside and worldwide.

It's too bad the WOKE movement had its fingers crossed behind their backs about being bored with helping the oppressed poor in other countries out of their predictaments, feeding the blind, healing the sick, and restoring sight to the blind by aggressive scientific advancements only a free and believing society with the kind of faith one can only find in following the example of our good Lord Jesus, who gave up his life's blood to be shed as mankind's ticket to doing good for others in every move they make, not to mention salvation from the gates of hell that welcomes people who behave as though God doesn't exist and find every flaw known to man in themselves with no reprieve. I think that when the world comes into fellowship with caring for serious problems here and abroad, mankind will conquer hunger; mankind will celebrate the beautiful earth God provided by taking care of it through dedication of life to the good of others with no emphasis on wanting riches with a willingness to sin against God's people.

We can do anything through trust in God by walking in his light and practicing his unselfish caring for the life of people, animals domestic and wild, and making life good for families, friends, and even enemies. It's not a shot in the dark, it's a shot in the light to do good works and live in the Kingdom of God which is both here on earth and in heaven, bringing fullness and joy to neighbors, our dear ministers of the Word, who teaches us to love everyone, including our enemies. It is not an easy road at first, but as the joy grows, love multiplies, and life is like being in Eden when we keep our eyes on God and his obedient servants, and not on other people who disappoint themselves and others.

Will be adding videos on supportive evidence many people do not now know went on as much as possible:

Was the nation played when Jan. 6 accusations built a hoax?

Has Joe Biden Alienated his own voters with out-of-control inflation?

Is President Trump the only one to criticize an election to have been stolen?


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The Republican Party, having been hijacked by idol worshiping extremists are on a path to destruction. They are living a delusion in which they've actually convinced themselves that a man facing 91 criminal indictments and is underwater with independent voters is actually capable of mounting some sort of comeback like they are living in an inspiring Hollywood movie. The truth is Trump will drag the entire ticket down with him resulting in the loss of the House, the inability to win back the Senate, and the loss of more legislative assemblies and gubernatorial seats, handing an 82 year old Biden another four years with complete control of the government to do as he wishes. When that happens they will, of course, blame everyone but themselves.

The American Right is not in a healthy place right now. Facing a highly vulnerable, palpably senile octogenarian incumbent president who has presided over four-decade-high inflation and 69% of recently polled Democrats believe is too old for a second term, Republicans thus far seem inclined to roll the dice with their own 77-year-old geezer, who is currently facing 91 counts in four different criminal cases and a whopping 64% of recently polled Americans say they will "definitely not" or "probably not" support next November.

Perhaps former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a one-time Republican presidential candidate himself, had it right when he called on the GOP to "stop being the stupid party."

I await the usual replies:

" LOL Newsweek!"



"The RINO Bobby Jindal? LOL!"

/——/ It’s funny when those who want to destroy the Republican Party offer sage advice on how to defeat democRATs in the next election.
Hold on........

The anti trumpers think only their votes count.

The commitment to WEF is remarkable
There should be millions of auto workers earning six figures a year now with half that much in benefits if what you spout was true. Just to start.

My father-in-law was a General Motors union member in Canada most of his adult life, and he died a millionaire. He started out working for GM's Diesel plant in London in the 1950's, and then moved to the National Parts Distribution Centre in Woodstock in the 1970's.

Dad retired in 1993. When GM went bankrupt in 2009, Dad put his entire life savings in GM stock - to "protect his pension". Canadian money was at par with US dollars. He bought the shares at about $8 each. When Dad died 2 years ago, the stock was selling for $63/share US, and his stock was worth $689,000. His house was worth a similar amount, and it was free and clear too.

Dad was tighter than bark to a tree, but his family always had a new house, a cottage in the Muskokas, and a late model GM car. All of the houses he and his wife lived in were brand new when they moved in.
The Republican Party, having been hijacked by idol worshiping extremists are on a path to destruction. They are living a delusion in which they've actually convinced themselves that a man facing 91 criminal indictments and is underwater with independent voters is actually capable of mounting some sort of comeback like they are living in an inspiring Hollywood movie. The truth is Trump will drag the entire ticket down with him resulting in the loss of the House, the inability to win back the Senate, and the loss of more legislative assemblies and gubernatorial seats, handing an 82 year old Biden another four years with complete control of the government to do as he wishes. When that happens they will, of course, blame everyone but themselves.

The American Right is not in a healthy place right now. Facing a highly vulnerable, palpably senile octogenarian incumbent president who has presided over four-decade-high inflation and 69% of recently polled Democrats believe is too old for a second term, Republicans thus far seem inclined to roll the dice with their own 77-year-old geezer, who is currently facing 91 counts in four different criminal cases and a whopping 64% of recently polled Americans say they will "definitely not" or "probably not" support next November.

Perhaps former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a one-time Republican presidential candidate himself, had it right when he called on the GOP to "stop being the stupid party."

I await the usual replies:

" LOL Newsweek!"



"The RINO Bobby Jindal? LOL!"

Stop telling people what to do. It is getting very old. Thanks.
/——/ It’s funny when those who want to destroy the Republican Party offer sage advice on how to defeat democRATs in the next election.

The problem is that nobody wants to see the Republican Party destroyed. The nation needs two sane rational political parties working towards a better union.

Today's Republican Party will broach no opposition or criticism, and has no programs or platform to offer the American people. Hatred of Democrats and fear of "others" isn't a platform to help the American people.
Stop telling people what to do. It is getting very old. Thanks.

Really???? Is that the hill Republicans want to die on. Banning Abortions. Banning treatments for transgendered folk. Tracking women's periods. Tracking out of state medical procedures. Telling women to keep their legs closed to avoid abortion.
The problem is that nobody wants to see the Republican Party destroyed. The nation needs two sane rational political parties working towards a better union.

Today's Republican Party will broach no opposition or criticism, and has no programs or platform to offer the American people. Hatred of Democrats and fear of "others" isn't a platform to help the American people.

Really???? Is that the hill Republicans want to die on. Banning Abortions. Banning treatments for transgendered folk. Tracking women's periods. Tracking out of state medical procedures. Telling women to keep their legs closed to avoid abortion.
That ridiculous post is not worth an answer.
My father-in-law was a General Motors union member in Canada most of his adult life, and he died a millionaire. He started out working for GM's Diesel plant in London in the 1950's, and then moved to the National Parts Distribution Centre in Woodstock in the 1970's.

Dad retired in 1993. When GM went bankrupt in 2009, Dad put his entire life savings in GM stock - to "protect his pension". Canadian money was at par with US dollars. He bought the shares at about $8 each. When Dad died 2 years ago, the stock was selling for $63/share US, and his stock was worth $689,000. His house was worth a similar amount, and it was free and clear too.

Dad was tighter than bark to a tree, but his family always had a new house, a cottage in the Muskokas, and a late model GM car. All of the houses he and his wife lived in were brand new when they moved in.
So why do you rail against accomplishment So Much??
The problem is that nobody wants to see the Republican Party destroyed. The nation needs two sane rational political parties working towards a better union.

Today's Republican Party will broach no opposition or criticism, and has no programs or platform to offer the American people. Hatred of Democrats and fear of "others" isn't a platform to help the American people.

Really???? Is that the hill Republicans want to die on. Banning Abortions. Banning treatments for transgendered folk. Tracking women's periods. Tracking out of state medical procedures. Telling women to keep their legs closed to avoid abortion.
Stopping murder is so naughty.

Keeping men out of woman’s sports and locker rooms, also naughty.

Tracking woman’s periods? You loons crack me up.
So that’s a sidestep and dodge, then. Dems / Socialists are demonstrably the obvious beneficiaries of a double standard but honesty on your part is just not going to happen.

Who in the corrupt, Dem / Socialist controlled FBI went to jail for the Russia collusion fraud perpetrated on the American public?
The FBI has NEVER been controlled by Democrats.

There has NEVER, since the creation of the FBI, been an FBI Director, that has not been a Rebublican.

There has never been a Democrat as the head of the FBI, or in control of the FBI... IT HAS ALWAYS been in control by a Rebublican.

Try again! ;)
Stopping murder is so naughty.

Keeping men out of woman’s sports and locker rooms, also naughty.

Tracking woman’s periods? You loons crack me up.
Naughty or nice ain't the issue imo......

So those are the really really really important issues in our Nation, eh? That our Nation faces? Worth a civil war over, according to the right wing, eh?

Really? Seriously? Those are just the worst things that Americans ever had to face and go through!!! Eh?
The FBI has NEVER been controlled by Democrats.

There has NEVER, since the creation of the FBI, been an FBI Director, that has not been a Rebublican.

There has never been a Democrat as the head of the FBI, or in control of the FBI... IT HAS ALWAYS been in control by a Rebublican.

Try again! ;)
The FBI is CONTROLLED by (<—— note my use of caps for that added sense of melodrama) and has become a bunch of Dem / Socialist flunkies under the pretend presidency of Sloppy Joe.
The FBI has NEVER been controlled by Democrats.

There has NEVER, since the creation of the FBI, been an FBI Director, that has not been a Rebublican.

There has never been a Democrat as the head of the FBI, or in control of the FBI... IT HAS ALWAYS been in control by a Rebublican.

Try again! ;)
Hahaha you didn’t write that with a straight face

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