Republicans too busy redefining rape to worry about something as small as jobs



Is the GOP redefining rape?
A proposed new bill would bar federal funding for abortion except in cases of "forcible rape." What does that mean?

Is the GOP redefining rape? - The Week

This legislation would exclude adult victims of incest, women who were raped while drugged or unconscious, and survivors of statutory rape. In fact, "about 70 percent of rapes wouldn't fall under the 'forcible' designation," so there is no way to interpret this other than as a cruel attempt to deny victims care by denying that many of them were raped at all.
"John Boehner's push to redefine rape"

Republican abortion bill seeks to redefine rape

WASHINGTON - A Republican bill seeking to permanently cut off federal funding for abortions has angered women's groups that say it alters the definition of rape, permitting coverage for the procedure only in cases in which the rape is considered "forcible."

The bill, called the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortions Act, would make permanent several provisions that have been law for years but require annual renewal by Congress. It is a top priority of Republican leaders who took control of the House after the November elections.

JOBS JOBS JOBS!!!! Republicans SCREAMED leading up to the election.

What is Obama doing about "JOBS JOBS JOBS"???? Wildly waving hands as if wrists were broken while running in large circles.

So far, the Republican leadership has worked to keep millions from getting health care. They held the unemployed hostage as a bargaining chip to push through tax cuts for "millionaires and billionaires".

And now, they are redefining rape to end many women's protections against forced pregnancy.


Once again, I ask, "Whatever happened to JOBS JOBS JOBS????

Doesn't the right hold their leadership accountable? Or they just hate Obama so much, the right wing leadership knows they can violate average Americans in any way they want and have total immunity? Sure glad it isn't about race.

I love your post. It's great.

What is especially funny is how every success that Obama has accomplished, Republicans first tried to stop then tried to take credit for it. It's hilarious.

The following is a list of 114 Republican Lawmakers who voted against Obama's bill and then publicly took credit for it. Truly hilarious.

Stimulating Hypocrisy: 114 Lawmakers Block Recovery While Taking Credit For Its Success
Are you sure that the Democrats aren't the ones re-defining it since they are fighting to have abortion covered?
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He spent a trillion dollars to take the unemployment rate from 7.6% to 10%....... :lol:
in only psycho rdean world can the legislature pursue only one will notice though that while dems pursued many non job bills, he never once complained about that, despite the fact dems ran on a jobs based platform

its called intellectual dishonesty and the OP is false
He spent a trillion dollars to take the unemployment rate from 7.6% to 10%....... :lol:

Truly hilarious. When a new president enters office, his first budget goes into effect 8 months after he was sworn it. It's always worked that way. The first 8 months of any new president relies on the budget of the previous president.

That means that on the very first day of the first Bush budget, unemployment was 4.7%.

Flash forward 8 LOOOONG years and on the very first day of President Obama's first budget, the unemployment rate was 10.1%.

Graph: Unemployment rate (seasonally adjusted)

The current unemployment is 9.3% with employment being a "lagging indicator".

Of course, it doesn't help that from 2001 to 2008, Republicans moved millions of jobs to China.

19 Facts About The Deindustrialization Of America That Will Make You Weep

Oops. You just got schooled. No wonder right wingers hate "education".
Are you sure that the Democrats aren't the ones re-defining it since they are fighting to have abortion covered?

I provided links. Go read about it.

What the hell is wrong with you people?
in only psycho rdean world can the legislature pursue only one will notice though that while dems pursued many non job bills, he never once complained about that, despite the fact dems ran on a jobs based platform

its called intellectual dishonesty and the OP is false

Uh, hello.

Republicans are taking credit for jobs created by Democrats. Obviously Democrats were "doing something about it". Otherwise, Republicans wouldn't be able to "take credit".

Does everything have to be explained?

It's called "connect the dots".

Are you sure that the Democrats aren't the ones re-defining it since they are fighting to have abortion covered?

I provided links. Go read about it.

What the hell is wrong with you people?

What I'm saying is going over your head. People who do not believe in abortion or are against it will be forced to pay for others abortions. Do you understand what that means? People will be forced to do something they do not believe in.

Freedom of religion starts getting swept away, little by little, piece by piece. But do some of the dems care about that? No. Because many (not all) of the dems who support this healthcare bill do not believe in God, so they feel they are accountable to no one. They (not all) do not feel conviction (or hide it) so its "a-okay". For many others who don't want this bill, its a slap in the face in the very faith we live by.

If this Healthcare didn't go through in the first place, it wouldn't be such an issue. But no, you want your cake (and our cake and everyone else's cake ) and to eat it all too.

Have at it, keep it trucking, my belief is that the more Godlessness in this country and all over the world, the faster our Lord Jesus will return.

Rdean, how do you feel about Clinton signing NAFTA?

oops..... :lol:

Understanding NAFTA

Whereas many agree that NAFTA is largely beneficial, some say that it has reduced the number of available jobs in some sectors, diminished the viability of small business in some sectors, and contributed to an overall economic imbalance between the three countries. Nonetheless, various analysts have touted the benevolence NAFTA. Benefits include improved overall GDP for North America, more jobs that are available, increased transparency between nations, increased exports, and others.

Alternately, there have been some issues that have resulted from NAFTA. For example, threats to the Canadian water supply and ecosystem, the loss of jobs in certain important sectors, and various disregarded NAFTA violations by all three countries have often been cited in criticisms. Overall, it is clear that NAFTA is an imperfect legislation, but in the nearly twenty years of its tenure, it certainly has not resulted in the general economic melt-down so many have insisted was imminent. In fact, as world trade continues to evolve and other nations merge their economies into larger entities, it was likely essential.


There is a machine shop I work with where 60% of it's business was "railroad" ties that were used throughout the Mid West. The jobs were moved to Mexico. How hard is it to make a "railroad" tie?


So they had a "choice". Close up or go "hi tech".

They sent their CNC operators to school and updated all their equipment or bought new equipment. Now they make "high precision" parts for the Medical and the Aerospace industries. It was a lot of work. The people had to go to night school and go to school on weekends.

Their biggest problem now is retaining their workers because they keep getting job offers from other companies.


Because they are moving hi tech jobs to China AND training them to do those hi tech jobs.

You can't compete with a "Communist" country where unions are government run, people live in dorms, work 60 to 70 hours a week, eat from cafeterias, are not allowed to talk while working, get paid 51 cents an hour and commit suicide at an alarmingly high rate. Unless that is what you're advocating for here. Tell me that's not what you're advocating.


Instead of complaining about Democrats, please explain what it is Republicans are doing.
Are you sure that the Democrats aren't the ones re-defining it since they are fighting to have abortion covered?

I provided links. Go read about it.

What the hell is wrong with you people?

What I'm saying is going over your head. People who do not believe in abortion or are against it will be forced to pay for others abortions. Do you understand what that means? People will be forced to do something they do not believe in.

Freedom of religion starts getting swept away, little by little, piece by piece. But do some of the dems care about that? No. Because many (not all) of the dems who support this healthcare bill do not believe in God, so they feel they are accountable to no one. They (not all) do not feel conviction (or hide it) so its "a-okay". For many others who don't want this bill, its a slap in the face in the very faith we live by.

If this Healthcare didn't go through in the first place, it wouldn't be such an issue. But no, you want your cake (and our cake and everyone else's cake ) and to eat it all too.

Have at it, keep it trucking, my belief is that the more Godlessness in this country and all over the world, the faster our Lord Jesus will return.


So it's moral to get them born and then ignore them once they are born?

Do a search on Republican Andre Bauer to find the Republican position on helping children. It's an eye opener.
I provided links. Go read about it.

What the hell is wrong with you people?

What I'm saying is going over your head. People who do not believe in abortion or are against it will be forced to pay for others abortions. Do you understand what that means? People will be forced to do something they do not believe in.

Freedom of religion starts getting swept away, little by little, piece by piece. But do some of the dems care about that? No. Because many (not all) of the dems who support this healthcare bill do not believe in God, so they feel they are accountable to no one. They (not all) do not feel conviction (or hide it) so its "a-okay". For many others who don't want this bill, its a slap in the face in the very faith we live by.

If this Healthcare didn't go through in the first place, it wouldn't be such an issue. But no, you want your cake (and our cake and everyone else's cake ) and to eat it all too.

Have at it, keep it trucking, my belief is that the more Godlessness in this country and all over the world, the faster our Lord Jesus will return.


So it's moral to get them born and then ignore them once they are born?

Do a search on Republican Andre Bauer to find the Republican position on helping children. It's an eye opener.

By your question I assume you think its moral to kill them before they have a chance to be helped then? Hey, we could go back and forth, and we may have different views but this basically goes back to federal funding and the health care bill doesn't it?
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Rdean, how do you feel about Clinton signing NAFTA?

oops..... :lol:

Understanding NAFTA

Whereas many agree that NAFTA is largely beneficial, some say that it has reduced the number of available jobs in some sectors, diminished the viability of small business in some sectors, and contributed to an overall economic imbalance between the three countries. Nonetheless, various analysts have touted the benevolence NAFTA. Benefits include improved overall GDP for North America, more jobs that are available, increased transparency between nations, increased exports, and others.

Alternately, there have been some issues that have resulted from NAFTA. For example, threats to the Canadian water supply and ecosystem, the loss of jobs in certain important sectors, and various disregarded NAFTA violations by all three countries have often been cited in criticisms. Overall, it is clear that NAFTA is an imperfect legislation, but in the nearly twenty years of its tenure, it certainly has not resulted in the general economic melt-down so many have insisted was imminent. In fact, as world trade continues to evolve and other nations merge their economies into larger entities, it was likely essential.


There is a machine shop I work with where 60% of it's business was "railroad" ties that were used throughout the Mid West. The jobs were moved to Mexico. How hard is it to make a "railroad" tie?


So they had a "choice". Close up or go "hi tech".

They sent their CNC operators to school and updated all their equipment or bought new equipment. Now they make "high precision" parts for the Medical and the Aerospace industries. It was a lot of work. The people had to go to night school and go to school on weekends.

Their biggest problem now is retaining their workers because they keep getting job offers from other companies.


Because they are moving hi tech jobs to China AND training them to do those hi tech jobs.

You can't compete with a "Communist" country where unions are government run, people live in dorms, work 60 to 70 hours a week, eat from cafeterias, are not allowed to talk while working, get paid 51 cents an hour and commit suicide at an alarmingly high rate. Unless that is what you're advocating for here. Tell me that's not what you're advocating.


Instead of complaining about Democrats, please explain what it is Republicans are doing.

I thought you were talking about jobs, jobs, jobs. I guess I get a little confused comprehending what your writing and what you actually mean. :eusa_whistle:
oops..... :lol:

Understanding NAFTA

Whereas many agree that NAFTA is largely beneficial, some say that it has reduced the number of available jobs in some sectors, diminished the viability of small business in some sectors, and contributed to an overall economic imbalance between the three countries. Nonetheless, various analysts have touted the benevolence NAFTA. Benefits include improved overall GDP for North America, more jobs that are available, increased transparency between nations, increased exports, and others.

Alternately, there have been some issues that have resulted from NAFTA. For example, threats to the Canadian water supply and ecosystem, the loss of jobs in certain important sectors, and various disregarded NAFTA violations by all three countries have often been cited in criticisms. Overall, it is clear that NAFTA is an imperfect legislation, but in the nearly twenty years of its tenure, it certainly has not resulted in the general economic melt-down so many have insisted was imminent. In fact, as world trade continues to evolve and other nations merge their economies into larger entities, it was likely essential.


There is a machine shop I work with where 60% of it's business was "railroad" ties that were used throughout the Mid West. The jobs were moved to Mexico. How hard is it to make a "railroad" tie?


So they had a "choice". Close up or go "hi tech".

They sent their CNC operators to school and updated all their equipment or bought new equipment. Now they make "high precision" parts for the Medical and the Aerospace industries. It was a lot of work. The people had to go to night school and go to school on weekends.

Their biggest problem now is retaining their workers because they keep getting job offers from other companies.


Because they are moving hi tech jobs to China AND training them to do those hi tech jobs.

You can't compete with a "Communist" country where unions are government run, people live in dorms, work 60 to 70 hours a week, eat from cafeterias, are not allowed to talk while working, get paid 51 cents an hour and commit suicide at an alarmingly high rate. Unless that is what you're advocating for here. Tell me that's not what you're advocating.


Instead of complaining about Democrats, please explain what it is Republicans are doing.

I thought you were talking about jobs, jobs, jobs. I guess I get a little confused comprehending what your writing and what you actually mean. :eusa_whistle:

I know. Someone asked about NAFTA and I answered.

The bottom line is education. Education and jobs are connected and always will be.
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