Republicans telling the truth will be their undoing.

Bush is so stupid, I wish people would understand that defending Iraq from the mouths of a GOP clown is just to funny for words...the man is a idiot and you can't get past this folks...he's an idiot!!
So a bunch of Arabs orchestrated an assault with mortars on a moments notice that coincided with 9/11.

Interesting indeed, but even more so is your observation that Bush destabilized the Middle East. So the region was a veritable Garden of Eden then. Bush was then retroactively responsible for whatever had happened before his administration.

As a result a group of previously happy, peaceful and prosperous people got angry, planned and executed the attacks on the WTC and Pentagon within a span of 8 months.

Gee, thanks for your help there.

Com'on, you can't be that ignorant, now can you? Look around pal, if destabilization isn't in effect now, thanks to US efforts, I don't know what is. We toppled leaders that kept these muslim countries in tact and now we have a mess on our hands and we have no one to blame but the conservative party and Bush....and the idiot Obama for listening to you nuts. As for 9/11 reports have shown repeatively that the Bush administration did have warnings and Rice and Bush refused to follow up on it...buddy these are FACTS!!
You're already at the bottom of the intellectual pyramid, so I guess you've nowhere to sink. Keep trying I guess. It can't hurt.


without bothering to watch your video, is there a pint in there where she actually said she could see Russia from her house.

Or is this just another lame attempt to change the subject?

Now your being stupid and petty. I've already provided twice to you what the woman actually said, I've conceded it wasn't from her porch.....however, I've also provided you proof that Palin is a liar, a idiot and a fool, something you completely seem to dismiss and defend, so on that deflective note, I will bid you a farewell and a prosperous upcoming week of suckin off of tax payers with your disability check., because God knows your ignorant ass don't work!!

because God knows your ignorant ass don't work!!

I do collect a disability check, from the VA.

Less than $200 a month, but it helps with the Military retirement, the 401 payout, and Social Security.

I put in my time, now I'm collecting.

All you've proven is that your a partisan jackass.

Bush is so stupid, I wish people would understand that defending Iraq from the mouths of a GOP clown is just to funny for words...the man is a idiot and you can't get past this folks...he's an idiot!!



Something shiny
During the last 9/11 terrorist attack against Americans, Obama was president and Hillary was Secretary of State as I recall. And all because of that damned low-budget film, eh?, or was that Bush's fault too?
It was the fault of the film. You can watch the riots it caused from all over the world in Youtube.

But destabilizing the Middle East was the fault of Bush and the GOP. Glad I was able to clear that up for you. If you have any other misconceptions, don't hesitate to ask and I will straighten you out. mmwaa

riots film insulting mohammed and islam - YouTube
So a bunch of Arabs orchestrated an assault with mortars on a moments notice that coincided with 9/11.

Interesting indeed, but even more so is your observation that Bush destabilized the Middle East. So the region was a veritable Garden of Eden then. Bush was then retroactively responsible for whatever had happened before his administration.

As a result a group of previously happy, peaceful and prosperous people got angry, planned and executed the attacks on the WTC and Pentagon within a span of 8 months.

Gee, thanks for your help there.

They didn't come together and orchestrate an attack "at a moment's notice", it was probably planned months in advance and was timed to coincide with the ANNIVERSARY of 9/11 which had happened several years before, so yeah, they did have time to plan it, not something that happened at a moments notice.

And yeah............Jr. DID destabilize the region. I still think that Saddam and his sons were horrible people, but even in spite of being brutal dictators, they DID manage to keep out the terrorists. Why? They didn't like competition. Instead of trying to finish what Sr started, Jr should have kept after OBL instead of invading Iraq.
Com'on, you can't be that ignorant, now can you? Look around pal, if destabilization isn't in effect now, thanks to US efforts, I don't know what is. We toppled leaders that kept these muslim countries in tact and now we have a mess on our hands and we have no one to blame but the conservative party and Bush....and the idiot Obama for listening to you nuts. As for 9/11 reports have shown repeatively that the Bush administration did have warnings and Rice and Bush refused to follow up on it...buddy these are FACTS!!
You're already at the bottom of the intellectual pyramid, so I guess you've nowhere to sink. Keep trying I guess. It can't hurt.


without bothering to watch your video, is there a pint in there where she actually said she could see Russia from her house.

Or is this just another lame attempt to change the subject?

Now your being stupid and petty. I've already provided twice to you what the woman actually said, I've conceded it wasn't from her porch.....however, I've also provided you proof that Palin is a liar, a idiot and a fool, something you completely seem to dismiss and defend, so on that deflective note, I will bid you a farewell and a prosperous upcoming week of suckin off of tax payers with your disability check., because God knows your ignorant ass don't work!!

because God knows your ignorant ass don't work!!

I do collect a disability check, from the VA.

Less than $200 a month, but it helps with the Military retirement, the 401 payout, and Social Security.

I put in my time, now I'm collecting.

All you've proven is that your a partisan jackass.

Oh, I knew you did, because most of you anti government bastards all suck off of tax payers....its like the old sayin...."Those who protest the loudest, carry the most guilt "... I rest my case...Bye Felicia!! LOLOLOLO

And I would bet my last dollar that miserly 2400 of my hard earned tax dollars you get each year, is for a bug bite.
During the last 9/11 terrorist attack against Americans, Obama was president and Hillary was Secretary of State as I recall. And all because of that damned low-budget film, eh?, or was that Bush's fault too?
It was the fault of the film. You can watch the riots it caused from all over the world in Youtube.

But destabilizing the Middle East was the fault of Bush and the GOP. Glad I was able to clear that up for you. If you have any other misconceptions, don't hesitate to ask and I will straighten you out. mmwaa

riots film insulting mohammed and islam - YouTube
So a bunch of Arabs orchestrated an assault with mortars on a moments notice that coincided with 9/11.

Interesting indeed, but even more so is your observation that Bush destabilized the Middle East. So the region was a veritable Garden of Eden then. Bush was then retroactively responsible for whatever had happened before his administration.

As a result a group of previously happy, peaceful and prosperous people got angry, planned and executed the attacks on the WTC and Pentagon within a span of 8 months.

Gee, thanks for your help there.

They didn't come together and orchestrate an attack "at a moment's notice", it was probably planned months in advance and was timed to coincide with the ANNIVERSARY of 9/11 which had happened several years before, so yeah, they did have time to plan it, not something that happened at a moments notice.

And yeah............Jr. DID destabilize the region. I still think that Saddam and his sons were horrible people, but even in spite of being brutal dictators, they DID manage to keep out the terrorists. Why? They didn't like competition. Instead of trying to finish what Sr started, Jr should have kept after OBL instead of invading Iraq.
The paragraph is obviously addressed, or should be, to Rdean. As to the second, did you forget that Saddam attacked two of his neighbors and gassed his own Kurds? That does not a stable region make
You're already at the bottom of the intellectual pyramid, so I guess you've nowhere to sink. Keep trying I guess. It can't hurt.


without bothering to watch your video, is there a pint in there where she actually said she could see Russia from her house.

Or is this just another lame attempt to change the subject?

Now your being stupid and petty. I've already provided twice to you what the woman actually said, I've conceded it wasn't from her porch.....however, I've also provided you proof that Palin is a liar, a idiot and a fool, something you completely seem to dismiss and defend, so on that deflective note, I will bid you a farewell and a prosperous upcoming week of suckin off of tax payers with your disability check., because God knows your ignorant ass don't work!!

because God knows your ignorant ass don't work!!

I do collect a disability check, from the VA.

Less than $200 a month, but it helps with the Military retirement, the 401 payout, and Social Security.

I put in my time, now I'm collecting.

All you've proven is that your a partisan jackass.

Oh, I knew you did, because most of you anti government bastards all suck off of tax payers....its like the old sayin...."Those who protest the loudest, carry the most guilt "... I rest my case...Bye Felicia!! LOLOLOLO

And I would bet my last dollar that miserly 2400 of my hard earned tax dollars you get each year, is for a bug bite.

and you continue to prove you're a moron.

Broken wrist that healed stiff, 10%, lowest percentage you can get.

and you're obviously another of the morons that believe a military pension is undeserved, and equates to 'being on the dole'.

Just when I start to think your IQ couldn't get any lower, you prove me wrong.

$2400 out of YOUR pocket?

I doubt you pay $2400 in government taxes in 5 years, much less 1.
During the last 9/11 terrorist attack against Americans, Obama was president and Hillary was Secretary of State as I recall. And all because of that damned low-budget film, eh?, or was that Bush's fault too?
It was the fault of the film. You can watch the riots it caused from all over the world in Youtube.

But destabilizing the Middle East was the fault of Bush and the GOP. Glad I was able to clear that up for you. If you have any other misconceptions, don't hesitate to ask and I will straighten you out. mmwaa

riots film insulting mohammed and islam - YouTube
So a bunch of Arabs orchestrated an assault with mortars on a moments notice that coincided with 9/11.

Interesting indeed, but even more so is your observation that Bush destabilized the Middle East. So the region was a veritable Garden of Eden then. Bush was then retroactively responsible for whatever had happened before his administration.

As a result a group of previously happy, peaceful and prosperous people got angry, planned and executed the attacks on the WTC and Pentagon within a span of 8 months.

Gee, thanks for your help there.

They didn't come together and orchestrate an attack "at a moment's notice", it was probably planned months in advance and was timed to coincide with the ANNIVERSARY of 9/11 which had happened several years before, so yeah, they did have time to plan it, not something that happened at a moments notice.

And yeah............Jr. DID destabilize the region. I still think that Saddam and his sons were horrible people, but even in spite of being brutal dictators, they DID manage to keep out the terrorists. Why? They didn't like competition. Instead of trying to finish what Sr started, Jr should have kept after OBL instead of invading Iraq.
The paragraph is obviously addressed, or should be, to Rdean. As to the second, did you forget that Saddam attacked two of his neighbors and gassed his own Kurds? That does not a stable region make

Have you ever visited the corrupt nation of Africa? They were slaughtering their people by the thousands back then....oh, my bad, they didn't have oil....sorry...uh, next?

Bush is so stupid, I wish people would understand that defending Iraq from the mouths of a GOP clown is just to funny for words...the man is a idiot and you can't get past this folks...he's an idiot!!



Something shiny

Look, yet another deflective move....gotta love you GOP defenders....LOLOLO

Look, yet another deflective move....

as opposed to your defective ones?


without bothering to watch your video, is there a pint in there where she actually said she could see Russia from her house.

Or is this just another lame attempt to change the subject?

Now your being stupid and petty. I've already provided twice to you what the woman actually said, I've conceded it wasn't from her porch.....however, I've also provided you proof that Palin is a liar, a idiot and a fool, something you completely seem to dismiss and defend, so on that deflective note, I will bid you a farewell and a prosperous upcoming week of suckin off of tax payers with your disability check., because God knows your ignorant ass don't work!!

because God knows your ignorant ass don't work!!

I do collect a disability check, from the VA.

Less than $200 a month, but it helps with the Military retirement, the 401 payout, and Social Security.

I put in my time, now I'm collecting.

All you've proven is that your a partisan jackass.

Oh, I knew you did, because most of you anti government bastards all suck off of tax payers....its like the old sayin...."Those who protest the loudest, carry the most guilt "... I rest my case...Bye Felicia!! LOLOLOLO

And I would bet my last dollar that miserly 2400 of my hard earned tax dollars you get each year, is for a bug bite.

and you continue to prove you're a moron.

Broken wrist that healed stiff, 10%, lowest percentage you can get.

and you're obviously another of the morons that believe a military pension is undeserved, and equates to 'being on the dole'.

Just when I start to think your IQ couldn't get any lower, you prove me wrong.

$2400 out of YOUR pocket?

I doubt you pay $2400 in government taxes in 5 years, much less 1.

LOLOLOLOLO.....I knew it would equate a mosquito bite....LOLOLOLOL, dude you're killing me, really you are. LOLOLOLOLOLOL.....Just for the record, I'm a veteran of 10 years in the Navy and looking back wish I could have stayed another 10 and retired, like all you nuts do....anything easy and tax payers fund it, at least back nuts go for anti government nuts I mean. Oh and believe me, I pay out the ass in taxes....LOLOLOLOLOLO and still pride myself on being a democrat!! We gotta take care of nuts like you, LOLOLO

Bush is so stupid, I wish people would understand that defending Iraq from the mouths of a GOP clown is just to funny for words...the man is a idiot and you can't get past this folks...he's an idiot!!



Something shiny

Look, yet another deflective move....gotta love you GOP defenders....LOLOLO

Look, yet another deflective move....

as opposed to your defective ones?

Me? Deflect? I love taking on you nuts!!

without bothering to watch your video, is there a pint in there where she actually said she could see Russia from her house.

Or is this just another lame attempt to change the subject?

Now your being stupid and petty. I've already provided twice to you what the woman actually said, I've conceded it wasn't from her porch.....however, I've also provided you proof that Palin is a liar, a idiot and a fool, something you completely seem to dismiss and defend, so on that deflective note, I will bid you a farewell and a prosperous upcoming week of suckin off of tax payers with your disability check., because God knows your ignorant ass don't work!!

because God knows your ignorant ass don't work!!

I do collect a disability check, from the VA.

Less than $200 a month, but it helps with the Military retirement, the 401 payout, and Social Security.

I put in my time, now I'm collecting.

All you've proven is that your a partisan jackass.

Oh, I knew you did, because most of you anti government bastards all suck off of tax payers....its like the old sayin...."Those who protest the loudest, carry the most guilt "... I rest my case...Bye Felicia!! LOLOLOLO

And I would bet my last dollar that miserly 2400 of my hard earned tax dollars you get each year, is for a bug bite.

and you continue to prove you're a moron.

Broken wrist that healed stiff, 10%, lowest percentage you can get.

and you're obviously another of the morons that believe a military pension is undeserved, and equates to 'being on the dole'.

Just when I start to think your IQ couldn't get any lower, you prove me wrong.

$2400 out of YOUR pocket?

I doubt you pay $2400 in government taxes in 5 years, much less 1.

LOLOLOLOLO.....I knew it would equate a mosquito bite....LOLOLOLOL, dude you're killing me, really you are. LOLOLOLOLOLOL.....Just for the record, I'm a veteran of 10 years in the Navy and looking back wish I could have stayed another 10 and retired, like all you nuts do....anything easy and tax payers fund it, at least back nuts go for anti government nuts I mean. Oh and believe me, I pay out the ass in taxes....LOLOLOLOLOLO and still pride myself on being a democrat!! We gotta take care of nuts like you, LOLOLO

I knew it would equate a mosquito bite....

VA disagreed, and having limited use of my left hand is more than a mosquito bite.

Just for the record, I'm a veteran of 10 years in the Navy and looking back wish I could have stayed another 10 and retired,

Wouldn't let you stay past 10 years?

Not surprised

Oh and believe me, I pay out the ass in taxes....

Most of what you 'pay' comes out your ass

Bush is so stupid, I wish people would understand that defending Iraq from the mouths of a GOP clown is just to funny for words...the man is a idiot and you can't get past this folks...he's an idiot!!



Something shiny

Look, yet another deflective move....gotta love you GOP defenders....LOLOLO

Look, yet another deflective move....

as opposed to your defective ones?

Me? Deflect? I love taking on you nuts!!

You haven't been deflecting?

YOu went from Palin saying she could see Russia from her house, to numerous examples of her less than intelligent speeches.

Then you decided to deflect to Bush...

So, yes,, you have, indeed, been deflecting

And I have very little doubt you're interested in 'nuts'.
Last edited:
The party that brought us, Hillary "under sniper" Clinton, Elizabeth "the squaw" Warren, Barrack "57 states" Obama, William "I did not have sex with that woman" Clinton, is now worried about Republicans telling the truth.

You can't make this crap up. It is absolutely hilarious.
Now your being stupid and petty. I've already provided twice to you what the woman actually said, I've conceded it wasn't from her porch.....however, I've also provided you proof that Palin is a liar, a idiot and a fool, something you completely seem to dismiss and defend, so on that deflective note, I will bid you a farewell and a prosperous upcoming week of suckin off of tax payers with your disability check., because God knows your ignorant ass don't work!!

because God knows your ignorant ass don't work!!

I do collect a disability check, from the VA.

Less than $200 a month, but it helps with the Military retirement, the 401 payout, and Social Security.

I put in my time, now I'm collecting.

All you've proven is that your a partisan jackass.

Oh, I knew you did, because most of you anti government bastards all suck off of tax payers....its like the old sayin...."Those who protest the loudest, carry the most guilt "... I rest my case...Bye Felicia!! LOLOLOLO

And I would bet my last dollar that miserly 2400 of my hard earned tax dollars you get each year, is for a bug bite.

and you continue to prove you're a moron.

Broken wrist that healed stiff, 10%, lowest percentage you can get.

and you're obviously another of the morons that believe a military pension is undeserved, and equates to 'being on the dole'.

Just when I start to think your IQ couldn't get any lower, you prove me wrong.

$2400 out of YOUR pocket?

I doubt you pay $2400 in government taxes in 5 years, much less 1.

LOLOLOLOLO.....I knew it would equate a mosquito bite....LOLOLOLOL, dude you're killing me, really you are. LOLOLOLOLOLOL.....Just for the record, I'm a veteran of 10 years in the Navy and looking back wish I could have stayed another 10 and retired, like all you nuts do....anything easy and tax payers fund it, at least back nuts go for anti government nuts I mean. Oh and believe me, I pay out the ass in taxes....LOLOLOLOLOLO and still pride myself on being a democrat!! We gotta take care of nuts like you, LOLOLO

I knew it would equate a mosquito bite....

VA disagreed, and having limited use of my left hand is more than a mosquito bite.

Just for the record, I'm a veteran of 10 years in the Navy and looking back wish I could have stayed another 10 and retired,

Wouldn't let you stay past 10 years?

Not surprised

Oh and believe me, I pay out the ass in taxes....

Most of what you 'pay' comes out your ass

Listen, welfare King, go pester somebody else, I gotta a job to do
The party that brought us, Hillary "under sniper" Clinton, Elizabeth "the squaw" Warren, Barrack "57 states" Obama, William "I did not have sex with that woman" Clinton, is now worried about Republicans telling the truth.

You can't make this crap up. It is absolutely hilarious.

The stupidity in your comments are noted.......Hillary lied about being under fire and Obama saying 57 vs what was meant, is proboally true......but the rest are distorted lies....but here's the've noted a few mispoken events, the GOP on the other hand, everything that comes out of their mouths are lies....everything
I do collect a disability check, from the VA.

Less than $200 a month, but it helps with the Military retirement, the 401 payout, and Social Security.

I put in my time, now I'm collecting.

All you've proven is that your a partisan jackass.

Oh, I knew you did, because most of you anti government bastards all suck off of tax payers....its like the old sayin...."Those who protest the loudest, carry the most guilt "... I rest my case...Bye Felicia!! LOLOLOLO

And I would bet my last dollar that miserly 2400 of my hard earned tax dollars you get each year, is for a bug bite.

and you continue to prove you're a moron.

Broken wrist that healed stiff, 10%, lowest percentage you can get.

and you're obviously another of the morons that believe a military pension is undeserved, and equates to 'being on the dole'.

Just when I start to think your IQ couldn't get any lower, you prove me wrong.

$2400 out of YOUR pocket?

I doubt you pay $2400 in government taxes in 5 years, much less 1.

LOLOLOLOLO.....I knew it would equate a mosquito bite....LOLOLOLOL, dude you're killing me, really you are. LOLOLOLOLOLOL.....Just for the record, I'm a veteran of 10 years in the Navy and looking back wish I could have stayed another 10 and retired, like all you nuts do....anything easy and tax payers fund it, at least back nuts go for anti government nuts I mean. Oh and believe me, I pay out the ass in taxes....LOLOLOLOLOLO and still pride myself on being a democrat!! We gotta take care of nuts like you, LOLOLO

I knew it would equate a mosquito bite....

VA disagreed, and having limited use of my left hand is more than a mosquito bite.

Just for the record, I'm a veteran of 10 years in the Navy and looking back wish I could have stayed another 10 and retired,

Wouldn't let you stay past 10 years?

Not surprised

Oh and believe me, I pay out the ass in taxes....

Most of what you 'pay' comes out your ass

Listen, welfare King, go pester somebody else, I gotta a job to do

Listen, welfare King, go pester somebody else, I gotta a job to do

I doubt making an ass of yourself is a full time job.

Not with your innate talent
Oh, I knew you did, because most of you anti government bastards all suck off of tax payers....its like the old sayin...."Those who protest the loudest, carry the most guilt "... I rest my case...Bye Felicia!! LOLOLOLO

And I would bet my last dollar that miserly 2400 of my hard earned tax dollars you get each year, is for a bug bite.

and you continue to prove you're a moron.

Broken wrist that healed stiff, 10%, lowest percentage you can get.

and you're obviously another of the morons that believe a military pension is undeserved, and equates to 'being on the dole'.

Just when I start to think your IQ couldn't get any lower, you prove me wrong.

$2400 out of YOUR pocket?

I doubt you pay $2400 in government taxes in 5 years, much less 1.

LOLOLOLOLO.....I knew it would equate a mosquito bite....LOLOLOLOL, dude you're killing me, really you are. LOLOLOLOLOLOL.....Just for the record, I'm a veteran of 10 years in the Navy and looking back wish I could have stayed another 10 and retired, like all you nuts do....anything easy and tax payers fund it, at least back nuts go for anti government nuts I mean. Oh and believe me, I pay out the ass in taxes....LOLOLOLOLOLO and still pride myself on being a democrat!! We gotta take care of nuts like you, LOLOLO

I knew it would equate a mosquito bite....

VA disagreed, and having limited use of my left hand is more than a mosquito bite.

Just for the record, I'm a veteran of 10 years in the Navy and looking back wish I could have stayed another 10 and retired,

Wouldn't let you stay past 10 years?

Not surprised

Oh and believe me, I pay out the ass in taxes....

Most of what you 'pay' comes out your ass

Listen, welfare King, go pester somebody else, I gotta a job to do

Listen, welfare King, go pester somebody else, I gotta a job to do

I doubt making an ass of yourself is a full time job.

Not with your innate talent
Oh, I knew you did, because most of you anti government bastards all suck off of tax payers....its like the old sayin...."Those who protest the loudest, carry the most guilt "... I rest my case...Bye Felicia!! LOLOLOLO

And I would bet my last dollar that miserly 2400 of my hard earned tax dollars you get each year, is for a bug bite.

and you continue to prove you're a moron.

Broken wrist that healed stiff, 10%, lowest percentage you can get.

and you're obviously another of the morons that believe a military pension is undeserved, and equates to 'being on the dole'.

Just when I start to think your IQ couldn't get any lower, you prove me wrong.

$2400 out of YOUR pocket?

I doubt you pay $2400 in government taxes in 5 years, much less 1.

LOLOLOLOLO.....I knew it would equate a mosquito bite....LOLOLOLOL, dude you're killing me, really you are. LOLOLOLOLOLOL.....Just for the record, I'm a veteran of 10 years in the Navy and looking back wish I could have stayed another 10 and retired, like all you nuts do....anything easy and tax payers fund it, at least back nuts go for anti government nuts I mean. Oh and believe me, I pay out the ass in taxes....LOLOLOLOLOLO and still pride myself on being a democrat!! We gotta take care of nuts like you, LOLOLO

I knew it would equate a mosquito bite....

VA disagreed, and having limited use of my left hand is more than a mosquito bite.

Just for the record, I'm a veteran of 10 years in the Navy and looking back wish I could have stayed another 10 and retired,

Wouldn't let you stay past 10 years?

Not surprised

Oh and believe me, I pay out the ass in taxes....

Most of what you 'pay' comes out your ass

Listen, welfare King, go pester somebody else, I gotta a job to do

Listen, welfare King, go pester somebody else, I gotta a job to do

I doubt making an ass of yourself is a full time job.

Not with your innate talent

Gotta love what socialized money can do for people like you...give you freedom to bitch about it......LOLLOLOLOL...while cashing in on it...LOLOLOLOLOLOLO

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