Republicans Stunned God, Guns, And Gays No Longer Working For Them

With the November midterms looming and Republican hopes of taking control of both chambers of Congress slipping away, GOP campaign consultants are scrambling because their traditional appeals to voters are now falling flat and they're not sure what to do about it.

According to a report from Politico's David Siders, Republicans have normally banked on culture war issues to drive the base to the polls but in 2022 "God, guns and gays" isn't playing well with voters in large part because the electorate and attitudes on those three hot-button issues have evolved.

So what happens when the only thing you have, are divisive issues that don’t work for you anymore?

Hey, I know, let’s try trickle down economics. That’s a winner.
Currently Republicans are using demagoguery and lies about inflation, crime, and immigration.

But not to worry – the hateful, bigoted, Christo-fascist right will never give up on demagoguery and lies about god, guns, and gays.
Democraps stunned that voters aren’t motivated by abortion and “social Justice” claptrap. The Dims ran on the wrong issues.

This likely red wave is a bitch slap across the face of the DNC and dolts like the screwy.
Democrats are stunned that tremendous inflation, reduced family income, high cost of fuel, allowing millions of Illegals flood in, kissing the ass of the queers and generally having an agenda to turn the US into a Socialist shithole isn't working for them.
Democraps stunned that voters aren’t motivated by abortion and “social Justice” claptrap. The Dims ran on the wrong issues.

This likely red wave is a bitch slap across the face of the DNC and dolts like the screwy.
We will see on Tuesday how the agenda of abortion and wokeness works out for the Moon Bat candidates.

The only crap you hear out of the Democrat turds in their ads around here is how Republicans want to throw women in jail for having an abortion. However, nobody is buying that shit.

Funny how none of the Democrat candidates are even saying they are Democrats and how they support Potatohead. Absolutely none!

Unfortunately, far too many women on the right fail to understand that fact, or lack the courage to openly acknowledge it.

And it may take time for the issue of privacy rights to become a significant motivating factor.
In ALL recent polls Abortion is a distant 3rd on concerns for ALL WOMEN in this election cycle
Currently Republicans are using demagoguery and lies about inflation, crime, and immigration.

But not to worry – the hateful, bigoted, Christo-fascist right will never give up on demagoguery and lies about god, guns, and gays.
So in your demented delusional Moon Bat world you deny that the friggin Democrats have not produced runaway inflation, tremendous crime and have not allowed millions of goddamn Illegals to flood in?

No wonder you little Libtard turds are going to get your asses kicked on Tuesday.

The world order is up for grabs.

The fight is between defenders of democracy (Democrats) and the illiberal, neo-fascist, authoritarian right (Republicans).

Indeed, being a nationalist is a component of fascism.

And there’s no such thing as ‘globalism’ as misrepresented and lied about by the right; there is no nefarious international conspiracy to ‘enslave’ the plant under a one-world government – that’s tinfoil hat nonsense.
/——/ Good newsLibtards, no abortions were banned by repealing RvW. The decision just reverts to the states and the peoples’ choice. You can still murder your babies.
This is a lie.

Abortion is in fact being banned in authoritarian red states, the consequence Roe being overturned.

And it is not the role of the state to dictate to citizens matters concerning their private lives; individuals know best how to conduct their private lives, not the state.

Conservatives seek only to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

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