Republicans too busy redefining rape to worry about something as small as jobs

He spent a trillion dollars to take the unemployment rate from 7.6% to 10%....... :lol:

There was a systemic fault in our economy, and it was hemorrhaging jobs and money at a disastrous rate, that, if unchecked would have continued to another Great Depression. That Trillion dollars he spent stopped that from happening and made it only a recession, but it couldn't prevent it completely. Jobs were still lost as a result of the economy failure, but that was not his fault. How can you even associate the money he spent to the unemployment rate? You have to be aware of the fact that the economic collapse caused the unemployment to rise, right? Why do republicans try so hard to blame Obama for everything, even when it defies reality in such an obvious manner if you just look at the facts? It's insulting to this country and to this president who has tried to fix this country's worst problems, with no appreciation for his effort, and instead unconditional hatred. It is a real slap in the face, and just because he doesn't do it how you see fit, he is still trying to do what is best for this country, in his view. Don't deny that. This is why republicans really piss me. I really believe that George Bush believed he was doing what he thought was best for this country, and for that, you can't be mad at him, even though I highly disagree with what he did. Cheney, that's a different story, I just don't think he gave a fuck about anyone but himself.

So people keep telling me. The problem with your position is that we were also told that without the stimulus the jobless rate would peak lower than it actually did with the stimulus. That tells me that somebody fucked up their math, and them then claiming that the stimulus actually made things better sounds like they are trying to cover up their mistake.

Just saying.
Looks like a done issue now.

But a spokesman for the bill’s author, Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), says the modifier “forcible” will be dropped so that the exemption covers all forms of rape, as well as cases of incest and the endangerment of the life of the mother.

“The word forcible will be replaced with the original language from the Hyde Amendment,” Smith spokesman Jeff Sagnip told POLITICO, referring to the long-standing ban on direct use of taxpayer dollars for abortion services.

The fight over the definition of rape threatened to sabotage Republican efforts to highlight their push to end taxpayer subsidies for abortion, and the distinction between types of rape mystified some GOP aides.
I have a hard time buying the idea that the authors of the bill would be so careless with their language to include such a redundant adjective. That's what set off my red flag.
I have a hard time buying the idea that the authors of the bill would be so careless with their language to include such a redundant adjective. That's what set off my red flag.

they get paid by the word
Rdean, how do you feel about Clinton signing NAFTA?

The ABC's of wingnuttery - Always Blame Clinton

Hating on Clinton is far preferable to recognizing that the American Tealiban got played for suckers again. The right has finally invented teabags that can be used over and over :lol:
Looks like a done issue now.

But a spokesman for the bill’s author, Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), says the modifier “forcible” will be dropped so that the exemption covers all forms of rape, as well as cases of incest and the endangerment of the life of the mother.

“The word forcible will be replaced with the original language from the Hyde Amendment,” Smith spokesman Jeff Sagnip told POLITICO, referring to the long-standing ban on direct use of taxpayer dollars for abortion services.

The fight over the definition of rape threatened to sabotage Republican efforts to highlight their push to end taxpayer subsidies for abortion, and the distinction between types of rape mystified some GOP aides.

I started the thread BEFORE they "changed their collective mind".

From your article:

“By proposing this legislation, Republicans are finally closing the glaring rape loophole in our health care system,” the Daily Show’s Kristen Schaal dead-panned Wednesday night — after GOP leaders had decided to change the language. “You’d be surprised how many drugged, underaged or mentally handicapped young women have been gaming the system. Sorry, ladies the free abortion ride is over.”


Guess those women will have to find their "fun" someplace else.

Funny, Republicans work so hard to get them born and then work so hard to deny them insurance. Someone please explain.

“My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed! You’re facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don’t think too much further than that. And so what you’ve got to do is you’ve got to curtail that type of behavior. They don’t know any better.”

– Andre Bauer, lieutenant governor of South Carolina
and candidate for S.C. governor.
Rdean, how do you feel about Clinton signing NAFTA?

The ABC's of wingnuttery - Always Blame Clinton

Hating on Clinton is far preferable to recognizing that the American Tealiban got played for suckers again. The right has finally invented teabags that can be used over and over :lol:

They hate Obama way more. He's black.
Rdean, how do you feel about Clinton signing NAFTA?

The ABC's of wingnuttery - Always Blame Clinton

Hating on Clinton is far preferable to recognizing that the American Tealiban got played for suckers again. The right has finally invented teabags that can be used over and over :lol:

The ABC's of wingnuttery - Always blame Bush :cuckoo:
Rdean, how do you feel about Clinton signing NAFTA?

The ABC's of wingnuttery - Always Blame Clinton

Hating on Clinton is far preferable to recognizing that the American Tealiban got played for suckers again. The right has finally invented teabags that can be used over and over :lol:

They hate Obama way more. He's black.

It's because he's black? :cuckoo:
Dean you never cease to amaze. :eusa_whistle:
The ABC's of wingnuttery - Always Blame Clinton

Hating on Clinton is far preferable to recognizing that the American Tealiban got played for suckers again. The right has finally invented teabags that can be used over and over :lol:

They hate Obama way more. He's black.

It's because he's black? :cuckoo:
Dean you never cease to amaze. :eusa_whistle:

Yea, I believe that's the reason. Obama didn't lead thousands of Americans to their death and support the maiming of tens of thousands more to create a hard right wing Islamic Theocracy in the Middle East in a country whose Christian population has mysteriously declined by about a million. For some odd reason, many Republicans will deny this even when the Iraqi Constitution says:

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

What has Obama done to receive the hate that he has? You know it's because he's black. I know it. He knows it. Why the right denies it after their actions say something completely different is very strange. At least many of the right wingers on the USMB are honest about their hatred for blacks and other minorities. I actually respect those people more for their honesty.
They hate Obama way more. He's black.

It's because he's black? :cuckoo:
Dean you never cease to amaze. :eusa_whistle:

Yea, I believe that's the reason. Obama didn't lead thousands of Americans to their death and support the maiming of tens of thousands more to create a hard right wing Islamic Theocracy in the Middle East in a country whose Christian population has mysteriously declined by about a million. For some odd reason, many Republicans will deny this even when the Iraqi Constitution says:

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

What has Obama done to receive the hate that he has? You know it's because he's black. I know it. He knows it. Why the right denies it after their actions say something completely different is very strange. At least many of the right wingers on the USMB are honest about their hatred for blacks and other minorities. I actually respect those people more for their honesty.

People don't like his policies, Deen. That does not equate to "he's black". Most people are not birther's...I for one am not....I just do not like his policies and the direction he wants to take this country. Sorry to burst your bubble, dude.
It's because he's black? :cuckoo:
Dean you never cease to amaze. :eusa_whistle:

Yea, I believe that's the reason. Obama didn't lead thousands of Americans to their death and support the maiming of tens of thousands more to create a hard right wing Islamic Theocracy in the Middle East in a country whose Christian population has mysteriously declined by about a million. For some odd reason, many Republicans will deny this even when the Iraqi Constitution says:

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

What has Obama done to receive the hate that he has? You know it's because he's black. I know it. He knows it. Why the right denies it after their actions say something completely different is very strange. At least many of the right wingers on the USMB are honest about their hatred for blacks and other minorities. I actually respect those people more for their honesty.

People don't like his policies, Deen. That does not equate to "he's black". Most people are not birther's...I for one am not....I just do not like his policies and the direction he wants to take this country. Sorry to burst your bubble, dude.

racists like rdean always have to make it about obama's skin color.....they are very focused on it and use his skin color as an excuse.

you can't expect obama and his followers to rationally defend his policies, obama is BLACK!. give him a break, he is BLACK! his skin color matters!!!

and racist tools like rdean will never figure that out
It's because he's black? :cuckoo:
Dean you never cease to amaze. :eusa_whistle:

Yea, I believe that's the reason. Obama didn't lead thousands of Americans to their death and support the maiming of tens of thousands more to create a hard right wing Islamic Theocracy in the Middle East in a country whose Christian population has mysteriously declined by about a million. For some odd reason, many Republicans will deny this even when the Iraqi Constitution says:

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

What has Obama done to receive the hate that he has? You know it's because he's black. I know it. He knows it. Why the right denies it after their actions say something completely different is very strange. At least many of the right wingers on the USMB are honest about their hatred for blacks and other minorities. I actually respect those people more for their honesty.

People don't like his policies, Deen. That does not equate to "he's black". Most people are not birther's...I for one am not....I just do not like his policies and the direction he wants to take this country. Sorry to burst your bubble, dude.

Bullshit. Who even knows what his policies are. He has spent the last two years doing everything he can to keep the economy from going over a cliff.

Funny, right wingers LIKED Bushes failed policies, but they can't name a single one they actually liked. Right wingers HATE Obama's policies, but they can't describe a single one without using the words, "Nazi, Socialist, Communist or Marxist".
Yea, I believe that's the reason. Obama didn't lead thousands of Americans to their death and support the maiming of tens of thousands more to create a hard right wing Islamic Theocracy in the Middle East in a country whose Christian population has mysteriously declined by about a million. For some odd reason, many Republicans will deny this even when the Iraqi Constitution says:

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

What has Obama done to receive the hate that he has? You know it's because he's black. I know it. He knows it. Why the right denies it after their actions say something completely different is very strange. At least many of the right wingers on the USMB are honest about their hatred for blacks and other minorities. I actually respect those people more for their honesty.

People don't like his policies, Deen. That does not equate to "he's black". Most people are not birther's...I for one am not....I just do not like his policies and the direction he wants to take this country. Sorry to burst your bubble, dude.

Bullshit. Who even knows what his policies are. He has spent the last two years doing everything he can to keep the economy from going over a cliff.

Funny, right wingers LIKED Bushes failed policies, but they can't name a single one they actually liked. Right wingers HATE Obama's policies, but they can't describe a single one without using the words, "Nazi, Socialist, Communist or Marxist".

you forgot your favorite word.....BLACK
in only psycho rdean world can the legislature pursue only one will notice though that while dems pursued many non job bills, he never once complained about that, despite the fact dems ran on a jobs based platform

its called intellectual dishonesty and the OP is false

Uh, hello.

Republicans are taking credit for jobs created by Democrats. Obviously Democrats were "doing something about it". Otherwise, Republicans wouldn't be able to "take credit".

Does everything have to be explained?

It's called "connect the dots".


In order to take credit for something, it has to be done.

The unemployment rate is higher now than before. Republicans have had no power until last month.

Do the math.

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