Republicans to repeal inheritance tax!

How are you entitled to part of the money left to someone by someone else?
I don't tax anyone, wargamer.
You also don't answer questions.
I'll ask again:
How are you entitled to part of the money left to someone by someone else?
Kodos on getting the ASL reference. :)
The government is entitled to it and all the taxes it collects by the authority of the US Constitution and the laws that Congress passed. It certainly isn't for personal gain by any one individual as you seem to want to suggest.
You and I both know that your response here does not answer the question I asked. Please feel free to try again.
How are you entitled to part of the money left to someone by someone else?
Another stupid question posted over and over.
Funny how i don't see your answer?
Why is that?
Oh... you know you can't answer it.
  • It has worked
  • The Law
  • It protects our democracy
  • If protects our republic
  • It protects us from being under the thumb of an Aristocracy
  • It protects us from being under the thumb of a Plutocracy
  • [/quoteIt protects us from being under the thumb of an Oligarchy
Best of all, it is a progressive idea that allows for progressives to redistribute wealth, in hopes of buying the votes of the people who receive that wealth.
Dead people can't vote after all -- except in Chicago.
You use the talking point "redistribute wealth" thoughtlessly
And yet you tell us that's exactly why we have to have the tax - so that the rich do not get richer and we can pay for serviced and benefits for the poor
A 20% flat tax on individuals and corporations should be enough stolen wealth for clueless civil servants to waste on their redistribution schemes.
A fixed budget for those scumbags is what this country needs.
All those tax cuts haven't helped the economy
The Obama lied when He said extending the Bush-era tax cuts for the rich would help the economy?

A lie is an attempt to mislead. A BIG LIE is one repeated over and over and over with the intent of misleading a large number of people. Examples:
  • We are the Party of the Big Tent
  • We are compassionate conservatives
  • Any form of gun control is illegal ("...shall not be infringed")
  • Taxes are theft by the use of force or fear
  • Our nation isn't a democracy, it is a Constitutional Republic
  • Obama is a Muslim, born in Kenya
  • Obama isn't black enough
  • Obama is a Socialist
  • Benghazigate
  • emailgat
  • Solyndragate
  • IRSgate
  • Liberals/progressives, Democrats, Obama want to confiscate all guns
  • Corporations are people
  • CU & McCutcheon v. FEC are about Free Speech
  • Voter fraud is rampant
  • Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are racists
  • Conservatives believe in equal rights and supported the ERA
Repealing the inheritance tax is the right thing to do.

The people that earned the money already paid the income tax on it. Why should the government have the right to tax it again?

The person that earned the money should decide who they want to give it to, not the filthy ass government. If they want to give the money to their children and grandchildren then that should be their right, not have the filthy ass government take it by force and give it to the welfare queens, illegal aliens and use it to get votes for pork barrel projects.

Liberals have never been about fairness. They are always about thievery.
A 20% flat tax on individuals and corporations should be enough stolen wealth for clueless civil servants to waste on their redistribution schemes.
A fixed budget for those scumbags is what this country needs.
Ignorance + self righteous indignation = foolishness.
Ignorance + self righteous indignation = liberalism.
Liberalism = foolishness
A 20% flat tax on individuals and corporations should be enough stolen wealth for clueless civil servants to waste on their redistribution schemes.
A fixed budget for those scumbags is what this country needs.

A reduced priority based budget at about half to one third of we spend now is what we need.

The combined federal, state and local cost of government is over 40% of the GNP and that is way too much money. The US federal government spends more money than the GNP of all but one other country in the world and that is despicable when you think about it.

These Moon Bats love their taxation. They think the bureaucrats, elected by special interest groups, are better at spending the money that the people earn rather than the people themselves. How stupid is that?
(On Obama being the absolute champion of trickle down economics)
Please tell me more of your nonsense? What "trickle down'?


You see here folks?
Hells bells...this is why we keep electing idiots over and over.
You would think that someone who posts in a political forum would know at least something.
And Dad2three....if your question is

So no Bubba, you will not even attempt to push your propaganda. Shocking

Answer this question...
Who paid 100 cents on the dollar for toxic assets in the 10's of $billions to Wall Street firms?
Who, for six straight years, has propped up Wall Street using over a $trillion per year of our money?
And that just barely scratches the surface.
Is that propaganda?
I don't tax anyone, wargamer.
You also don't answer questions.
I'll ask again:
How are you entitled to part of the money left to someone by someone else?
Kodos on getting the ASL reference. :)
The government is entitled to it and all the taxes it collects by the authority of the US Constitution and the laws that Congress passed. It certainly isn't for personal gain by any one individual as you seem to want to suggest.
You and I both know that your response here does not answer the question I asked. Please feel free to try again.
How are you entitled to part of the money left to someone by someone else?
Another stupid question posted over and over.
Funny how i don't see your answer?
Why is that?
Oh... you know you can't answer it.

You'll never see straight answer from a liberal. ;) :D
Someone please explain why the government should seize Paris Hilton's inheritance instead of it going to Paris Hilton as her great-grandpa intended. Explain how this is "fair".

First off they tax the amount over 5.43 million dollars and the rest is taxed at 40%. To the heirs its like 5.43 non taxable bonus free income and the rest of the bonus income is taxed. How is any tax fair? My parents once gave me a car, I had to pay a gift tax on that. How was that fair?

Gosh, I'm so glad that you helpfully explained to us why it's really okay to take something that isn't yours because it doesn't really harm the people it DOES belong to. That just makes you all warm and fuzzy and not like a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit at all.

In the same measure why do you think you're entitle to the part of my income I paid last night? Does that make you a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit?
God forbid the kids of the superrich are actually allowed to run anything we have our 401K pittances in. Seriously, rent the documentary Born Rich, by one of the Johnson heirs, to see the level of cognitive function inbreeding brings.
How are you entitled to part of the money left to someone by someone else?
I don't tax anyone, wargamer.
You also don't answer questions.
I'll ask again:
How are you entitled to part of the money left to someone by someone else?

Kodos on getting the ASL reference. :)

The government is entitled to it and all the taxes it collects by the authority of the US Constitution and the laws that Congress passed. It certainly isn't for personal gain by any one individual as you seem to want to suggest.

I think the question is why? Why is it ok take roughly 40% of what someone accumulated? Accumulated out of after tax money just because they had the misfortune of dying? What's your justification?

The dead person is not being taxed. As I said the only justification is the US Constitution and the laws that Congress passed.
How are you entitled to part of the money left to someone by someone else?
I don't tax anyone, wargamer.
You also don't answer questions.
I'll ask again:
How are you entitled to part of the money left to someone by someone else?
Kodos on getting the ASL reference. :)
The government is entitled to it and all the taxes it collects by the authority of the US Constitution and the laws that Congress passed. It certainly isn't for personal gain by any one individual as you seem to want to suggest.
I think the question is why? Why is it ok take roughly 40% of what someone accumulated? Accumulated out of after tax money just because they had the misfortune of dying? What's your justification?
The dead person is not being taxed. As I said the only justification is the US Constitution and the laws that Congress passed.
How are you entitled to part of the money left to someone by someone else?
Still waiting for an answer...
I don't tax anyone, wargamer.
You also don't answer questions.
I'll ask again:
How are you entitled to part of the money left to someone by someone else?
Kodos on getting the ASL reference. :)
The government is entitled to it and all the taxes it collects by the authority of the US Constitution and the laws that Congress passed. It certainly isn't for personal gain by any one individual as you seem to want to suggest.
I think the question is why? Why is it ok take roughly 40% of what someone accumulated? Accumulated out of after tax money just because they had the misfortune of dying? What's your justification?
The dead person is not being taxed. As I said the only justification is the US Constitution and the laws that Congress passed.
How are you entitled to part of the money left to someone by someone else?
Still waiting for an answer...

The US Constitution.

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