Republicans to repeal inheritance tax!

Studies have shown giving government thugs power leads to them demanding even more power
What studies would those be weasel? Got a link? Or are you back to just making shit up again?
I was making fun of the stupid asshole the same way I make fun of you. Because you're a stupid asshole. Normal people know exactly what I mean. Shouldn't you be getting ready for your minimum wage job?
Normal people know exactly what I mean
What a fucking pussy you are.; You make a claim about "studies" then come back with the "everybody know" bullshit.

You really are a fucking punk..
The forum is for adults. Toddlers aren't expected to differentiate sarcasm from reality. That why parents seat them at the little table while they discuss world affairs.

Don't be late for your job, if those hash browns aren't ready on opening you're going to be looking for another nipple to nurse off of.
Don't be late for your job, if those hash browns aren't ready on opening you're going to be looking for another nipple to nurse off of.

You really are a piece of shit weasel. Why you keep trying to denigrate me by insulting all the hard working men and women who are employed in the restaurant or fast food industries?

I have never worked in either field (restaurant or fast food) however, if I had, I would be proud of the good job I would do.

It says a lot about what a dick you are that you would try and insult me by insulting an entire industry of good decent Americans doing a needed job.

You really are a piece of shit weasel.
Don't be late for your job, if those hash browns aren't ready on opening you're going to be looking for another nipple to nurse off of.
You really are a piece of shit weasel. Why you keep trying to denigrate me by insulting all the hard working men and women who are employed in the restaurant or fast food industries?

I have never worked in either field (restaurant or fast food) however, if I had, I would be proud of the good job I would do.

It says a lot about what a dick you are that you would try and insult me by insulting an entire industry of good decent Americans doing a needed job.

You really are a piece of shit weasel.
I have no love for the fast food industry. It's killing America. Each to their own though, not my choice. It's commie fucks like you I don't care for. It's very obvious you didn't work on skills and move up the ladder like the rest of us, otherwise you wouldn't be whining incessantly about government forcing private businesses to pay higher starting wages.
It's commie fucks like you I don't care for. It's very obvious you didn't work on skills and move up the ladder like the rest of us, otherwise you wouldn't be whining incessantly about government forcing private businesses to pay higher starting wages.

It's weird how you can get in trouble with the mods for making direct threats. Too bad.

It's also weird how some stupid fuck like you weasel, think you can tell skills and accomplishment from writings that do nothing but insult and make fun of.

So weasel, lets hear some more of the fantasy life you have concocted about me. How old am I, how many kids, how much money do I have. etc etc.

Still doesn't explain why you want to insult so many working Americans. I guess it's just what a piece of shit like you does. Lie about and insult hard working Americans. Cause you ain't one I guess. You a lazy fucking weasel.
And everybody hates a weasel.
I have no love for the fast food industry. It's killing America.

Now this is just fucking stupid.
YOU hate an entire industry and claim it's killing America. But fuck no, no one can ask the fast food industry to pay their workers more.

It's so much better for low wage workers to help kill America while they are getting SNAP.

You really are fucking stupid weasel.
It's commie fucks like you I don't care for. It's very obvious you didn't work on skills and move up the ladder like the rest of us, otherwise you wouldn't be whining incessantly about government forcing private businesses to pay higher starting wages.
It's weird how you can get in trouble with the mods for making direct threats. Too bad.

It's also weird how some stupid fuck like you weasel, think you can tell skills and accomplishment from writings that do nothing but insult and make fun of.

So weasel, lets hear some more of the fantasy life you have concocted about me. How old am I, how many kids, how much money do I have. etc etc.

Still doesn't explain why you want to insult so many working Americans. I guess it's just what a piece of shit like you does. Lie about and insult hard working Americans. Cause you ain't one I guess. You a lazy fucking weasel.
And everybody hates a weasel.
Post the direct threat I made, you little scumbag. I insult leaches like for the reasons I've stated many times. Lazy? I probably do more in a day than you do all week.
God forbid the kids of the superrich are actually allowed to run anything we have our 401K pittances in. Seriously, rent the documentary Born Rich, by one of the Johnson heirs, to see the level of cognitive function inbreeding brings.
How are you entitled to part of the money left to someone by someone else?
I don't tax anyone, wargamer.
You also don't answer questions.
I'll ask again:
How are you entitled to part of the money left to someone by someone else?
Kodos on getting the ASL reference. :)
The government is entitled to it and all the taxes it collects by the authority of the US Constitution and the laws that Congress passed. It certainly isn't for personal gain by any one individual as you seem to want to suggest.
You and I both know that your response here does not answer the question I asked. Please feel free to try again.
How are you entitled to part of the money left to someone by someone else?

Another stupid question posted over and over. Hint, see Socratic Method as an effective tool in debate, something which does not include asking the same stupid question ad nausea.

Why is the Q. stupid? Because no single individual benefits from the tax. Its purpose is to prevent what we already seem to have, a developing Aristocracy, an Oligarachy of the very rich, and a power elite which poisons our democratic republic (DR).

How does it poison our DR, along with the foolish 5-4 decision in two landmark SC cases, which equate Money in the political arena as free speech, we have given the power elite in America extraordinary power to effect our electoral process to benefit them. Many times at the expense to the hoi polloi.
I just know that I can't trust anyone who wants what I got.

You are in good shape then. YOU can trust everybody. Cause you don't have much and no one wants what you do have.

Did you get the EIC this tax season?

I don't care about their money, because it's not my money to care about.

Now that's the right attitude. The ultra rich people, they aren't laying in bed at night or logging on to a message board saying' oh that poor ameicao, he worries so much about my estate. God bless em. I think I will send him a nice fat check for his caring and looking out for me. Sucker.

So you just let the government worry about those huge estates. It's way over your pay grade to think much about it. (estate taxes) Cause I sure as fuck know you won't be paying any estate taxes when you die. Right?

You libs are so obsessed about what other people got.

Did I get my EIC? Nope, I actually paid taxes so you could get yours. Right?
  • It has worked
  • The Law
  • It protects our democracy
  • If protects our republic
  • It protects us from being under the thumb of an Aristocracy
  • It protects us from being under the thumb of a Plutocracy
  • [/quoteIt protects us from being under the thumb of an Oligarchy
Best of all, it is a progressive idea that allows for progressives to redistribute wealth, in hopes of buying the votes of the people who receive that wealth.
Dead people can't vote after all -- except in Chicago.

You use the talking point "redistribute wealth" thoughtlessly (I'm not surprised) and make the giant leap that doing so ensures voters who benefit from this largess will support the giver. Not only is such a conclusion cynical, it's use by you and others as a not so subtle example of myopia (such as being stuck inside of box which prevents critical thinking).

Are bankers and other financial service providers redistributing wealth? Are some retailers redistributing wealth too?

Consider, the interest paid to the average customer, and the amount the average customer must pay in interest; consider fees paid to ATM for the honor of using a debit card; and consider the profits of those who take a fee to invest your money, with no guarantee and no recourse when they lose it. Have you thought (lol) of corporate welfare?

Ten Examples of Welfare for the Rich and Corporations Bill Quigley

4 Examples Of Corporate Welfare In Action Taxpayers for Common Sense

Ten Examples of Welfare for Corporations and the Ultra-Rich

Where to Cut the Federal Budget Start by Killing Corporate Welfare - Forbes
It only taxes estates of $10,000,000. and more. Most poor republicans don't know that it's just for very rich folks.

"It" in any form, is bad for US. Do you think the African elite families who sold their people into slavery pay estate taxes? Think the Kims in North Korea or the Castros in Cuba are paying estate taxes? How about the Saudis? If they aren't, why the fuck should we do it? Unlike those corrupt cultures and "economies", we give people freedom and opportunity to advance. You people need to stop trying to take that away.

9. The United States Taxes Estates More Lightly Than Comparable Countries
Twenty-seven of the 34 members of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development levied some form of estate tax, inheritance tax, or other wealth or wealth transfer tax in 2012 (the latest year for which full data are available). U.S. estate and gift tax revenues at all levels of government were well below average among these 27 countries as a share of the economy.[24]

10. The Estate Tax Is the Most Progressive Part of the U.S. Tax Code

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Remind me. Why does that make you entitled to someone else's money?

Someone elses money? Oh right, the guy who died is paying taxes before the genetic lottery winner collects. Hint it's called CONGRESSIONAL LAWS....

Hint: It's called "morality". Making a law doesn't make it right, and dismissing the person who worked for the money as just "the guy who died" doesn't make you anything but a sleazeball and a thief.

The fact that the genetic lottery fucked you in the ass with no lube doesn't make it any more acceptable to use the law to vent your hatred of people whose parents amounted to something and cared about them. Get some therapy, spank your inner moppet, and get a job of your own.

Morality? lol
(On Obama being the absolute champion of trickle down economics)
Please tell me more of your nonsense? What "trickle down'?


You see here folks?
Hells bells...this is why we keep electing idiots over and over.
You would think that someone who posts in a political forum would know at least something.
And Dad2three....if your question is

So no Bubba, you will not even attempt to push your propaganda. Shocking

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