Republicans Stunned God, Guns, And Gays No Longer Working For Them push killing the baby to get the job or career....
The sad thing is that these immoral Moon Bats don't understand what is wrong with doing that.

They are as ignorant of Morality as they are of Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science and the Constitution.
With the November midterms looming and Republican hopes of taking control of both chambers of Congress slipping away

??? They must publish these crocks of shit so that other crocks of shit like you can post them! Nothing is slipping away, God, guns and gays were never a theme, maybe God, guns and guts, but in either case, God and guns are every bit as popular as ever among true Americans.

But you go right on still keeping blowing smoke up your own ass. :cul2:
With the November midterms looming and Republican hopes of taking control of both chambers of Congress slipping away, GOP campaign consultants are scrambling because their traditional appeals to voters are now falling flat and they're not sure what to do about it.

According to a report from Politico's David Siders, Republicans have normally banked on culture war issues to drive the base to the polls but in 2022 "God, guns and gays" isn't playing well with voters in large part because the electorate and attitudes on those three hot-button issues have evolved.

So what happens when the only thing you have, are divisive issues that don’t work for you anymore?

Hey, I know, let’s try trickle down economics. That’s a winner.


Damn leftists thought killing babies, high gas prices for global warming crap, inflation through the roof, crime exploding, etc etc was a winner?


Unfortunately, far too many women on the right fail to understand that fact, or lack the courage to openly acknowledge it.

And it may take time for the issue of privacy rights to become a significant motivating factor.

To which I reply “Kansas”. Yes. Women on the right get it.
To which I reply “Kansas”. Yes. Women on the right get it.

Clayton is right though. White suburban women--formerly voting hugely for Dems--have swung toward Republicans by like 26 points in the last few weeks.

WASHINGTON (TND) — New polling from the Wall Street Journal shows a major part of the nation’s electorate, white suburban women, have significantly shifted their support from Democrats to Republicans in the final days before the midterms.

The 27-point shift from the month prior puts the GOP 15-points ahead of Democrats with this demographic, which the Wall Street Journal reported makes up 20% of the current electorate.

Republican pollster Tony Fabrizio, who conducted the poll alongside Democratic pollster John Anzalone, called the change “a collapse” among white suburban women “on the perceptions of the economy.”

According to the Wall Street Journal, the polling suggests enthusiasm around abortion has taken a backseat to the economy, which is reflective of what other polls have shown as well.


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