Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

It"s like a Grand Jury in that it's a) a closed hearing; b) presenting evidence to determine if an indictment should be issued; c) no defense allowed.

Except unlike a Grand Jury...the guy that's running this closed cherry picking testimony that he thinks will damage President Trump and then leaking that to the media...something that would get his ass thrown in jail if it WERE a Grand Jury!
Oh? What did he leave out...?

What does Schiff leave out? Anything that DOESN'T look bad for Trump! Do you not understand what cherry picking entails?
Thanks for demonstrating you can't cite one single thing he left out.

How do I cite things from a closed door hearing? Duh?
Let me're REALLY going to claim that Schiff isn't leaking anything that damages Trump and is withholding anything that doesn't?

Thanks for admitting you don't actually know what evidence has been presented in those hearings. I already knew you didn't know and that you were lying when you indicated you did.
They are however calling for the hearings to be held in open session. Simple question for you! Why would the Democrats not want that?
Because the Republicans on those hearings aren't as sleazy as Schiff?
Haha, you dont believe that contrived explanation. See? One simple question, and right into a tailspin you go....

That is because your contrived nonsense makes no sense. One simple question, and it's obliterated.
Except unlike a Grand Jury...the guy that's running this closed cherry picking testimony that he thinks will damage President Trump and then leaking that to the media...something that would get his ass thrown in jail if it WERE a Grand Jury!
Oh? What did he leave out...?

What does Schiff leave out? Anything that DOESN'T look bad for Trump! Do you not understand what cherry picking entails?
Thanks for demonstrating you can't cite one single thing he left out.

How do I cite things from a closed door hearing? Duh?
Let me're REALLY going to claim that Schiff isn't leaking anything that damages Trump and is withholding anything that doesn't?

Thanks for admitting you don't actually know what evidence has been presented in those hearings. I already knew you didn't know and that you were lying when you indicated you did.

When did I say I knew what evidence had been presented in those hearings? The only thing coming out of those hearings are the things that Schiff is leaking to the media...hence what we've heard is anything negative about Trump usually taken out of context by a man who's as big a liar as they come!
Why would the Democrats not want that?
Because people wont be as open or forthcoming, in open depositions. Some of the questions invplve classified info as well.

I gotta tell ya, that didn't take a whole lot of brain power to puzzle out,my man.
Because the Republicans on those hearings aren't as sleazy as Schiff?
Haha, you dont believe that contrived explanation. See? One simple question, and right into a tailspin you go....

That is because your contrived nonsense makes no sense. One simple question, and it's obliterated.

So open up the hearings! Why are they closed when one side is leaking testimony anyways?
Why would the Democrats not want that?
Because people wont be as open or forthcoming, in open depositions. Some of the questions invplve classified info as well.

I gotta tell ya, that didn't take a whole lot of brain power to puzzle out,my man.

You mean they won't be as apt to lie their asses off if their identities were known? Gee, what a concept! Witnesses that aren't "anonymous"? Testimony given in the light of day? Why would we want THAT! (eye roll)
You mean they won't be as apt to lie their asses off if their identities were known?
No, that's what you desperate trump acolytes think, due to your cultism.

And these are sworn depositions, with republocans present... Listen to yourself... Such desperate nonsense....
So open up the hearings!
Or,not. No need....the relevant info will become public before they vote on the articles. Sorry....

Schiff doesn't want a vote on anything because there's nothing there to vote on! This is a blatant smear job...just one more smear job by a Party that's as sleazy as any group I've ever seen watching American politics for years!
Schiff doesn't want a vote on anything because there's nothing there to vote on!
Well good, then you cultists and the mentally ill president can all stop cheering for the illegal obstruction by the executive branch.

Well that was easy....
Oh? What did he leave out...?

What does Schiff leave out? Anything that DOESN'T look bad for Trump! Do you not understand what cherry picking entails?
Thanks for demonstrating you can't cite one single thing he left out.

How do I cite things from a closed door hearing? Duh?
Let me're REALLY going to claim that Schiff isn't leaking anything that damages Trump and is withholding anything that doesn't?

Thanks for admitting you don't actually know what evidence has been presented in those hearings. I already knew you didn't know and that you were lying when you indicated you did.

When did I say I knew what evidence had been presented in those hearings? The only thing coming out of those hearings are the things that Schiff is leaking to the media...hence what we've heard is anything negative about Trump usually taken out of context by a man who's as big a liar as they come!
You said Schiff left evidence out. The only way you could know that is if you know what evidence was presented. Now everyone here sees you were lying again.
You mean they won't be as apt to lie their asses off if their identities were known?
No, that's what you desperate trump acolytes think, due to your cultism.

And these are sworn depositions, with republocans present... Listen to yourself... Such desperate nonsense....

Sworn depositions given by mystery persons? Why are they hiding in the dark, Fort? We have the right to face our accusers in this country. Have you noticed that the accusers against Trump are always unnamed sources or wish to remain anonymous? Why is that?
What does Schiff leave out? Anything that DOESN'T look bad for Trump! Do you not understand what cherry picking entails?
Thanks for demonstrating you can't cite one single thing he left out.

How do I cite things from a closed door hearing? Duh?
Let me're REALLY going to claim that Schiff isn't leaking anything that damages Trump and is withholding anything that doesn't?

Thanks for admitting you don't actually know what evidence has been presented in those hearings. I already knew you didn't know and that you were lying when you indicated you did.

When did I say I knew what evidence had been presented in those hearings? The only thing coming out of those hearings are the things that Schiff is leaking to the media...hence what we've heard is anything negative about Trump usually taken out of context by a man who's as big a liar as they come!
You said Schiff left evidence out. The only way you could know that is if you know what evidence was presented. Now everyone here sees you were lying again.

I know Schiff left evidence out because I know Schiff's total lack of scruples! I don't know of a sleazier member of Congress that Adam Schiff! Expecting him to be "fair" is laughable!
Sworn depositions given by mystery persons? people are named can find these names on literally every news outlet....dude, what is wrong with your brain?

Today's canary:

  • Next to testify: Philip Reeker, a career foreign service officer now serving as the acting assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, is scheduled to testify before lawmakers today.
Because the Republicans on those hearings aren't as sleazy as Schiff?
Haha, you dont believe that contrived explanation. See? One simple question, and right into a tailspin you go....

That is because your contrived nonsense makes no sense. One simple question, and it's obliterated.

So open up the hearings! Why are they closed when one side is leaking testimony anyways?
They will be open after they finish collecting testimonies
Sworn depositions given by mystery persons? people are named can find these names on literally every news outlet....dude, what is wrong with your brain?

Today's canary:

  • Next to testify: Philip Reeker, a career foreign service officer now serving as the acting assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, is scheduled to testify before lawmakers today.

Really, Fort? Name the "whistle blower" that kicked off this entire charade? What's his name?
Because the Republicans on those hearings aren't as sleazy as Schiff?
Haha, you dont believe that contrived explanation. See? One simple question, and right into a tailspin you go....

That is because your contrived nonsense makes no sense. One simple question, and it's obliterated.

So open up the hearings! Why are they closed when one side is leaking testimony anyways?
They will be open after they finish collecting testimonies after months of leaking cherry picked testimony designed to smear the President...the hearings will be opened up? When should we expect that, Faun? After the next election by any chance? Is that when Schiff's farce of an investigation will wrap up?
You mean they won't be as apt to lie their asses off if their identities were known?
No, that's what you desperate trump acolytes think, due to your cultism.

And these are sworn depositions, with republocans present... Listen to yourself... Such desperate nonsense....

Sworn depositions given by mystery persons? Why are they hiding in the dark, Fort? We have the right to face our accusers in this country. Have you noticed that the accusers against Trump are always unnamed sources or wish to remain anonymous? Why is that?
Mystery persons?? Who's been a mystery? Who's testified who wasn't named?
It's hard to tell whether it was signed because the language at the bottom is in Russian.
No, it isn't.

Dude, seriosuly. You should shut up immediately and go check on this. Trust me, it's hilarious.
So you speak Russian, asshole? Tell us what the part in Russian with the signatures says.
You're really not going to step outside the bubble and check on this, are you? Have fun embarrassing yourself....
In other words, you don't know. Thanks for playing, asshole!

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