Republicans think "PORN" is more dangerous than "GUNS".

why would anyone live in florida when there are so many other third world countries to choose from?

Try to get into a Jewish condo in South Beach.

how can you tell it's jewish?

is the top floor lopped off?

Oh, Idk.. :dunno:

Florida Republicans Believe Porn Is More Dangerous Than Guns

The state's House of Representatives approved the resolution by a voice vote on Tuesday. The resolution states a need for education, research and policy changes to protect Floridians, especially teenagers, from pornography.

Republican Rep. Ross Spano says there is research that finds a connection between pornography use and mental and physical illnesses, forming and maintaining intimate relationships and deviant sexual behavior. Spano is also a candidate for attorney general.

The most twisted part of this is the demands by Florida Republicans to research the public health impact of porn, while the CDC is implicitly banned from doing research on gun violence. The 1996 Dickey Amendment specifically blocks the CDC from using its budget to "advocate or promote gun control," and since objective, peer-reviewed, scientific studies consistently show effective gun control would reduce gun violence, there's no research the CDC can do that won't sacrifice its funding.


Yea, that's right. Republicans want to study the damage caused by porn but not the damage caused by guns.

And yet, they follow a guy who not only dates porn stars, they want him to be a role model for their children.

What is with these people?
Firearms are harmless...
First, who disputes the obvious...that the culture which promotes pornography, prostitution, drugs and drug dealing, homelessness, and addiction...causes more deaths by far...through depredation and stealth...than mass murders do on T.V., ever.

The O. P. is a rabid Liberal...I've got to believe he knows that...and yet he is so sure he is right...even realizing that most people are to the right of him...never mind that...what they think is merely Despicable Deplorable Nonsense.

Really, anybody who must know they are in the Radical Minority, ought to have sense enough to give some respect to the opinion of the Majority.

And not just the Majority. His arguments on this complicated matter of GUNS, completely ignore the Second Amendment. His beliefs are against the Law and Tradition...the Laws and Traditions of this Country being due some they have created the greatest nation thus far established in human history.

Though I don't own a gun myself...I come from the Heartland where hunting is a revered tradition...part of the American Culture...and I know the only time these people will kill you is if you break into their house at night....and they see on T.V. over the quiet years...the the ever developing cancer...the decadency of the rotting cities of the North...of the pornography, prostitution, drugs and drug dealing, homelessness, addiction, gangs....they see how many such a culture KILLS....and they know it to be a thousand times...a million times...the number killed by the occasional mass murderer.

So, maybe Florida is just nipping this True Mass Killer...the Cancer of the Rotting the bud...and making it a great place to live...for those fleeing that Cancer---by moving to FLORIDA.
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Florida Republicans Believe Porn Is More Dangerous Than Guns

The state's House of Representatives approved the resolution by a voice vote on Tuesday. The resolution states a need for education, research and policy changes to protect Floridians, especially teenagers, from pornography.

Republican Rep. Ross Spano says there is research that finds a connection between pornography use and mental and physical illnesses, forming and maintaining intimate relationships and deviant sexual behavior. Spano is also a candidate for attorney general.

The most twisted part of this is the demands by Florida Republicans to research the public health impact of porn, while the CDC is implicitly banned from doing research on gun violence. The 1996 Dickey Amendment specifically blocks the CDC from using its budget to "advocate or promote gun control," and since objective, peer-reviewed, scientific studies consistently show effective gun control would reduce gun violence, there's no research the CDC can do that won't sacrifice its funding.


Yea, that's right. Republicans want to study the damage caused by porn but not the damage caused by guns.

And yet, they follow a guy who not only dates porn stars, they want him to be a role model for their children.

What is with these people?

Seeing Republicans who believe that porn is more of a threat than legally-owned firearms, is such a refreshing change from having a President who believed "global warming" was more of a threat than ISIS.

These are wonderful times we live in. :happy-1:
The most dangerous ASSAULT WEAPON in American is NOT A GUN.....

It is the Liberal MEDIA

It endangers an entire society of 320,000,000.......not just 17 souls
Florida Republicans Believe Porn Is More Dangerous Than Guns

The state's House of Representatives approved the resolution by a voice vote on Tuesday. The resolution states a need for education, research and policy changes to protect Floridians, especially teenagers, from pornography.

Republican Rep. Ross Spano says there is research that finds a connection between pornography use and mental and physical illnesses, forming and maintaining intimate relationships and deviant sexual behavior. Spano is also a candidate for attorney general.

The most twisted part of this is the demands by Florida Republicans to research the public health impact of porn, while the CDC is implicitly banned from doing research on gun violence. The 1996 Dickey Amendment specifically blocks the CDC from using its budget to "advocate or promote gun control," and since objective, peer-reviewed, scientific studies consistently show effective gun control would reduce gun violence, there's no research the CDC can do that won't sacrifice its funding.


Yea, that's right. Republicans want to study the damage caused by porn but not the damage caused by guns.

And yet, they follow a guy who not only dates porn stars, they want him to be a role model for their children.

What is with these people?
Firearms are harmless...

Florida Republicans Believe Porn Is More Dangerous Than Guns

The state's House of Representatives approved the resolution by a voice vote on Tuesday. The resolution states a need for education, research and policy changes to protect Floridians, especially teenagers, from pornography.

Republican Rep. Ross Spano says there is research that finds a connection between pornography use and mental and physical illnesses, forming and maintaining intimate relationships and deviant sexual behavior. Spano is also a candidate for attorney general.

The most twisted part of this is the demands by Florida Republicans to research the public health impact of porn, while the CDC is implicitly banned from doing research on gun violence. The 1996 Dickey Amendment specifically blocks the CDC from using its budget to "advocate or promote gun control," and since objective, peer-reviewed, scientific studies consistently show effective gun control would reduce gun violence, there's no research the CDC can do that won't sacrifice its funding.


Yea, that's right. Republicans want to study the damage caused by porn but not the damage caused by guns.

And yet, they follow a guy who not only dates porn stars, they want him to be a role model for their children.

What is with these people?
It's really unbelieveable how out of touch with reality the Republicans are. They don't have a clue.
Florida Republicans Believe Porn Is More Dangerous Than Guns

The state's House of Representatives approved the resolution by a voice vote on Tuesday. The resolution states a need for education, research and policy changes to protect Floridians, especially teenagers, from pornography.

Republican Rep. Ross Spano says there is research that finds a connection between pornography use and mental and physical illnesses, forming and maintaining intimate relationships and deviant sexual behavior. Spano is also a candidate for attorney general.

The most twisted part of this is the demands by Florida Republicans to research the public health impact of porn, while the CDC is implicitly banned from doing research on gun violence. The 1996 Dickey Amendment specifically blocks the CDC from using its budget to "advocate or promote gun control," and since objective, peer-reviewed, scientific studies consistently show effective gun control would reduce gun violence, there's no research the CDC can do that won't sacrifice its funding.


Yea, that's right. Republicans want to study the damage caused by porn but not the damage caused by guns.

And yet, they follow a guy who not only dates porn stars, they want him to be a role model for their children.

What is with these people?

I don't know that it's so horrible to ask if porn creates unhealthy views of sex and women. If it were done properly and not by religious freaks, it might provide good information.

That said, the refusal to allow the CDC to gather data on gun deaths is pathetic

Religious freaks or no, I don't see why we need a study pointing out what we already know. Of course porn warps people's minds especially when they're exposed to it at a very early age.

how do we "already know" it?

perhaps for some people healthy porn is good for them.

and by healthy, I mean that it isn't the things I said before.

personally, I don't think porn is a big deal.

We get it. 85% odds there's a black dildo in your nightstand.
So dean wants women exploited and unable to defend themselves.

One of these days I hope he surprises me

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