Republicans to repeal inheritance tax!

Yep, the current laws allow them to pay about 8-15% in taxes. How the hell is this fair? And these are the same people that the loserterians want to rule us as our unelected corporate gods.

First, they're not breaking any laws.
Second, you want fair? Get rid of all tax deduction and subsidies for everyone. That would be fair.

Because we all know that dead people can use their money 6 feet under! The person is dead, their hard work has ended, the spoiled children did not earn this money

"A power to dispose of estates for ever is manifestly absurd. The earth and the fulness of it belongs to every generation, and the preceding one can have no right to bind it up from posterity. Such extension of property is quite unnatural."

-- Thomas Jefferson
Says the welfare moocher..


Says the welfare moocher. Bet you are glad they fixed your Medicare today with the Doc fix right moocher?

That's best you got, really?

How many welfare moochers defend wealthy people? Oh wait...

Says the welfare moocher. Bet you are glad they fixed your Medicare today with the Doc fix right moocher?

That's best you got, really?

How many welfare moochers defend wealthy people? Oh wait...

Seriously? You Faux viewers and hate talk radio listeners do it ALL day long. Weird how many of you do it on supposed "moral grounds", then turn around and deny money=power to corrupt the system, but use the specious argument they built it themselves, like the hundreds of millions the Koch's inherited, lol
Yep, the current laws allow them to pay about 8-15% in taxes. How the hell is this fair? And these are the same people that the loserterians want to rule us as our unelected corporate gods.

First, they're not breaking any laws.
Second, you want fair? Get rid of all tax deduction and subsidies for everyone. That would be fair.

Because we all know that dead people can use their money 6 feet under! The person is dead, their hard work has ended, the spoiled children did not earn this money

"A power to dispose of estates for ever is manifestly absurd. The earth and the fulness of it belongs to every generation, and the preceding one can have no right to bind it up from posterity. Such extension of property is quite unnatural."

-- Thomas Jefferson

Any you and those like you, who are so smart that simply can't achieve anything during lifetime, can't wait for wealthy to die to scavenge the leftovers. I guess that's only thing you're capable of. Leftovers...
Now, having such a HUGE NATIONAL DEBT is NOT the time for more tax breaks that are unnecessary.

Giving these tax breaks now, to SOME "LUCKY" PEOPLE, only means that the rest of us, who do not get these additional tax breaks like Paris will get when her daddy dies, will carry more of the burden of the National Debt and the money needed to run the Nation...

I don't know about you, but I can't afford to hold more of the National debt on my shoulders....
Yep, the current laws allow them to pay about 8-15% in taxes. How the hell is this fair? And these are the same people that the loserterians want to rule us as our unelected corporate gods.

First, they're not breaking any laws.
Second, you want fair? Get rid of all tax deduction and subsidies for everyone. That would be fair.

Because we all know that dead people can use their money 6 feet under! The person is dead, their hard work has ended, the spoiled children did not earn this money

"A power to dispose of estates for ever is manifestly absurd. The earth and the fulness of it belongs to every generation, and the preceding one can have no right to bind it up from posterity. Such extension of property is quite unnatural."

-- Thomas Jefferson

Any you and those like you, who are so smart that simply can't achieve anything during lifetime, can't wait for wealthy to die to scavenge the leftovers. I guess that's only thing you're capable of. Leftovers...

if you honestly believe the wealthy don't take care of their $$ after their death as well as they did when they were alive you are rock dumb.

the only thing better than old family money is old family money making new money.
Yep, the current laws allow them to pay about 8-15% in taxes. How the hell is this fair? And these are the same people that the loserterians want to rule us as our unelected corporate gods.

First, they're not breaking any laws.
Second, you want fair? Get rid of all tax deduction and subsidies for everyone. That would be fair.

Because we all know that dead people can use their money 6 feet under! The person is dead, their hard work has ended, the spoiled children did not earn this money

"A power to dispose of estates for ever is manifestly absurd. The earth and the fulness of it belongs to every generation, and the preceding one can have no right to bind it up from posterity. Such extension of property is quite unnatural."

-- Thomas Jefferson

Any you and those like you, who are so smart that simply can't achieve anything during lifetime, can't wait for wealthy to die to scavenge the leftovers. I guess that's only thing you're capable of. Leftovers...

Sure Bubba, sure. Keep up the myths, it's ALL you have
Seriously? You Faux viewers and hate talk radio listeners do it ALL day long. Weird how many of you do it on supposed "moral grounds", then turn around and deny money=power to corrupt the system, but use the specious argument they built it themselves, like the hundreds of millions the Koch's inherited, lol

I couldn't care less of what Kochs have and what they do with it. I don't hate them because of their success, that's your job. I just know that I can't trust anyone who wants what I got.
Yep, the current laws allow them to pay about 8-15% in taxes. How the hell is this fair? And these are the same people that the loserterians want to rule us as our unelected corporate gods.

First, they're not breaking any laws.
Second, you want fair? Get rid of all tax deduction and subsidies for everyone. That would be fair.

Because we all know that dead people can use their money 6 feet under! The person is dead, their hard work has ended, the spoiled children did not earn this money

"A power to dispose of estates for ever is manifestly absurd. The earth and the fulness of it belongs to every generation, and the preceding one can have no right to bind it up from posterity. Such extension of property is quite unnatural."

-- Thomas Jefferson

Any you and those like you, who are so smart that simply can't achieve anything during lifetime, can't wait for wealthy to die to scavenge the leftovers. I guess that's only thing you're capable of. Leftovers...

if you honestly believe the wealthy don't take care of their $$ after their death as well as they did when they were alive you are rock dumb.

the only thing better than old family money is old family money making new money.

I don't care about their money, because it's not my money to care about. It belongs to their family or whoever they leave it to.
It only taxes estates of $10,000,000. and more. Most poor republicans don't know that it's just for very rich folks.

"It" in any form, is bad for US. Do you think the African elite families who sold their people into slavery pay estate taxes? Think the Kims in North Korea or the Castros in Cuba are paying estate taxes? How about the Saudis? If they aren't, why the fuck should we do it? Unlike those corrupt cultures and "economies", we give people freedom and opportunity to advance. You people need to stop trying to take that away.

9. The United States Taxes Estates More Lightly Than Comparable Countries
Twenty-seven of the 34 members of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development levied some form of estate tax, inheritance tax, or other wealth or wealth transfer tax in 2012 (the latest year for which full data are available). U.S. estate and gift tax revenues at all levels of government were well below average among these 27 countries as a share of the economy.[24]

10. The Estate Tax Is the Most Progressive Part of the U.S. Tax Code

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Remind me. Why does that make you entitled to someone else's money?

Someone elses money? Oh right, the guy who died is paying taxes before the genetic lottery winner collects. Hint it's called CONGRESSIONAL LAWS....

Hint: It's called "morality". Making a law doesn't make it right, and dismissing the person who worked for the money as just "the guy who died" doesn't make you anything but a sleazeball and a thief.

The fact that the genetic lottery fucked you in the ass with no lube doesn't make it any more acceptable to use the law to vent your hatred of people whose parents amounted to something and cared about them. Get some therapy, spank your inner moppet, and get a job of your own.
We have so many people who can't see a fat man standing beside a thin one without coming to the conclusion the fat man got that way by taking advantage of the thin one. - Ronald Reagan

The guy who chose to tilt the playing field toward the fat guy 34 years ago???

Nah., Gov't policy doesn't create wealth you tool!

No, it really doesn't, dumbass, which you would know if you had ever done anything productive in your whole, misbegotten existence.

The most that government policy can do in this regard is to not hamper and block wealth creation.

Right, THAT'S why there are soooo many wealthy families in Honduras and Somalia right? Wingnutters *shaking head*

Ah, yes, you have personally gifted these people with a better location and economic system (which you hate and are doing your best to dismantle, just to note in passing) and are therefore singlehandedly responsible for their success, which owes nothing to their risks, ideas, and hard work, and is 100% due to the fact that they're in the US instead of Honduras.

Of course, that doesn't explain why YOU are here in the US, too, but are a hopeless waste of space. It's like there are other factors at work, or something.

Weird, you didn't address the posit? How come they didn't create their wealth in Honduras or Somalia those great libertarian paradises? Or perhaps in a Latin America 3rd world nation? Or Asia? Nah, the US had NOTHING to do with their ability to create their wealth, lol

After all, people in Honduras don't "work hard, take risk or have ideas"?? lol

I didn't address YOU, piss stain, because you don't warrant it.

How come, if their success is all due to the US, you're sitting right here and haven't created anything but a towering sense of envy and entitlement? And a kind of sickly odor.
Yep, the current laws allow them to pay about 8-15% in taxes. How the hell is this fair? And these are the same people that the loserterians want to rule us as our unelected corporate gods.

First, they're not breaking any laws.
Second, you want fair? Get rid of all tax deduction and subsidies for everyone. That would be fair.
When the income tax began for all of us, we had a standard deduction for each person that was the equivalent in today's dollars of $65, our Standard deduction only $6200 each.

We didn't have the 10 feet high of IRS code with a gazillion billion deductions and credits etc, we had flat rates for specific income brackets and NOT ALL of this complicated IRS code to deal with, favoring some people over others.

A high standard deduction, kept it simpler....
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(On Obama being the absolute champion of trickle down economics)
Please tell me more of your nonsense? What "trickle down'?


You see here folks?
Hells bells...this is why we keep electing idiots over and over.
You would think that someone who posts in a political forum would know at least something.
And Dad2three....if your question is
Is there a gene for greed? Certainly, studies have shown that those with money become less generous and more inclined to believe they deserved the money. Some of those studies, using money games, conducted by scientists, indicate that the accumulation of wealth tends to change behavior even during the game.
So? Studies have shown giving government thugs power leads to them demanding even more power.
0.2% of the people in the USA are affected by the Estate tax.

There has NEVER been a family farm lost due to the Estate tax

People with Estates over 100 million, 55% of their estate upon death has NEVER BEEN TAXED.

People with Estates hovering at the $5-$10 million, 32% of their Estate worth has never been taxed...

WTF does that mean? That's like saying only half of someone has been taxed if they only had to give up 50% to government.
I just know that I can't trust anyone who wants what I got.

You are in good shape then. YOU can trust everybody. Cause you don't have much and no one wants what you do have.

Did you get the EIC this tax season?

I don't care about their money, because it's not my money to care about.

Now that's the right attitude. The ultra rich people, they aren't laying in bed at night or logging on to a message board saying' oh that poor ameicao, he worries so much about my estate. God bless em. I think I will send him a nice fat check for his caring and looking out for me. Sucker.

So you just let the government worry about those huge estates. It's way over your pay grade to think much about it. (estate taxes) Cause I sure as fuck know you won't be paying any estate taxes when you die. Right?

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