Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

Who's hiding? There are Democrats and Republicans participating in these hearings. Next time, try not to drop the mic on your foot.
Not allowed to ask questions or call in their own witnesses....commievDemonRAT tactics and this commie knew it!
"Not allowed to ask questions..."


House Dems' impeachment inquiry hearing resumes after GOP storms secure area

Schiff said in a letter to colleagues last week that "the majority and minority have been provided equal staff representation and time to question witnesses, who have stayed until the majority and the minority have asked all of their questions - often late into the evening."​
You already proved you don't know what the fuck you're talking about when you idiotically claimed Republican committee members couldn't ask questions.. Do your homework and then try again.
And YOU have no answer to my statement about witnesses and LEAKS... .ROTFLMFAO!!!


From Hannity? Absolutely.

You’ve got to be kidding me.

Last edited:
Instead, use it as leverage to win re-election.
Don’t commit a crime we won’t talk about it lol
That's the crime aTrump committed.
Sure. Don't they cover the news on Breitbart?

Trump withheld the aid to Ukraine, aid approved by congress, aid that was paid for by tax payer dollars, to get Ukraine to supply opposition research for his upcoming campaign.

Trump said so, Mick Mulvaney said so, Amnassador Taylor said so.

If you're going to argue the issue, familiarize yourself with it.

Trump was making inquiries about corruption in the Ukraine long before he withheld aid to the Ukraine. He had reservations about giving billions of dollars and not knowing what the Ukrainians were doing with that aid. You've connected dots to come up with the picture you want to believe but that doesn't make it fact.

Here’s a problem with that dumb post.

You can twist however you want but it doesn’t work that way. Foreign aid assistance are not to be withheld UNLESS you have a very good reason. Asking a favor from a foreign government to investigate an American citizen happened to be a political rival?
That is pure corruption.

Guilliani a henchmen personal lawyer of Trump started the investigation as early as January this year. Working with corrupted Ukrainians. Like his 2 buddies that got arrested. And Victor Shokin the famous corrupted prosecutor general fired by Biden.
All these informations fed to your brains and others here and used by Hannity....... All came from these investigation by a henchmen. Based from a conspiracy theory crap with no evidence.

Since when a henchmen work is acceptable?
Since when working with corrupted Ukrainian testimonies are allowed to be use against any Americans?

To this day I have not seen any evidence that Bidens committed any crime.
How much do you think has been spent on golf trips? dragging his entourage to his resorts?

Most of what you on the left refer to as "golf trips" are simply Trump choosing to conduct meetings at the resorts he owns rather than the White House. Golf is not played most of the time Trump is at his resorts but as usual you on the left want to make everything that Trump does look "sinister"! Trump is not a Washington guy. My guess is the less amount of time he spends there...the better he likes it.

Conducts meetings. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha

Trump gets more done in an average day than Barack Obama could even dream of! That includes a full day of meetings.

Really I mean. REALLY? Trump get more than in average day than Barack Obama. Bull crap.

What happened to my post #675 and #687 that you ignored?

You don’t even know what posted let alone Trump average day. I bet you don’t even know how much days he spent playing golf.

I’m still waiting for your rebuttal for my post #675. If you can’t just say so. I just have to label you. You are just an ignorant liar Trump supporter.

Trump's a creature of the Private Sector, Charwin! CEO's there, work their asses off! Trump has been doing that for the better part of forty years now!
Obama on the other hand is a politician. He came from the public sector...working as a "community organizer"! He was home having dinner with the family just about every night while Trump was still working until all hours of the night!
You know how you can tell who works harder? Members of the White House Press corps were complaining about the long hours that Trump was working forcing them to cover what it was that he was doing! You never heard a peep out of them about something like that when Barry was in the Oval Office!

Well look at the results after 3 years. Does it looks like he got a lot of things done? Except Chaos and discombobulations of this country.

You bragged about Trump:
1. His policies created jobs.
2: His policies is very good to the economy.

So I’m asking you again. What policies that he created jobs? What policies that is very good to the economy.

I’ve asked this several times to all Trump followers that bragged Trump accomplishment. So far not a single idiot supporters came out with specifics. Nobody. NONE.
House Republicans stormed a closed-door hearing Wednesday morning to protest Democrats' impeachment inquiry process, breaking up the deposition of a top Defense Department official who was testifying about President Trump's dealings with Ukraine.

Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

Awww, poor, unruly Republicans. Crying like babies because they don't have access to those hearings -- even though there are Republicans who serve on the investigating committees; and whining that this isn't an official impeachment inquiry because there was no House vote -- even though there's never been a House rule mandating a full House vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.
So members of Congress are not allowed to know what is going on in Congress?


We aren't talking about Nazi Germany are we, when The Nazis took over The Weimar Democratic Republic of Germany, are we?

That's all the Nazis did when they took power was hold secret meetings, and have secret testimony from secret witnesses.

There are high ranking Republicans members in that impeachment inquiry. That are allowed to grill witnesses.

People like you so ignorant that you believe everything a clown show is real. Those Republicans knew the rules but they did it anyway to make sure people like you are confused. Idiot.
You are a LIAR! Republicans are not allowed to question at all. Republicans are not allowed to have transcripts or any other information.. This is a witch hunt... and you are a fucking idiot

This is what you get from listening too much of Hannity.
Another ignorant moron idiot.

Republican members of the committee are allowed to ask questions.

Non members like Jordan and Gaetz and the other 2 dozens republicans idiots are not members. Are NOT allowed to be in that chamber let alone ask a question.

Since several of you are very dishonest and poorly informed. This rules was made by Republicans.

Read my post don’t stare at it.
Republican members of the committees are all in attendance of the so-called "secret" hearings and meetings. How are they secret if Republicans are there and participating? Why can't the angry Republican hearing crashers just ask their fellow Republicans to brief them after each hearing?
I saw an interview on FOX News by their top legal consultant and he said the rules were being followed exactly how the Republicans wrote them in 2015. Why are the Republicans whining abour their own rules?

Trump tweeted. Republicans should fight the impeachment harder.

The following day. Two dozens of these loyal Trump puppies showed up crashing the chamber. Then came out blazing and complaining like Gaetz and Jordan. We don’t have access, why so secret and we don’t know what is going on.

Enforced by Hannity. This where most of these idiots are coming from.
Most of what you on the left refer to as "golf trips" are simply Trump choosing to conduct meetings at the resorts he owns rather than the White House. Golf is not played most of the time Trump is at his resorts but as usual you on the left want to make everything that Trump does look "sinister"! Trump is not a Washington guy. My guess is the less amount of time he spends there...the better he likes it.

Conducts meetings. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha

Trump gets more done in an average day than Barack Obama could even dream of! That includes a full day of meetings.

Really I mean. REALLY? Trump get more than in average day than Barack Obama. Bull crap.

What happened to my post #675 and #687 that you ignored?

You don’t even know what posted let alone Trump average day. I bet you don’t even know how much days he spent playing golf.

I’m still waiting for your rebuttal for my post #675. If you can’t just say so. I just have to label you. You are just an ignorant liar Trump supporter.

Trump's a creature of the Private Sector, Charwin! CEO's there, work their asses off! Trump has been doing that for the better part of forty years now!
Obama on the other hand is a politician. He came from the public sector...working as a "community organizer"! He was home having dinner with the family just about every night while Trump was still working until all hours of the night!
You know how you can tell who works harder? Members of the White House Press corps were complaining about the long hours that Trump was working forcing them to cover what it was that he was doing! You never heard a peep out of them about something like that when Barry was in the Oval Office!

Well look at the results after 3 years. Does it looks like he got a lot of things done? Except Chaos and discombobulations of this country.

You bragged about Trump:
1. His policies created jobs.
2: His policies is very good to the economy.

So I’m asking you again. What policies that he created jobs? What policies that is very good to the economy.

I’ve asked this several times to all Trump followers that bragged Trump accomplishment. So far not a single idiot supporters came out with specifics. Nobody. NONE.

Ah, let's see! A large tax cut? Then the cutting of 2.7 Federal regulations on businesses for every 1 regulation enacted? It's amazing what the American Private Sector can do when you don't treat it like the enemy! Trump understands economics...Barack Obama never did!
Don’t commit a crime we won’t talk about it lol
That's the crime aTrump committed.
Sure. Don't they cover the news on Breitbart?

Trump withheld the aid to Ukraine, aid approved by congress, aid that was paid for by tax payer dollars, to get Ukraine to supply opposition research for his upcoming campaign.

Trump said so, Mick Mulvaney said so, Amnassador Taylor said so.

If you're going to argue the issue, familiarize yourself with it.

Trump was making inquiries about corruption in the Ukraine long before he withheld aid to the Ukraine. He had reservations about giving billions of dollars and not knowing what the Ukrainians were doing with that aid. You've connected dots to come up with the picture you want to believe but that doesn't make it fact.

Here’s a problem with that dumb post.

You can twist however you want but it doesn’t work that way. Foreign aid assistance are not to be withheld UNLESS you have a very good reason. Asking a favor from a foreign government to investigate an American citizen happened to be a political rival?
That is pure corruption.

Guilliani a henchmen personal lawyer of Trump started the investigation as early as January this year. Working with corrupted Ukrainians. Like his 2 buddies that got arrested. And Victor Shokin the famous corrupted prosecutor general fired by Biden.
All these informations fed to your brains and others here and used by Hannity....... All came from these investigation by a henchmen. Based from a conspiracy theory crap with no evidence.

Since when a henchmen work is acceptable?
Since when working with corrupted Ukrainian testimonies are allowed to be use against any Americans?

To this day I have not seen any evidence that Bidens committed any crime.
Would widespread corruption be a good reason to withhold foreign aid money? The Ukraine was rife with corruption which was why Trump was asking for quite some time if we really knew where our money was going!

Hunter Biden was paid $70,000 a month for a job that he wasn't in any way qualified to hold...a job that he only got because of who his father is! He didn't attend board meetings. He didn't do ANYTHING to earn that money he was paid!

Then Joe Biden...who Barack Obama had put in charge of dealing with the Ukrainian situation...demands that the prosecutor looking into corruption at Burisma be fired...something that looked so shady that The New York Times wrote an article detailing the bad optics.
Conducts meetings. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha

Trump gets more done in an average day than Barack Obama could even dream of! That includes a full day of meetings.

Really I mean. REALLY? Trump get more than in average day than Barack Obama. Bull crap.

What happened to my post #675 and #687 that you ignored?

You don’t even know what posted let alone Trump average day. I bet you don’t even know how much days he spent playing golf.

I’m still waiting for your rebuttal for my post #675. If you can’t just say so. I just have to label you. You are just an ignorant liar Trump supporter.

Trump's a creature of the Private Sector, Charwin! CEO's there, work their asses off! Trump has been doing that for the better part of forty years now!
Obama on the other hand is a politician. He came from the public sector...working as a "community organizer"! He was home having dinner with the family just about every night while Trump was still working until all hours of the night!
You know how you can tell who works harder? Members of the White House Press corps were complaining about the long hours that Trump was working forcing them to cover what it was that he was doing! You never heard a peep out of them about something like that when Barry was in the Oval Office!

Well look at the results after 3 years. Does it looks like he got a lot of things done? Except Chaos and discombobulations of this country.

You bragged about Trump:
1. His policies created jobs.
2: His policies is very good to the economy.

So I’m asking you again. What policies that he created jobs? What policies that is very good to the economy.

I’ve asked this several times to all Trump followers that bragged Trump accomplishment. So far not a single idiot supporters came out with specifics. Nobody. NONE.

Ah, let's see! A large tax cut? Then the cutting of 2.7 Federal regulations on businesses for every 1 regulation enacted? It's amazing what the American Private Sector can do when you don't treat it like the enemy! Trump understands economics...Barack Obama never did!

OH MY GOD. I asked to be specific.

Give me any regulations on business that he created jobs?
What’s different about this situation, compared with the Russian collusion investigation, that cost 50 plus million and yielded nothing? Who would believe any allegations at this point. Dims don’t like him, and have wanted to impeach him since day one.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Democrats are not only colluding with Russia, they're behaving like them now. The Kremlin is known for it's one sided investigations.

Democrats have done more to try to overthrow our duly elected gov't than Putin could ever hope to.

Believe me dems, you're making Putin very proud.
I guess you have zero knowledge about how Grand Juries operate.

This is not a grand jury.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's the crime aTrump committed.
Sure. Don't they cover the news on Breitbart?

Trump withheld the aid to Ukraine, aid approved by congress, aid that was paid for by tax payer dollars, to get Ukraine to supply opposition research for his upcoming campaign.

Trump said so, Mick Mulvaney said so, Amnassador Taylor said so.

If you're going to argue the issue, familiarize yourself with it.

Trump was making inquiries about corruption in the Ukraine long before he withheld aid to the Ukraine. He had reservations about giving billions of dollars and not knowing what the Ukrainians were doing with that aid. You've connected dots to come up with the picture you want to believe but that doesn't make it fact.

Here’s a problem with that dumb post.

You can twist however you want but it doesn’t work that way. Foreign aid assistance are not to be withheld UNLESS you have a very good reason. Asking a favor from a foreign government to investigate an American citizen happened to be a political rival?
That is pure corruption.

Guilliani a henchmen personal lawyer of Trump started the investigation as early as January this year. Working with corrupted Ukrainians. Like his 2 buddies that got arrested. And Victor Shokin the famous corrupted prosecutor general fired by Biden.
All these informations fed to your brains and others here and used by Hannity....... All came from these investigation by a henchmen. Based from a conspiracy theory crap with no evidence.

Since when a henchmen work is acceptable?
Since when working with corrupted Ukrainian testimonies are allowed to be use against any Americans?

To this day I have not seen any evidence that Bidens committed any crime.
Would widespread corruption be a good reason to withhold foreign aid money? The Ukraine was rife with corruption which was why Trump was asking for quite some time if we really knew where our money was going!

Hunter Biden was paid $70,000 a month for a job that he wasn't in any way qualified to hold...a job that he only got because of who his father is! He didn't attend board meetings. He didn't do ANYTHING to earn that money he was paid!

Then Joe Biden...who Barack Obama had put in charge of dealing with the Ukrainian situation...demands that the prosecutor looking into corruption at Burisma be fired...something that looked so shady that The New York Times wrote an article detailing the bad optics.

All of these crap ALL that you are telling me comes directly from Trump conspiracy theory crap. Created by John Solomon. Investigated started this January by Guilliani working with corrupted Ukrainian people. Guilliani was warned. 2 of them are already got arrested and famous Victor Shokin corrupted prosecutor general.

PAY ATTENTION. Read my post don’t stare at it. Because I don’t bullshit.

Since when a personal lawyer Guilliani henchmen of a president allowed or acceptable to do this investigation?

Guilliani right now is in big trouble. He is going to jail.

Hunter was not qualified and over paid? SO? Did he steal any money from Burisma? Tell me where is the crime committed? If you are going to use that as a silly defense. Look at Kushner running around as diplomat with zero experience as diplomat.

Joe Biden asked Ukraine president to fire Victor Shokin a well known corrupted prosecutor. American allies, IMF, Prosecutors, Ukraine anti corruption, foreign investors and long list of diplomats asked Shokin to be fired.

Before Joe Biden even got involved. Ukrainian prosecutors and anti corruption advocates was pressuring Shokin to investigate the Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevskiy of money laundering. Shokin shelved the case from Feb. 2015 till he got fired. He didn’t do anything.

Joe Biden asked Shokin to be fired. NOT because Shokin was tough or active on the Burisma case.

Then this dishonest president are feeding this country with false information for political gain. Enforce by his lap dogs with lies.
Sure. Don't they cover the news on Breitbart?

Trump withheld the aid to Ukraine, aid approved by congress, aid that was paid for by tax payer dollars, to get Ukraine to supply opposition research for his upcoming campaign.

Trump said so, Mick Mulvaney said so, Amnassador Taylor said so.

If you're going to argue the issue, familiarize yourself with it.

Trump was making inquiries about corruption in the Ukraine long before he withheld aid to the Ukraine. He had reservations about giving billions of dollars and not knowing what the Ukrainians were doing with that aid. You've connected dots to come up with the picture you want to believe but that doesn't make it fact.

Here’s a problem with that dumb post.

You can twist however you want but it doesn’t work that way. Foreign aid assistance are not to be withheld UNLESS you have a very good reason. Asking a favor from a foreign government to investigate an American citizen happened to be a political rival?
That is pure corruption.

Guilliani a henchmen personal lawyer of Trump started the investigation as early as January this year. Working with corrupted Ukrainians. Like his 2 buddies that got arrested. And Victor Shokin the famous corrupted prosecutor general fired by Biden.
All these informations fed to your brains and others here and used by Hannity....... All came from these investigation by a henchmen. Based from a conspiracy theory crap with no evidence.

Since when a henchmen work is acceptable?
Since when working with corrupted Ukrainian testimonies are allowed to be use against any Americans?

To this day I have not seen any evidence that Bidens committed any crime.
Would widespread corruption be a good reason to withhold foreign aid money? The Ukraine was rife with corruption which was why Trump was asking for quite some time if we really knew where our money was going!

Hunter Biden was paid $70,000 a month for a job that he wasn't in any way qualified to hold...a job that he only got because of who his father is! He didn't attend board meetings. He didn't do ANYTHING to earn that money he was paid!

Then Joe Biden...who Barack Obama had put in charge of dealing with the Ukrainian situation...demands that the prosecutor looking into corruption at Burisma be fired...something that looked so shady that The New York Times wrote an article detailing the bad optics.

All of these crap ALL that you are telling me comes directly from Trump conspiracy theory crap. Created by John Solomon. Investigated started this January by Guilliani working with corrupted Ukrainian people. Guilliani was warned. 2 of them are already got arrested and famous Victor Shokin corrupted prosecutor general.

PAY ATTENTION. Read my post don’t stare at it. Because I don’t bullshit.

Since when a personal lawyer Guilliani henchmen of a president allowed or acceptable to do this investigation?

Guilliani right now is in big trouble. He is going to jail.

Hunter was not qualified and over paid? SO? Did he steal any money from Burisma? Tell me where is the crime committed? If you are going to use that as a silly defense. Look at Kushner running around as diplomat with zero experience as diplomat.

Joe Biden asked Ukraine president to fire Victor Shokin a well known corrupted prosecutor. American allies, IMF, Prosecutors, Ukraine anti corruption, foreign investors and long list of diplomats asked Shokin to be fired.

Before Joe Biden even got involved. Ukrainian prosecutors and anti corruption advocates was pressuring Shokin to investigate the Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevskiy of money laundering. Shokin shelved the case from Feb. 2015 till he got fired. He didn’t do anything.

Joe Biden asked Shokin to be fired. NOT because Shokin was tough or active on the Burisma case.

Then this dishonest president are feeding this country with false information for political gain. Enforce by his lap dogs with lies.

Do you not grasp the difference between Jared Kushner "running around" as a diplomat and Hunter Biden getting paid big bucks for a "no show" job, Charwin? This is a perfect example of a politician abusing their office to enrich someone in their family! Kushner was instrumental in the negotiations with Israel to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel. He actually DID what he was paid to do! Biden never even attended a meeting of the board of which he was a member! He got paid what he did...not for work done...but because the people who hired him were able to have Joe Biden do things like threaten to withhold a billion dollars in US assistance unless the Ukraine got rid of a prosecutor they didn't like!
Sure. Don't they cover the news on Breitbart?

Trump withheld the aid to Ukraine, aid approved by congress, aid that was paid for by tax payer dollars, to get Ukraine to supply opposition research for his upcoming campaign.

Trump said so, Mick Mulvaney said so, Amnassador Taylor said so.

If you're going to argue the issue, familiarize yourself with it.

Trump was making inquiries about corruption in the Ukraine long before he withheld aid to the Ukraine. He had reservations about giving billions of dollars and not knowing what the Ukrainians were doing with that aid. You've connected dots to come up with the picture you want to believe but that doesn't make it fact.

Here’s a problem with that dumb post.

You can twist however you want but it doesn’t work that way. Foreign aid assistance are not to be withheld UNLESS you have a very good reason. Asking a favor from a foreign government to investigate an American citizen happened to be a political rival?
That is pure corruption.

Guilliani a henchmen personal lawyer of Trump started the investigation as early as January this year. Working with corrupted Ukrainians. Like his 2 buddies that got arrested. And Victor Shokin the famous corrupted prosecutor general fired by Biden.
All these informations fed to your brains and others here and used by Hannity....... All came from these investigation by a henchmen. Based from a conspiracy theory crap with no evidence.

Since when a henchmen work is acceptable?
Since when working with corrupted Ukrainian testimonies are allowed to be use against any Americans?

To this day I have not seen any evidence that Bidens committed any crime.
Would widespread corruption be a good reason to withhold foreign aid money? The Ukraine was rife with corruption which was why Trump was asking for quite some time if we really knew where our money was going!

Hunter Biden was paid $70,000 a month for a job that he wasn't in any way qualified to hold...a job that he only got because of who his father is! He didn't attend board meetings. He didn't do ANYTHING to earn that money he was paid!

Then Joe Biden...who Barack Obama had put in charge of dealing with the Ukrainian situation...demands that the prosecutor looking into corruption at Burisma be fired...something that looked so shady that The New York Times wrote an article detailing the bad optics.

All of these crap ALL that you are telling me comes directly from Trump conspiracy theory crap. Created by John Solomon. Investigated started this January by Guilliani working with corrupted Ukrainian people. Guilliani was warned. 2 of them are already got arrested and famous Victor Shokin corrupted prosecutor general.

PAY ATTENTION. Read my post don’t stare at it. Because I don’t bullshit.

Since when a personal lawyer Guilliani henchmen of a president allowed or acceptable to do this investigation?

Guilliani right now is in big trouble. He is going to jail.

Hunter was not qualified and over paid? SO? Did he steal any money from Burisma? Tell me where is the crime committed? If you are going to use that as a silly defense. Look at Kushner running around as diplomat with zero experience as diplomat.

Joe Biden asked Ukraine president to fire Victor Shokin a well known corrupted prosecutor. American allies, IMF, Prosecutors, Ukraine anti corruption, foreign investors and long list of diplomats asked Shokin to be fired.

Before Joe Biden even got involved. Ukrainian prosecutors and anti corruption advocates was pressuring Shokin to investigate the Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevskiy of money laundering. Shokin shelved the case from Feb. 2015 till he got fired. He didn’t do anything.

Joe Biden asked Shokin to be fired. NOT because Shokin was tough or active on the Burisma case.

Then this dishonest president are feeding this country with false information for political gain. Enforce by his lap dogs with lies.

Do you not grasp the difference between Jared Kushner "running around" as a diplomat and Hunter Biden getting paid big bucks for a "no show" job, Charwin? This is a perfect example of a politician abusing their office to enrich someone in their family! Kushner was instrumental in the negotiations with Israel to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel. He actually DID what he was paid to do! Biden never even attended a meeting of the board of which he was a member! He got paid what he did...not for work done...but because the people who hired him were able to have Joe Biden do things like threaten to withhold a billion dollars in US assistance unless the Ukraine got rid of a prosecutor they didn't like!

True, except for the fact that Kushner does not get paid.
Sure. Don't they cover the news on Breitbart?

Trump withheld the aid to Ukraine, aid approved by congress, aid that was paid for by tax payer dollars, to get Ukraine to supply opposition research for his upcoming campaign.

Trump said so, Mick Mulvaney said so, Amnassador Taylor said so.

If you're going to argue the issue, familiarize yourself with it.

Trump was making inquiries about corruption in the Ukraine long before he withheld aid to the Ukraine. He had reservations about giving billions of dollars and not knowing what the Ukrainians were doing with that aid. You've connected dots to come up with the picture you want to believe but that doesn't make it fact.

Here’s a problem with that dumb post.

You can twist however you want but it doesn’t work that way. Foreign aid assistance are not to be withheld UNLESS you have a very good reason. Asking a favor from a foreign government to investigate an American citizen happened to be a political rival?
That is pure corruption.

Guilliani a henchmen personal lawyer of Trump started the investigation as early as January this year. Working with corrupted Ukrainians. Like his 2 buddies that got arrested. And Victor Shokin the famous corrupted prosecutor general fired by Biden.
All these informations fed to your brains and others here and used by Hannity....... All came from these investigation by a henchmen. Based from a conspiracy theory crap with no evidence.

Since when a henchmen work is acceptable?
Since when working with corrupted Ukrainian testimonies are allowed to be use against any Americans?

To this day I have not seen any evidence that Bidens committed any crime.
Would widespread corruption be a good reason to withhold foreign aid money? The Ukraine was rife with corruption which was why Trump was asking for quite some time if we really knew where our money was going!

Hunter Biden was paid $70,000 a month for a job that he wasn't in any way qualified to hold...a job that he only got because of who his father is! He didn't attend board meetings. He didn't do ANYTHING to earn that money he was paid!

Then Joe Biden...who Barack Obama had put in charge of dealing with the Ukrainian situation...demands that the prosecutor looking into corruption at Burisma be fired...something that looked so shady that The New York Times wrote an article detailing the bad optics.

All of these crap ALL that you are telling me comes directly from Trump conspiracy theory crap. Created by John Solomon. Investigated started this January by Guilliani working with corrupted Ukrainian people. Guilliani was warned. 2 of them are already got arrested and famous Victor Shokin corrupted prosecutor general.

PAY ATTENTION. Read my post don’t stare at it. Because I don’t bullshit.

Since when a personal lawyer Guilliani henchmen of a president allowed or acceptable to do this investigation?

Guilliani right now is in big trouble. He is going to jail.

Hunter was not qualified and over paid? SO? Did he steal any money from Burisma? Tell me where is the crime committed? If you are going to use that as a silly defense. Look at Kushner running around as diplomat with zero experience as diplomat.

Joe Biden asked Ukraine president to fire Victor Shokin a well known corrupted prosecutor. American allies, IMF, Prosecutors, Ukraine anti corruption, foreign investors and long list of diplomats asked Shokin to be fired.

Before Joe Biden even got involved. Ukrainian prosecutors and anti corruption advocates was pressuring Shokin to investigate the Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevskiy of money laundering. Shokin shelved the case from Feb. 2015 till he got fired. He didn’t do anything.

Joe Biden asked Shokin to be fired. NOT because Shokin was tough or active on the Burisma case.

Then this dishonest president are feeding this country with false information for political gain. Enforce by his lap dogs with lies.

Do you not grasp the difference between Jared Kushner "running around" as a diplomat and Hunter Biden getting paid big bucks for a "no show" job, Charwin? This is a perfect example of a politician abusing their office to enrich someone in their family! Kushner was instrumental in the negotiations with Israel to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel. He actually DID what he was paid to do! Biden never even attended a meeting of the board of which he was a member! He got paid what he did...not for work done...but because the people who hired him were able to have Joe Biden do things like threaten to withhold a billion dollars in US assistance unless the Ukraine got rid of a prosecutor they didn't like!

Jared Kushner is filling his pockets with money people are giving him for influence over Donald Trump.

Corruption is Donald Trump's favorite activity.
Trump was making inquiries about corruption in the Ukraine long before he withheld aid to the Ukraine. He had reservations about giving billions of dollars and not knowing what the Ukrainians were doing with that aid. You've connected dots to come up with the picture you want to believe but that doesn't make it fact.

Here’s a problem with that dumb post.

You can twist however you want but it doesn’t work that way. Foreign aid assistance are not to be withheld UNLESS you have a very good reason. Asking a favor from a foreign government to investigate an American citizen happened to be a political rival?
That is pure corruption.

Guilliani a henchmen personal lawyer of Trump started the investigation as early as January this year. Working with corrupted Ukrainians. Like his 2 buddies that got arrested. And Victor Shokin the famous corrupted prosecutor general fired by Biden.
All these informations fed to your brains and others here and used by Hannity....... All came from these investigation by a henchmen. Based from a conspiracy theory crap with no evidence.

Since when a henchmen work is acceptable?
Since when working with corrupted Ukrainian testimonies are allowed to be use against any Americans?

To this day I have not seen any evidence that Bidens committed any crime.
Would widespread corruption be a good reason to withhold foreign aid money? The Ukraine was rife with corruption which was why Trump was asking for quite some time if we really knew where our money was going!

Hunter Biden was paid $70,000 a month for a job that he wasn't in any way qualified to hold...a job that he only got because of who his father is! He didn't attend board meetings. He didn't do ANYTHING to earn that money he was paid!

Then Joe Biden...who Barack Obama had put in charge of dealing with the Ukrainian situation...demands that the prosecutor looking into corruption at Burisma be fired...something that looked so shady that The New York Times wrote an article detailing the bad optics.

All of these crap ALL that you are telling me comes directly from Trump conspiracy theory crap. Created by John Solomon. Investigated started this January by Guilliani working with corrupted Ukrainian people. Guilliani was warned. 2 of them are already got arrested and famous Victor Shokin corrupted prosecutor general.

PAY ATTENTION. Read my post don’t stare at it. Because I don’t bullshit.

Since when a personal lawyer Guilliani henchmen of a president allowed or acceptable to do this investigation?

Guilliani right now is in big trouble. He is going to jail.

Hunter was not qualified and over paid? SO? Did he steal any money from Burisma? Tell me where is the crime committed? If you are going to use that as a silly defense. Look at Kushner running around as diplomat with zero experience as diplomat.

Joe Biden asked Ukraine president to fire Victor Shokin a well known corrupted prosecutor. American allies, IMF, Prosecutors, Ukraine anti corruption, foreign investors and long list of diplomats asked Shokin to be fired.

Before Joe Biden even got involved. Ukrainian prosecutors and anti corruption advocates was pressuring Shokin to investigate the Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevskiy of money laundering. Shokin shelved the case from Feb. 2015 till he got fired. He didn’t do anything.

Joe Biden asked Shokin to be fired. NOT because Shokin was tough or active on the Burisma case.

Then this dishonest president are feeding this country with false information for political gain. Enforce by his lap dogs with lies.

Do you not grasp the difference between Jared Kushner "running around" as a diplomat and Hunter Biden getting paid big bucks for a "no show" job, Charwin? This is a perfect example of a politician abusing their office to enrich someone in their family! Kushner was instrumental in the negotiations with Israel to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel. He actually DID what he was paid to do! Biden never even attended a meeting of the board of which he was a member! He got paid what he did...not for work done...but because the people who hired him were able to have Joe Biden do things like threaten to withhold a billion dollars in US assistance unless the Ukraine got rid of a prosecutor they didn't like!

Jared Kushner is filling his pockets with money people are giving him for influence over Donald Trump.

Corruption is Donald Trump's favorite activity.

Proof or STFU and retract. And proof isn't just any article, one from an unbiased source.
Sure. Don't they cover the news on Breitbart?

Trump withheld the aid to Ukraine, aid approved by congress, aid that was paid for by tax payer dollars, to get Ukraine to supply opposition research for his upcoming campaign.

Trump said so, Mick Mulvaney said so, Amnassador Taylor said so.

If you're going to argue the issue, familiarize yourself with it.

Trump was making inquiries about corruption in the Ukraine long before he withheld aid to the Ukraine. He had reservations about giving billions of dollars and not knowing what the Ukrainians were doing with that aid. You've connected dots to come up with the picture you want to believe but that doesn't make it fact.

Here’s a problem with that dumb post.

You can twist however you want but it doesn’t work that way. Foreign aid assistance are not to be withheld UNLESS you have a very good reason. Asking a favor from a foreign government to investigate an American citizen happened to be a political rival?
That is pure corruption.

Guilliani a henchmen personal lawyer of Trump started the investigation as early as January this year. Working with corrupted Ukrainians. Like his 2 buddies that got arrested. And Victor Shokin the famous corrupted prosecutor general fired by Biden.
All these informations fed to your brains and others here and used by Hannity....... All came from these investigation by a henchmen. Based from a conspiracy theory crap with no evidence.

Since when a henchmen work is acceptable?
Since when working with corrupted Ukrainian testimonies are allowed to be use against any Americans?

To this day I have not seen any evidence that Bidens committed any crime.
Would widespread corruption be a good reason to withhold foreign aid money? The Ukraine was rife with corruption which was why Trump was asking for quite some time if we really knew where our money was going!

Hunter Biden was paid $70,000 a month for a job that he wasn't in any way qualified to hold...a job that he only got because of who his father is! He didn't attend board meetings. He didn't do ANYTHING to earn that money he was paid!

Then Joe Biden...who Barack Obama had put in charge of dealing with the Ukrainian situation...demands that the prosecutor looking into corruption at Burisma be fired...something that looked so shady that The New York Times wrote an article detailing the bad optics.

All of these crap ALL that you are telling me comes directly from Trump conspiracy theory crap. Created by John Solomon. Investigated started this January by Guilliani working with corrupted Ukrainian people. Guilliani was warned. 2 of them are already got arrested and famous Victor Shokin corrupted prosecutor general.

PAY ATTENTION. Read my post don’t stare at it. Because I don’t bullshit.

Since when a personal lawyer Guilliani henchmen of a president allowed or acceptable to do this investigation?

Guilliani right now is in big trouble. He is going to jail.

Hunter was not qualified and over paid? SO? Did he steal any money from Burisma? Tell me where is the crime committed? If you are going to use that as a silly defense. Look at Kushner running around as diplomat with zero experience as diplomat.

Joe Biden asked Ukraine president to fire Victor Shokin a well known corrupted prosecutor. American allies, IMF, Prosecutors, Ukraine anti corruption, foreign investors and long list of diplomats asked Shokin to be fired.

Before Joe Biden even got involved. Ukrainian prosecutors and anti corruption advocates was pressuring Shokin to investigate the Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevskiy of money laundering. Shokin shelved the case from Feb. 2015 till he got fired. He didn’t do anything.

Joe Biden asked Shokin to be fired. NOT because Shokin was tough or active on the Burisma case.

Then this dishonest president are feeding this country with false information for political gain. Enforce by his lap dogs with lies.

Do you not grasp the difference between Jared Kushner "running around" as a diplomat and Hunter Biden getting paid big bucks for a "no show" job, Charwin? This is a perfect example of a politician abusing their office to enrich someone in their family! Kushner was instrumental in the negotiations with Israel to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel. He actually DID what he was paid to do! Biden never even attended a meeting of the board of which he was a member! He got paid what he did...not for work done...but because the people who hired him were able to have Joe Biden do things like threaten to withhold a billion dollars in US assistance unless the Ukraine got rid of a prosecutor they didn't like!

Hunter was not qualified and over paid. But show me a crime that he committed. Why is it this is your only center piece of Trump defense?
Show me a proof that Hunter was no show or never attended board meeting.

How many of Trump cabinets that got fired from abused, fraud, ethics violations or unqualified? Several of them.

Kushner negotiates with Israel to make Jerusalem the capital. What is there to negotiate with Israel? Do you even know what the hell that mean? Are the Palestinians happy? Hell no. So what happened to Israel-Palestinian peace deal? Explain.

Joe Biden did a very good job of firing a well known corrupted prosecutor Shokin.

Why are you concentrating on Bidens? But not a single one of you idiots going after Shokin. A well known corrupted prosecutor in Ukraine. Why not go after his corruptions? WHY?

Its very disgusting for Trump to ask a favor from a foreign leader to investigate his political enemies that was based from a conspiracy crap. If he really wants to go after Ukraine corruptions...... why not go after the whole country? Why only Biden?

Talking abused of power. Look at this POTUS. Do you want to enumerate for you the abused and corruptions of this piece of shit POTUS?

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