republicans threaten workers if they dont vote for republicans

the reporters bias shows in the article
saying that financial repercussions will happen is not a threat it is a reality
the plans the dems have been doing has stifled expansion and nearly destroyed any incentive to start a new business
if they make it too expensive to operate, businesses WILL close

It's intimidation.

I admire the way SEIU intimidates people who confront them and try and demonstrate at their rallies.

I think Republicans should play by those rules when it comes to

So you think its OK for unions and businesses to intimidate people?
How are the bosses going to know who the employees voted for?

They put an invisible chip in all the employees that monitors their every move.

That's cause this one was too obvious.

Don't really see a threat there. I mean how on earth can they threaten someone when all somone has to do is say yeah i voted for them whether or not they actually did?

There are certain facts though, if Congress doesn't seriously change, we will be in alot of pain. But then we may be in for pain regardless.

Ohh we are in for a long stretch of pain.
Debts must be repaid.
Both public and private.
It's intimidation.

How is someone intimidated by getting literature?

How is it intimidation to let people know the facts that if government isn't significantly changed that there will be no more money for jobs?

That's exactly why it is intimidation. How do you know they're not lying?

I don't want my employer shoving their politics down my throat. Fuck them. I don't care what their politics are.

If I came to work and put "Vote for ... " all around my office, I'd be told to remove it. And rightfully so.
WASHINGTON — When workers in a McDonald’s restaurant in Canton, Ohio, opened their paychecks this month, they found a pamphlet urging them to vote for the Republican candidates for governor, Senate and Congress, or possibly face financial repercussions.

.The pamphlet appeared calculated to intimidate workers into voting for Republican candidates by making a direct reference to their wages and benefits, said Allen Schulman, a Democrat who is president of the Canton City Council and said he obtained a copy of the pamphlet on Wednesday.

The pamphlet said: “If the right people are elected, we will be able to continue with raises and benefits at or above the current levels. If others are elected, we will not.”

republicans wont buy votes but they will sure the hell try to force the vote

What did their Union Mailing tell them? Who do your Union Mailings tell you to vote for?

Obama's Policies are very detrimental to private enterprise. I bet the numbers do add up. Unless you work for the Government, or a Union expect coal in your stocking this Christmas. Be thankful for it too. Come January, you will probably need it for heat.
Ohh we are in for a long stretch of pain.
Debts must be repaid.
Both public and private.

Then perhaps its time we stop the bleeding by voting out people who are adding to it?

Umm that would be virtually all of congress and state/local govt officials.
and I do not believe any promises. They will have to prove it to me.
the republicans have been promising that for 30 years. Not seen it yet.
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Grow up. Unions do it more.

I thought it was acceptable for unions to do this kind of thing. Are you telling me it is not?


They can do it all they want, as long as those rules apply to everyone.

But... but... but... we can't have corporations stumping for candidates... well, at least not Republican candidates. Just think of the nerve of those evil corporate accountants and even worse the CEO's telling employees that things the Democrats have been doing and are planning on doing in the future, may affect the viability of the employer.

Shame on the employer! We must let the unions enter those places of employment and set things straight!!! :lol:

Could you imagine what the outcry would be if a company were to put in its check envelopes a slip that said "Become a Muslim or we'll shut down this plant."
WASHINGTON — When workers in a McDonald’s restaurant in Canton, Ohio, opened their paychecks this month, they found a pamphlet urging them to vote for the Republican candidates for governor, Senate and Congress, or possibly face financial repercussions.

.The pamphlet appeared calculated to intimidate workers into voting for Republican candidates by making a direct reference to their wages and benefits, said Allen Schulman, a Democrat who is president of the Canton City Council and said he obtained a copy of the pamphlet on Wednesday.

The pamphlet said: “If the right people are elected, we will be able to continue with raises and benefits at or above the current levels. If others are elected, we will not.”

republicans wont buy votes but they will sure the hell try to force the vote
the reporters bias shows in the article
saying that financial repercussions will happen is not a threat it is a reality
the plans the dems have been doing has stifled expansion and nearly destroyed any incentive to start a new business
if they make it too expensive to operate, businesses WILL close

It's intimidation.


How so? I do not tell my employer who I am voting for nor do I allow him to stand over my shoulder when I vote. He can tell me all he wants. I am still going to vote for whomever I think will serve me better.

Could you imagine what the outcry would be if a company were to put in its check envelopes a slip that said "Become a Muslim or we'll shut down this plant."

The Constitution protects you from being compelled to join any religion.
There was a threat made. However not like the OP wants you to think. They were not saying vote for us or we will hurt you. They are saying vote for us or the Democrats are going to hurt you.

bingo. its ham handed BUT unions have not taken over everything, so they are allowed to provide information, I would not have done the pamphlets along those lines, I would have made a more innocuous case.
It's intimidation.

How is someone intimidated by getting literature?

How is it intimidation to let people know the facts that if government isn't significantly changed that there will be no more money for jobs?

That's exactly why it is intimidation. How do you know they're not lying?

I don't want my employer shoving their politics down my throat. Fuck them. I don't care what their politics are.

If I came to work and put "Vote for ... " all around my office, I'd be told to remove it. And rightfully so.

My last employer was a die hard Republican. In fact, he was the mayor of the small city he lived in. We talked politics all the time and he told me what he thought of Democrats... I can't type those words in mixed company ;) Anyway, he could tell me what he thought all he wanted to, I still voted the way I thought.


How so? I do not tell my employer who I am voting for nor do I allow him to stand over my shoulder when I vote. He can tell me all he wants. I am still going to vote for whomever I think will serve me better.


OK, its a mild form of intimidation. But it implies that people are going to lose their job if they don't vote a certain way. It is certainly poor form.

Did the company open its books to the employees? Can it show that the policies of the government threaten its existence? Because otherwise, threatening people's jobs is a form of intimidation.
WASHINGTON — When workers in a McDonald’s restaurant in Canton, Ohio, opened their paychecks this month, they found a pamphlet urging them to vote for the Republican candidates for governor, Senate and Congress, or possibly face financial repercussions.

.The pamphlet appeared calculated to intimidate workers into voting for Republican candidates by making a direct reference to their wages and benefits, said Allen Schulman, a Democrat who is president of the Canton City Council and said he obtained a copy of the pamphlet on Wednesday.

The pamphlet said: “If the right people are elected, we will be able to continue with raises and benefits at or above the current levels. If others are elected, we will not.”

republicans wont buy votes but they will sure the hell try to force the vote

What did their Union Mailing tell them? Who do your Union Mailings tell you to vote for?

Obama's Policies are very detrimental to private enterprise. I bet the numbers do add up. Unless you work for the Government, or a Union expect coal in your stocking this Christmas. Be thankful for it too. Come January, you will probably need it for heat.


good old andy stern left a ton of his locals' pension plans underfunded too, wheres the outrage there? I don't recall him canvassing his dues paying members asking them who they would like to sppt. with said monies etc....
WASHINGTON — When workers in a McDonald’s restaurant in Canton, Ohio, opened their paychecks this month, they found a pamphlet urging them to vote for the Republican candidates for governor, Senate and Congress, or possibly face financial repercussions.

.The pamphlet appeared calculated to intimidate workers into voting for Republican candidates by making a direct reference to their wages and benefits, said Allen Schulman, a Democrat who is president of the Canton City Council and said he obtained a copy of the pamphlet on Wednesday.

The pamphlet said: “If the right people are elected, we will be able to continue with raises and benefits at or above the current levels. If others are elected, we will not.”

republicans wont buy votes but they will sure the hell try to force the vote

What did their Union Mailing tell them? Who do your Union Mailings tell you to vote for?

Obama's Policies are very detrimental to private enterprise. I bet the numbers do add up. Unless you work for the Government, or a Union expect coal in your stocking this Christmas. Be thankful for it too. Come January, you will probably need it for heat.

Is McDonald's unionized?

Ohh and one other thing debts also includes SS commitments to the citizens.

Meaning the trust fund is a hoax.

No more than any other debt the govt has.
If reagan had not bumped up the withholding too high the govt would not have had a couple of trillion extra to waste on other things.

It is going to hurt to repay it from general funds though.
that is the real SS crisis, the govt does not want to repay what they "borrowed".

How so? I do not tell my employer who I am voting for nor do I allow him to stand over my shoulder when I vote. He can tell me all he wants. I am still going to vote for whomever I think will serve me better.


OK, its a mild form of intimidation. But it implies that people are going to lose their job if they don't vote a certain way. It is certainly poor form.

Did the company open its books to the employees? Can it show that the policies of the government threaten its existence? Because otherwise, threatening people's jobs is a form of intimidation.

Whose rules are those?

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