Republicans Think Obama Owes Them An Explaination

He does not owe you any explainations on anything.

You keep saying he is not your president. Fine. Act like it and stop bothering him with your whining.

Obama wasn't at Bengahzi.

If you want to know something about Bengahzi "Google" it for yourselves.

You are crybabies. He does not like crybabies.

You have nothing coming.

were you saying that with Bush? double standard much , and for bengahzi okay he doesnt owe republicans anything, HES OWES THE FREAKING country. because i promise you you low life no good for nothing slime that has to look up to see pond scum, i promise you huggy if it were someone you knew or related to you'd be screaming for blood. people died,. i know that means nothing to the left, but to some of us life is pretty important.

You make me laugh long time.:lol: I just spit up my coffee. You people don't give a rat shit about life. Tell that lie to someone stupid.

Doesn't matter what Obama say's anyway, noting will ever be good enough. And then they turn around and make excuses for the stupid ass Bush actions or this new failure of a running mate.
He owes the voters an explanation, moron.

He does not owe you any explainations on anything.

You keep saying he is not your president. Fine. Act like it and stop bothering him with your whining.

Obama wasn't at Bengahzi.

If you want to know something about Bengahzi "Google" it for yourselves.

You are crybabies. He does not like crybabies.

You have nothing coming.

Republican representatives only respond to the wishes of their major contributors.

If you didn't give Obama a big bag of cash for his re-election please be a good republican and shut the fuck up.

geezus Hugg.....and Democrat Reps are different?.....:eusa_eh:
Why stop at just Republicans?

The HoR has had the same number of members since 1910.

I know some of you may want me to post a link to evidence supporting my contention that the US population has grown since 1910, but let's just use our imaginations for a moment.

This population change means each US representative, Dem OR Repub, has an average 770,000 constituants.

Realistically, there is no fucking way these guys are representing this many people: No other representative body on the face of the planet has such an absurd ratio.

If you really cared about the validity or representative government, then you'd stop the political hackary, and demand that congress vote to double the size (at minimum) the number of representatives in the HoR.

Double the number of representatives? Why do we need representation? Can't each of us have direct representation and we represent ourselves?

I am fascinated that a republican claims we need an exponetially bigger government. :lol:

Are you an Occupier?
The republicans owe the rest of us an explaination as to why they still believe that trickle down economics works.
I think Obama needs to address the security let down in Libya. There are many questions that need to be addressed.
I think Romney needs to show the details of his economic plan for the US and how it will be paid for in detail. There are many questions that need to be addressed.
He does not owe you any explainations on anything.

You keep saying he is not your president. Fine. Act like it and stop bothering him with your whining.

Obama wasn't at Bengahzi.

If you want to know something about Bengahzi "Google" it for yourselves.

You are crybabies. He does not like crybabies.

You have nothing coming.

He does not owe you any explanations on anything? Of course he does. He is an elected official whose boss is we the people... He's not royalty.
I think Obama needs to address the security let down in Libya. There are many questions that need to be addressed.
I think Romney needs to show the details of his economic plan for the US and how it will be paid for in detail. There are many questions that need to be addressed.

You are free to access "Google" and discover these answers for yourself.
He does not owe you any explainations on anything.

You keep saying he is not your president. Fine. Act like it and stop bothering him with your whining.

Obama wasn't at Bengahzi.

If you want to know something about Bengahzi "Google" it for yourselves.

You are crybabies. He does not like crybabies.

You have nothing coming.

He does not owe you any explanations on anything? Of course he does. He is an elected official whose boss is we the people... He's not royalty.

He is also not your personal house ******. Get over it.
He does not owe you any explainations on anything.

You keep saying he is not your president. Fine. Act like it and stop bothering him with your whining.

Obama wasn't at Bengahzi.

If you want to know something about Bengahzi "Google" it for yourselves.

You are crybabies. He does not like crybabies.

You have nothing coming.

Haha, this sounds like a pretty weak defense of Pres. Obamas actions. But yea your right, the president does have every right to mislead the people and we have no right to question that. How dare us. I am sorry huggy.
He does not owe you any explainations on anything.

You keep saying he is not your president. Fine. Act like it and stop bothering him with your whining.

Obama wasn't at Bengahzi.

If you want to know something about Bengahzi "Google" it for yourselves.

You are crybabies. He does not like crybabies.

You have nothing coming.

Very mature don'tchaya think?
He does not owe you any explainations on anything.

You keep saying he is not your president. Fine. Act like it and stop bothering him with your whining.

Obama wasn't at Bengahzi.

If you want to know something about Bengahzi "Google" it for yourselves.

You are crybabies. He does not like crybabies.

You have nothing coming.

Very mature don'tchaya think?

Very. Thanks for noticing! :lol:
The "most transparent administration in history"!! :lol:

These Chicago thugs have political corruption down to an art form......
He does not owe you any explainations on anything.

You keep saying he is not your president. Fine. Act like it and stop bothering him with your whining.

Obama wasn't at Bengahzi.

If you want to know something about Bengahzi "Google" it for yourselves.

You are crybabies. He does not like crybabies.

You have nothing coming.

He owes me nothing and I owe him nothing, but are you claiming that the One is self-loathing? If he "does not like crybabies", then I would say that he doesn't much like himself as one trait of crybabies is to refuse to take on responsibility for their deeds.


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