Republicans to repeal inheritance tax!

It only taxes estates of $10,000,000. and more. Most poor republicans don't know that it's just for very rich folks.

"It" in any form, is bad for US. Do you think the African elite families who sold their people into slavery pay estate taxes? Think the Kims in North Korea or the Castros in Cuba are paying estate taxes? How about the Saudis? If they aren't, why the fuck should we do it? Unlike those corrupt cultures and "economies", we give people freedom and opportunity to advance. You people need to stop trying to take that away.

9. The United States Taxes Estates More Lightly Than Comparable Countries
Twenty-seven of the 34 members of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development levied some form of estate tax, inheritance tax, or other wealth or wealth transfer tax in 2012 (the latest year for which full data are available). U.S. estate and gift tax revenues at all levels of government were well below average among these 27 countries as a share of the economy.[24]

10. The Estate Tax Is the Most Progressive Part of the U.S. Tax Code

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Remind me. Why does that make you entitled to someone else's money?

Someone elses money? Oh right, the guy who died is paying taxes before the genetic lottery winner collects. Hint it's called CONGRESSIONAL LAWS....
HOW has MOST of that money been taxed as it's just capital gains that has NEVER been taken out? Buy a bunch of stock at $1 million and sell it 30 years later for $50 million ONLY dividends have been paid!

These kind of comments occurs when crazy fucks the confused and don't know what happened.

Yep, it takes money to buy stocks. That would be cash in... If you never sell the stock, they have cash value, but they're not cash. You pay tax only when you cash out on the stock. When you get paid dividends (profit share), you pay tax on cash you earned. Difference between cash in and cash out is a profit (or loss), you pay tax on profit.

AND as I've posited, TAXES HAVE YET TO BE PAID ON THE ACCRUED CAPITAL EXPANSION DUMBSHIT. Think Koch's have paid taxes on their $60 billion wealth? lol

He doesn't have to pay as long he doesn't cash out his wealth. And there is no reason he should.

That's why we tax it at his death, glad you agree though
It only taxes estates of $10,000,000. and more. Most poor republicans don't know that it's just for very rich folks.

"It" in any form, is bad for US. Do you think the African elite families who sold their people into slavery pay estate taxes? Think the Kims in North Korea or the Castros in Cuba are paying estate taxes? How about the Saudis? If they aren't, why the fuck should we do it? Unlike those corrupt cultures and "economies", we give people freedom and opportunity to advance. You people need to stop trying to take that away.

9. The United States Taxes Estates More Lightly Than Comparable Countries
Twenty-seven of the 34 members of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development levied some form of estate tax, inheritance tax, or other wealth or wealth transfer tax in 2012 (the latest year for which full data are available). U.S. estate and gift tax revenues at all levels of government were well below average among these 27 countries as a share of the economy.[24]

10. The Estate Tax Is the Most Progressive Part of the U.S. Tax Code

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Remind me. Why does that make you entitled to someone else's money?

Someone elses money? Oh right, the guy who died is paying taxes before the genetic lottery winner collects. Hint it's called CONGRESSIONAL LAWS....

You still haven't answered the question... why is that ok? Regurgitating why it is legal doesn't answer the question; we all agree it is legal. But what is the rational? And BTW... the guy who died was paying taxes.. actually, his estate is after tax property.
It only taxes estates of $10,000,000. and more. Most poor republicans don't know that it's just for very rich folks.

"It" in any form, is bad for US. Do you think the African elite families who sold their people into slavery pay estate taxes? Think the Kims in North Korea or the Castros in Cuba are paying estate taxes? How about the Saudis? If they aren't, why the fuck should we do it? Unlike those corrupt cultures and "economies", we give people freedom and opportunity to advance. You people need to stop trying to take that away.

9. The United States Taxes Estates More Lightly Than Comparable Countries
Twenty-seven of the 34 members of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development levied some form of estate tax, inheritance tax, or other wealth or wealth transfer tax in 2012 (the latest year for which full data are available). U.S. estate and gift tax revenues at all levels of government were well below average among these 27 countries as a share of the economy.[24]

10. The Estate Tax Is the Most Progressive Part of the U.S. Tax Code

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Remind me. Why does that make you entitled to someone else's money?

Someone elses money? Oh right, the guy who died is paying taxes before the genetic lottery winner collects. Hint it's called CONGRESSIONAL LAWS....

You still haven't answered the question... why is that ok? Regurgitating why it is legal doesn't answer the question; we all agree it is legal. But what is the rational? And BTW... the guy who died was paying taxes.. actually, his estate is after tax property.

Right the ESTATE of the dead person, hence the estate tax Bubba

For the 3rd time in 15 min

All Property, indeed, except the Savage's temporary Cabin, his Bow, his Matchcoat, and other little Acquisitions, absolutely necessary for his Subsistence, seems to me to be the Creature of public Convention. Hence the Public has the Right of Regulating Descents, and all other Conveyances of Property, and even of limiting the Quantity and the Uses of it. All the Property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other Laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it. Ben Franklin
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It's amazing the disconnect between Republican's and history. Congress enacted the estate tax to ensure that power (money) would not collect in the hands of a few families and create dynasties. They did not want those families to accumulate unearned power and wealth or a disproportion influence compared to other families. It was/is a very progressive way of thinking, it helped to ensure that America was about equality and that everyone has the opportunity to succeed or fail on their own merits.
It's amazing the disconnect between Republican's and history. Congress enacted the estate tax to ensure that power (money) would not collect in the hands of a few families and create dynasties. They did not want those families to accumulate unearned power and wealth or a disproportion influence compared to other families. It was/is a very progressive way of thinking, it helped to ensure that America was about equality and that everyone has the opportunity to succeed or fail on their own merits.

Ok, well, at least you answered my question... but tell me, how does taking my estate ensure "that everyone has the opportunity to succeed or fail on their own merits"? I have no disconnect, I just don't understand why it is ok? I don't agree with the reasoning.
It's amazing the disconnect between Republican's and history. Congress enacted the estate tax to ensure that power (money) would not collect in the hands of a few families and create dynasties. They did not want those families to accumulate unearned power and wealth or a disproportion influence compared to other families. It was/is a very progressive way of thinking, it helped to ensure that America was about equality and that everyone has the opportunity to succeed or fail on their own merits.

Ok, well, at least you answered my question... but tell me, how does taking my estate ensure "that everyone has the opportunity to succeed or fail on their own merits"? I have no disconnect, I just don't understand why it is ok? I don't agree with the reasoning.

The disposition to admire, and almost to worship, the rich and the powerful, and to despise, or, at least, to neglect persons of poor and mean condition is the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments. Adam Smith

There is no point more difficult to account for than the right we conceive men to have to dispose of their goods after death. Adam Smith

George Washington, nine months before his inauguration as the first president, predicted that America "will be the most favorable country of any kind in the world for persons of industry and frugality, possessed of moderate capital, to inhabit." And, he continued, "it will not be less advantageous to the happiness of the lowest class of people, because of the equal distribution of property."

The second president, John Adams, feared "monopolies of land" would destroy the nation and that a business aristocracy born of inequality would manipulate voters, creating "a system of subordination to all... The capricious will of one or a very few" dominating the rest. Unless constrained, Adams wrote, "the rich and the proud" would wield economic and political power that "will destroy all the equality and liberty, with the consent and acclamations of the people themselves."

James Madison, the Constitution's main author, described inequality as an evil, saying government should prevent "an immoderate, and especially unmerited, accumulation of riches." He favored "the silent operation of laws which, without violating the rights of property, reduce extreme wealth towards a state of mediocrity, and raise extreme indigents towards a state of comfort."

Late in life, Adams, pessimistic about whether the republic would endure, wrote that the goal of the democratic government was not to help the wealthy and powerful but to achieve "the greatest happiness for the greatest number."

The causes which destroyed the ancient republics were numerous; but in Rome, one principal cause was the vast inequality of fortunes. Noah Webster

A power to dispose of estates for ever is manifestly absurd. The earth and the fulness of it belongs to every generation, and the preceding one can have no right to bind it up from posterity. Such extension of property is quite unnatural. Thomas Jefferson

HOW has MOST of that money been taxed as it's just capital gains that has NEVER been taken out? Buy a bunch of stock at $1 million and sell it 30 years later for $50 million ONLY dividends have been paid!

These kind of comments occurs when crazy fucks the confused and don't know what happened.

Yep, it takes money to buy stocks. That would be cash in... If you never sell the stock, they have cash value, but they're not cash. You pay tax only when you cash out on the stock. When you get paid dividends (profit share), you pay tax on cash you earned. Difference between cash in and cash out is a profit (or loss), you pay tax on profit.

AND as I've posited, TAXES HAVE YET TO BE PAID ON THE ACCRUED CAPITAL EXPANSION DUMBSHIT. Think Koch's have paid taxes on their $60 billion wealth? lol

He doesn't have to pay as long he doesn't cash out his wealth. And there is no reason he should.

That's why we tax it at his death, glad you agree though

Far from it, not agreeing at all.

As long its like this, wealth will be leaving this country. And I am all for it. Then you'll be able to tax shit out of nothing and cry how they are unpatriotic. But that's another issue.
Every dollar received should represent a dollar's worth of Service rendered — not gambling in stocks, but service rendered. The really Big Fortune, the Swollen fortune, by the MERE FACT OF IT'S SIZE acquires Qualities which differentiate it in kind as well as in degree from what is possessed by men of relatively small means.

Therefore, I believe in a graduated income tax on big fortunes, and in another tax which is far more easily collected and far more effective — a graduated inheritance tax on big fortunes, properly safeguarded against evasion and increasing rapidly in amount with the size of the estate.

--- Theodore Roosevelt (the Last Good Republican)
If not after death...Why not raise the income and corporate tax on the rich 2-3%?

How about going back to rates they actually paid when the US was growing the economy for EVERYONE, not just the top 10%?

HOW has MOST of that money been taxed as it's just capital gains that has NEVER been taken out? Buy a bunch of stock at $1 million and sell it 30 years later for $50 million ONLY dividends have been paid!

These kind of comments occurs when crazy fucks the confused and don't know what happened.

Yep, it takes money to buy stocks. That would be cash in... If you never sell the stock, they have cash value, but they're not cash. You pay tax only when you cash out on the stock. When you get paid dividends (profit share), you pay tax on cash you earned. Difference between cash in and cash out is a profit (or loss), you pay tax on profit.

AND as I've posited, TAXES HAVE YET TO BE PAID ON THE ACCRUED CAPITAL EXPANSION DUMBSHIT. Think Koch's have paid taxes on their $60 billion wealth? lol

He doesn't have to pay as long he doesn't cash out his wealth. And there is no reason he should.

That's why we tax it at his death, glad you agree though

Far from it, not agreeing at all.

As long its like this, wealth will be leaving this country. And I am all for it. Then you'll be able to tax shit out of nothing and cry how they are unpatriotic. But that's another issue.

PLEASE do that, PRETTY please, pull a Galt, you Ayn Randian fetishist
If not after death...Why not raise the income and corporate tax on the rich 2-3%?

How about going back to rates they actually paid when the US was growing the economy for EVERYONE, not just the top 10%?


All those tax cuts haven't helped the economy. Our middle class is nothing compared to the one we had in the 1970s! Supply economics has failed this country.

I say raise the taxes on the top 10% about 20%! Raise the minimum wage to 15 bucks per hour so we can start growing again!
These kind of comments occurs when crazy fucks the confused and don't know what happened.

Yep, it takes money to buy stocks. That would be cash in... If you never sell the stock, they have cash value, but they're not cash. You pay tax only when you cash out on the stock. When you get paid dividends (profit share), you pay tax on cash you earned. Difference between cash in and cash out is a profit (or loss), you pay tax on profit.

AND as I've posited, TAXES HAVE YET TO BE PAID ON THE ACCRUED CAPITAL EXPANSION DUMBSHIT. Think Koch's have paid taxes on their $60 billion wealth? lol

He doesn't have to pay as long he doesn't cash out his wealth. And there is no reason he should.

That's why we tax it at his death, glad you agree though

Far from it, not agreeing at all.

As long its like this, wealth will be leaving this country. And I am all for it. Then you'll be able to tax shit out of nothing and cry how they are unpatriotic. But that's another issue.

PLEASE do that, PRETTY please, pull a Galt, you Ayn Randian fetishist

Where you gonna steal from then?
AND as I've posited, TAXES HAVE YET TO BE PAID ON THE ACCRUED CAPITAL EXPANSION DUMBSHIT. Think Koch's have paid taxes on their $60 billion wealth? lol

He doesn't have to pay as long he doesn't cash out his wealth. And there is no reason he should.

That's why we tax it at his death, glad you agree though

Far from it, not agreeing at all.

As long its like this, wealth will be leaving this country. And I am all for it. Then you'll be able to tax shit out of nothing and cry how they are unpatriotic. But that's another issue.

PLEASE do that, PRETTY please, pull a Galt, you Ayn Randian fetishist

Where you gonna steal from then?

IT isn't stealing to demand that someone pay their fair share. The rich been stealing from the American people and you see nothing with it.
He doesn't have to pay as long he doesn't cash out his wealth. And there is no reason he should.

That's why we tax it at his death, glad you agree though

Far from it, not agreeing at all.

As long its like this, wealth will be leaving this country. And I am all for it. Then you'll be able to tax shit out of nothing and cry how they are unpatriotic. But that's another issue.

PLEASE do that, PRETTY please, pull a Galt, you Ayn Randian fetishist

Where you gonna steal from then?

IT isn't stealing to demand that someone pay their fair share. The rich been stealing from the American people and you see nothing with it.

You're just jealous you're incapable doing it yourself. You know what Emerson said: Envy is ignorance.
That's why we tax it at his death, glad you agree though

Far from it, not agreeing at all.

As long its like this, wealth will be leaving this country. And I am all for it. Then you'll be able to tax shit out of nothing and cry how they are unpatriotic. But that's another issue.

PLEASE do that, PRETTY please, pull a Galt, you Ayn Randian fetishist

Where you gonna steal from then?

IT isn't stealing to demand that someone pay their fair share. The rich been stealing from the American people and you see nothing with it.

You're just jealous you're incapable doing it yourself. You know what Emerson said: Envy is ignorance.

When they either don't pay anything or pay very little they're robbing the American people. There's nothing ignorant about demanding for them to pay their fucking taxes.
Far from it, not agreeing at all.

As long its like this, wealth will be leaving this country. And I am all for it. Then you'll be able to tax shit out of nothing and cry how they are unpatriotic. But that's another issue.

PLEASE do that, PRETTY please, pull a Galt, you Ayn Randian fetishist

Where you gonna steal from then?

IT isn't stealing to demand that someone pay their fair share. The rich been stealing from the American people and you see nothing with it.

You're just jealous you're incapable doing it yourself. You know what Emerson said: Envy is ignorance.

When they either don't pay anything or pay very little they're robbing the American people. There's nothing ignorant about demanding for them to pay their fucking taxes.

They pay all that law requires from them.

You want fair share? Go after those who pay nothing.

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