Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

When my point is how only Trump cultists and other right wing retards fall for every idiot conspiracy theory that gets fed to them, proudly announcing how you fell hard for the "NO COLLUSION!" conspiracy theory was not your best choice of action

Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, both Trump campaign officials, were regularly providing polling information to a Russian national whom Gates believed to be a “spy.”

Trump privately ordered Michael Flynn to find Clinton's emails. He hired Peter Smith, who told a number of people that he was in contact with Russian agents.

George Papadopoulos, Trump's foreign policy advisor, attempted to arrange meetings between Trump and Putin, and that Trump personally approved that work.

Donald Trump Jr. arranged a meeting for the express purpose of obtaining Russian “dirt” on Clinton

The Trump campaign actively worked with the Russians to improve Trump's election chances. That's collusion, and it's not debatable by any non-liars. Hence, most Trump cultists try to debate it.

So, thanks for proving my point so conclusively. When I need more of my points proven, I'll be in touch.

I am shocked, SHOCKED I SAY!

Zip, zero, nada!

Your response is identical to that of the Democrats proving NOTHING and running for the door!

I'm done discussing it, asshole. Your favorite hobby is pounding trivial issues into a thin paste.

Fucking moron, you were done when you started with the lie that there's a signed affidavit.

Typical FAUX diversion. The document is signed further down.

Yeah, by the translator and the notary.
How do you know that? Do you speak Russian?

Fucking moron, show me his signature... one does not have to speak Russian to read the English translations. The only signatures at the bottom are by the translator an the notary.

And here's an article from before Biden used the billion dollar aid package to get Shokin fired showing that even Ukranian's parliament wanted Shokin fired...

Signatures for dismissal of prosecutor general Shokin stolen from Samopomich MP Sobolev in parliament
In other words, you don't have a fucking clue. You can't read Russian, so you don't really know what that is.

What the fuck is that site you posted supposed to prove?

Fucking moron, you were done when you started with the lie that there's a signed affidavit.

Typical FAUX diversion. The document is signed further down.

Yeah, by the translator and the notary.
How do you know that? Do you speak Russian?

Fucking moron, show me his signature... one does not have to speak Russian to read the English translations. The only signatures at the bottom are by the translator an the notary.

And here's an article from before Biden used the billion dollar aid package to get Shokin fired showing that even Ukranian's parliament wanted Shokin fired...

Signatures for dismissal of prosecutor general Shokin stolen from Samopomich MP Sobolev in parliament
In other words, you don't have a fucking clue. You can't read Russian, so you don't really know what that is.

What the fuck is that site you posted supposed to prove?

Fucking moron, what part of, it's translated into English, is beyond your severely limited comprehension?


Lying con tool, I didn't ask you to show me where that increased employment. Why can't you ever stop lying?

I challenged you to show me where Trump's policies increased the rate of employment growth. Because I don't see it. It looks to me like employment has grown the last nearly 3 years as it had the 7 years previous to that...

Of course, the NUMBER of employed is increasing. We add between 125,000 to 130,000 each month.

... and as far as record levels of employment, how hard is that to achieve when you're handed employment at a record level and growing?

This chart shows nothing about the employment rate. It shows the number of EMPLOYED.

Regardless, once we reached 4% unemployment, it becomes increasingly difficult for the RATE to increase by any sizeable number.

Lying con tool, I didn't ask you to show me where that increased employment. Why can't you ever stop lying?

I challenged you to show me where Trump's policies increased the rate of employment growth. Because I don't see it. It looks to me like employment has grown the last nearly 3 years as it had the 7 years previous to that...

... and as far as record levels of employment, how hard is that to achieve when you're handed employment at a record level and growing?

This chart shows noting about the employment rate. It shows the number of EMPLOYED.

Regardless, once we reached 4% unemployment, it becomes increasingly difficult for the RATE to increase by any sizeable number.
It's not my problem you can't see the rate of growth in that chart has remained virtually unchanged for nearly the last 10 years. :cuckoo:
Typical FAUX diversion. The document is signed further down.

Yeah, by the translator and the notary.
How do you know that? Do you speak Russian?

Fucking moron, show me his signature... one does not have to speak Russian to read the English translations. The only signatures at the bottom are by the translator an the notary.

And here's an article from before Biden used the billion dollar aid package to get Shokin fired showing that even Ukranian's parliament wanted Shokin fired...

Signatures for dismissal of prosecutor general Shokin stolen from Samopomich MP Sobolev in parliament
In other words, you don't have a fucking clue. You can't read Russian, so you don't really know what that is.

What the fuck is that site you posted supposed to prove?

Fucking moron, what part of, it's translated into English, is beyond your severely limited comprehension?

The part where someone did it is what has you confused.

I told you I was done discussing this. It isn't important. Done.

Yeah, by the translator and the notary.
How do you know that? Do you speak Russian?

Fucking moron, show me his signature... one does not have to speak Russian to read the English translations. The only signatures at the bottom are by the translator an the notary.

And here's an article from before Biden used the billion dollar aid package to get Shokin fired showing that even Ukranian's parliament wanted Shokin fired...

Signatures for dismissal of prosecutor general Shokin stolen from Samopomich MP Sobolev in parliament
In other words, you don't have a fucking clue. You can't read Russian, so you don't really know what that is.

What the fuck is that site you posted supposed to prove?

Fucking moron, what part of, it's translated into English, is beyond your severely limited comprehension?

The part where someone did it is what has you confused.
No worries, fucking moron. At least win agreement that you're incapable of showing where Shokin signed it. Meanwhile, I can show where he didn't...

It's not my problem you can't see the rate of growth in that chart has remained virtually unchanged for nearly the last 10 years.

It doesn't show a rate, it shows raw numbers. As I said, the number of workers added to the labor market is relatively constant at about 125,000 to 130,000 each month.

The drop was caused by the recession, as you know, and workers who were unemployed and dropped out of the market altogether aided the failed President Barack Hussein Obama's unemployment rate. Some of those discouraged workers who dropped out of the market are starting to come back with the great President Donald Trump economy.

It's not my problem you can't see the rate of growth in that chart has remained virtually unchanged for nearly the last 10 years.

It doesn't show a rate, it shows raw numbers. As I said, the number of workers added to the labor market is relatively constant at about 125,000 to 130,000 each month.

The drop was caused by the recession, as you know, and workers who were unemployed and dropped out of the market altogether aided the failed President Barack Hussein Obama's unemployment rate. Some of those discouraged workers who dropped out of the market are starting to come back with the great President Donald Trump economy.

The rate is visible in that graph as it has remained virtually unchanged in almost 10 years. Your inability to see that doesn't mean it's not visible. It only means you're an imbecile.

And posting the labor force participation rate doesn't help trump either as it has been around 63% for some 6 years now.
I am shocked, SHOCKED I SAY!

So I give a long list of Trump admin Russian collusion, and you just handwave it away. Even for a Trump cultist, that's shockingly craven and dishonest.

In any case, you can't use the ignorance excuse now. You know about the collusion, and you choose to actively run interference for it. That puts you firmly in the "traitor" category.

So how'd Barr's Stalinist kangaroo prosecution attempts go with McCabe? What's that? A grand jury, which would indict a ham sandwich, laughed Barr's Stalinist political stunt out of the room?

And yet you adore such Stalinism. It's not really a question of whether you're similar to Stalinists. It's only a question of whether you differ in any significant way. You don't.
Really, Fort? Name the "whistle blower" that kicked off this entire charade? What's his name?
Excuse you. You talked about people testifying. And you were wrong. So you change lanes. Naturally.

Funny thing is , you loons don't even realize that the whistleblower report isnt even needed, at this point.
This so called investigation isn't after the's a sham who's only real purpose is to divert attention away from how good a job Trump has done with the economy and how gawd awful the candidates are that are running for the Democratic nomination!

It’s very sad that supporters like you don’t have a clue.

I asked you several times. Like what regulations that he created jobs? You keep giving me BULLSHIT.

You are missing something big just like everyone else. All these chaos and crisis and discombobulations. Are all created by Trump.

Did you miss the response I gave you to that? Trump pushed through a large tax cut and he also cut regulations dramatically that were passed by the Obama Administration. Is that too simple a concept for you to comprehend? That tax cuts and fewer regulations revs up the engine of our economy? I know that you liberals struggle with economics but this is pretty simple stuff!

What part of my question that confuses you so much?
I repeatedly told you be specific. You can not just say fewer regulations helps the economy. Like WHAT? Those are just paper works.

So what regulations that helps the economy?
What regulations that created jobs?
Wait...did you just claim that Schiff doesn't know what any of his witnesses will testify to? Really, Mamooth?

Well, yes. What conspiracy madness leads you to think otherwise?

Think first. Do you really want to embarrass yourself this way?

And why are you pushing this conspiracy, when you have to know it will make you look stupid later? There will be open hearings, and you'll have to explain why you said these crazy things.

These people are getting their education directly from Hannity. I watched Hannity.
You mean they won't be as apt to lie their asses off if their identities were known?
No, that's what you desperate trump acolytes think, due to your cultism.

And these are sworn depositions, with republocans present... Listen to yourself... Such desperate nonsense....

Sworn depositions given by mystery persons? Why are they hiding in the dark, Fort? We have the right to face our accusers in this country. Have you noticed that the accusers against Trump are always unnamed sources or wish to remain anonymous? Why is that?
Mystery persons?? Who's been a mystery? Who's testified who wasn't named?

What's the whistle blowers name, Faun? You know...the guy that started off this whole farce?

Why would and should the whistle blower name be publicly published oldstyle?
Eventually Yes during the hearing.
Who says they aren’t allowed? Any republican who was meant to attend that hearing could spill the beans to anyone afterwards lol.

Do you mean like was done by the Democrats?
Why does it matter what they do if republicans attended the meeting? You see how desperate you people get? My god.
No one could possibly be this stupid. I picture you as the kind who attended Stalin's show trials and applauded everything that went one. You are a disgusting piece of human refuse.
lol what the fuck? The out of left field shit you people say is just adorable.
How is that out of left field? You obviously have no problem with Stalinist tactics. You just admitted that.

I feel sorry for you and your buddies. Really. You come here and push your agenda based from Hannity with no fucking clue of what you are talking about.
Judge Napolitano already educated part of Fox News. Part of Fox News remain defiant and push different angle of misinforming American idiots like you and your buddies.

Below is the list of current members House of Representatives. Try to enlighten or upgrade your self how many Republicans are in the House.

List of current members of the United States House of Representatives - Wikipedia
This so called investigation isn't after the's a sham who's only real purpose is to divert attention away from how good a job Trump has done with the economy and how gawd awful the candidates are that are running for the Democratic nomination!

It’s very sad that supporters like you don’t have a clue.

I asked you several times. Like what regulations that he created jobs? You keep giving me BULLSHIT.

You are missing something big just like everyone else. All these chaos and crisis and discombobulations. Are all created by Trump.

Did you miss the response I gave you to that? Trump pushed through a large tax cut and he also cut regulations dramatically that were passed by the Obama Administration. Is that too simple a concept for you to comprehend? That tax cuts and fewer regulations revs up the engine of our economy? I know that you liberals struggle with economics but this is pretty simple stuff!
G'head, lying con tool.... show me where that increased the rate of employment growth over the last nearly 10 years...

I have to show you that Trump's tax cut and slashing burdensome regulations increased employment? Really Faun?

I guess the whole "record levels of unemployment" thing was something you missed?

You have not shown a didley squat of your bullshit.
It's not my problem you can't see the rate of growth in that chart has remained virtually unchanged for nearly the last 10 years.

It doesn't show a rate, it shows raw numbers. As I said, the number of workers added to the labor market is relatively constant at about 125,000 to 130,000 each month.

The drop was caused by the recession, as you know, and workers who were unemployed and dropped out of the market altogether aided the failed President Barack Hussein Obama's unemployment rate. Some of those discouraged workers who dropped out of the market are starting to come back with the great President Donald Trump economy.


You are a desperate liar. How can we be sure these are not fake?
This so called investigation isn't after the's a sham who's only real purpose is to divert attention away from how good a job Trump has done with the economy and how gawd awful the candidates are that are running for the Democratic nomination!

It’s very sad that supporters like you don’t have a clue.

I asked you several times. Like what regulations that he created jobs? You keep giving me BULLSHIT.

You are missing something big just like everyone else. All these chaos and crisis and discombobulations. Are all created by Trump.

Did you miss the response I gave you to that? Trump pushed through a large tax cut and he also cut regulations dramatically that were passed by the Obama Administration. Is that too simple a concept for you to comprehend? That tax cuts and fewer regulations revs up the engine of our economy? I know that you liberals struggle with economics but this is pretty simple stuff!

What part of my question that confuses you so much?
I repeatedly told you be specific. You can not just say fewer regulations helps the economy. Like WHAT? Those are just paper works.

So what regulations that helps the economy?
What regulations that created jobs?
Yes you can say fewer regulations helps the economy, you fucking dumbass. Can you name one regulation that helps the economy?
This so called investigation isn't after the's a sham who's only real purpose is to divert attention away from how good a job Trump has done with the economy and how gawd awful the candidates are that are running for the Democratic nomination!

It’s very sad that supporters like you don’t have a clue.

I asked you several times. Like what regulations that he created jobs? You keep giving me BULLSHIT.

You are missing something big just like everyone else. All these chaos and crisis and discombobulations. Are all created by Trump.

Did you miss the response I gave you to that? Trump pushed through a large tax cut and he also cut regulations dramatically that were passed by the Obama Administration. Is that too simple a concept for you to comprehend? That tax cuts and fewer regulations revs up the engine of our economy? I know that you liberals struggle with economics but this is pretty simple stuff!
G'head, lying con tool.... show me where that increased the rate of employment growth over the last nearly 10 years...

I have to show you that Trump's tax cut and slashing burdensome regulations increased employment? Really Faun?

I guess the whole "record levels of unemployment" thing was something you missed?

Lying con tool, I didn't ask you to show me where that increased employment. Why can't you ever stop lying?

I challenged you to show me where Trump's policies increased the rate of employment growth. Because I don't see it. It looks to me like employment has grown the last nearly 3 years as it had the 7 years previous to that...

... and as far as record levels of employment, how hard is that to achieve when you're handed employment at a record level and growing?

It's amazing what the economy did as soon as Barry and the Democrats lost control of Congress and couldn't pass things like the Affordable Care Act and Cap & Trade legislation! The US economy does well when you have people in office who don't treat the Private Sector like a red headed stepchild! Look at your graph, Faun! You can tell EXACTLY when you liberals lost control of Congress!
You mean they won't be as apt to lie their asses off if their identities were known?
No, that's what you desperate trump acolytes think, due to your cultism.

And these are sworn depositions, with republocans present... Listen to yourself... Such desperate nonsense....

Sworn depositions given by mystery persons? Why are they hiding in the dark, Fort? We have the right to face our accusers in this country. Have you noticed that the accusers against Trump are always unnamed sources or wish to remain anonymous? Why is that?
Mystery persons?? Who's been a mystery? Who's testified who wasn't named?

What's the whistle blowers name, Faun? You know...the guy that started off this whole farce?

Why would and should the whistle blower name be publicly published oldstyle?
Eventually Yes during the hearing.

So now you're willing to admit that he HASN'T been named?

Why should he be named? Why shouldn't he? He's accusing the President of a crime. He's a Democrat and has stated that he has close ties to a Democratic politician. Why shouldn't we know who this person is so we can judge for ourselves how truthful we think he is and whether or not this is yet another political hatchet job by the Democrats?

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