Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

You mean they won't be as apt to lie their asses off if their identities were known?
No, that's what you desperate trump acolytes think, due to your cultism.

And these are sworn depositions, with republocans present... Listen to yourself... Such desperate nonsense....

Sworn depositions given by mystery persons? Why are they hiding in the dark, Fort? We have the right to face our accusers in this country. Have you noticed that the accusers against Trump are always unnamed sources or wish to remain anonymous? Why is that?
Mystery persons?? Who's been a mystery? Who's testified who wasn't named?

Name the original whistle blower! You know...the guy that Schiff met with to coach on his testimony BEFORE he gave it to the closed door meeting?
Thanks for demonstrating you can't cite one single thing he left out.

How do I cite things from a closed door hearing? Duh?
Let me're REALLY going to claim that Schiff isn't leaking anything that damages Trump and is withholding anything that doesn't?

Thanks for admitting you don't actually know what evidence has been presented in those hearings. I already knew you didn't know and that you were lying when you indicated you did.

When did I say I knew what evidence had been presented in those hearings? The only thing coming out of those hearings are the things that Schiff is leaking to the media...hence what we've heard is anything negative about Trump usually taken out of context by a man who's as big a liar as they come!
You said Schiff left evidence out. The only way you could know that is if you know what evidence was presented. Now everyone here sees you were lying again.

I know Schiff left evidence out because I know Schiff's total lack of scruples! I don't know of a sleazier member of Congress that Adam Schiff! Expecting him to be "fair" is laughable!
You're a lying con tool. You've already admitted you don't know what evidence has been submitted. Anything you say about it is based on nothing but you saying it and you're a lying con tool.
Whether it was signed or not is an irrelevant detail.
Well that's stupid, since it is not an affidavit, unless it is signed. Duh. Second, Giuliani claimed they were signed affidavits.

Turns out it was neither.
It's hard to tell whether it was signed because the language at the bottom is in Russian.

It turns out that you're trying to make a mountain out of your claim that can't be proved.
There's no signature, fucking moron. Now I see why you refused to post a link to it -- because you were full of shit.

Shokin Statement

View attachment 286424
Look further down the document, shit for brains.

This will be my last response on this subject. Harping on trivialities is your favorite tactic. I'm not playing.
Because the Republicans on those hearings aren't as sleazy as Schiff?
Haha, you dont believe that contrived explanation. See? One simple question, and right into a tailspin you go....

That is because your contrived nonsense makes no sense. One simple question, and it's obliterated.

So open up the hearings! Why are they closed when one side is leaking testimony anyways?
They will be open after they finish collecting testimonies after months of leaking cherry picked testimony designed to smear the President...the hearings will be opened up? When should we expect that, Faun? After the next election by any chance? Is that when Schiff's farce of an investigation will wrap up?
I already told you when, ya lying con tool.
You mean they won't be as apt to lie their asses off if their identities were known?
No, that's what you desperate trump acolytes think, due to your cultism.

And these are sworn depositions, with republocans present... Listen to yourself... Such desperate nonsense....

Sworn depositions given by mystery persons? Why are they hiding in the dark, Fort? We have the right to face our accusers in this country. Have you noticed that the accusers against Trump are always unnamed sources or wish to remain anonymous? Why is that?
Mystery persons?? Who's been a mystery? Who's testified who wasn't named?

Name the original whistle blower! You know...the guy that Schiff met with to coach on his testimony BEFORE he gave it to the closed door meeting?
Lying con tool, Schiff never met the whistleblower or coached them before the complaint was filed.
Whether it was signed or not is an irrelevant detail.
Well that's stupid, since it is not an affidavit, unless it is signed. Duh. Second, Giuliani claimed they were signed affidavits.

Turns out it was neither.
It's hard to tell whether it was signed because the language at the bottom is in Russian.

It turns out that you're trying to make a mountain out of your claim that can't be proved.
There's no signature, fucking moron. Now I see why you refused to post a link to it -- because you were full of shit.

Shokin Statement

View attachment 286424
Look further down the document, shit for brains.

This will be my last response on this subject. Harping on trivialities is your favorite tactic. I'm not playing.
Fucking moron, I showed you the signature line is blank. The only signatures below that are by the translator and the notary.

You lied when you falsely claimed there's a signed affidavit.
You mean they won't be as apt to lie their asses off if their identities were known? Gee, what a concept! Witnesses that aren't "anonymous"? Testimony given in the light of day? Why would we want THAT! (eye roll)

I'll let your hero Trey Gowdy explain it to you.

In the Benghazi hearings, nearly every Republican was singing the glory of closed sessions. Unless you can explain why Republicans are being such open hypocrites now, don't expect to be taken seriously.
As Gowdy said, not wanting a clown show is one reason for closed hearings. And as Schiff says here, there's another reason.

“It is of paramount importance to ensure that witnesses cannot coordinate their testimony with one another to match their description of events, or potentially conceal the truth,"

If you want to really piss off a Trump cultist, remove their ability to lie. That's why they're so upset here.
As Gowdy said, not wanting a clown show is one reason for closed hearings. And as Schiff says here, there's another reason.

“It is of paramount importance to ensure that witnesses cannot coordinate their testimony with one another to match their description of events, or potentially conceal the truth,"

If you want to really piss off a Trump cultist, remove their ability to lie. That's why they're so upset here.
Correct – the ability to lie, the ability to deceive, the ability to be dishonest.
You mean they won't be as apt to lie their asses off if their identities were known? Gee, what a concept! Witnesses that aren't "anonymous"? Testimony given in the light of day? Why would we want THAT! (eye roll)

I'll let your hero Trey Gowdy explain it to you.

In the Benghazi hearings, nearly every Republican was singing the glory of closed sessions. Unless you can explain why Republicans are being such open hypocrites now, don't expect to be taken seriously.

Would you like me to show you all of the testimony form the Benghazi hearings that was done in public? There were some that were conducted behind closed doors for national security reasons but the majority of it was shown to the American people! Bad analogy, Mamooth!
As Gowdy said, not wanting a clown show is one reason for closed hearings. And as Schiff says here, there's another reason.

“It is of paramount importance to ensure that witnesses cannot coordinate their testimony with one another to match their description of events, or potentially conceal the truth,"

If you want to really piss off a Trump cultist, remove their ability to lie. That's why they're so upset here.

Coordinate their testimony? Would that be what Schiff was doing meeting with witnesses BEFORE the hearings for hours?
How do I cite things from a closed door hearing? Duh?
Let me're REALLY going to claim that Schiff isn't leaking anything that damages Trump and is withholding anything that doesn't?

Thanks for admitting you don't actually know what evidence has been presented in those hearings. I already knew you didn't know and that you were lying when you indicated you did.

When did I say I knew what evidence had been presented in those hearings? The only thing coming out of those hearings are the things that Schiff is leaking to the media...hence what we've heard is anything negative about Trump usually taken out of context by a man who's as big a liar as they come!
You said Schiff left evidence out. The only way you could know that is if you know what evidence was presented. Now everyone here sees you were lying again.

I know Schiff left evidence out because I know Schiff's total lack of scruples! I don't know of a sleazier member of Congress that Adam Schiff! Expecting him to be "fair" is laughable!
You're a lying con tool. You've already admitted you don't know what evidence has been submitted. Anything you say about it is based on nothing but you saying it and you're a lying con tool.

Everything I say is based upon Adam Schiff's reputation for sleazy behavior! I don't trust him because he's been proven to be totally untrustworthy! You give him the benefit of the doubt based on what? His political affiliation? Amusing as always, Faun!
Would you like me to show you all of the testimony form the Benghazi hearings that was done in public?

As that would support my case, please do. Closed hearings at one point do not preclude open hearings later. I thank you for proving my point like that.

There were some that were conducted behind closed doors for national security reasons but the majority of it was shown to the American people!

That's not the reason Trey Gowdy gave.

And national security is an issue now.

So, you still need to explain your double standard here.
Coordinate their testimony? Would that be what Schiff was doing meeting with witnesses BEFORE the hearings for hours?

I thought the debunked conspiracy theory was that Schiff conspired with the whistleblower. And there was that debunked conspiracy theory about Volker being cross-examined harshly was something secret and nefarious.

When did this new conspiracy theory come out? Which witness was Schiff supposed to be planning testimony with?
Here’s a problem with that dumb post.

You can twist however you want but it doesn’t work that way. Foreign aid assistance are not to be withheld UNLESS you have a very good reason. Asking a favor from a foreign government to investigate an American citizen happened to be a political rival?
That is pure corruption.

Guilliani a henchmen personal lawyer of Trump started the investigation as early as January this year. Working with corrupted Ukrainians. Like his 2 buddies that got arrested. And Victor Shokin the famous corrupted prosecutor general fired by Biden.
All these informations fed to your brains and others here and used by Hannity....... All came from these investigation by a henchmen. Based from a conspiracy theory crap with no evidence.

Since when a henchmen work is acceptable?
Since when working with corrupted Ukrainian testimonies are allowed to be use against any Americans?

To this day I have not seen any evidence that Bidens committed any crime.
Would widespread corruption be a good reason to withhold foreign aid money? The Ukraine was rife with corruption which was why Trump was asking for quite some time if we really knew where our money was going!

Hunter Biden was paid $70,000 a month for a job that he wasn't in any way qualified to hold...a job that he only got because of who his father is! He didn't attend board meetings. He didn't do ANYTHING to earn that money he was paid!

Then Joe Biden...who Barack Obama had put in charge of dealing with the Ukrainian situation...demands that the prosecutor looking into corruption at Burisma be fired...something that looked so shady that The New York Times wrote an article detailing the bad optics.

All of these crap ALL that you are telling me comes directly from Trump conspiracy theory crap. Created by John Solomon. Investigated started this January by Guilliani working with corrupted Ukrainian people. Guilliani was warned. 2 of them are already got arrested and famous Victor Shokin corrupted prosecutor general.

PAY ATTENTION. Read my post don’t stare at it. Because I don’t bullshit.

Since when a personal lawyer Guilliani henchmen of a president allowed or acceptable to do this investigation?

Guilliani right now is in big trouble. He is going to jail.

Hunter was not qualified and over paid? SO? Did he steal any money from Burisma? Tell me where is the crime committed? If you are going to use that as a silly defense. Look at Kushner running around as diplomat with zero experience as diplomat.

Joe Biden asked Ukraine president to fire Victor Shokin a well known corrupted prosecutor. American allies, IMF, Prosecutors, Ukraine anti corruption, foreign investors and long list of diplomats asked Shokin to be fired.

Before Joe Biden even got involved. Ukrainian prosecutors and anti corruption advocates was pressuring Shokin to investigate the Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevskiy of money laundering. Shokin shelved the case from Feb. 2015 till he got fired. He didn’t do anything.

Joe Biden asked Shokin to be fired. NOT because Shokin was tough or active on the Burisma case.

Then this dishonest president are feeding this country with false information for political gain. Enforce by his lap dogs with lies.

Do you not grasp the difference between Jared Kushner "running around" as a diplomat and Hunter Biden getting paid big bucks for a "no show" job, Charwin? This is a perfect example of a politician abusing their office to enrich someone in their family! Kushner was instrumental in the negotiations with Israel to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel. He actually DID what he was paid to do! Biden never even attended a meeting of the board of which he was a member! He got paid what he did...not for work done...but because the people who hired him were able to have Joe Biden do things like threaten to withhold a billion dollars in US assistance unless the Ukraine got rid of a prosecutor they didn't like!

Jared Kushner is filling his pockets with money people are giving him for influence over Donald Trump.

Corruption is Donald Trump's favorite activity.

Proof or STFU and retract. And proof isn't just any article, one from an unbiased source.

What make you sure I’m not aware of ( post #838) this?
What makes you sure Kushner is not getting paid? Israel under Bibi is corrupted. Bibi and his wife are both charged with fraud or irregularities.

What difference does it make from lunatic supporters like you?
Biased or Unbiased ......... Lies or Facts ........ Honesty or Dishonest...... to Corruptness . It doesn’t matter you still support the ugliness of this president.
Here’s a problem with that dumb post.

You can twist however you want but it doesn’t work that way. Foreign aid assistance are not to be withheld UNLESS you have a very good reason. Asking a favor from a foreign government to investigate an American citizen happened to be a political rival?
That is pure corruption.

Guilliani a henchmen personal lawyer of Trump started the investigation as early as January this year. Working with corrupted Ukrainians. Like his 2 buddies that got arrested. And Victor Shokin the famous corrupted prosecutor general fired by Biden.
All these informations fed to your brains and others here and used by Hannity....... All came from these investigation by a henchmen. Based from a conspiracy theory crap with no evidence.

Since when a henchmen work is acceptable?
Since when working with corrupted Ukrainian testimonies are allowed to be use against any Americans?

To this day I have not seen any evidence that Bidens committed any crime.
Would widespread corruption be a good reason to withhold foreign aid money? The Ukraine was rife with corruption which was why Trump was asking for quite some time if we really knew where our money was going!

Hunter Biden was paid $70,000 a month for a job that he wasn't in any way qualified to hold...a job that he only got because of who his father is! He didn't attend board meetings. He didn't do ANYTHING to earn that money he was paid!

Then Joe Biden...who Barack Obama had put in charge of dealing with the Ukrainian situation...demands that the prosecutor looking into corruption at Burisma be fired...something that looked so shady that The New York Times wrote an article detailing the bad optics.
There's no evidence Shokin was investigating Burisma or Hunter Biden when he was forced out.
Other than the signed affidavit he submitted, that is.
What are you talking about, fucking moron? What signed affidavit??
The one Giuliani waved around on national TV where Shokin says he was getting ready to investigate Biden's deadbeat son.

From Guilliani a personal attorney of Trump? Affidavit from Shokin? Absolutely.

What are the credibilities? This is like attorney of Jeffrey Dahmer lawyer doing the investigation.
Guilliani was warned he was working with well known corrupted Ukrainians. He did it anyway ......... Hey look what I found?
I guess you have zero knowledge about how Grand Juries operate.

This is not a grand jury.

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It's analogous to a Grand Jury.

So it's "kinda sorda" like a grand jury?
It"s like a Grand Jury in that it's a) a closed hearing; b) presenting evidence to determine if an indictment should be issued; c) no defense allowed.

Except unlike a Grand Jury...the guy that's running this closed cherry picking testimony that he thinks will damage President Trump and then leaking that to the media...something that would get his ass thrown in jail if it WERE a Grand Jury!

Oldstyle...... So what happened to my rebuttal #840?
This so called investigation isn't after the's a sham who's only real purpose is to divert attention away from how good a job Trump has done with the economy and how gawd awful the candidates are that are running for the Democratic nomination!

It’s very sad that supporters like you don’t have a clue.

I asked you several times. Like what regulations that he created jobs? You keep giving me BULLSHIT.

You are missing something big just like everyone else. All these chaos and crisis and discombobulations. Are all created by Trump.
Whether it was signed or not is an irrelevant detail.
Well that's stupid, since it is not an affidavit, unless it is signed. Duh. Second, Giuliani claimed they were signed affidavits.

Turns out it was neither.
It's hard to tell whether it was signed because the language at the bottom is in Russian.

It turns out that you're trying to make a mountain out of your claim that can't be proved.
There's no signature, fucking moron. Now I see why you refused to post a link to it -- because you were full of shit.

Shokin Statement

View attachment 286424
Look further down the document, shit for brains.

This will be my last response on this subject. Harping on trivialities is your favorite tactic. I'm not playing.
Fucking moron, I showed you the signature line is blank. The only signatures below that are by the translator and the notary.

You lied when you falsely claimed there's a signed affidavit.
I'm done discussing it, asshole. Your favorite hobby is pounding trivial issues into a thin paste.
This so called investigation isn't after the's a sham who's only real purpose is to divert attention away from how good a job Trump has done with the economy and how gawd awful the candidates are that are running for the Democratic nomination!

It’s very sad that supporters like you don’t have a clue.

I asked you several times. Like what regulations that he created jobs? You keep giving me BULLSHIT.

You are missing something big just like everyone else. All these chaos and crisis and discombobulations. Are all created by Trump.
He repealed regulations, dumbass. Regulations don't create jobs.

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