Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

I guess you have zero knowledge about how Grand Juries operate.

This is not a grand jury.

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It's analogous to a Grand Jury.

So it's "kinda sorda" like a grand jury?
It"s like a Grand Jury in that it's a) a closed hearing; b) presenting evidence to determine if an indictment should be issued; c) no defense allowed.
It's like a Grand Jury only in your imagination. A Grand Jury is a function of the judicial branch, not Congress.
Fucking moron, I didn't say it is a Grand Jury -- I said it's analogous to a Grand Jury.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?
I guess you have zero knowledge about how Grand Juries operate.

This is not a grand jury.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's analogous to a Grand Jury.

So it's "kinda sorda" like a grand jury?
It"s like a Grand Jury in that it's a) a closed hearing; b) presenting evidence to determine if an indictment should be issued; c) no defense allowed.

Except unlike a Grand Jury...the guy that's running this closed cherry picking testimony that he thinks will damage President Trump and then leaking that to the media...something that would get his ass thrown in jail if it WERE a Grand Jury!
Oh? What did he leave out...?
This so called investigation isn't after the's a sham who's only real purpose is to divert attention away from how good a job Trump has done with the economy and how gawd awful the candidates are that are running for the Democratic nomination!
This is not a grand jury.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's analogous to a Grand Jury.

So it's "kinda sorda" like a grand jury?
It"s like a Grand Jury in that it's a) a closed hearing; b) presenting evidence to determine if an indictment should be issued; c) no defense allowed.

Except unlike a Grand Jury...the guy that's running this closed cherry picking testimony that he thinks will damage President Trump and then leaking that to the media...something that would get his ass thrown in jail if it WERE a Grand Jury!
Oh? What did he leave out...?

What does Schiff leave out? Anything that DOESN'T look bad for Trump! Do you not understand what cherry picking entails?
This is not a grand jury.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's analogous to a Grand Jury.

So it's "kinda sorda" like a grand jury?
It"s like a Grand Jury in that it's a) a closed hearing; b) presenting evidence to determine if an indictment should be issued; c) no defense allowed.
It's like a Grand Jury only in your imagination. A Grand Jury is a function of the judicial branch, not Congress.
Fucking moron, I didn't say it is a Grand Jury -- I said it's analogous to a Grand Jury.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?
Thanks for admitting that it's not a Grand Jury and that Schiff has no justification for treating it like one.
Whether it was signed or not is an irrelevant detail.
Well that's stupid, since it is not an affidavit, unless it is signed. Duh. Second, Giuliani claimed they were signed affidavits.

Turns out it was neither.
It's hard to tell whether it was signed because the language at the bottom is in Russian.

It turns out that you're trying to make a mountain out of your claim that can't be proved.
It's analogous to a Grand Jury.

So it's "kinda sorda" like a grand jury?
It"s like a Grand Jury in that it's a) a closed hearing; b) presenting evidence to determine if an indictment should be issued; c) no defense allowed.

Except unlike a Grand Jury...the guy that's running this closed cherry picking testimony that he thinks will damage President Trump and then leaking that to the media...something that would get his ass thrown in jail if it WERE a Grand Jury!
Oh? What did he leave out...?

What does Schiff leave out? Anything that DOESN'T look bad for Trump! Do you not understand what cherry picking entails?
Thanks for demonstrating you can't cite one single thing he left out.
It's analogous to a Grand Jury.

So it's "kinda sorda" like a grand jury?
It"s like a Grand Jury in that it's a) a closed hearing; b) presenting evidence to determine if an indictment should be issued; c) no defense allowed.
It's like a Grand Jury only in your imagination. A Grand Jury is a function of the judicial branch, not Congress.
Fucking moron, I didn't say it is a Grand Jury -- I said it's analogous to a Grand Jury.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?
Thanks for admitting that it's not a Grand Jury and that Schiff has no justification for treating it like one.

If Schiff actually DID treat this like a Grand Jury it wouldn't be leaking like a sieve! Let's be honest here...the ENTIRE reason that Schiff is conducting this "investigation" the way that he that it allows him to leak what he wants and not release what he doesn't!

That shouldn't surprise anyone with even a cursory knowledge of Schiff's history! He's one of the sleaziest members of Congress with no scruples and no morals. He's the perfect person to be point man for the Democrats on this because he's more than willing to lie his skinny ass off and be exposed as a liar later! He's done it before. It's how he operates!
It's hard to tell whether it was signed because the language at the bottom is in Russian.
No, it isn't.

Dude, seriosuly. You should shut up immediately and go check on this. Trust me, it's hilarious.
So you speak Russian, asshole? Tell us what the part in Russian with the signatures says.
You're really not going to step outside the bubble and check on this, are you? Have fun embarrassing yourself....
So it's "kinda sorda" like a grand jury?
It"s like a Grand Jury in that it's a) a closed hearing; b) presenting evidence to determine if an indictment should be issued; c) no defense allowed.

Except unlike a Grand Jury...the guy that's running this closed cherry picking testimony that he thinks will damage President Trump and then leaking that to the media...something that would get his ass thrown in jail if it WERE a Grand Jury!
Oh? What did he leave out...?

What does Schiff leave out? Anything that DOESN'T look bad for Trump! Do you not understand what cherry picking entails?
Thanks for demonstrating you can't cite one single thing he left out.

How do I cite things from a closed door hearing? Duh?
Let me're REALLY going to claim that Schiff isn't leaking anything that damages Trump and is withholding anything that doesn't?
Whether it was signed or not is an irrelevant detail.
Well that's stupid, since it is not an affidavit, unless it is signed. Duh. Second, Giuliani claimed they were signed affidavits.

Turns out it was neither.
It's hard to tell whether it was signed because the language at the bottom is in Russian.

It turns out that you're trying to make a mountain out of your claim that can't be proved.
There's no signature, fucking moron. Now I see why you refused to post a link to it -- because you were full of shit.

Shokin Statement

Screenshot_20191026-123444_Samsung Internet.jpg
Let me're REALLY going to claim that Schiff isn't leaking anything that damages Trump and is withholding anything that doesn't?
Question for ya....

There are republicans in these hearings. If there is info that would help trump being presented, why aren't they leaking it?

It's a simple question.
This is the same man who stated that he had incontrovertible evidence that Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 elections...promised to reveal that evidence...and then did nothing of the kind! He flat out lied.
Let me're REALLY going to claim that Schiff isn't leaking anything that damages Trump and is withholding anything that doesn't?
Question for ya....

There are republicans in these hearings. If there is info that would help trump being presented, why aren't they leaking it?

It's a simple question.

Because the Republicans on those hearings aren't as sleazy as Schiff? It's a simple answer!

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