Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

Wait...did you just claim that Schiff doesn't know what any of his witnesses will testify to? Really, Mamooth?

Well, yes. What conspiracy madness leads you to think otherwise?

Think first. Do you really want to embarrass yourself this way?

And why are you pushing this conspiracy, when you have to know it will make you look stupid later? There will be open hearings, and you'll have to explain why you said these crazy things.
Wait...did you just claim that Schiff doesn't know what any of his witnesses will testify to? Really, Mamooth?

Well, yes. What conspiracy madness leads you to think otherwise?

Think first. Do you really want to embarrass yourself this way?

And why are you pushing this conspiracy, when you have to know it will make you look stupid later?

The person that's embarrassing themselves is you my friend! Anyone that thinks that Schiff or members of his staff haven't talked to any of the witnesses before they testified is naïve to a fault!
House Republicans stormed a closed-door hearing Wednesday morning to protest Democrats' impeachment inquiry process, breaking up the deposition of a top Defense Department official who was testifying about President Trump's dealings with Ukraine.

Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

Awww, poor, unruly Republicans. Crying like babies because they don't have access to those hearings -- even though there are Republicans who serve on the investigating committees; and whining that this isn't an official impeachment inquiry because there was no House vote -- even though there's never been a House rule mandating a full House vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.
Why hide?

Mic drop
Who's hiding? There are Democrats and Republicans participating in these hearings. Next time, try not to drop the mic on your foot.
No transcript? No open hearings? Why can’t republicans talk about he hearings in detail?
What’s stopping republicans from talking about the details? Lol. I’m sure they spilled every detail to the republicans not there.
House Republicans stormed a closed-door hearing Wednesday morning to protest Democrats' impeachment inquiry process, breaking up the deposition of a top Defense Department official who was testifying about President Trump's dealings with Ukraine.

Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

Awww, poor, unruly Republicans. Crying like babies because they don't have access to those hearings -- even though there are Republicans who serve on the investigating committees; and whining that this isn't an official impeachment inquiry because there was no House vote -- even though there's never been a House rule mandating a full House vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.
So members of Congress are not allowed to know what is going on in Congress?


We aren't talking about Nazi Germany are we, when The Nazis took over The Weimar Democratic Republic of Germany, are we?

That's all the Nazis did when they took power was hold secret meetings, and have secret testimony from secret witnesses.
Who says they aren’t allowed? Any republican who was meant to attend that hearing could spill the beans to anyone afterwards lol.
Would widespread corruption be a good reason to withhold foreign aid money? The Ukraine was rife with corruption which was why Trump was asking for quite some time if we really knew where our money was going!

Hunter Biden was paid $70,000 a month for a job that he wasn't in any way qualified to hold...a job that he only got because of who his father is! He didn't attend board meetings. He didn't do ANYTHING to earn that money he was paid!

Then Joe Biden...who Barack Obama had put in charge of dealing with the Ukrainian situation...demands that the prosecutor looking into corruption at Burisma be fired...something that looked so shady that The New York Times wrote an article detailing the bad optics.

All of these crap ALL that you are telling me comes directly from Trump conspiracy theory crap. Created by John Solomon. Investigated started this January by Guilliani working with corrupted Ukrainian people. Guilliani was warned. 2 of them are already got arrested and famous Victor Shokin corrupted prosecutor general.

PAY ATTENTION. Read my post don’t stare at it. Because I don’t bullshit.

Since when a personal lawyer Guilliani henchmen of a president allowed or acceptable to do this investigation?

Guilliani right now is in big trouble. He is going to jail.

Hunter was not qualified and over paid? SO? Did he steal any money from Burisma? Tell me where is the crime committed? If you are going to use that as a silly defense. Look at Kushner running around as diplomat with zero experience as diplomat.

Joe Biden asked Ukraine president to fire Victor Shokin a well known corrupted prosecutor. American allies, IMF, Prosecutors, Ukraine anti corruption, foreign investors and long list of diplomats asked Shokin to be fired.

Before Joe Biden even got involved. Ukrainian prosecutors and anti corruption advocates was pressuring Shokin to investigate the Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevskiy of money laundering. Shokin shelved the case from Feb. 2015 till he got fired. He didn’t do anything.

Joe Biden asked Shokin to be fired. NOT because Shokin was tough or active on the Burisma case.

Then this dishonest president are feeding this country with false information for political gain. Enforce by his lap dogs with lies.

Do you not grasp the difference between Jared Kushner "running around" as a diplomat and Hunter Biden getting paid big bucks for a "no show" job, Charwin? This is a perfect example of a politician abusing their office to enrich someone in their family! Kushner was instrumental in the negotiations with Israel to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel. He actually DID what he was paid to do! Biden never even attended a meeting of the board of which he was a member! He got paid what he did...not for work done...but because the people who hired him were able to have Joe Biden do things like threaten to withhold a billion dollars in US assistance unless the Ukraine got rid of a prosecutor they didn't like!

Jared Kushner is filling his pockets with money people are giving him for influence over Donald Trump.

Corruption is Donald Trump's favorite activity.
Do you have an example of him doing that?

Here is an example of Kushner receiving money from Israeli interests ahead of Kushner's propposals for solution to Israel-Palestinian conflict.

Kushner is brazenly filling his pockets.

You don't have to be a stable genius to smell Kusher's corruption.

Report says U.S. officials are concerned that Israel and others attempted to manipulate Kushner

Please don't thank me.

Jared Kushner’s business interests in Israel revealed in full

... In January, The New York Times reported that just before Kushner accompanied his father-in-law on his first presidential visit to Israel last May, his family’s real estate company received a $30 million investment from Menora Mivtachim – an insurer and one of Israel’s largest financial institutions. ...
Your site says I can't view it if I have an ad blocker.

Fuck that.
The Benghazi hearings weren't closed like these hearings are! Some parts of the hearings were closed due to national security concerns but as soon as that was dealt with the hearings were once again public.

Just like these hearings will be made public

Contrast that to what Schiff is doing!

It looks exactly the same.

All of his hearings are behind closed doors and all the public finds out about what's going on there is what Schiff leaks.

Again, exactly the same. We only got to know what Gowdy leaked.
yeah, after they are 90% complete. Only a sleazy lying douchebag would call that fair or just.
You mean they won't be as apt to lie their asses off if their identities were known?
No, that's what you desperate trump acolytes think, due to your cultism.

And these are sworn depositions, with republocans present... Listen to yourself... Such desperate nonsense....

Sworn depositions given by mystery persons? Why are they hiding in the dark, Fort? We have the right to face our accusers in this country. Have you noticed that the accusers against Trump are always unnamed sources or wish to remain anonymous? Why is that?
Mystery persons?? Who's been a mystery? Who's testified who wasn't named?

What's the whistle blowers name, Faun? You know...the guy that started off this whole farce?
Who says they aren’t allowed? Any republican who was meant to attend that hearing could spill the beans to anyone afterwards lol.

Do you mean like was done by the Democrats?
Why does it matter what they do if republicans attended the meeting? You see how desperate you people get? My god.
No one could possibly be this stupid. I picture you as the kind who attended Stalin's show trials and applauded everything that went on. You are a disgusting piece of human refuse.
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Who says they aren’t allowed? Any republican who was meant to attend that hearing could spill the beans to anyone afterwards lol.

Do you mean like was done by the Democrats?
Why does it matter what they do if republicans attended the meeting? You see how desperate you people get? My god.
No one could possibly be this stupid. I picture you as the kind who attended Stalin's show trials and applauded everything that went one. You are a disgusting piece of human refuse.
lol what the fuck? The out of left field shit you people say is just adorable.
Wait...did you just claim that Schiff doesn't know what any of his witnesses will testify to? Really, Mamooth?

Well, yes. What conspiracy madness leads you to think otherwise?

Think first. Do you really want to embarrass yourself this way?

And why are you pushing this conspiracy, when you have to know it will make you look stupid later?

The person that's embarrassing themselves is you my friend! Anyone that thinks that Schiff or members of his staff haven't talked to any of the witnesses before they testified is naïve to a fault!
We know he talked to Cohen. Why would any believe he didn't talk to these witnesses.
The person that's embarrassing themselves is you my friend! Anyone that thinks that Schiff or members of his staff haven't talked to any of the witnesses before they testified is naïve to a fault!

Again, you're assuming we're like you. That's your mistake. We're not.

Democrats know how much our nutty conservative MSM hates us, and how much Trump's AG Barr wants any reason for a Stalinist kangaroo court show trial That's why we're extra careful to do everything exactly by the book.

So, we'll revisit this soon, and you'll all have some 'splainin to do. I look forward to it.
Who says they aren’t allowed? Any republican who was meant to attend that hearing could spill the beans to anyone afterwards lol.

Do you mean like was done by the Democrats?
Why does it matter what they do if republicans attended the meeting? You see how desperate you people get? My god.
No one could possibly be this stupid. I picture you as the kind who attended Stalin's show trials and applauded everything that went one. You are a disgusting piece of human refuse.
lol what the fuck? The out of left field shit you people say is just adorable.
How is that out of left field? You obviously have no problem with Stalinist tactics. You just admitted that.
The person that's embarrassing themselves is you my friend! Anyone that thinks that Schiff or members of his staff haven't talked to any of the witnesses before they testified is naïve to a fault!

Again, you're assuming we're like you. That's your mistake. We're not.

We know you're not like us. That would require you to have scruples and be capable of feeling shame.
We know you're not like us. That would require you to have scruples and be capable of feeling shame.

Bri, we know how this ends, the same way it always ends. Your laughable conspiracy whimpering goes nowhere, so you slink off, you conveniently forget how you supported the dumbest conspiracy theory imaginable, and then you latch on to a new idiot conspiracy theory.

Usually, we let you get away with it, out of pity. Hammering you with it would feel like picking on a short bus kid, so we refrain.
We know you're not like us. That would require you to have scruples and be capable of feeling shame.

Bri, we know how this ends, the same way it always ends. Your laughable conspiracy whimpering goes nowhere, so you slink off, you conveniently forget how you supported the dumbest conspiracy theory imaginable, and then you latch on to a new idiot conspiracy theory.

Usually, we let you get away with it, out of pity. Hammering you with it would feel like picking on a short bus kid, so we refrain.
Mmmmmm, the "Russia! Russia! Russia" conspiracy theory was the dumbest imaginable, moron, and you fell for it hook, line and sinker. For almost three years you and your Komrades mumbled incessantly how Meuller was going to get Trump. Then it turned into a big dud.
The person that's embarrassing themselves is you my friend! Anyone that thinks that Schiff or members of his staff haven't talked to any of the witnesses before they testified is naïve to a fault!

Again, you're assuming we're like you. That's your mistake. We're not.

Democrats know how much our nutty conservative MSM hates us, and how much Trump's AG Barr wants any reason for a Stalinist kangaroo court show trial That's why we're extra careful to do everything exactly by the book.

So, we'll revisit this soon, and you'll all have some 'splainin to do. I look forward to it.

Oh, now you think the Main Stream Media is "conservative"? Really, Mamooth?

You get more amusing by the post...
Oh, now you think the Main Stream Media is "conservative"? Really, Mamooth?

You can fool your fellow cultists with the "LIBERAL MEDIA" big lie, but you can't fool intelligent people.

The funniest thing is how you haven't figured out that it's our nutty conservative MSM that convinced you of the "LIBERAL MEDIA!" big lie.
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Mmmmmm, the "Russia! Russia! Russia" conspiracy theory was the dumbest imaginable,

Then why was it confirmed by Mueller?

You're really not very good at this. You fall for everything. In contrast, our record is perfect. Zero conspiracy theories.

For almost three years you and your Komrades mumbled incessantly how Meuller was going to get Trump.

No, we didn't. That's another thing you do, just make these stories up. You have to. You're totally helpless at debating what any liberal actually says, and you know it. You can't admit that, so you see lying about what we supposedly said as the only option open to you.

Pity. Life is so much simpler if you just tell the truth. You should try it. You'd never again get all tangled up in lies. Another benefit of being liberal.

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