Republicans to repeal inheritance tax!

I haven't read through this thread but the inheritance tax affects the family owned businesses whose wealth is more in physical rather than monetary assets , thus less liquid) more than it does the multimillionaire who has financial advisors to shield the money from taxes.
Just my 2 cents.
Oh, and ask Bill and Hillary what happens to their assets upon death.
Doubt all those millions in speaking fees will be subject to a second tax.
Is there a gene for greed? Certainly, studies have shown that those with money become less generous and more inclined to believe they deserved the money. Some of those studies, using money games, conducted by scientists, indicate that the accumulation of wealth tends to change behavior even during the game.

How is wanting to keep what legally belongs to you "greed", but wanting to be able to tax it away and "spend it better" not?
Humm, why do you suppose the Black Chamber of Commerce supports drastically reducing the death tax? Because black small business owners have discovered the same thing that white small business owners have discovered: that the death tax often makes it impossible for a small business owner to leave his business to his children.

The death tax is one of the most patently immoral, wrong-headed taxes ever conceived. Where on earth does the government get off taking half of what you leave behind to your family when you die?

Repeal The Death Tax And Send It To A Deep Grave -

Vote To Abolish Death Tax Long Overdue - Jim Martin - Page full

Seriously. You work your whole life to be certain that your loved ones will be taken care of when you're dead and not around to care for them yourself, and you end up taking care of a bunch of pompous bureaucrats empowered by a bunch of embittered losers.
Seriously. You work your whole life to be certain that your loved ones will be taken care of when you're dead and not around to care for them yourself, and you end up taking care of a bunch of pompous bureaucrats empowered by a bunch of embittered losers.

Because, you didn't build that. You're not allowed to chose who to love. Their love is stronger. So is their appetite.
We have so many people who can't see a fat man standing beside a thin one without coming to the conclusion the fat man got that way by taking advantage of the thin one. - Ronald Reagan

The guy who chose to tilt the playing field toward the fat guy 34 years ago???

Nah., Gov't policy doesn't create wealth you tool!

No, it really doesn't, dumbass, which you would know if you had ever done anything productive in your whole, misbegotten existence.

The most that government policy can do in this regard is to not hamper and block wealth creation.

Right, THAT'S why there are soooo many wealthy families in Honduras and Somalia right? Wingnutters *shaking head*

Ah, yes, you have personally gifted these people with a better location and economic system (which you hate and are doing your best to dismantle, just to note in passing) and are therefore singlehandedly responsible for their success, which owes nothing to their risks, ideas, and hard work, and is 100% due to the fact that they're in the US instead of Honduras.

Of course, that doesn't explain why YOU are here in the US, too, but are a hopeless waste of space. It's like there are other factors at work, or something.
Conservatives/GOP ALWAYS trying to keep the AmeriKa THEY love to be an aristocracy over a merit based society. Weird

Starting on 3rd base to them means everyone's is equal, lol

No amount of handicapping others is going to make you any less inferior, so give it up.

Got it, you'll stick with the right wing hate echo chamber void of honesty or integrity. Shocking

You're right. I hereby admit to the world that I was wrong.

There is, in fact, one time when abortion is acceptable. It's when the "blob of tissue" proves it's turned into something like you.

There. I feel much better.
The extremists don't understand why people want to have a say in who gets the money they earn.

What amazes me is that leftists actually resent conservatives and think we're mean because we insist on debating the question of whether or not it's okay to confiscate people's money AT ALL, rather than simply conceding that point and moving on to debating how much should be taken.

You lost the debate decades ago Bubba, now it's ONLY about the amount of taxes you little crybaby bitch!

Invariably, when people go off the rails, they become more conservative. No one loses their mind and becomes more liberal. Conservatism is where people go when one capacity or another begins to fail them. It's the consequence of failure, and it's usually accompanied by more of the same.

then reasoning and logic start to go, a person tends to start agreeing with Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh

"Servants, labourers and workmen of different kinds, make up the far greater part of every great political society. But what improves the circumstances of the greater part can never be regarded as an inconvenience to the whole. No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable. It is but equity, besides, that they who feed, clothe and lodge the whole body of the people, should have such a share of the produce of their own labour as to be themselves tolerably well fed, cloathed and lodged." - Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations

What a lot of words to tell me that your post isn't worth reading. You needn't have bothered. I stop with seeing your avatar, fuckstain.
Conservatives/GOP ALWAYS trying to keep the AmeriKa THEY love to be an aristocracy over a merit based society. Weird

Starting on 3rd base to them means everyone's is equal, lol

I see you continue to ignore all the "little people" who are adversely affected by this. It's the middle class people this hurts. I guess you are out of touch and don't realize how many farmers and small businesses are hanging on by a thread and any chance the children have of making a go of it after the parents die has been made difficult, if not impossible, by undue taxes that place a heavy burden on struggling businesses.

Got it, you'll stick with right wing memes versus truth. NO TAX UNDER ALMOST $11 MILLION PER FAMILY TO BEGIN WITH BUBS

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

If it wasn't for memes, the only thing in your head would be the empty, whistling noise of wind blowing through.

Got it, your head is so far up Faux and hate talk radio you forget where SS check and Medicare comes from, and what the US looked like under the first Gilded Age conservatives are trying to take US back to!

You're posting from a blog site, and whacking your two inches to Ayn Rand and "Faux News!" in every post. Your delusion that you are anything but comic relief rivals your delusion that you contribute anything to the world or are entitled to anything from others.
AND as I've posited, TAXES HAVE YET TO BE PAID ON THE ACCRUED CAPITAL EXPANSION DUMBSHIT. Think Koch's have paid taxes on their $60 billion wealth? lol

He doesn't have to pay as long he doesn't cash out his wealth. And there is no reason he should.

That's why we tax it at his death, glad you agree though

Far from it, not agreeing at all.

As long its like this, wealth will be leaving this country. And I am all for it. Then you'll be able to tax shit out of nothing and cry how they are unpatriotic. But that's another issue.

PLEASE do that, PRETTY please, pull a Galt, you Ayn Randian fetishist

Where you gonna steal from then?

Says the welfare moocher..
That's why we tax it at his death, glad you agree though

Far from it, not agreeing at all.

As long its like this, wealth will be leaving this country. And I am all for it. Then you'll be able to tax shit out of nothing and cry how they are unpatriotic. But that's another issue.

PLEASE do that, PRETTY please, pull a Galt, you Ayn Randian fetishist

Where you gonna steal from then?

IT isn't stealing to demand that someone pay their fair share. The rich been stealing from the American people and you see nothing with it.

You're just jealous you're incapable doing it yourself. You know what Emerson said: Envy is ignorance.

Forget envy. Mega wealthy people use money to gain political power and pass laws that benefit themselves. Have the Koch brothers' campaigns ever helped middle or working class people? No. They want to get rid of Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid - if they can.
PLEASE do that, PRETTY please, pull a Galt, you Ayn Randian fetishist

Where you gonna steal from then?

IT isn't stealing to demand that someone pay their fair share. The rich been stealing from the American people and you see nothing with it.

You're just jealous you're incapable doing it yourself. You know what Emerson said: Envy is ignorance.

When they either don't pay anything or pay very little they're robbing the American people. There's nothing ignorant about demanding for them to pay their fucking taxes.

They pay all that law requires from them.

You want fair share? Go after those who pay nothing.

Best laws money can buy!
I haven't read through this thread but the inheritance tax affects the family owned businesses whose wealth is more in physical rather than monetary assets , thus less liquid) more than it does the multimillionaire who has financial advisors to shield the money from taxes.
Just my 2 cents.
Oh, and ask Bill and Hillary what happens to their assets upon death.
Doubt all those millions in speaking fees will be subject to a second tax.

Not a penny in estate taxes on a couple below $10.9 million this year (goes up every year)

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax

1. Roughly 2 of Every 1,000 Estates Face the Estate Tax

This is because of the tax’s high exemption amount, which has jumped from $650,000 per person in 2001 to $5.43 million per person in 2015.

Thus, the estate tax is best characterized as a tax on very large inheritances by a small group of wealthy heirs; repeal would amount to a massive windfall for those heirs. That’s why it is misleading to characterize the tax as the “death tax,” as repeal advocates often do.

2. Taxable Estates Generally Pay Less Than One-Sixth of Their Value in Tax

3. Large Loopholes Enable Many Estates to Avoid Taxes

4. Only a Handful of Small, Family-Owned Farms and Businesses Owe Any Estate Tax

5. The Largest Estates Consist Mostly of “Unrealized” Capital Gains That Have Never Been Taxed

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Where you gonna steal from then?

IT isn't stealing to demand that someone pay their fair share. The rich been stealing from the American people and you see nothing with it.

You're just jealous you're incapable doing it yourself. You know what Emerson said: Envy is ignorance.

When they either don't pay anything or pay very little they're robbing the American people. There's nothing ignorant about demanding for them to pay their fucking taxes.

They pay all that law requires from them.

You want fair share? Go after those who pay nothing.

Best laws money can buy!

Yep, the current laws allow them to pay about 8-15% in taxes. How the hell is this fair? And these are the same people that the loserterians want to rule us as our unelected corporate gods.
Says the welfare moocher..

We have so many people who can't see a fat man standing beside a thin one without coming to the conclusion the fat man got that way by taking advantage of the thin one. - Ronald Reagan

The guy who chose to tilt the playing field toward the fat guy 34 years ago???

Nah., Gov't policy doesn't create wealth you tool!

No, it really doesn't, dumbass, which you would know if you had ever done anything productive in your whole, misbegotten existence.

The most that government policy can do in this regard is to not hamper and block wealth creation.

Right, THAT'S why there are soooo many wealthy families in Honduras and Somalia right? Wingnutters *shaking head*

Ah, yes, you have personally gifted these people with a better location and economic system (which you hate and are doing your best to dismantle, just to note in passing) and are therefore singlehandedly responsible for their success, which owes nothing to their risks, ideas, and hard work, and is 100% due to the fact that they're in the US instead of Honduras.

Of course, that doesn't explain why YOU are here in the US, too, but are a hopeless waste of space. It's like there are other factors at work, or something.

Weird, you didn't address the posit? How come they didn't create their wealth in Honduras or Somalia those great libertarian paradises? Or perhaps in a Latin America 3rd world nation? Or Asia? Nah, the US had NOTHING to do with their ability to create their wealth, lol

After all, people in Honduras don't "work hard, take risk or have ideas"?? lol
Conservatives/GOP ALWAYS trying to keep the AmeriKa THEY love to be an aristocracy over a merit based society. Weird

Starting on 3rd base to them means everyone's is equal, lol

I see you continue to ignore all the "little people" who are adversely affected by this. It's the middle class people this hurts. I guess you are out of touch and don't realize how many farmers and small businesses are hanging on by a thread and any chance the children have of making a go of it after the parents die has been made difficult, if not impossible, by undue taxes that place a heavy burden on struggling businesses.

Got it, you'll stick with right wing memes versus truth. NO TAX UNDER ALMOST $11 MILLION PER FAMILY TO BEGIN WITH BUBS

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

If it wasn't for memes, the only thing in your head would be the empty, whistling noise of wind blowing through.

Got it, your head is so far up Faux and hate talk radio you forget where SS check and Medicare comes from, and what the US looked like under the first Gilded Age conservatives are trying to take US back to!

You're posting from a blog site, and whacking your two inches to Ayn Rand and "Faux News!" in every post. Your delusion that you are anything but comic relief rivals your delusion that you contribute anything to the world or are entitled to anything from others.

I'll correct you Bubba, again, quoting the Founders from a blog site. Weird you don't understand that? Rush is that you?
Yep, the current laws allow them to pay about 8-15% in taxes. How the hell is this fair? And these are the same people that the loserterians want to rule us as our unelected corporate gods.

First, they're not breaking any laws.
Second, you want fair? Get rid of all tax deduction and subsidies for everyone. That would be fair.

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