Republicans Stunned God, Guns, And Gays No Longer Working For Them

Another desperate left wing op-ed? You would think "Raw Story" replaced the NYT for the left these days. Who the hell is Tom Boggioni?
If things don't go well for them, in any way, they'll immediately convince themselves and each other that races were rigged or corrupt or whatever.

This is how distorted ideologies maintain themselves in the face of reality. There is always an excuse.
With the vast, vast, majority of the media and academia propagating for the DNC, no election is actually fair since this is where people get their information.
At the start of the summer, Republicans were celebrating their pending capture of Congress. The Red Wave was unstoppable.
How could they lose with $5 a gallon gas, runaway inflation, another manufactured border crisis?

Then SCOTUS dropped their Roe v Wade bombshell and Republicans were forced to defend banning abortion.
Then, gas prices dropped $1.50, inflation subsided, the market rebounded.
Finally, the Curse of Trump resurfaced with Trump backing candidates who can’t win a general election and faced repeated legal action in multiple states…….then MaraLago happened

Independents are leaving Republicans in droves
a real independent would not be in any party......
Making the possibility of Trump making the call to violence more likely.
Will he dare?

I think Trump is finished but because the FBI, CIA, and other law enforcement agencies will move to save their country from fascism.

Taking Trump down and out will at least provide a period of time in which Americans will start thinking.
LOL....The gaslighting is strong with the MSM. :laughing0301:
What is being gaslit?
That Trump was improperly storing TOP SECRET Documents?

The gaslighting is being done by those who excuse Trumps actions
With the November midterms looming and Republican hopes of taking control of both chambers of Congress slipping away, GOP campaign consultants are scrambling because their traditional appeals to voters are now falling flat and they're not sure what to do about it.

According to a report from Politico's David Siders, Republicans have normally banked on culture war issues to drive the base to the polls but in 2022 "God, guns and gays" isn't playing well with voters in large part because the electorate and attitudes on those three hot-button issues have evolved.

So what happens when the only thing you have, are divisive issues that don’t work for you anymore?

Hey, I know, let’s try trickle down economics. That’s a winner.
It was only a matter time.
They must choose one or the other
That is what being independent means
no they dont have to....
when you vote with one of the parties then you are supporting that party,a real "independent" cant stand either party......hence why they are "independent".....
no they dont have to....
when you vote with one of the parties then you are supporting that party,a real "independent" cant stand either party......hence why they are "independent".....

There is rarely an Independent Candidate

The independent voter must choose between available candidates. That is how elections are won
With the November midterms looming and Republican hopes of taking control of both chambers of Congress slipping away, GOP campaign consultants are scrambling because their traditional appeals to voters are now falling flat and they're not sure what to do about it.
God, Guns, and Fay’s is still a very feasible platform for Republicans.

Unfortunately, they refuse to focus on those things. Instead they are talking about the former POTUS and whether an individual supports him or not.

If the party, and more importantly it’s candidates focused on the Three G’s (and had the proper positions); they would be perfectly fine.
At the start of the summer, Republicans were celebrating their pending capture of Congress. The Red Wave was unstoppable.
How could they lose with $5 a gallon gas, runaway inflation, another manufactured border crisis?

Then SCOTUS dropped their Roe v Wade bombshell and Republicans were forced to defend banning abortion.
Then, gas prices dropped $1.50, inflation subsided, the market rebounded.
Finally, the Curse of Trump resurfaced with Trump backing candidates who can’t win a general election and faced repeated legal action in multiple states…….then MaraLago happened

Independents are leaving Republicans in droves

Roe is not a compelling force, not even for your own voters. You don't realize that yet?

In the words of one of your own: "It's the economy, stupid"

Believe the polls and the spinmasters at your own peril, I guess.
At the start of the summer, Republicans were celebrating their pending capture of Congress. The Red Wave was unstoppable.
How could they lose with $5 a gallon gas, runaway inflation, another manufactured border crisis?
Then SCOTUS dropped their Roe v Wade bombshell and Republicans were forced to defend banning abortion.
Then, gas prices dropped $1.50, inflation subsided, the market rebounded.
Finally, the Curse of Trump resurfaced with Trump backing candidates who can’t win a general election and faced repeated legal action in multiple states…….then MaraLago happened

Independents are leaving Republicans in droves

I thought the D's losing the House was a sure thing before that ruling. I'm not so sure any longer. It will be interesting to see. If the D's maintain the House it will be 100% because of the overturning of RvW.

Overturn gay marriage and it may mean the (R)'s are left in the wilderness. Thomas's statement about believing that ruling should be re-looked at is going to play a huge role in this coming election also.

Here in WV which overwhelmingly went for Trump they can't even agree on a abortion law. I'm not sure if I give them credit for trying to consider the actual will of the people or condemn them for caring more for maintaining their office over doing what they believe to be the right thing.
With the November midterms looming and Republican hopes of taking control of both chambers of Congress slipping away, GOP campaign consultants are scrambling because their traditional appeals to voters are now falling flat and they're not sure what to do about it.

According to a report from Politico's David Siders, Republicans have normally banked on culture war issues to drive the base to the polls but in 2022 "God, guns and gays" isn't playing well with voters in large part because the electorate and attitudes on those three hot-button issues have evolved.

So what happens when the only thing you have, are divisive issues that don’t work for you anymore?

Hey, I know, let’s try trickle down economics. That’s a winner.

We don't need to campaign on God and gays anymore. Those are "cultural" issues, and we are solid enough now we will leave the (losing) cultural issues to you. No, really. You are the Puritans now, scolding everyone on what they are doing wrong with pronouns and microaggressions and "shaming". Been that way for at LEAST a decade. Own it. Enjoy it.

We will win on:

Strong economy
Low gas prices
Tough on crime
Strong military
Secure borders
Parental rights in schools
No lockdowns
Less regulation
Taking the DC bureaucracy apart

And so many more issues that matter to the American public. And oh yes, the 2nd amendment.

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